Archive for August 8th, 2019

Blake and Watson charged in CIFA case
(CNS) After what officials said was “a complex and protracted investigation” by the Anti-Corruption Commission, former Cayman Islands Football Association executives Bruce Blake and Canover Watson have been charged with a list of offences under various laws in relation to financial crimes at CIFA. The two men were arrested more than two years ago in […]

Why Christmas cards arrived this summer?
Last week three Christmas cards arrived in my Cayman Brac post office box, two from within the Cayman Islands and one from the UK. While it’s always fun to get Christmas mail in the middle of summer, I’m very curious about where it’s been all this time. Are there deep dark corners of the postal […]

1,200lbs of ganja seized by marine unit
(CNS): A 32-year-old man from Cayman Brac is facing a number of serious drug charges after he was caught by marine cops on Tuesday night aboard a vessel off the coast of East End with around 1,200lbs of ganja worth more than CI$1 million. The haul is one of the biggest ever that law enforcement […]

Climate change threatening food security
(CNS): A new report published by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has found that the rise in global temperatures is already impacting food security. With more than a quarter of the ice-free land we inhabit already degraded, some 820 million people are undernourished, not just because of war, poverty and disease but […]

Opposition challenges constitutional reform
(CNS): The official opposition is challenging government’s attempts at constitutional reform. MLA Chris Saunders (BTW) has written to the overseas territories minister in the UK, Lord Tariq Ahmad, asking him not to allow any changes to the Cayman Islands Constitution without a referendum. The opposition MLA appears to be supported by other members of the […]

BT dock open for bids before its impact made public
(CNS): The planning ministry is seeking bidders to construct a 94ft dock at Coewood Beach in Bodden Town, though the findings of the coastal works application have not yet been released. The Public Works Department will be managing the project and general contractors are being asked to submit proposals to build the pier and a […]

Does government keep tally of Caymanian staff?
When they compile public sector statistics, how do they know if people are Caymanian? From what I have read, there is no central record, and being born here or having a Cayman passport means nothing. Read Auntie’s answer and comment on CNS Local Life