Tag: Ask Auntie

Is stamp duty paid on leases?
Why rent when it seems you have to pay for stamp duty on your lease agreement no matter the length of time on your lease? I’ve never paid this stamp duty but if it is the case, it makes more sense to buy. Can you confirm that lease agreements regardless of the length of time […]

Why Christmas cards arrived this summer?
Last week three Christmas cards arrived in my Cayman Brac post office box, two from within the Cayman Islands and one from the UK. While it’s always fun to get Christmas mail in the middle of summer, I’m very curious about where it’s been all this time. Are there deep dark corners of the postal […]

Does government keep tally of Caymanian staff?
When they compile public sector statistics, how do they know if people are Caymanian? From what I have read, there is no central record, and being born here or having a Cayman passport means nothing. Read Auntie’s answer and comment on CNS Local Life

Is flesh-eating disease a concern here?
We are hearing numerous reports of people getting infected by the bacteria causing necrotising fasciitis (known as the flesh-eating disease) in the warm coastal waters of the US. Grateful if you could tell us what the DoE, DEH and government health officials are doing to regularly check the bacteria counts in our much-used coastal waters. […]

Can Cayman residents be covered by US insurer?
I’ve just retired and my wife isn’t working. I have permanent residence and my wife is here as my dependent. After being on the SHIC plan through my employer for years and realising it barely covers anything, we were very worried about being able to afford our health insurance in retirement. But we found a […]

Why doesn’t the hospital have more blue spots?
I frequently go to George Town Hospital for appointments with my disabled spouse. We have a disabled tag for our car so can park in the handicapped spots. However, there have been instances when every one of the six blue spots in the main parking lot is taken, either by cars carrying disabled tags or, […]

Where are my packages from overseas?
I shop locally in Cayman wherever possible and am happy to support local business, however there are some items which I sometimes have to source from overseas, and most of the time these items are delivered via parcel post at the Airport Post Office. The issue is, though, that it is a completely hit and […]

How is Cayman protected from receiving counterfeit items?
Would you please enquire if any sort of inspections are in place to catch counterfeit goods from entering Cayman, specifically everyday items such as dish soap and trash bags? I’m convinced that I purchased name brand items in one of our grocery stores that are clearly inferior in quality to the same brand purchased overseas. […]