Tag: Featured

First steps taken towards Olympic-sized pool

First steps taken towards Olympic-sized pool

| 26/07/2024 | 11 Comments

CNS: The swimming programmes in the Cayman Islands have produced two competitors for the Paris Games but there may be more in the next Olympics as they will finally have an Olympic-sized pool for practice. Although it has not provided any details regarding costs, the Ministry of Sports has announced the procurement of the components […]

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UPM dumps ‘untenable’ Dart deal for ReGen

UPM dumps ‘untenable’ Dart deal for ReGen

| 26/07/2024 | 69 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government is going through the process of withdrawing from the deal it signed with a Dart-led consortium to take on the country’s waste management problem and the construction of a waste-to-energy facility. What had become the UPM’s worst kept secret was finally revealed in parliament on Thursday when Sustainability Minister Katherine […]

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Minister can’t say when mental health facility will open

Minister can’t say when mental health facility will open

| 25/07/2024 | 45 Comments

(CNS): Answering a parliamentary question on Wednesday, Health Minister Sabrina Turner was unable to say when the new residential mental health centre will open because the decision lies with the Public Works Department and building inspectors. The facility, which will be called Poinciana, is now well behind schedule as the completion date has been put […]

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Speaker: MP’s code of conduct will need force of law

Speaker: MP’s code of conduct will need force of law

| 25/07/2024 | 21 Comments

(CNS): Speaker Alden McLaughlin has called for legislation to support a proposed voluntary code of conduct for MPs that he hopes will be accepted by them all before this parliament ends next year. McLaughlin said that members were now close to consensus on the code, which has been under consideration for at least three years, […]

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Nepalese emerge as fifth largest group of permit holders

Nepalese emerge as fifth largest group of permit holders

| 24/07/2024 | 69 Comments

(CNS): At the end of 2018, there were 385 work permit holders in the Cayman Islands from the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal, but over the last six years, this number has more than tripled. Updated statistics released by WORC reveal that, as of 1 July, there were 1,245 Nepalese workers here, and they now make […]

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New gun law steered through after many changes

New gun law steered through after many changes

| 24/07/2024 | 24 Comments

(CNS): Parliament has passed new firearms legislation that government hopes will address the problem of gun crime across the Cayman Islands. The amendments, which include harsher penalties for illegal possession and changes relating to technology such as 3-D printed weapons, have been in the works for some time. While the legislation has been under consultation […]

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Hospital beds short of population needs

Hospital beds short of population needs

| 24/07/2024 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Answering a parliamentary question about the number of inpatient hospital beds in the Cayman Islands, Health Minister Sabrina Turner gave an answer that does not arithmetically compute. She said that there are currently 226 beds across all of the public and private facilities. But when she broke down the numbers, they added up to […]

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Speaker berates government over PQ failings

Speaker berates government over PQ failings

| 23/07/2024 | 66 Comments

(CNS): House Speaker Sir Alden McLaughlin told members of the House of Parliament on Tuesday that he was troubled by the government’s failure to bring answers to most of the questions that had been submitted to the House despite it having ample time to do so. After answering just two questions submitted by opposition members […]

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Little Cayman fights back over airport plans

Little Cayman fights back over airport plans

| 23/07/2024 | 29 Comments

(CNS): Residents across Little Cayman and the tourism sector are raising their concerns about plans to construct a new airport and say they will fight the government over this as they believe it will change the island forever and encourage over-development and an influx of people that will negatively impact the pristine marine habitat and […]

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Conflicted minister seeks minimum wage do-over

Conflicted minister seeks minimum wage do-over

| 22/07/2024 | 108 Comments

(CNS): Labour Minister Dwayne Seymour has effectively rejected the findings of the Minimum Wage Advisory Committee and wants a do-over of the report they submitted last year. Speaking in parliament on Monday, the minister, who employs minimum wage workers in his airport services business, said the UPM wants the committee to look at the minimum […]

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Cabinet has selected but not revealed EWA route

Cabinet has selected but not revealed EWA route

| 22/07/2024 | 30 Comments

(CNS): Based on a draft environmental impact assessment, Cabinet has approved one of at least three route options for the controversial East-West Arterial Road extension considered by the consultants who conducted the EIA. According to a summary of the 9 July Cabinet meeting, the Cayman Islands Government has selected a route from Newlands to Frank […]

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