Cayman News
Cayman News's Latest Posts
The education crisis in Cayman
Sammy Jackson writes: Education holds the key for the prosperity and success of future generations, it is the centre of building human capital. This is true worldwide. Without education opportunities, future generations have little hope at prosperity. Cayman is in the midst of a silent crises, an education crisis. The recent publication of the Office […]
Mount Trashmore and recycled politicians
(CNS): The George Town dump has been a national crisis through the past six administrations, starting with the UDP government in power when Grand Cayman was hit by Hurricane Ivan in 2004, followed by the first PPM government, which took over in 2005, in which Arden McLean, who has since left the party and currently […]
Salary grabs and who gets the shaft
Alric Lindsay writes: It is not unusual for salary grabs to take place close to election dates. But to blatantly do so while poor people are suffering takes things to another level. This is particularly the case during COVID-19. Specifically, I would like to point out two salary grabs, who may get left behind and who […]
The value of your vote
Johann Moxam writes: Your vote is worth between CI$600,000 and CI$950,000 plus pension and benefits to a Cayman politician. That’s the estimated total salary they earn during the four-year term. For that you should expect to see an improvement in your quality of life, cost of living, public education system, strategic management of the infrastructure, […]
Premier confident PPM will ‘choose’ McTaggart
(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin has said he is confident the People’s Progressive Movement will choose Roy McTaggart as the new party leader at the PPM conference, which is expected in the coming weeks. During an address at the Chamber of Commerce AGM last week, McLaughlin took the opportunity to campaign for a third PPM-led government. […]
No confidence motion a necessary vote
Len Layman writes: If government manages to dodge a vote on the no confidence motion on the speaker, they will be doing themselves and the people of Cayman a grave injustice. In life, the most difficult decisions to make are usually major decisions that involve choosing right over wrong. The effects of doing right are […]
Airport vaccine works with a minimum of fuss
Stuart Diamond writes: On the afternoon of Thursday, 28 January 2021, shortly before 2:00pm I attended ORIA terminal building for the first of my two COVID-19 injections. My previous two attempts at the George Town hospital and West Bay Clinic were “no joy” events. I was expecting no difference this third time.
Voting for turkeys
Corrupt Voter writes: I need a fridge and I’m prepared to vote for whoever gives me one before Election Day. I also need a washing machine, so I may well accept one from a second candidate and tell them I’ll vote for him/her but in truth I will vote for the candidate that gave me […]
50% of seats held by less than 50% of votes
(CNS): The realities of ‘one man, one vote’ in single-member constituencies, given the size of electoral districts in Cayman, came home to voters after the 2017 General Election, when they found themselves with a government that no one had voted for, and in some constituencies a representative that was supported by less than half of […]
Crowded fields favour status quo
(CNS): With 121 days to go before the General Election in May, so far just eight incumbents face challengers. Sixteen people not in office right now have declared their intent to run, but with Nomination Day still two months away, voters can expect to see many more throw their hats into the political ring. However, […]