TCCP committed to a greener, resilient economy

| 21/01/2025 | 101 Comments

(CNS): Achieving a greener economy is not just about protecting Cayman’s natural resources and creating a sustainable environment in the face of a changing climate, but about creating new, good jobs and tackling the cost of living, the leader of The Cayman Community Party (TCCP), André Ebanks, has told CNS.

The party is putting greening the economy at the centre of its policy platform because Ebanks and his colleagues believe it will bring well-paid, future-proof work, new careers for local people, cut the cost of energy bills, reduce inflation, improve resiliency in the face of climate change and reduce welfare spending.

Following the launch of TCCP last week, three of the founding members, Ebanks, Wayne Panton and Emily DeCou, sat down with CNS to talk about the party’s shared agenda and policy platform. Ebanks said that if the TCCP is elected as a majority government, the necessary upfront public investment will lead to long-term benefits that will impact the Cayman Islands’ economic fortune.

“Greening the economy is one of the things that binds us as a party,” Ebanks said. “It’s not just about protecting the natural environment, but it’s also an economic issue… It may be harder for some folks to get their heads around it because they think about the upfront costs to implement things. But we have to break down the long-term benefits that actually make things less expensive by planning around the green economy and also the introduction of additional jobs… good jobs.”

Ebanks said that these jobs would not be hit hard by artificial intelligence and the country needs to begin training Caymanians to do this new type of work.

He said that not everyone will consider the natural environment a priority or something that will improve their lives, but if they begin to understand that greening the economy is about good-paying, solid careers, they will begin to understand the advantages of a green sustainable economy because it “will make their lives better”.

Ebanks noted that the natural environment is critical to mental health as well.

Emily DeCou, a well-known advocate for the environment, is very keen for the party to articulate the economic benefits and other important protections a sustainable economy provides and why a green economy can work for more people.

“We understand that a lot of education on this topic needs to happen so people can buy into the idea that investment in sustainable economic growth is an investment in our communities, people’s quality of life and job fulfilment,” she said, noting that investing in a green economy and the natural environment is the insurance for Cayman’s future.

DeCou said the TCCP team has a shared vision and its members believe they can solve many of the country’s problems efficiently because they are all on the same page.

Ebanks said that as a government, greening the economy is one of the ways the TCCP would tackle inflation — which everyone expects to get worse in the coming years — because all of these issues are connected.

“A green economy is more than just the natural environment. It’s putting money back in people’s hands through better jobs and a reduction in energy costs,” he said. “This is something tangible that can be implemented.”

Wayne Panton, who has long recognised the need to look after the natural environment and use green solutions to solve the country’s problems, pointed out that reducing the cost of energy through renewable solutions would cut everyone’s household expenses.

The former premier said that preliminary findings of the limited pilot of the CHEER programme, which he had started when he was still premier, demonstrated that improving energy efficiency and retrofitting homes reduced bills by 50%.

He said the pilot had stopped after he left office but would be resurrected if the TCCP were re-elected. He said that in many cases, local people could not afford the upfront costs needed to make their homes more efficient, but it would make a massive difference to the cost of living, especially for older people and those on government assistance.

“We have the ability to make a considerable difference in the living expenses of households,” Panton said. “The long-term benefit as well is that it reduces consumption, which reduces the amount of capital expenditure on power generation.”

Panton confirmed that the TCCP is in firm support of the National Conservation Act (NCA). At this stage, it is the only party whose members have all committed to preserving the law as it is and not bringing any amendment bill to parliament.

Panton said there is no justification for the current amending legislation put forward by the UPM minority administration. If anything, if the TCCP forms the next government, the party will be looking to make some quick fixes to deal with the problem of overdevelopment and the years of ignoring the advice of scientists regarding the environment.

He said the consequences of ignoring the National Conservation Council (NCC) were plain for all to see with the recent weather impacts, especially last February when a powerful Nor’wester blew through Grand Cayman.

A map drawn up by the Department of Environment highlights the locations where the advice and recommendations it had offered to help owners protect their property were ignored. Although it was a relatively benign weather event, it caused significant and costly damage, as the map shows.

Panton noted that this comprehensive map, which should have been welcomed as a wake-up call for planning, developers, land owners and other stakeholders, was greeted with anger and derision by some politicians behind closed doors and the developer lobby.

However, the TCCP would examine planning decisions that have granted variations against the recommendations of the country’s scientists and seek to curtail the ad hoc and unrestricted discretion that has been applied, especially over coastal setbacks.

Panton said he remains concerned about the number of developers who only want to build large, expensive developments for wealthy owners and then seek concessions from the government to maximise profits. He said the TCCP wants to discourage the continued overdevelopment of the coast for luxury condos and encourage the much-needed sustainable development of low-cost homes for local people.

“How do we incentivise local developers… to build more affordable housing for Caymanians rather than incentivising them to build mega projects on the beach to sell to people who are not Caymanians?” he said. “There has to be a balance. We can’t just tear out a section of the economy, but the issue is that it is completely out of balance now.”

Addressing the false narrative that the NCC is stymieing development through the NCA, he added, “If that were the case, we would not be having Caymanians feeling the way they do” about overdevelopment.

Panton believes that people can finally see the connection between unrestrained development and its impact on their quality of life. The implications are more than just the impact on particular flora and fauna and environmentally sensitive areas.

“This relates to population; it relates to traffic; it relates to quality of life; it relates to whether stormwater management is a priority and neighbourhoods that are now flooding… Caymanians now, I believe, understand that. I believe they no longer accept the cost of having an unrestrained approach to development or anything that has serious environmental impacts… because they know the price,” he said.

The former premier also made it clear that this time, he is running on a platform with people who really believe in conservation and genuinely want to see Cayman’s natural and cultural heritage preserved. “This time, there won’t be external special interests influencing the decision-making,” Panton said as he explained the TCCP’s shared policy platform.

The TCCP’s initial seven members have confirmed their commitment to its agenda. Once the team is complete, the party will outline its policy positions in detail and explain how those policies will be financed. The TCCP’s goal is to form a majority government and its members are confident that they will be fielding at least ten candidates.

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Category: 2025 General Elections, Elections, Politics

Comments (101)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Wayne is the biggest hypocrite of climate and environment. He was the biggest pusher for every assessment against the extension of the East West Arterial and only highlighted how much doom and gloom it would be to create the road, however, just recently said he spoke to NRA and said that the piece from Newlands to Woodland Drive was a priority.
    How ironic the stance has changed near to campaign season.

    Maybe if he actually had to rise at 5-5.30, get children ready for school and have them out by the top of the main road for 6.15-6.30 am before having to battle while traffic to get to work on time for 8pm he would understand.

    Oh wait, he’s got a million dollar diesel yacht to bypass and park by the barcaderre and have a car parked for his commute into town or only needs to leave after 9am with one of the 3 cars he owns on his property to get into town.

  2. Anonymous says:

    The only thing Cayman recycles is politicians. The more worn out and broken the better.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Many European politicians bike to work. Even in winter. I bet if Caymanians are forced to bike, bike lanes will be safe, traffic reduced and 21st century public transportation up and running.

  4. Green eggs and ham says:

    Will all that “greening” include downsizing Juju’s school to a reasonable cost? Yes, the old high school is probably a health hazard at this stage, but I don’t know what kind of budget team Jefferson has working for him or who reviews their work. If they say two combos will cost you $35, make sure you have $200 at hand.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Waiting to see if TCCP will be the least absolutely horrible option – can’t tell yet

  6. Anonymous says:

    Say what you want, André and this team are 1000x better than the corrupted idiots that are in Cabinet now.

    How many of the 5 idiots actually graduated high school? Probably just Isaac

    • Anonymous says:

      While I agree the people currently in power and in above their heads, I think you forget they had to take over form this same TCCP group. What does that tell you? Bring PPM back.

      • Anonymous says:

        lmao yeah bringing PPM back will definitely fix things. 🙄 Roy is currently in PAC asking questions to the AG about why nothing has been to improve the reporting processes despite numerous audits stating that what is currently offered is insufficient. For clarity: these are reports that HE HIMSELF was responsible for, for almost a decade. You can’t make this shit up.

        When they can answer how many tens of millions they gave away in concessions and duty waivers, then they might be able to begin being taken seriously again by the Caymanian people.

      • Anonymous says:

        The PPM owe us at least $30mln from their last screw up. That party owes us billions in forgone opportunity and assets over their terrible deceitful and corrupt history, starting with Kurt Tibbetts years ago.

        • Anonymous says:

          To 10:55am: The number of people that lost their homes to foreclosure between 2010 and 2013 because the companies they worked for left the jurisdiction following the US’s economic debacle, meanwhile, the WP board approved cheap labor work permits left, right and center and what did the PPM do? Nothing.

      • Anonymous says:

        Bring back PPM with Kenny? No thanks!

    • Anonymous says:

      Isaac? He can barely speak English

    • Anonymous says:

      However true, the current lot should never be the benchmark of what we expect of our political leadership.

  7. Cayman Rancor says:

    Putting Caymanians first to get cutdown whilst foreign devil lives in comfort and prosperity on their own soil . TCCP please make the necessary changes in your political message before we end in yet another mess enabling the minority to be yet again be displaced by this foreign hoard. Take real steps to support Cayman please .

    • Anonymous says:

      We need to put them in Parliament first, so vote for them and not the others who are selling us out

  8. Enough of this coalition Rubbish says:

    TCCP going down! Fake political party that has no support in Cayman majority nor minority only going to elevated Bababushka back to kingmaker status yet again

  9. Anonymous says:

    How green are the mobile billboards you’re all using? You know the ones with the on board propane gas generators?

    How can you sooooo stupidly be pitching the environment and your whole brand is the environment, and then at the same time you need to burn gas all day to keep the lights on your face?

    Forget the hypocrisy, it’s just stupidly.

    • Anonymous says:

      if they are using an lpg generator then they are in fact, significantly less polluting thab tapping into the grid and making use of the diesel generators we run normally.

  10. anonymous says:

    Enough is enough of your BS Mr Panton. You have bought your way for too long – I’m frankly sick of listening to Marl Road sing your praises – all for the almighty dollar.

    We saw what you were made of in the last election. Saying she was support – then climbing into bed with Mac in the midnight hour – its all about the power – and it still is. You think voters are so fool that we don’t know Andre, Sebrina, Heather and the rest of them are you puppets – you literally own their a*s.

    • Anonymous says:

      I guess you prefer the undereducated morons currently in the Cabinet?

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree 100% Wayne has shown his true colors over and over and they aren’t green for the sake of trees! He tried to destroy the local legal profession, he fakes being an environmentalist, he is arrogant and nobody can stand working with him (unless he buys them a house of course!) NO THANK YOU

  11. Anonymous says:

    I guess they will all soon stop wearing deodorant and shaving their legs to fit in with the tree hugger crowd

  12. Anonymous says:

    I am voting PPM – Enough of these loosers. The quitters and the Dan Scott invisible men are not my cup of tea, sorry.

    Give me stability and certainty… PPM is by far the best group to have the Government.

    They know how to manage the economy and I am hearing good things about some new faces and some not so new faces.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 2:48pm: The PPM that basically made real estate unattainable for Caymanians by making it the number one requirement for Permanent Residency? Same PPM that saddled us with the ReGen contract two weeks before they vacated office? Same PPM that sat by watching cheap labour take over the islands, while Caymanian unemployment climbed to 7%? Go on. You vote for them! They are a friggin’ disgrace!

    • Anonymous says:

      do you mean the same ppm that for us into this mess in the first place? the same ppm that called early elections rather than remove Mac? the same ppm that sold most of 7 mile beach to dart? the same ppm who have had power for the last decade and a half and solved NONE of the problems Rou and Hew like to rant about?

  13. Anonymous says:

    The most inept population of people, including the so called politicians, lives in Cayman. I mean it is mind boggling what is happening in Cayman. The f&cking beach is GONE!!! G O N E! Yet they keep building high rises on what is used to be SMB! My gosh, just how crazy people have to be to even think about more cruise ships, the pier, EWA? Residential complexes, schools, hospitals near the Dump! Has everyone lost their minds?
    Time to rename the territory: The Cancer Cluster Islands! The Grand beachless island!

  14. Anonymous says:

    We need to stop voting in these newly established piece piece governments. We need stability back in PPM. Some may not agree, but look what happened over the last 4 years with a government formed for Waynes personal agenda to be Premier. People were handed huge responsibilities managing government ministries and had no idea what they were doing. Ask anybody that worked under Sabrina for example.

    • Anonymous says:

      To 12:31pm Yeah, Mon. The PPM that basically made real estate unattainable for Caymanians by making it the number one requirement for Permanent Residency? Same PPM that saddled us with the ReGen contract two weeks before they vacated office? Same PPM that sat by watching cheap labour take over the islands, while Caymanian unemployment climbed to 7%? Go on. Yah mus’ be jokin’

      • Anonymous says:

        If you think that any other government can curb real estate prices or change the employment demographic you are mistaken. What do you think happens when labour costs increase? The cost of good and services increases along with it. It’s basic economics. Most of the “cheap labour” positions are readily available to Caymanians but they don’t want to do the job. How many Caymanian bartenders do you see? They can make anywhere from $3k-$10k per month, but guess what? It’s beneath most young Caymanians to serve people. Instead, they go and work in a bank for $2,500 per month and complain. And yes, I am Caymanian.

        • Joe Biden says:

          I don’t know where you’re getting your information from but i am sure it’s not in Cayman, I know a lot of bartender that the most that they are making is $250.00 a week so tell me where in the hell you $3 to $10 thousands a month from that, it must be in their money when they send it back home

      • Anonymous says:

        The property requirement was there long before PPM, why are you lying ?

        • Anonymous says:

          To 10:48: Lying, you say? How dare you. They introduced the points system it around 2008.
          Meanwhile, the economic tsunami was gathering strength in the US… Instead of placing a moratorium on work permits, so that Caymanians who got laid off would have better chances of finding similar employment within a reasonable time, the WP board starting approving permits for cheap labor. Yeah. That same PPM. Ask the Caymanians who lost their homes to foreclosure if they want them back — ask them!

        • Anonymous says:

          Rollover and PR were Kurt Tibbetts PPM era.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Before you think of voting for this party, go back and look at the promises PACT made and then take a look at how many were actually kept/addressed. They are selling you BS, exactly the same as the last election.

    • Anonymous says:

      A party that forgets it’s not mangrove and wetland that pays for the grocery and light bill. Its jobs that does that.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s called politricking. they are all there for self gratification. It’s time for voters to open their eyes. When we go to work we have to work hard to be paid and to get a promotion. These people want it all doing nothing. I don’t see where they are doing anything anything for or children and youth. Do a survey of all the kids that went away to school and see how many of them return. There are no jobs for them when they return and if they do they are told that they don’t have any experience. No trade school, nothing to entertainment them. The country that they are getting the cheap labour invest in their people hence the reason they have their skills. what have the Cayman Governments (Past and current)one for their Children. Wake up CAYMAN stop falling for the cacophony. We can even afford to pay our bill much less but food, every week that we go to the grocery store the prices increase and I wouldn’t even take about gas prices, health insurance, the banks that are exploiting the customer with their fees and not pay any interest on the money the customers have in their accounts, mortgage rates are sky high and local people can not afford to buy a piece of land. Tell them to address these issues then they can come and talk. We need to vote where we see work is being done for the betterment of the local people, every 4 years they come with their mouths full of crap and we buy it. Remember that one person can not make the change so if that person comes with their good intentions that’s what it will remains, ‘good intention” so he/she would have to join the crew. I knew it would have come to this when they change to the two party system. Lord help the people of CAYMAN

      • Change says:

        People do not want to do the job that is rightfully theirs! They do not want to pore over the numbers to determine where we are losing money. They do not want to go over the statistics to see whether our education results are worth the investment or the curriculum needs to be changed. It is us who have to determine these things and tell the MPS; but no, people just want to vote and then the MPs must read our minds. It is disheartening.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Andre, please for the love of God go and join Dan Scott and forget this nonsense.

    For starters, whoever decided “The CCP” was a good name for a political party should be fired, forever.

    Secondly, greening the economy has been tried by Wayne and failed by Wayne who failed at everything because all the things he said he’d support were not supported.

    The ONLY person who has accomplished anything in the last four years was Andre Ebanks. Why he is hobbling himself by running with this clown car of failures, I have no idea.

    The CHEER program and the electricity bills of the NHDT homes is an embarrassment for everyone involved. They built the cheapest, crappiest, most energy hogging properties they possibly could. Then they did a whole bunch of stuff to bring the homes down to 50% an they’re still nowhere close to where they should be. That’s not an example extolling “greening”. That’s an example of screwing up big time first, then paying a fortune to kinda-fix it the second time. And being left with a house that’s more green than the turd you stared with. Just a bunch of goalpost moving and then calling it evidence of progress in hindsight.


  17. Anonymous says:

    Lots of eediots commenting!!

  18. Read Carefully TCCP says:

    I hope TCCP is paying attention to these comments this enough is enough foolishness is not selling with voters plain and simple TCCP need serious help in prospect and bodden town west to even compete Wayne Panton please stop listening to these rinky dink advisors that you have surrounded yourself with they simply don’t have clue about what’s really going on in Cayman ! You are going to lose if you continue on this path Wayne Panton & friends .

    • Anonymous says:

      To 10:10am: I agree with your take. They seriously need to sit and reassess their line up objectively — and quickly. Four of them have a pretty good chance, Wayne being one of them, if he learned the lesson.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Cayman can do with a reduction in development for sure, along with a reduction in the population that comes with over development, but when i hear Wayne saying cayman needs to go all electric cars i find him to be a delusional man thats parroting what he hears on the media outlets over dinner. Cayman islands does not produce a Carbon footprint on a global scale, we are plagued with severe weather and flooding, who is going around electricity in that? He is a silly man to me, and if you lot think its a game, just wait till the first major hurricane, Cayman will break into chaos.

    LTD Da Unboozler

  20. Anonymous says:

    Is she supported?

  21. Anonymous says:

    This is seriously disturbing. Blah, blah blah…a decade after a decade…Cayman needs its own Trump.

    • Anonymous says:

      22 @ 9:26am – No, you didn’t say that! Cayman has had its own Trump before Trump! He’s called McKeeva Bush and look where he’s taken us…..into Jamaican control!!

      Please relocate to the US!

  22. Anonymous says:

    Forget about the word “green”. Nothing could be restored to the green state any longer.

    The Beachless economy is the future of Cayman. Plan accordingly.

    • Anonymous says:

      3 caymanians I knew are dead from cancer before they even reached 55. 2 coworkers. Cayman is the cancer paradise. Idiots, pardon my language, are not even aware, let alone have a slightest idea why.

    • Anonymous says:

      sorry to break it to you but when the beach goes, so does Cayman as you have EVER known it.

  23. Clean up on Aisle 1 says:

    Wayne, André, Kathy, Em. The rest of them can drop off the landscape. Michael Myles had my vote the last time, and he will get it again this time. ‘Nuff said.

  24. Anonymous says:

    I am putting any and all aspiring candidates on notice: I WILL NOT SUPPORT ANY OF YOU THAT ENABLES McKEEVA BUSH to get re-elected in detriment of these islands. I do not know about others, but I will not vote for you. You have been served.

  25. Anonymous says:

    way to many do nothings in this group to earn my vote.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Where’s Heather the Dredger’s picture?

  27. Anonymous says:

    What is Heathers job ?

  28. Anonymous says:

    The smooth brains already triggered.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Did they explain why Ossie in his maiden introductory speech on CNS referred to status recipients (Jamaican/Caymanians in particular) as “Rubbish”?

  30. Anonymous says:

    What is disturbing is Wayne agreed to the dredging in the North Sound for his running mate, then he gave the nod for the E/W extended bypass whilst being the sustainability minister and now he’s going to run his platform based on the environment. Give me a break, i call a spade a spade. Make your mind up and decide. One thing I will say, a lot people don’t like Mac for his reputation but he’s one politician you can depend on being what he is.

  31. Anonymous says:

    Vote all 19 out to the pasture to chew their cuds

  32. Anonymous says:

    A greener economy with the Dump growing bigger and higher? Can someone make Cayman Sane Again (if it ever was)?

  33. Anonymous says:

    Why didn’t they get this done while in office as Premier, Deputy Premier and Ministers?

  34. Anonymous says:

    Andre, it’s not hard for folks to grasp that greening the economy isn’t just about the environment. What’s hard to grasp is why the same group that failed to deliver, turned on each other, and cozied up to McKeeva Bush and Cayman Marl Road thinks they’ve earned a second chance. Maybe the first step to sustainability is recycling better ideas, not old politics.

  35. Enough says:

    Wayne, Ossie and the Quitters. Enough is truly enough. Enough sound bites. Enough of promising bread tomorrow.

    What are these new jobs? When will they happen. How will they happen? Really. Enough is Enough. What about Financial Services? Tourism? A Landfill solution?

    Enough. Just don’t waste our time.

  36. Anonymous says:

    Rubbish Why did you do this for the past 3 years

  37. Corruption is endemic says:

    Amazing that these things were so important to Wayne and yet he sold his soul to be premier.

    How do we know he won’t do it again and bring Andre with him.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Will they immediately revoke the recent permission given to dredge the North Sound?

  39. Anonymous says:

    Best way to combat climate change and have a greener Cayman is to have another pension fund withdrawal.
    2nd best way is politicians can make an example to the community by bicycling to work instead of driving their big SUVs

  40. Anonymous says:


  41. Anonymous says:

    Idiots. They will never form a majority government.

  42. Anonymous says:

    Can they state, for the record, their stance on the imminent dredging of the North Sound?


  43. Anonymous says:

    Go down following the climate change agenda and you will end up just luke the UK

    • Anonymous says:

      Honorable Seymour & Bryant will keep our island moving forward.

    • Anonymous says:

      UKs issues are more to do with uncontrolled migration than climate change agenda.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are such an insignificant dot on the map of climate change, that there is nothing we can do to slow or prevent it. Our lives/lifestyle should therefore not be encumbered by first world restrictions .

    • Anonymous says:

      Well have a government that places greater value on swap, that in employment fit its citizens.
      Income tax here we come as revenue streams are cut off.

  44. Anonymous says:

    How many years Wayne been in politics and he still making these empty promises.

  45. Anonymous says:

    The fact that the 7 confirmed PACT, sorry TCCP, candidates are not willing to put anything in writing at this stage leads me to suspect that TCCP does not have non-negotiable core principles that it is unwilling to horse trade for power.

    Add to that the fact that last week they refused to stipulate that they would not include Mac in any new government they form…… do the math.

    • James says:

      we will end up with the same group as we had for the last 4 years. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. let’s move on and vote out PACT.

  46. Anonymous says:

    The climate change agenda is exposing its true colors. Electing these individuals would strip us of our sovereignty and hand control to WEF and #UN2030 operatives. This path leads to a future of social credit systems, restricted freedoms, and being dictated on everything from our diet to our choice of transportation. It’s a dangerous trajectory that threatens our way of life.

    • Anonymous says:

      time to get off the internet set your silver foil hat aside and go outside pal

    • Anonymous says:

      True colors being the color of Royal Palms dance floor as the rubble is excavated and carted away, you mean?

    • Anonymous says:

      So right, Minister Seymour save us!

    • Anonymous says:

      Our way of life is to let the developers buy off the powers that be and build wherever and whatever they want. Our way of life is to destroy everything as long as we can profit from it. Our way of life is to pollute the whole environment. Our way of life is pure greed and love of MONEY.

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