Tag: Juliana O’Connor-Connolly

Regulations cut duty for locals buying in 7MB area

Regulations cut duty for locals buying in 7MB area

| 01/02/2025 | 41 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has changed the Stamp Duty Regulations, paving the way to reduce the amount of stamp duty Caymanians will pay if they buy property in and around Seven Mile Beach. A private member’s motion by Opposition Leader Joey Hew that passed through parliament last year made duty concession available to local […]

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Premier overrules majority to put contested bills on agenda

Premier overrules majority to put contested bills on agenda

| 30/01/2025 | 86 Comments

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly has overruled the opposition majority of MPs on the parliamentary Business Committee and reneged on a deal the UPM minority government had with the Progressives, who agreed to support the government’s quorum until the election, which is just three months away, if the UPM did not put contentious bills on the […]

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Lame-duck Cabinet keeps spending public cash

Lame-duck Cabinet keeps spending public cash

| 25/01/2025 | 96 Comments

(CNS): The minority UPM government has shown no signs of letting up on critical decision-making, such as spending and policy, including the drafting of various amendment bills that may not pass, given that the administration lost its mandate to govern back in October. The lame-duck Cabinet, comprising just five ministers, had two meetings in January, […]

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Regs posted allowing government to collect new fees

Regs posted allowing government to collect new fees

| 23/12/2024 | 23 Comments

(CNS): Government fees for certain General Registry and Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) services will come into effect in just over one week on 1 January 2025. With the rules relating to the newly passed legislation and the acts all assented to, the new fees that are expected to contribute millions to the public purse […]

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Parliament adjourns with passage of new BO regs

Parliament adjourns with passage of new BO regs

| 18/12/2024 | 38 Comments

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Conolly, who recently added financial services to the largest portfolio ever held by a Cabinet minister, steered a government motion through parliament Monday night that enables people with a confirmed legitimate reason to access beneficial ownership information about companies registered in the Cayman Islands. The Beneficial Ownership Transparency (Legitimate Interest Access) Regulations, […]

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Government pensioners to get $500 Christmas bonus

Government pensioners to get $500 Christmas bonus

| 11/12/2024 | 45 Comments

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly said the UPM government had approved a one-off Christmas bonus of CI$500 for all former civil servants receiving a public pension in recognition of the contributions they made to build the country. Speaking on the floor of parliament Wednesday, she said the money for the bonus was coming from savings made […]

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Premier gets monthly allowance of $15k on top of salary

Premier gets monthly allowance of $15k on top of salary

| 10/12/2024 | 154 Comments

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly could be officially receiving more cash per month than any other leader in the world despite being elected to office by just 266 voters in the country’s smallest constituency of Cayman Brac East. According to parliament, the premier is receiving CI$15,000 in allowances on top of her salary, which, given the […]

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Premier confirms parliament will meet in New Year

Premier confirms parliament will meet in New Year

| 09/12/2024 | 13 Comments

(CNS): The beleaguered minority UPM government will be calling at least one more meeting of parliament in January, the premier has confirmed. When the House met on Monday, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly told MPs that they would meet again in the New Year before the election, even though she doesn’t have a quorum on the government bench, […]

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Offshore bills raising fees open for last public input

Offshore bills raising fees open for last public input

| 19/11/2024 | 12 Comments

(CNS): A dozen amendment bills to implement the UPM government’s additional revenue-raising measures from the offshore sector and a bill to implement Phase 2 of the regulatory framework for virtual asset services in the Cayman Islands have now been published in the Gazette. These bills are now open for the last round of public consultation […]

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Premier chaired UKOT leaders meeting ahead of JMC

Premier chaired UKOT leaders meeting ahead of JMC

| 19/11/2024 | 20 Comments

(CNS): Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly is in London this week leading a local delegation for the Overseas Territories Joint Ministerial Council (JMC) meeting, where she chaired the Political Council meeting for her fellow UKOT leaders, yesterday, in preparation for the meetings with the British government tomorrow. A number of issues will be on the agenda relating […]

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JOCC confirms $2,000 bonus for civil servants

JOCC confirms $2,000 bonus for civil servants

| 08/11/2024 | 99 Comments

(CNS): Public sector employees can look forward to a whopping $2,000 Christmas bonus after Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly said on Friday that the government was in a position to make the one-off payment. The bonuses are estimated to add another $9.7 million to the budget, added to a 5% cost of living allowance in the New […]

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