Work plods along to ‘revitalize’ George Town

| 03/01/2025 | 90 Comments

(CNS): The planning ministry is claiming to have made progress on Phase Two of the George Town Revitalization Initiative, a project that has been ongoing for years and has led to the closure of various roads in the capital as each element of the work has been rolled out. Throughout the height of the tourist season this year Edward Street and Mary Street have remain closed. But according to a press release the initiative is on track and will provide better pedestrian safety, smoother traffic flow, more parking, and upgraded utilities.

“These changes will make George Town a more vibrant and sustainable place for everyone to enjoy. For regular updates and to stay informed about upcoming road closures or project developments, follow the George Town Revitalization Initiative on Facebook and Instagram,” officials from the ministry stated in the latest release about the long-term project.

According to officials from the ministry the following elements have been completed or are underway:

  *   Filling and compaction of final lift have been completed and tested.
  *   Approximately 85% of the concrete bands along the western side of the area have been installed.
  *   Excavations for bollards have been completed, and the installation of steel cages to the foundation has commenced. The pouring of bollard foundations was completed in December.
  *   The foundation for the new monument seating wall is being built and is making progress. Final touches on the monument garden, including seating and landscaping, are expected to be completed in the first part of next year.
  *   70% of the new mature trees have been planted, with more trees to follow shortly. 

*   Conduit installation up poles has been completed. CUC is currently awaiting electrical connectors to proceed with the next phase of works, which includes the installation of wires and energizing the system. Temporary streetlights were erected without power for the holiday season while awaiting the energization of the system.

*   Excavation for lighting in the monument area has been completed.
  *   Light bases at the corner of the Bodmer Building are currently being poured .
Updates from the National Roads Authority (NRA):

  *   Additional signage to direct pedestrians is currently in production and will be installed soon.
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Comments (90)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Wasting tax payers money. GT Beautification workers pretending to work all day. Removing and replacing pavers all the time. How much time does it take to put down pavers? SMH. That project cannot finish.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Yawl complain about having a ghetto downtown but then when something is done about it…Well yawl complain about that too… sigh

    This isn’t just a paving job people! They’re trying to upgrade utilities that have been there since the 60’s & 70’s… think that’s smart… guess they could do like in some areas… Put in new roads, then come back & dig it back up 🤭
    If yah had paid attention u’d know that it starts with upgrading infrastructure. Nobody’s gonna redevelop when they can’t even get proper electricity to their joint.
    Better infrastructure leads to better/efficient traffic management, pedestrian, etc. but yawl not real interested in that R U? Just want something to rag about… smh

    We should be blaming all those past governments from the 80’s & 90’s that ignored Georgetown for so long! GT was dead for over a decade, but somehow these works are the culprit?! Smh

    Cheers to the “Gowament” for finally paying attention & not making us look like some 3rd World Bac ah Yard place!! 👏🏽

    • a says:

      ‘Yawl’????? You may not want to be portrayed as 3rd world, but you sure sound like it. Sheesh, use your computer and internet and get some linguistic skills.

    • Anonymous says:

      Any parking for a small percentage of 85,000+ population?

  3. Anonymous says:

    GT is now mainly a Cruise port town.
    But, who benefits from tourism?
    The hotels are full, and the tourism season is going great.
    But, Why do we still have doormen, front desk and concierge staff on work permit from Countries around the world?
    This must end in 2025, and just as past governments did for our Condo Managers, there should be a STOP on these work permit posts that could be filled — even by new High School graduates, or older Caymanian men and women!
    Eg. Mr Neeley of West Bay has been doing this job from the 1980s, and is a great tourism ambassador!
    A simple Cabinet policy directive to Immigration could stop these frivolous permits today!

    • Anonymous says:

      True. My child is in local college but can’t get a part time job in a hotel!
      why not???

      • Anonymous says:

        Maybe they don’t have the professionalism, work ethic, feel entitled, or other possibilities.

        • Anonymous says:

          That’s the cheap reverse psychology That’s been spread publicly to justify your Slave Labor imports from 3rd world places.
          $4.50/hour in hotels and restaurants.
          I and many locals built the industry before you knew how to spell map.
          Troll..probably one of the grinning lying HR managers.

          • Anonymous says:

            Nice try, but you didn’t actually answer the points – just because your son is/maybe Caymanian does not guarantee ‘a part-time hotel job’. Also, using your claim, I doubt your son WANTS/WILLING to work for ‘slave labor wages.’ I also have come across college ‘educated’ job candidates that were not worth the paper their degree was written on. Going to college does not guarantee professionalism, work ethics or quality communication skills. Truly, the individual in question may not be qualified.

    • Anonymous says:

      Look like you need to be from Goa or Africa or Philippines to qualify to greet guests and open doors as bellmen.
      wow Cayman!!
      not happens in JAM though.

  4. Caymanian says:

    Any public project is just a front to funnel money to politicians and their cronies. Why do you think this particular project is taking so long? The longer it takes, the longer they keep the gravy train going.

    Just wait till they get the $50 million Brac school and the port project going. Wake the hell up Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you’re a voter, petition to the Governor to dissolve the Parliament. That no voter has started this speaks volumes.

      • Anonymous says:

        You do realize the quality of Ministers that have been repeatedly elected by ‘the voters.’ ‘Voters’ bear much of the blame for the current status.

    • Anonymous says:

      And when you “wake the hell up”, check how much the new woke $200million resort prison will cost us .

  5. Anonymous says:

    Absolute rubbish. Locals only visit on the odd occasion they need perfume or a gift for someone. I’m not dropping by to buy diamonds or Cayman Islands t-shirts made in Vietnam.

    Idiotic ideas badly executed.

  6. Anonymous says:

    They should erect statues of some of our MPs, gazing toward the entrance to one of the courtrooms.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      One pissing against a wall, another selling a crack rock to a tourist, one on donkey crashed into a light pole, etc.

      • Anonymous says:

        Definite must see attraction, for locals and tourists. Cayman National *Joke* Garden. Statues and features updated weekly based on the antics of politicians and wannabe local who’s who…

  7. Anonymous says:

    I like the nice new paving by the post office. Work has been going on for so long, and traffic has been so slow, there’s a literal line of oil and fuel dropped down the middle from all the crapheaps that have been sat idling on the road. Nice new paved drip tray, yay!

  8. Shabba says:

    What is the plan for the glasshouse? They should tear it down and build a nice green space

    • Anonymous says:

      YES, YES, YES. Tear down that derelict vacant building. Its been 14 years since the new Government Administration Building was opened.

      Some green grass and shade trees in its place. PLEASE.

      (The various governments and civil servants literally see that derelict building every day. Did anyone ever question “hey, what do we do about that thing?”).

      • Anonymous says:

        Most don’t know:
        Glass House has been Killing Birds for decades, ever since it was built.
        Walk around the perimeter and see the evidence on the grass.
        They mistake the mirror image for sky, obviously.

      • Anonymous says:

        If I am not mistaken, the excuse given for not razing the Glass House is that the building contains significant amounts of asbestos insulation etc. In order for demolition to take place Government would have to hire U.S. remediation specialists like has been done in the demo of the old JGHS on Walkers Road.

      • Hafoo says:

        yea and abandon the Scranton Park,whicb will only flood out that area more

      • Anonymous says:

        Make it another school. we save 50 million dollars. In fact bring the cayman brac children in the morning on the jet. I believe it’s only 114 children? then give them free lunch and send them back on the jet after 3pm. We’re already paying for a jet anyway.

    • MERVYN CUMBER says:

      I have suggested for a very long time that with an “asbestos” clean up, if indeed that is the problem, the Glass House would make a great home for the National Museum.
      Educational with parkland. Ideal for cruise ship visitors and Islanders to enjoy!

    • Anonymous says:

      Kenny G-string is waiting for his bill that legalizes ganja to pass and then Govt has its first grow house.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Biggest scam going in Georgetown!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Robson construction-is connected to who ?? Follow the money matrix Cayman!

  11. Anonymous says:

    OK great but why? I can’t think of a single shop I want to visit in GT. In any event with that massive block of apartments going up behind Kirk Freeport with almost no parking, any new parking is going to be quickly absorbed.

  12. Anonymous says:

    hope they do more solar powered…….zzzzzzzzz

  13. Hancock says:

    Did the project have planning permission. If so I never saw it in the minutes of the CPA meetings. Other government projects have obtained CPA permission. Where do they draw the line. Just asking, that is all.

  14. Anonymous says:

    No parking for workers, business operators much less customers. No court house parking. No parking for shopping. Nope. Not making George Town great again. Shame.

  15. Anonymous says:

    PARKING WHERE? How many businesses have closed after closing whole roads? The homeless will have more beautiful spaces to sleep undisturbed under the post office. Its a ghost town now.SAD.

  16. A consultant in the land of Dart ! says:

    The siphoning oops fleecing of public funds into hands of their political minions and underlings continues unabated only a change in government might expose or reveal this extremely corrupt scheme and its laundering cycle, but alas a marriage of convenience between the two main political pariahs and their domino loving Mafiya has long past and the enrichment program has become so well established now we cannot possibly stop it ! Nor do they want to because the world class civil service Mafia who has long been suspected of colluding and being involved have obviously now been cut in on the action and given a seat at their signature Domino table and it’s profit sharing events and tribute schedule agreements. The public only evidence of this is the enormous amount of assets and accumulation of wealth and girth of those involved in this grand scheme.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who did you vote for in the past 20+ years??? If corrupt Ministers are voted out the rest will take notice. Stop typing and do something Cayman.

  17. Anonymous says:

    More parking???? Where???? KMFT.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Government did not need to change a single brick to revitalize downtown.

    Three hour maximum on street parking with parking meters that work.

    Multi story parkade with meters that work in the “Craft Market/Heritage Park” lot.

    Change the zoning to allow 5 floors retail on the ground floor, offices on the second floor, residential on the top three floors… And require developers to provide parking.

    NEVER close Seafarers Way for ANY event.

    Ask offices downtown to open their parking lots on Saturdays and encourage businesses to open even if there are no ships in town.

    • Anonymous says:

      Again…yawl should paid attention. They will be sorting parking as u suggest (by opening it up). But parking for what…decrepit old buildings from the 60’s? Infrastructure (such as electricity, telecoms, water) is needed first…with proper walkways, lighting and roads.
      I’d venture to say this is only worthwhile project under way at the moment. Can’t wait to walk, shop in a decent environment…& go to a restaurant without getting run over by a car.

    • Anonymous says:

      doesn’t some ridiculous government funded horrible tent sell trinkets there….don’t want to mess with that gem

  19. Anonymous says:

    Until they grow the balls to knock down the Courthouse, Glasshouse, Anderson Square and Thompson Building, nothing improves.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Stop installing powerlines!!!!! Bury them like camanabay.

  21. Anonymous says:

    For whom? No parking anywhere, not even bike racks.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Old GT is dead. Ugly buildings from the 1960s to early 1990s. The new ‘central downtown’ is Camana Bay (and a bit of the Cricket Square area, but just during daytime on weekdays).

    The several of the last few large business entities, Deloitte and Appleby, vacated downtown to Camana Bay last year. (And who might be moving into the new building going up at Camana Bay…Maples maybe?).

    Finding parking in old GT is nearly impossible anyway.

    • Anonymous says:

      And yet if you work at Camana Bay, that ruins it for you. I’d rather work somewhere else and be able to enjoy Camana Bay.

    • Anonymous says:

      Camana Bay sucks

    • Anonymous says:

      Old GT is slowly (and I believe deliberately) becoming cheap office space for government.

      It’s dying and horribly managed. There is no parking and too many places rely on cruise passengers to survive. So with dwindling cruise and no parking everything is closing up shop. Anchor tenants from the bigger buildings are gone to Camana bay or Cricket square and have been replaced by government workers. That will continue until the “city” is dead.

      Go there on a Friday or Saturday night and there’s almost nothing open. Go to camana bay and that’s where everyone is.

    • Anonymous says:

      No parking in Camana Bay either!

  23. Anonymous says:

    6 month project 18 months and counting….

    Morons in charge!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Meanwhile the businesses are being forced to close and the money keeps flowing to the “contractor”.

  24. Anonymous says:

    A waste of damn use of public money. To me it seems government is now trying to recreate a Camana Bay to compete with Dart. What they don’t know is that it’s a bit little to late. Most of all the law, accounting firms, restaurants, clothing stores and banks are all in walking distance from their cars i.e there is parking. Did they see the traffic at Bayshore mall the week of Christmas? IDIOTS!!!

    They are killing businesses in town and there is no damn parking!!

  25. Anonymous says:

    I love how they pedestrianise cardinal avenue and still leave kerbs… WTF. great for old people and wheel chairs. Is there no planning or common sense? They can’t even make a proper pedestrian zone.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      George Town has no respect for those in wheelchairs particularly on North Church Street where cars and buses park at the sidewalk precluding access to the handicapped. Send Fabian out to ticket these inconsiderate people. Of equal concern are all those advertising signs blocking the sidewalks. Where are the enforcement people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Progress yes, much progress on mucking up the quaint beautiful town that we once had. Reminds me of the proverbial “bull in the China shop” another memorial to honour Kenneth Bryan. What a disaster! I don’t know about the rest of us but I am so sick and tired of his stupidity.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sick and tired of his yellow “look at me” Illegal billboards as well.
        How can a minister of government break the law and continue to get away with it. ?

  26. Anonymous says:

    Fix the damn dump.

    • Anonymous says:

      There are no responsible plans to line or remediate the landfill. This is a CIG engaged in secret side deals, that continues to hide KYD$2bln from the public Balance Sheet, that saw fit to walk back accountability and self-indemnify themselves from prosecution for illegalities incurred while in office.

    • Anonymous says:

      NEVER in your lifetime.

    • Truth says:

      Not intelligent enough and never will be. The UK will do it after CIG goes bankrupt.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Many more shade trees needed with benches under. Palms are not shade trees.

    • Chris Johnson says:

      Why did they rip out the Black Olive Trees planted by the Rotary Club of Grand Cayman many years ago. The club also supplied several benches. They were constructed by the inmates at Northward and were very sturdy. Why does CIG not ask Northward to do some more?

      • Anonymous says:

        The Northward carpentry shop was closed for awhile, we tried to get some stuff built and they said they weren’t dong that anymore. If they are, they might advertise it.

  28. Anonymous says:

    Does our Planning Law allow for residential accommodation in the GT central business area? If not, why not? IMO that is vital to revitalise the CBA.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Thank you Mr Dart, you are the greatest.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Pure f@keridges and waste of public funds it has made central GT impossible!!

    How much did this train wreck cost and who are to blame?

    World class my a$$ the civil service is a wasteful joke!

    • Anonymous says:

      No PWD employee is ever admonished, dismissed, held accountable , expected to meet budgets and deadlines, or be qualified.
      A perfect example of civil servants’ inability to do a job which should be left to professionals.
      Their performance in both design and execution of this downtown disaster, is a perfect example of public waste, and a disgraceful example of indifference to the interests of the public and merchants of George Town.

    • Anonymous says:

      Homegrown Genius Architech, the Town Mayor.

  31. Anonymous says:

    “Sustainable.” Does anyone in government who uses this word understand what it means? Ever?

    Sustainable money wastage.
    Sustainable high costs.
    Sustainable enormous energy prices (Sister Islands now catching up with CUC)
    Sustainable graft.
    Sustainable poverty.
    Sustainable income for government via outlandish insurance costs.

    Thanks for nothing.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Finish the darn thing for peye sakes…holding up traffic

  33. Anonymous says:

    The workers have been instructed to count and recount each and every grain of sand by the environmentalists and government bureaucrats.

    The objective is to force out all businesses still operating so that Dart and the development mob won’t have to pay buyouts when they demolish the existing pathetic looking buildings and rebuild them as either a giant park or a 50+storey highrise monument shaped to look like a ship.

  34. Anon says:

    Why do they keep
    Planting palm trees? It should be lovely shade trees. Now cardinal Avenue is hotter than ever and no one is going down it.


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