Driving in Cayman
Road Safety Advocate writes: Being a road user in the Cayman Islands is becoming an increasingly dangerous activity. When I say “road user”, I am not just referring to drivers — I mean pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists, scooter riders and electric bike users too.
Far too many tragic deaths have left families shattered, particularly in 2024. While it’s easy to place blame on individuals or circumstances, I believe we need to collectively examine the root causes of these incidents. There are several areas that demand urgent attention if we are to reduce road fatalities.
Flashy advertisements from the RCIPS and NRA won’t solve the problem; here’s what needs to be addressed:
- Road Design and Signage
The layout of our roads and roundabouts is deeply flawed. The NRA frequently installs bollards to curb overtaking and improper lane usage, but this only patches the problem. Poorly designed roads often contribute to accidents. For example, how often have you driven on a road only to encounter a sudden narrowing without adequate warning? While we have electronic billboards displaying flashy slogans from our favourite King of the Billboard, there’s a lack of clear, real-time information about road closures or changes to the road usage. Additionally, many roundabouts are simply too narrow to function effectively.
- Left-Hand Drive Vehicles
Due to our proximity to the US, many vehicles here are left-hand drive. However, this creates significant blind spots as we drive on the left-hand side of the road. In the US, left-hand drive vehicles are appropriate because they drive on the right side of the road. The mismatch here puts drivers at a disadvantage. While controversial, restricting future imports of left-hand drive vehicles could address some of the issues contributing to accidents.
- User Behaviour and Responsibility
Unsafe practices are widespread and not limited to any single group. Drivers frequently overtake on the left, misuse turning lanes, and ignore solid white and double yellow lines. Many fail to choose the correct lanes on roundabouts or change lanes mid-turn. Cyclists often ride against traffic instead of with it, and pedestrians walk with traffic rather than against it.
Being a road user comes with responsibility — not just for our safety but for others too. That means obeying the laws, not drinking and driving, and showing kindness on the road.
- Enforcement of Traffic Laws
Law enforcement on our roads appears alarmingly absent. Police presence is rare, and violations — such as overtaking on the left, driving without functioning lights, or using vehicles in unroadworthy conditions — go unchecked. For example, I regularly see vehicles with broken brake lights or orange plates on the roads. These infractions have penalties, but they’re rarely enforced.
Police should be more visible on busy routes like Seven Mile Road and at roundabouts, ensuring that turning lanes are not misused for overtaking. Regular speed traps and stricter law enforcement would act as a deterrent and promote safer road use. I can count on one hand the frequency I saw police vehicles during Operation Winter Guardian.
As you can see, improving road safety requires action from all road users —drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, policymakers, and law enforcement. Let us demand better from ourselves and the institutions responsible for ensuring safety on our roads.
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Category: Viewpoint
Easy fix. We are a BOT. EVERYONE not holding a UK licence should sit the UK driving test including a practical and not the ludicrous excuse for a driving test we have here. That would clear 65 to 70% of people.pff the road in a flash. As well as the other points already made, this would go a LONG way to sorting out our traffic chaos.
good day just want to ask one question is it only jamaican drivers live in cayman.
The worst roundabout has to be at the Lions Centre / Kings Gym ie Crewe Rd leading on to Linford Pierson. Too many drive flat out from Crewe Rd over the roundabout with little care for traffic coming from the right. I would like to see a small platform near the Crewe Rd roundabout that would reduce speed. It will save lives.
Motorists that have mirrors, and adjust them correctly, don’t have blind spots. As true for LHD as it is for RHD. That RHD taxi or dump truck nudging into oncoming traffic, can probably see you just fine, and likely understands their obstruction – they just don’t care, because they want to go and feel they have waiting long enough. There is a skill and execution gap that is a bigger issue, paired with an absence of police enforcement/consequence. Failing to understand that vehicles are equipped with an indicator wheel stalk, and headlights (as opposed to fog or parking lights), are all high priority issues, along with these more general road courtesies. These behaviors can’t be unlearned without a major ticketing blitz, but probably after hell freezes over.
Whilst I think the argument against LHD is complete garbage, plenty of cars, both LHD and RHD have blind spots, typically behind the passenger side c pillar. It’s not exactly hard to glance over your passenger side shoulder to check though. Any vaguely competent European driver will do so.
I’d wager the idiots speeding around in Honda fits don’t have insurance. The people who can least afford an accident are the ones driving recklessly.
Not just Fits. All sorts of cars and trucks and SUVs and vans driven by maniacs daily.
Everyone here knows the times of days that maniacs are worst on the roads and where they are.
The question that needs asked is why aren’t the RCIPS out in force there daily?
Biggest problem on our roads? Jamaicans driving like they are still in Kingston. Aggressiveness, speeding, and a distinct lack of common courtesy. You know it, they know it. It has to stop.
came on here to say exactly this
Not to mention thumping music that literally rattles the windows.
What is the Caymanians excuse?
To blame every one else. Didn’t you know, Caymanian’s have no faults. They drive perfectly; don’t commit crimes; don’t litter; are a welcoming group that is accepting of other cultures; elect ethical, moral and honest Ministers… Caymanians don’t need excuses, they have their favorite “Whipping Boys” (those who take punishment for the transgressions of their generational ancestors.
Your critique is clear, detailed, and paints a vivid picture of systemic issues in driver licensing, enforcement, and accountability. Let me reframe it with a sharper tone for emphasis, without losing the impact of your points:
Point 2: The Rearview Camera Revolution
The suggestion that modern camera systems are somehow impractical or unnecessary is outright senseless. I personally installed a rearview camera system on my LHD car, providing a 210-degree field of view with crystal-clear 2160p recording for both front and back. It records GPS positions, displays relative vehicle speeds with a 5 mph margin, and captures plate numbers with ease—all for a modest $500 investment, installation included.
Not only has this system paid for itself many times over, it’s been invaluable in documenting the bizarre driving traditions on this island, like the nightly parade of vehicles speeding without headlights. It doesn’t just capture the recklessness; it identifies the culprits.
Point 3: License Conversion Without Accountability
How is it that full license conversions are granted without even a theoretical test to drivers from countries ranking high on the Corruption Perception Index?
Take Jamaica, for example . Anyone who’s driven around Kingston knows how much work is still needed on traffic safety and enforcement there.
Yet here, we’re handing out equivalent licenses as if it’s a mere formality , without as much as a theory test and a letter detailing the classes of vehicles that need to be approved without as so much as a records check pr a QR code to verify the records and their validity!
The consequences are glaring. Case in point: My wife was rear-ended twice by another driver. When I arrived on the scene, the driver repeatedly tried to flee, and I had to physically intervene. When the RCIPS finally arrived, it took another officer to force the driver to undergo a sobriety test after he attempted to confuse authorities about who was behind the wheel. Luckily, I had video evidence to prove the truth.
The Insurance Farce:
And what did this stellar system of accountability yield? No insurance coverage. My apologies—there was insurance… under the name of the previous owner, who had left the island long ago but hadn’t canceled the contract.
Oh, I almost forgot our local insurer would not cover my house employees without me providing a clean accident record for three years, notarized of course with full court qualified translations! And a clean police record from their last place of employment, plus the local one , a copy of their work contract and because why stop there a full copy page by page of their passport with their work permits ,Isn’t it fun ?
The result? I paid for the repairs in full.
Returning to the RCIPS for follow-up yielded nothing but the sound of crickets.
The officer handling the case was conveniently “on holiday,” and judging by his colleagues’ tone, it was clear he wasn’t coming back anytime soon.
Because, apparently, he cared too much. A rare trait that, unfortunately, seems to disqualify people from lasting in the system.
Totally agree!!
Additional point… how about some parking laws???
On the books, but too much work and the rozzers don’t wanna arrest or fine friends or family.
The question isn’t what is wrong with driving in Cayman. It is what is right which is very little. The roads are ok if you drive the speed limit. And to paraphrase, cars don’t cause accidents, drivers do so let’s leave LHD, Honda Fits and safety inspections out of the equation. These are irrelevant.
Stopping for no reason to let someone out of a junction is absolutely mind-boggling. It causes all sorts of issues / fender-benders etc.
More likely than a fender bender, is a huge snake of traffic. Shamrock Road is a cluster every day because of this.
Morons, everywhere.
This!!! Stopping on a main road to allow traffic out from a side road is a major problem when the roads are busy. It causes most of the traffic jams, no question.
This is the sole cause of the traffic leading up to Savannah each morning. This week going through Lower Valley before 6:40am I literally put my car in park multiple times because there was no movement.
Coming to a complete stop to let cars into the flow of traffic is completely wrong, if there is space and the road is clear they will get in, otherwise they will get in later.
LHD vehicles are not really an issue.
The issue is driver behavior and traffic enforcement. These people drive like maniacs because they are so wildly stupid and ignorant that they do not know/care that their behavior will cost their own life or someone else’s.
How often do we see kids in cars with no seatbelt walking around in the car, let alone a car seat.
Imagine being so careless for your own child’s life that you don’t put a seatbelt on them. Imagine being so careless for your own life that you drive soooo fast, just to get nowhere five seconds faster. Imagine thinking that your time on the commute is more valuable than someone else’s life.
Do you know how hard it is to flip a Honda fit on flat ground? Police need to be out in force, with the helicopter and everything, and start pulling these maniacs over all day, every day. And if they’re doing certain speeds or behavior and they’re permit holders SEND THEM HOME TODAY!
I guarantee the number of accidents would significantly decrease if LHD cars were phased out. Yes it is user error, but LHD cars have blind spots. Also, there are rules in Europe to change the high beams so that it doesn’t blind the other car when you move between countries.
Most cars both RHD and LHD have blind spots, easily remedied by looking over your shoulder. Basic driving skills.
Absolute nonsense. If you can’t drive a LHD car safely you are the problem, not the car.
read the post again, he’s not saying people can’t drive an LHD, he’s saying driving an LHD carries additional risks on RHD roads as there are blind spots. This is irrefutable.
Irrefutable? It’s garbage. The only benefit to RHD is being able to easily see past another vehicle when overtaking without exposing the whole car to oncoming traffic.
I have a RHD car and I can assure you that does not get rid of blind spots in my SUV… Nor does it suddenly make me a better driver.
I agree I have both LHD and RHD, they both have blind spots, both perfectly easy vehicles for any competent driver to drive safely. It’s not the vehicle, or the road for that matter, it’s the driver, every time.
The local traffic regulations address adjusting lights so that they don’t dazzle oncoming traffic, is that addressed on vehicle inspection?
With regard to overtaking on the left I thought I would share a quick story. I taught both my kids to drive to a decent standard, I also taught them lane discipline. When on the test my daughter would move over to the left lane when appropriate, the examiner asked what she was doing, which she explained. She was told to stop doing that as that’s not what we do here…Driving instructors don’t teach it, examiners don’t enforce it and anyone who grew up here only ever drove on single lane roads.
You are 100% correct and the driving instructors here are simply wrong and dangerously bad at their jobs. The test is so easy it’s completely pointless.
Cayman road code, page 20
“Use the right-hand lane for overtaking or turning right. As soon as
practicable after overtaking, you are to move back to the left lane. ”
Agreed. I regularly see driving instructor’s cars on the ETH driving down the right hand lane with zero traffic ahead of them in the left hand lane. The right is for passing…
The poster sounds absolutely clueless. The roads are good compared to countries with far better accident rates, the left hand drive cars are fine, infact the vast majority of KSI crashes are RHD import Hondas from Japan and lastly undertaking/passing on the left is only possible is the slow car is in the wrong lane.
So 1/4. And no mention of our acceptance of Jamaican licenses or our very basic test.
“Drivers frequently overtake on the left”
If car A is passed on the left car A is most likely in the wrong lane. The Cayman road code (and the UK highway code on which it is based) are both clear that the right lane is for overtaking and you should otherwise move back into the left lane.
It’s not just on highways, it is at junctions where a car is stopped to turn. You have to stop there. How many times have I seen cars overtake on the gravel side because they don’t want to wait 30 seconds and then nearly cause an accident. It happens all the time at the junction for Walkers Road and Memorial Avenue.
Actually, if Car A is passed on the left, Car A is likely travelling at the speed limit and Car B is exceeding it.
But in most cases the car incorrectly overtaking on the left is also going 20mph above the speed limit.
2 wrongs don’t make it right. Defensive driving 101 keep yourself out of trouble. Get in the correct lane. Making someone weave around you and potentially crash into you or someone else is also bad driving.
Can someone please explain this to the police?
I followed a Police car a little while back from ALT roundabout to the roundabout just north of the Kimpton. They drove the entire way in the right lane for no reason. They indicated incorrectly at every single roundabout and then they turned left at the last one, from the right lane, without indicating at all. literally a dozen uk driving test fails in 5 minutes!
Hmmm, I wonder what nationality the officers were?
People only care about the road code when making this point. What about the part of the road code that says you should never exceed the prescribed speed limit?
So let’s be clear, you’re going to ignore the road code and drive like an idiot because someone else is speeding? Great plan.
I drive in the left lane when not overtaking. My point is that I only ever see people passionate about the road code when it comes to this one particular rule. Maybe if people were passionate about never exceeding the speed limit (or the BAC limit), our roads would be safer.
It’s frustrating that people are passionate about a rule that is mainly concerned with the flow of traffic rather than the rules, which when broken, cause the majority of our road deaths.
A lack of lane discipline causes accidents so it makes sense to observe it. Exceeding a quite arbitrary number when conditions allow doesn’t. Driving at an inappropriate speed causes accidents but this number can be above or below the official limit. Most of our 40 limits would be at least 60 in the UK, a country with a small fraction of our RTAs.
The problem needs to be addressed at the immigration level. We have a population problem whereby the infrastructure can’t keep up with the number of people (and cars) that have arrived on island over just 5-8 years, many from countries that have very different customs.
Growth seems to be the only thing politicians care about, because it can be measured, often ignoring quality of life which has dropped considerably on island if you include traffic and beach erosion, etc.
That and we are also importing people from countries who have very lax driving standards. I’ve lost count of the amount of time I’ve nearly got into accidents caused by Jamaicans, Indians, and Filipinos. This isn’t a slight on them in general but on their driving abilities. Some may say I’m unfairly targeting these nationals but there is nothing wrong with my observation skills. I am merely reporting what I see and what my friends and family have also experienced.
I look forward to the resident idiotic pancakes (politicians included) that do not realise that it’s likely significant portion of single vehicle collisions that occur are likely to because they are blinded by LHD vehicles.
If only there were a solution, some sort of cheap, legally mandated quick fix, such as… *drum roll*.. Beam Adaptors and they cost less than an hour minimum wage (hospitality only, sorry)
I suspect that would lose votes. Much like requiring license plates on the “big chaos” dump trucks with engine brakes that blight the place.
The cruise shippers and stayover tourists sure do love sitting at the White Whale looking at a load of Containers getting their fish and chips seasoned with diesel fumes and their ears molested by gravel trucks.
Have we tried giving another massive contract to tender to run a report for us?
Such a rant and not a single word about alcohol…
That goes under User Baehaviour and Responsibility?
Alcohol doesn’t drive, it’s just some drivers best copilot.
In the UK, police prosecute on dashcam evidence provided by the public.
Its about time Cayman adopted this practice.
If they cant even police the roads while on patrol what makes you think they would do that?
RCIPS don’t even prosecute dangerous driving they see with their own eyes or breathalyse obvious cases of DUI.
been saying this for years!
btw uk does not accept jamaican driving liscence
Everyday I nearly get into an accident due to poor driving skills of idiots in the road.
The classic is idiots in the left hand lane on ALT roundabout deciding to take the third exit (Turning right across the pathway of cars).
Traffic Cops just do soft targeting for speeders to raise revenue instead of targeting poor drivers.
No mention of the horrible Taxi drivers always using their phones, driving 30mph in 40mph zone, no seatbelt, no indicators to merge or to show intentions at round abouts. Switching lanes on the roundabouts. I could be here all day as the list goes on…
This is a testing issue. There is NO WAY you could pass a UK/EU basic driving test if you can’t negotiate a roundabout safely. Turning right using the left lane would be an instant fail. Until we bring in a proper driving test nothing will change.
Testing won’t fix the idiocy
Large construction trucks who insist on sitting in the outside lane all the way from Bodden Town to Georgetown honking their horns like children at other construction vehicles. A curfew on them being on the road should be introduced. Absolute menace. A stringent check on those driving them would certainly be an interesting objective for the police.
Driving in Cayman you say, is it not more like a competition to see how many road rules you can break, how much property damage, bodily injury and general mayhem can be inflicted. It strikes me as being akin to Whacky Races in real life! Judging by recent figures; 40 speeders are caught in just one day, 88 crashes in one week and 14 deaths last year there needs to be a paradigm shift in RCIPS enforcement tactics whilst bringing all available tech to bare to effect any significant change to the status quo.
Number 4 is lacking immensely! Maybe if officers would just do their jobs instead of hanging out for a paycheck, drivers would respect laws of the roadways.
Many good points, but leave the left hand drive cars out of the line of fire. Such a car in the hands of a prudent driver is much safer than a RHD in the hands of a construction worker who is late to his next jobsite.
1 and 2 are absolute nonsense. If you cannot use our excellent roads or drive a LHD car safely then I strongly suspect you are part of the problem.
It is notable that you don’t mention our pathetically simple test which, IMO is the route cause of our poor driving. Many of our drivers, including Police drivers, could not pass the most basic European test. They are not safe driving at any speed. It should be noted that European roads are for the most part worse then ours, have higher speed limits, worse weather and 1/10th of the accident rate.
Wholeheartedly agree and it is the most glaring evidence of government incompetence that successive governments have done very little about except building more and more roads.
Advice to the next government, whoever you are. Appear competent and effective by fixing the one thing that every voter interacts with every single day. Or, as previous governments have done, maintain the status quo as a prominent testament to your total ineptitude and pray you have no decent competition in the next election. It is fairly safe bet to be fair.
Wearing dark clothes, walking along a dimly lit road, with back to oncoming traffic is so incredibly stupid and should be a ticketable offense.
As is riding a dark bike, with no lights on it in a dimly lit area, whist wearing dark clothing and cycling against the traffic.
You just can’t fix stupidity.
I’ll stop overtaking on the left when Auntie Teedee stops driving 34 mph on the right.
Make LPH and ETH great (a 50 mph zone).
You should learn to drive correctly!
Agreed. One slow driver in the right lane can cause misery for 20 cars behind. Several means drivers weaving in and out all the way down the highway.
Many drivers don’t appear to know you’re supposed to return to the left lane after overtaking, no doubt they are from the US and Jamaica where lane discipline is not a thing.
One option would be to paint “RETURN TO LEFT” on the right hand lane.
Where do you live? the cars “weaving in and out all down the highway” are almost always driving at excessive speed.
So stay out of the way. Get in the correct lane.