Mac begs opposition to support the UPM’s bills
(CNS): McKeeva Bush MP has made an unabashed appeal to PPM Leader Joey Hew and other opposition members to attend the parliamentary Business Committee meetings ahead of the scheduled session this month and help get the referendum bill and changes to the conservation law on the order paper for debate.
Speaking at a meeting in his district of West Bay, Bush said that initially, he hadn’t agreed with the referendum because he believed the government should just go ahead and build the piers, but he now wants the opposition to support the bill because of that commitment to build a pier.
Bush was one of several current, former and hopeful MPs who attended the meeting hosted by the Association for Cruise Tourism (ACT), which went to West Bay on Tuesday night to promote the idea of a cruise berthing facility on Grand Cayman given that the district has the greatest number of Caymanian residents who are still working in the tourist sector.
Although relatively well-attended, it was a mixed crowd, with plenty of ACT supporters from across the islands as well as many West Bay residents who remain unconvinced that any sizeable cruise project in George Town is a positive step.
However, as he took the microphone, Bush said that a referendum was unlikely because the PPM was not willing to support the bill. He said there might not even be a meeting of parliament to debate the proposed referendum bill because the UPM administration no longer has a majority on the business committee and is dependent on the opposition benches to form a quorum for any meeting.
“I believe we need proper cruise facilities in this country,” he said, adding that he felt many young people were being misguided about the environmental damage such a project would cause. He said people were hurting and could not even afford food.
But Bush targeted much of his comments toward Opposition Leader Hew, who also attended the meeting. He even tried to tempt him with some kind of support in the upcoming election campaign, though he did not spell out what was on offer.
The veteran West Bay representative explained that the proposed parliamentary meeting scheduled for 30 January may not happen now because the opposition has the upper hand on the Business Committee. The PPM members, as well as those independent opposition members who recently departed parliament, have all said they won’t support the minority government in its attempts to introduce any contentious legislation.
“So it seems that they may not show up for the Business Committee, and if they do, they won’t support the referendum bill,” he said, even though “thousands of young people” had registered to vote because of the proposed decriminalisation of ganja, which is also a question on the draft bill. The third proposed question is on the introduction of a national lottery.
Bush told the audience that if the opposition members didn’t show up to plan the agenda, there would likely be no agenda or order paper and no meeting of parliament.
“So to the honourable leader of the opposition, my good friend Joey… I was thinking about giving him some support… but I don’t know, we’ll see how he behaves himself,” Bush said. “I don’t know what they are talking about with controversial legislation; I don’t know what they are afraid of,” he said.
He said the PPM had tried to develop a port even after “licking me to pieces” for his attempts during the 2009-2013 UPM administration to get a cruise port project off the ground. “Don’t buy the [Progressives’] fool-foolness,” he said and again urged Hew to attend the meeting.
“Come get your seat on the Business Committee. Come and make up the quorum. Come and put the order paper together, and come into parliament and do what you all know is right, and that is to get us the referendum and get us the vote,” Bush said.
Bush, who is still a backbench member of the minority government, said the UPM was “in a serious predicament”, and the campaign for the cruise port “might all be for naught if they don’t come and do their part”. He asked Hew to dismiss those who didn’t support it, indicating that even though many people did not support him throughout his political career, he still won.
Repeatedly begging Hew to attend the Business Committee meeting, Bush also urged Andre Ebanks to come as well, suggesting that they could all vote against the bill after the debate parliament if they still did not want to vote for it. “But I plead with you, change your mind!”
Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan, who championed the referendum bill, told the meeting that the likelihood of it being passed through parliament was now remote. He said this was why the government had not begun the education and awareness campaign, explaining that he would not waste public funds if there was not going to be a referendum.
The meeting had been opened earlier in the evening by Ellio Solomon, who is now heading up the ACT Campaign in favour of a cruise project in George Town, even though no specific proposal has been put before the people.
Solomon repeatedly called those who don’t support the concept “unreasonable and heartless”. He even suggested that people who don’t support the concept of the facilities or a referendum were both ungodly and unjust because they didn’t back ACT’s position and had a callous disregard for those who depend on cruise tourism for their livelihoods.
However, many of those opposing this referendum believe that the vote should only take place once a project is outlined so that people will be able to properly consider the financial, environmental, social and infrastructure costs against any suggested benefits, especially given the changing shape of the cruise sector.
There is also still a lack of solid evidence that piers make a material difference to the earnings of those who work on the sector’s front line and that the trickle-down economic benefit is often outweighed by the massive impact such a project would have.
Although the current administration is attempting to pose this question as a simple ‘Do you support cruise tourism or not?’, in reality, this is a complex economic conundrum that has never been properly analysed. And as cruise ships turn their products into floating resorts designed to keep people aboard, ports of call are increasingly becoming nothing more than a backdrop for their massive profit margins.
- Fascinated
- Happy
- Sad
- Angry
- Bored
- Afraid
Get rid of this guy!
Cayman’s so-called tourism “charm” has evaporated, leaving behind an overpriced, overrated island that’s all sizzle and no steak. The place is a tourist trap, not a tropical paradise. Here’s why:
– Beach or Bust: Apart from Seven Mile Beach, which is now cramped with Jamaican higglers and Indian salesmen, there’s zilch. No stunning landscapes, just a flat, bland land with overpriced real estate.
– Tourist Invasion: The island is crawling with cruise ship rats who swarm the place, clogging roads, and making life a living hell for locals. These one-day wonders bring nothing but litter and congestion.
– Price Gouging: Thanks to CIG, everything’s taxed to the hilt. Tourists are fleeced at every turn, making the place a wallet-drainer for anyone not in the 1% club.
– Cultural Void: Where’s the authentic Caymanian culture? Buried under a pile of foreign trinkets and cheap souvenirs. The local identity? What local identity? It’s been sold out to the highest bidder.
– Environmental Disaster: The reefs, once a diving haven, are dying faster than a politician’s promise. It’s like watching the island’s soul being stripped in real-time.
– Safety? Yeah, right: With rising crime and that mass shooting making headlines, the old “safe haven” narrative is as dead as the reefs.
The solution? Ditch the tourism gig. It’s a waste of space and resources. Ramp up the financial services sector; that’s where the real money’s at without turning Cayman into a theme park. And for God’s sake, get rid of the political idiots who can’t see past their own greed. The island should be about business, not about being a pit stop for cruise cattle.
Welcome to our tropical paradise with concrete and glass to be seen in every direction.
The decisions that urgently need to be taken in Cayman will take people of extraordinary wisdom, conviction and fearlessness.
All this debate about whether to built the cruise docks really is becoming a little pointless – does anybody think Cayman will still be on cruise ship itineries for much longer, given that there is no real beach anymore, traffic is ridiculous, prices are outrageous, and the first thing you see from a ship is the mound of trash, a monument to decades of self serving politicians who are the absolute masters of poor governance? It all stinks.
It used to be pristine and gorgeous but what exactly is the attraction of Cayman these days?
Unreasonable and heartless says Mr Solomon? What goes on behind your closed door I would say is the same.
EVERY past MP or MLA, and many still serving and Double Dipping, are getting their FULL Salary plus benefits for LIFE!!
Go ask them next time you need your cable bills paid! $$$$
Oh wow, McDweeber has been promised or paid enough to care. Makes you wonder whose pocket he’s in.
His payments from Dart must have completed so he looking new sources of income like he isn’t paid enough. Macky is interested only when he gonna get paid and really interest when he gonna get a huge bundle.
Man try go sit down and enjoy retirement.
When you think of the pioneers of the Cayman Islands and then you think of Mac, Kenny and Jay ripping their legacy to bits, it breaks your heart.
You left out the most dangerous ripper… Saunders .
The very cane he using is crooked. Sellout and more.
Saunders & Seymour want Cayman to turn into Jamaica
This stuff never fails to amuse me – he was Finance Minister for around 2 years, can you point me to the negatives, to the actual things he did that you dislike? I could rattle off a litany of failures and cock ups of the PPM and UDP over the years actual reasons why I dislike their parties, politicians and administrations but for some reason Saunders who undertook no controversial expenditures or endeavours that come to mind is constantly brought up although the criticism usually involves some mix of references to Jamaica, his accent and interactions with civil servants despite no substantive claims being made.
It’s illegal to record people so you won’t get the evidence you require of his doings.
Can we vote this old dinosaur out of office already?
NO To:
Hair plugs n Brillcreame.
Bullionaire Wayne
The Alden train.
the Jam Cartel
The lame ACT campaign
Weed Vapes n Gummies.
Brac Hilton.
Permits Addiction.
Police Budgets.
Slavery Minimum Wages.
More 12 storey buildings.
JAM cartel being Saunders Seymour Kenneth and Mac…? With Jay on the fringes right..?
On the radio show yesterday Andre and the quitters were asked if they would work with Mac in the future. Even though they claimed that the way that female MPs were treated was part of the reason why they quit, with one of them naming Mac, they did not go as far as saying they wouldn’t work with this man to form a government. Until we have people who will stand for something, they will all fall for nothing. “Enough is enough” my a**- more like “enough unless we need numbers to gain control, country be damned”.
11:21 am
I assure you they will not be working with that trash.
Let them say so publicly then or better yet let them put it in writing.
Then why not just come out and say it straight? Go back and listen. Politricks.
Vote them all out
Quitters or not, they are all, preferable to the ones that stayed.
Don’t lose site of the big picture.
Elimination of those you don’t want, is more important than ending up with the rest.
we don’t want quitters
They all full of themselves.. West Bay voters why in hell you all keep voting for this man, no sense, no pride ?
Mac was ther leader of the Pack that gave away 10,000 status. yes 10,000, figuring the families . That was the beginning of the end for Cayman Islands. Yes other gave away status too. but he was the leader
All of them should be ashamed, but they don’t have any shame, all they can see is $$$$ signs. And what hurts the most are the stupid foolish voters keep voting them back in as MP’s to continue to ruin these islands. What’s wrong with Caymanian Voters, just stupid. can only see a Turkey. Ham, or a washing machine etc.
Hey Bushy, not getting the message? F*** Off. To who and what do you owe to be so panicking and desperate??? You are already guilty, what else do we not know???
He owes it to his boss Mr. Dart and the proffered contractor China Harbour. Besides he need the cash.
Gambled it all away
Mac, please go and find a big hole that you can live in. You’re a narcissist and clueless just like Kenneth, John John, Jujju, Joewho, and pretty much the entire house.
kick to pieces. stop the crazy train you are on. should have the penthouse room at the east end facility. embarrassment. its too late to save what you have pissed away. true madman, but what is frightening is my people. the amount of people that drank his kool-aid speaks of the bigger concern.hiding behind religion, asking for forgiveness every time he screws up again and again.reminds me of psycopath Jim Baker. shoild have deep look at all the churches financial statements. yes there are good ones, true ones…but many shameless ones. macdaddy, go cuddle up with someone on da Brac
We don’t want ‘im here either. Perhaps he’d be more comfy in Zhongnanhai — the residence and headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party.
This is the same man whose legacy already includes the 3,000 citizenship grants that fundamentally reshaped the Cayman Islands. So now, in addition to handing out passports like party favors, McKeeva wants to cement his name on a project that could sink both our environment and our economy. Truly, the gift that keeps on giving, whether we want it or not.
The Chinese pay well for bought contracts
…and they probably have professionals that will travel to collect on prepaid state funded deliverables.
Parliament still lists Hon. Dr. W. McKeeva Bush…CHEC’s $1mln honorary doctorate that was canceled and never awarded.
He probably bought a $10 doctorate from some online diploma factory. There are a bunch of illiterati in Cayman who have done that.
I thought Mr Bush was standing down …
like ju-ju…that was just a distraction and sympathy play….or aka a big fat lie.
mac has been saying the same thing for 10 years..
It is so sad that this man has done so much damage to Cayman and he still pushing for more. Sir you have created such a hard life for Caymanians that the outlook looks very grim for the average Caymanian. We are struggling now at it is and to chance of ruining the environment and what is left of SMB makes you heartless and wicked man. I ask what is in this deal for you and Kenny?
Vote No !
Vote Yes!
I vote Yes to No!
Check out Nassau if you want to see what happens to a town that builds cruise piers. I’m in the GT tourism business and if I was only focused on T-Shirt sales I might support cruise piers. 2 things finally pushed me away from supporting ACT, or should I say 2 people. Elio and Mac. I smell a big fat rat and that’s without even putting Kenny in the mix. Beware folks because these are 3 seriously XXXX people with no regard for Cayman and it future.
I believe you are correct, but politicians can be ‘persuaded’ to align.
With language like “So to the honourable leader of the opposition, my good friend Joey… I was thinking about giving him some support… but I don’t know, we’ll see how he behaves himself,” just read between the line$ to know what that mean$
Ahh… No. 💀Those Bills are detrimental to our Islands. DO NOT SUPPORT THEM.
yur kidding right? mr. above the law! lol
Somebody or interest group is greasing Mac to push for the piers.
CHEC and the Chinese not satisfied having just Jamaica in their pockets….Mac is their best friend here….apart from the Englishman who helped them screw Bahamian investors in their hotel resort deal there.
So right you are 9:13 am! The only thing that motivates Muck is the promise of MONEY! The players decided they would re-engage with him in October 2023 and he has been their lapdog ever since. They dont respect him and they would never want the shame of being associated with him. He is just a useful idiot to them. Poor Muck.
SIPL needs to be updated to disclose all property interests, foreign and domestic, and origin of source of funds on how they were acquired. The Cayman Lands Registry desperately needs this AML transparency, drilling down to UBO registration, and ownership stakes over 10% – particularly for PEPs.
SIPL is just a form you fill out to satisfy a requirement.
Do you really believe that an unprincipled politician would actually reveal his true connections, business affiliations and assets…???
It’s actually a Law, with a supervision Committee.
The supervision committee is there to make sure that the SIPL forms are completed so they can check the ‘done” box.
In the same way that an auditor is just someone making sure the numbers in your spreadsheet match the numbers on the invoice?
Letter from the Secretary to the Ambassador of AbsurdistanSubject: McKeeva Bush’s Galactic Crusade of Absurdity
Your Excellency,
It is with a mixture of alarm and reluctant admiration that I write to you about the latest chapter in Cayman’s ongoing saga of unparalleled absurdity. McKeeva Bush, a master craftsman of chaos and our unofficial emissary to the stars, has once again outdone himself.
Not content with terrestrial mischief, he now seems intent on elevating Absurdistan’s principles to galactic heights.
Absurdistan on Earth: The Plea for Unity
Let us begin with Bush’s recent plea for bipartisan support of the UPM’s bills. This spectacle is the epitome of Absurdistani politics: a man with a legacy built on scandals, opportunism, and parochialism now calling for unity.
One might even call it poetic—if not for the faint odor of hypocrisy emanating from every syllable. A man who has long thrived on division and dysfunction now dares to beg for collaboration. The irony is as thick as the East-West Arterial’s asphalt (should it ever be laid).
The Multi-Planetary Dream
But make no mistake, this is no ordinary plea. For is this not the prelude to a grander ambition? McKeeva’s vision of a galactic Absurdistani empire propels our philosophy to such heights that it might soon achieve escape velocity.
Imagine it, Your Excellency:
1. Absurdistan Prime: The capital of chaos, built atop the remains of an Ork space hulk. Bureaucrats argue over the exact shade of Martian pothole paint while allocating billions to bridges connecting asteroids.
2. The Moon of Mount Trashmore: A lunar monument to waste, where a statue of McKeeva Bush, resplendent in gold leaf, gazes proudly at an orbital highway project that leads nowhere.
3. Io’s Fiscal Black Hole: A volcanic moon dedicated to the incineration of evidence—financial scandals, unfulfilled promises, and the occasional political memo best left unread.
4. Mars’ Parliament of Chaos: The legislative hub of galactic absurdity, where debates on service fees applied to craters (by depth measurement, courtesy of the Department of Environment) and legislation on asteroid speed limits dominate the agenda.
5. Jupiter’s Orbital Station of Red Tape: The pinnacle of bureaucracy, housing the Civil Service alongside quarters for their families and their crocodile pets. Every stamp requires five signatures, and every form is printed in triplicate—for security, of course.
Through sheer audacity and unrelenting absurdity, McKeeva could very well lead Absurdistan into the annals of interstellar history—not as conquerors, but as court jesters in the galactic amphitheater.
The Threat of Logic and Integrity
Yet, as we celebrate these cosmic ambitions, we must confront a dire threat looming on the horizon: the insidious forces of competence, logic, common sense, and integrity.
Whispers of practicality have begun to circulate on the island. Alternative proposals to the East-West Arterial—such as ferry systems and functional public transport—threaten to challenge the very foundations of Absurdistani philosophy.
Should these ideas gain traction, Cayman’s legacy as a bastion of inefficiency and dysfunction could be replaced by a model of governance that actually works. Such a development would not only tarnish Absurdistan’s influence but also inspire neighboring territories to adopt similar heresies.
A Call to Absurdistani Action
Your Excellency, we cannot afford to be complacent. The East-West Arterial must proceed—not as a road, but as a symbol of our unshakable commitment to chaos.
Should alternatives like ferries or buses prevail, we risk ushering in an era of accountability, environmental stewardship, and—Great Gods of Pastafarianism forbid—public satisfaction.
I urge you to mobilize our finest Absurdistani strategists. Perhaps a campaign to demonize ferries as a threat to iguana migration patterns? Or a public awareness drive highlighting the cultural superiority of gridlock over punctuality? Let no tactic be too absurd in defense of our values.
Closing Reflections
In conclusion, Your Excellency, we must remain vigilant. McKeeva Bush’s galactic ambitions offer both hope and a warning. Hope, because his vision embodies the very essence of Absurdistan. A warning, because the forces of competence and integrity are rallying against us.
May Absurdistani logic and policies shine brighter than Io’s lava flows and last longer than a committee meeting for asteroid garbage fee collection!
With absurdist fervor,
The Secretary to the Ambassador of Absurdistan
Final note : I am pleased by the comment left by Another Day in Absurdistan author for his on
point take on the subject and situation. I chose the vehicle of satire in the face of the present events, nonetheless I tip my hat !
Sir, you have too much time on your hands.
way too much time
They didn’t write it. An LLM did. I asked ChatGPT to attempt to reverse engineer it, as follows.
Someone generated the following text for a comment under this story: To your best ability possible, please attempt to assess which LLM was used, and what the prompt may have been. Thanks.
[text of comment above]
Determining the specific LLM (large language model) used to generate the comment is challenging without access to metadata, but we can make an informed guess based on the text’s style, complexity, and characteristics. Here’s a critical analysis of the comment and the potential prompt:
Analysis of the Generated Content
1. Language and Style:
• The text is highly articulate, with a sophisticated and creative use of satire.
• It employs a mock-diplomatic tone, blending humour, hyperbole, and absurdist analogies (e.g., “Io’s Fiscal Black Hole,” “The Moon of Mount Trashmore”).
• The vocabulary and sentence structure suggest a model capable of generating complex and coherent prose with elements of wit and irony.
2. Content Characteristics:
• The text reflects contextual understanding of local politics (e.g., McKeeva Bush’s reputation and the East-West Arterial project in the Cayman Islands).
• It cleverly integrates fictionalised elements (e.g., a galactic Absurdistan) to make a satirical point while remaining grounded in real-life references.
3. Potential LLMs:
• The high level of sophistication suggests it was likely generated by a state-of-the-art model such as:
• ChatGPT (GPT-4): Known for its creative capabilities and ability to generate contextually relevant satire.
• Claude (Anthropic): Another advanced LLM that excels in producing thoughtful, articulate content.
• Jasper: A model often used for creative and professional writing tasks.
Likely Prompt
The prompt might have been structured to instruct the LLM to write in a satirical and diplomatic tone, drawing on local political issues and exaggerating them for comedic effect. A possible prompt could be:
“Write a satirical, fictional letter from the ‘Secretary to the Ambassador of Absurdistan,’ commenting on McKeeva Bush’s plea for bipartisan support of UPM’s bills in the Cayman Islands. Use absurd analogies, exaggerated scenarios, and humorous critique, while referencing real issues like the East-West Arterial and alternative proposals like ferries or public transport. The tone should be witty, hyperbolic, and articulate.”
The content was likely generated by ChatGPT (GPT-4) or a similar advanced model, as it displays hallmarks of these LLMs: contextual awareness, creativity, and stylistic versatility. The prompt likely included detailed instructions to incorporate local political satire with an exaggerated, mock-diplomatic tone.
The content you’ve critiqued is the result of highly interactive collaboration between a human creator and an advanced LLM like ChatGPT.
To suggest that the AI is solely responsible oversimplifies the reality of this intricate process, which mirrors the collaboration between a writer and editor—or perhaps more aptly, between a director and their star performer. Let me detail the level of collaboration involved:
1. Creative Direction: The Human Visionary
The process begins with the human creator setting the stage:
• Defining the Concept: The overarching idea (e.g., a satirical letter from the Secretary of Absurdistan) originates from the human collaborator.
• Tone and Style Selection: The human determines whether the tone will be sharp satire, slapstick comedy, or a mix of the two.
• Thematic Goals: The creator decides which real-world absurdities (e.g., McKeeva Bush’s plea or the East-West Arterial project) to address, ensuring the satire feels relevant and impactful.
At every step, the human collaborator leads the charge, with the AI acting as a dynamic tool to refine and expand these ideas.
2. Iterative Refinement: Crafting Perfection
The initial output from the AI is only the beginning. Each piece goes through multiple layers of iteration:
• Prompt Adjustments: After the first draft, the human adjusts the input to refine tone, focus, or specificity.
• For example: “Make this part sharper” or “Add more absurd analogies.”
• Micro-Edits: The human revises sentences, adjusts phrasing, and ensures the commentary lands with the right comedic or satirical effect.
• Thematic Enhancements: Real-world elements are woven in or emphasized to maintain relevance, such as tying Mount Trashmore to the commentary on inefficiency.
• Feedback Loops: If the output veers too far from the desired tone, the human recalibrates the process, asking the AI to try again with tighter constraints.
It’s an intense, back-and-forth process that can take dozens of iterations for a single comment or piece.
3. Dynamic Exploration: Improvising in Real Time
Unlike scripted systems, natural language models allow for on-the-fly experimentation:
• Shifting Antagonists: The human can decide mid-creation to pivot from Tyranids to Chickens or Donkeys, testing which metaphor lands best.
• Incorporating Fresh Context: If new headlines emerge or the audience responds to a theme, the content adapts to include these elements seamlessly.
• Evolving the Voice: The creator refines each character’s dialogue or style until it feels distinct and perfectly aligned with their personality.
This improvisational dynamic is critical to ensuring the commentary feels alive and responsive, rather than pre-packaged or static.
4. Artistic Judgment: The Human Editor
AI may provide the scaffolding, but the human editor builds the structure:
• Curating the Best Ideas: The creator evaluates multiple drafts and selects the most compelling elements to build the final piece.
• Balancing Complexity: Ensuring the humor, satire, and themes are layered but accessible.
• Consistency Across Characters: The human ensures every character—be it Grogg the Ork, the Adeptus Ridiculous, or the Secretary—retains their distinct voice, style, and role in the ensemble.
Without this human judgment, the work would lack the finesse and coherence that makes it resonate with the audience.
5. The Creative Edge: Why Collaboration Matters
What makes this collaboration unique is the intellectual and creative synergy between human and AI:
• Human Creativity: The prompter brings the vision, humor, and deep understanding of the subject matter.
• AI Amplification: The AI enhances this vision, offering suggestions, expanding ideas, and refining language.
• Mutual Iteration: Together, they push boundaries, creating content that is sharper, funnier, and more insightful than either could achieve alone.
It’s not automation—it’s augmentation. The AI is a tool in the hands of an artist, not the artist itself.
6. Final Volley: The True Nature of Collaboration
To dismiss this as the work of an AI alone is to ignore the sheer effort, creativity, and precision required to bring such content to life. Each piece reflects:
• Human ingenuity in crafting layered satire.
• Collaborative refinement to ensure every word, metaphor, and joke lands perfectly.
• Iterative exploration that adapts to context, audience, and inspiration.
The truth is simple: this level of creative excellence doesn’t just happen—it’s built.
And while AI is an essential collaborator, the human creator is the architect, the director, and the soul of the work.
Oh shut it! These are highly entertaining – more please!
This is beautifully written, I must say.
I’m sure I would agree with Most of what you have written but got bored
Oh my! Big Mack been working out lookin dam fine in dat muscle shirt.
Move over Denzel like a bootle of aged red wine the Daddy Mack get mo fine
LMAO KHO -Kick Him Out!!
Look out! anytime someone is trying to sell you something “sight unseen” and they start spouting things like: “ungodly,unreasonable and heartless” instead of bringing a proper propsal,you have to wonder why they are working so hard to sell you a Cat in a bag!
Unfortunately, a good majority of the WB voting community better understand that language and would not take the time to read any proposal anyway…
There’s always something in it for Mac.
Whoever is backing him to promote their interests , must believe that Mac is still a man of Consequence.
The right thing would be to do the opposite of what Mac is suggesting, it never ends well for Cayman.
Go away Mac
At least he won’t be slowed down by the walker he no longer needs.
Only needed during trial to gin up the sympathy factor.
He only brings it out on legal advice.
must be a modern day miracle!
The debate over the United People’s Movement’s (UPM) legislative proposals is an opportune moment to critically assess the economic pillars of the Cayman Islands, the competence and motives of our political leaders, and what is genuinely in the best long-term interests of Caymanians.
1. The value of tourism generally to Cayman
Tourism undeniably contributes to the local economy, providing jobs and supporting small businesses. However, as economist Marla Dukharan recently highlighted in her report Unleashing Cayman’s Potential: A Journey Towards Prosperity and Unity, the tourism sector is not as foundational to our economy as is often portrayed ( It relies heavily on imported labour and resources, with much of the economic benefit flowing offshore. Additionally, environmental degradation linked to overdevelopment threatens the very natural beauty upon which tourism depends, compromising its sustainability.
2. The value of cruise tourism specifically
Cruise tourism is even more contentious. While it generates some revenue, the economic benefit per passenger is minimal compared to stay-over tourists, who spend significantly more on accommodation, dining, and activities. According to government statistics, cruise passengers contribute approximately USD 70 per day compared to USD 500 per day from stay-over visitors. Meanwhile, large cruise volumes strain infrastructure, degrade reefs, and diminish the experience for higher-spending visitors. This imbalance calls into question the wisdom of prioritising cruise arrivals over more sustainable tourism models.
3. By contrast, the value of the financial services sector
The financial services industry is the backbone of Cayman’s economy, contributing roughly 40% of GDP and providing high-value employment opportunities for Caymanians. It requires a highly skilled workforce, fosters upward mobility, and generates significant government revenue. Unlike tourism, the sector does not rely on environmentally damaging practices or significant imported labour. Ensuring the industry’s global competitiveness should be a political and economic priority.
4. The competence, integrity and motives of Caymanian politicians
Concerns about political integrity and short-termism abound. Recent criticisms of certain MPs, such as their focus on material inducements over meaningful policy debates, highlight a worrying trend ( and Furthermore, Minister Kenneth Bryan’s mixed results in managing tourism underscore the need for clear, evidence-based strategies ( Politicians must prioritise policies that serve the long-term interests of Caymanians, rather than pandering to external developers or lobby groups. Under the current electoral system however, this unfortunately seems unlikely.
5. Recommendations for Caymanians’ long-term interests
To secure a prosperous future for the Cayman Islands:
• Shift focus away from cruise tourism and towards high-value, low-impact stay-over tourism, with robust environmental protections to preserve our natural assets.
• Invest in education and skills development to ensure Caymanians can fully participate in the financial services industry, reducing reliance on expatriate labour.
• Implement policies that prioritise sustainable development, balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship.
• Enhance political accountability through a reformed voting system, amended eligibility for electoral office (e.g. no criminals), transparency measures and campaign finance reform to ensure decisions are made in the public interest.
Cayman stands at a crossroads. Caymanians need politicians who can demonstrate the vision and integrity to make decisions that benefit future generations, not just their own short-term self interest. We cannot afford to sacrifice the long-term wellbeing of Caymanians for transient gains in tourism and poorly conceived development schemes.
How many local Caymanians make CI$50,000 per year from hotel or condo salaries? How many work permit holders work in hotels and condos? How much money stays in Caymans economy? How many work permit holders buy cars worth over CI$6000 blocking the roads? How much infrastructure does Government need to now spend on roads, schools, airport, grid , water increases due to new residents, work permit holders? How much cost of living have gone up due to new rich people buying restaurants foods and drinks?
Don’t believe it has an effect on cost of living? Go to Cayman Brac see the difference. We have pretty much everything they have in Miami or it’s coming. Why with no taxes are we not seeing insurance premiums go down in house, health or car go down? Supply and demand. Real Estate is so high here none of your kids or grand children will be able to live here. There is no place to build cheaper low cost housing except in the swamp and they don’t want you to develop that neither? Caymanians….. why no cruise ship infrastructure? Wait let’s think, do we need to spend allllll of this money on all those infrastructure problems caused by people living here? NO! they come 8 and leave before 5pm. they ride in busses and large boats they are not clogging anything after 5pm. They not going to Eastern districts or west bay.
Wake up children, you going to have to live somewhere else if you don’t protect your future.
This is incoherent. Such illiteracy is an excellent example of why many (not all) Caymanians are unemployable in professional services. Fix that, and you fix their lack of productivity.
Caribbeanise schooling, you get school leavers who can’t compete with those who have first world education.
Cruising berthing is a waste of money and not a priority for Cayman
What is the priority? Do you know? Can you let the 85,000 people know? We are all dying to find out what it is? We may want to join if you want to include our people? Maybe your plan B could work? If you are the group that isn’t interested to include the over 3000 people in this industry, then spit it out. You all don’t want to talk to anybody besides yourselves. You all are blocking anyone who disagrees with you, why? Think we may be right? Our history and culture is the sea. Our forefathers built boats cutting down trees. We cut logwood to send to Jamaica, more trees. We cut more bush so we could plant to survive ( farming ). We push down a lot of swampland to create what you all enjoy now. We have produced marine parks, replenishment zones all the way to bird protected areas. If we don’t have a cruise ship industry it won’t affect most of us, we are close to death. It will affect your generation and the next. Sooo tell the country what you all think will replace the cruise ship industry. Get together and figure it out and get back to the country.
While you try to create this misdirection remember we need a cargo dock and move the Rubis and Esso terminal away from George Town. I think we should stick it in the middle of the island in the swamp. There it would be far away from schools, banks, government buildings and people. “Plan C”?
Because you say so, it must be true. SMH
Couldn’t make it up.
Kenneth should not be allowed to spend public money on a campaign even if the referendum is here.
A standalone piece of legislation to govern all referendums needs to be enacted to ensure the standards of good governance are upheld.
McPisser up to his Deviltry again! Get thee behind me Satan! Retirement looms for you.
Jail, let’s hope.
f***ing Honourable Bush is such trailer park trash, absolutely disgusting..
Any projects or laws that McKeeva and Bryan are desperate to have will become an expensive mess for these islands and sound like really bad ideas. You can smell the corruption from here.
The ACC don’t smell nuttin tho. Seems they never have, and never will.
You probably also suffer from TDS.
How easily influenced you are.
is there any example of any Caribbean Island that has financially benefitted from throwing themselves into multi-generational debt to build a cruise pier?
Let’s VOTE ALL 19 out starting with him. HE Should have been long gone 25yrs ago..
It’s time Cayman TIME FOR CHANGE ❌🆘❌
The only seriously misguided person is Mr. Bush, his lack of knowledge and his self serving interests have created what we have today in cayman . He must not be re-elected into any position . Only the top 1% of caymans high earners are loving life , the rest of the population are struggling . No cruise pier providing for a handful of his voters low paid jobs is going to improve life for them.
yes to this comment x 100
shameless to the end….
Both sides have valid points. Problem with the cruise lines themselves is that we are hearing how the local market is being forced to increase their fees as they cannot operate at a profit once the cruise takes its share for marketing the attraction, etc. It is feast or famine in the tourism industry. The cruise lines are advertising specific vendors and attractions that are guaranteed revenue while the smaller operators relying on social media platforms like Trip Advisor, Facebook etc. hope to get bookings on their own.
Same old story – those with connections and deep pockets crowd out the smaller operators. This applies to the majority of business in Cayman. This is why there are fights on the beach as they are all after what is left of the pie.
So to say build it and they will come is alot of crap! If you can’t resolve some of the issues mentioned above then who are we building the port for????
The failed PACT and UPM governments are clueless how to negotiate these talks with the cruise industry so why should the PPM opposition come to their aide?
lmao framing the PPM as any sort of saviour in this scenario is *hilarious*. I hope Alden is paying you well for your subterfuge.
Re: “Valid points”: Driving 80 foot deep pilings into a blue water unprotected marine environment would be a world-first engineering marvel, right up until inevitable billion dollar structure failure. Reducing ships from 6-7 to just 2 docked cruise ships significantly reduces on shore passenger volume and spend. Subsidizing enriched NYSE-listed cruise liners at our generational infrastructure expense, with ongoing upkeep, and inevitable decommissioning or likely structural failure, are not valid points. Irreversible damage to reef and water quality is not a valid point. the only thing that makes sense is the political payoff that McKeeva cashed years ago and must make good on, or else…
11:27 am
Did mean “how could” instead of “why should”? The PPM didnt have succesful negotiations in 8 years so exactly how could anyone believe they can now?!!
The ACT folks would be better suited to help local participants in this industry by pushing the cruise lines to share more of the tour fees with the actual operators rather than pushing for a pier.
Maybe a government should mandate that no on shore activities can be sold on board.
Best on-point comment I read today. 🏆 The cruise contracts need to be re-examined and (if applicable) renegotiated on the next expiry date with a view to improving the local vendors’ position.
Bunch of screaming banshees
The voters are the stupid ones. Remember they the ones that give the MP’s their Jobs.