Dive shop social media insult stirs up viral outrage

(CNS): A thoughtless insult made on social media by the owners of a West Bay dive shop on Tuesday has stirred up a viral firestorm across the community, focusing on the growing divide and distrust between residents who are new (or ‘paper’) Caymanians or expat and the generational locals who live there. Indigo Divers recently installed a locked gate on their private dock adjacent to the public dock on the corner of North West Point in West Bay and indicated in a post that it was designed to keep out the “riff-raff’ and fishermen, which has outraged the community.
In less than 24 hours, district MPs, potential election candidates, on-air talk show hosts, Instagram and Facebook posters, meme creators, WhatsApp groups and even restaurants have all weighed in to name and shame the dive company and signal that the gate is one thing, but the insult is too much. T-shirts are also already on sale as many Caymanians choose to embrace the ‘riff-raff’ insult.
But the message is going well beyond the insensitive remark itself and has become illustrative of the feelings of local people and the worsening divide between them and expats, which is symbolic of the changing face of the country. Generational Caymanians see the best of Cayman slipping away as the culture and heritage are lost because of overdevelopment and the population grows rapidly through immigration.
Caymanians repeatedly see expats profiting from overdevelopment while they feel the loss of the once-tight social cohesion of a community not driven purely by profit margins.
Access to the shore and enjoying what the sea has to offer is tightly bound to local culture. However, over the last two decades, the pace and scale of development along the oceanfront have reduced that access to such an extent that it is now a real challenge for locals to get onto and enjoy the beach and locations where they once fished or where kids played on docks.
While the gate has been erected on private property to protect the dock from misuse and appears to be lawful, the insult that accompanied the post by the company owners, Katie and Chris Alper, who seemed to be proud of their move to keep people that they see as undesirable out, has cut deep in the community.
The anger has been further fuelled by their doubling down on the insult. They are now including the term “riff-raff” in their dive shop name and other social media profiles after pulling down their FaceBook page and disabling the TripAdvisor account because of the barrage of angry comments.
Pictures previously posted by the couple on social media were also circulating yesterday, showing what appears to be Chris Alper in a tasteless blackface fancy dress costume, which has added further fuel to the fire.
However, the Alpers have claimed that they did not mean to insult local people and erected the gate because of people littering, anti-social behaviour, drunkenness and fishermen gutting their catch on the dock and and not cleaning up after themselves.
Speaking to Radio Cayman News on Wednesday morning, Chis Alper, who has Caymanian status, said the insult was not aimed at Caymanians as a whole but at individuals who have been misusing his property.
“This is my front door,” he said, adding he did not want people coming to dive seeing leftover beer cans and fish guts all over the front of his business. He apologised to the community and insisted it was about people, regardless of who they were or where they were from, engaging in anti-social behaviour. “I’m not insulting Cayman. I love Cayman,” he told the radio station.
Andre Ebanks MP (WBS), in whose constituency the dive shop is located, paid a visit Tuesday and learned that the gate was erected on private property. There had been some confusion that the gate had been erected on the adjacent public West Bay dock. Ebanks spoke to the Alpers, who said they had finally had enough of the disruptive behaviour.
Ebanks said that the Alpers, as property owners, had a right to protect it. However, the MP noted the poor choice of words on the social media posts. In a social media post of his own he said he had asked the owner to apologise for the generalising and offensive language used.
“It’s unbecoming of us as a community,” Ebanks said, adding that he had asked the Alpers to reconsider whether the fence was actually needed and if it could be removed. “It is not reflective of who we are as a community. First things first, please apologise,” the MP posted.
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Category: Local News
If you are taking offense to the riff raff comments then you are no doubt part of the problem. No mention of. Caymanian was made. Get over it
“Come gather ’round, people, wherever you roam
And admit that the waters around you have grown
And accept it that soon you’ll be drenched to the bone
If your time to you is worth saving
And you better start swimmin’ or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times, they are a-changin'”
We Caymanians have a great opportunity to be part of positive change by becoming better educated and by participating in living in harmony with all who live on the Island. Bemoaning how we want how things used to be is not the answer. Listening to politicians who prey upon our own people and hope to get elected by pushing the narrative that they are victims is unacceptable.
There are so many opportunities out there take advantage of them.
Chris Alper, firstly, I am a Generational Caymanian. I would like to let you know if you are unsure what that means. I am a Caymanian by Descent – 5th Generation to be more precise. My citizenship can not be revoked. You have been given the PRIVILEGE through a Board that granted you your papers. This grant comes with loss provisions if you have forgotten.
Secondly, I am not upset about your negative comments because I don’t give a flying fart what you think of me. I know that you and others like yourself do this all the time behind closed doors but now you are blatantly rude and disrespectful in our face. This behaviour is not acceptable! Nor will it be tolerated by you or others like yourself. Generational Caymanians have had enough of your BS.
Thirdly, how is it that you can claim to have been here for thirty years yet obviously have no sense of ‘loyalty’ or ‘belonging’ to the country that granted you your Status? You are here for personal gains and nothing more obviously.
Finally, if this is the case, which more than likely it is due to your blatant disrespect and rudeness that you have displayed even though you have lived here for at least three decades, I implore you to do some serious reflection. If you are only here because of the sweet tax free Caymanian dollar, then I suggest you begin to look to relocate elsewhere that you would seem to be more welcomed, you will do better financially and have more sense of feeling for your superiority complexity. However, I know you are not going to pick up and leave because you know there is no better place on earth than here and you can rest assured no other country would put up with your negative attitude and behaviour other than your birth country, that you left to get away from all the BS that has been going on there forever and you do not want to go back to. So, develop some sense of loyalty and belonging now! If not, I will help to pay for your ticket back to Ohio or any other State in America that you choose.
Show me where in that post it said Caymanians are “riff-raff.” Because I did not see Caymanians referenced in that post. I saw a general term used for people that have no respect for another’s property.
The accusation was against riff-raff, not Caymanians. Sandy Hill whipped up hatred because that’s her business model, to drive clicks to her website from the assorted bottom-feeders, window-lickers, knuckle-draggers, half-wits, and village idiots who comprise the Cayman Marl Road readership.
It’s this lack of reading comprehension, sense of entitlement, ability to be so easily manipulated by xenophobic locals with an agenda, and readiness to throw a hissy fit which renders many Caymanians unemployable.
Here is another ‘Riff Raff’ defender spouting Generational Caymanian garbage. How about you educate your offended friends to at least pick up their trash when trespassing. Law abiding folks (of ANY status) are tired of others who have no respect of property and believe they are entitled due to where they were born. #Caymanentitlementtobehavelikeheathens.
caymanians for once in a long time you are being vocal under the guise of Generational and other such nomenclature. You dont have to be afraid of anyone in your own island bredren and sistren. Put your name so they know its us the Ebanks, Rivers, Bodden, Myles, Mcfield, Bryan, Smith Powery , Jackson, Scott, Merren etc etc.
Greetings ‘Caymanian by descent;’ so basically you as everyone else is a child of an expat! I love how you feel entitled by your birthplace and yet strive to demean those that simply can here later (and I might add brought Cayman from a third world mosquito haven into a better place to live and prosper). You should thank those that have brought your family prosperity. (Oh… and pick up your garbage as you trespass on other’s property – just common curtesy, if your parents/Cayman education didn’t teach you this!) Do I sound brash? Yes, I am tired of GC’s wanting/taking my money then basically telling me to leave. Your attitude is not what I encountered in 1984 when I first came here and fell in love with Cayman.
“…you are not going to pick up and leave because you know there is no better place on earth than here.”
Well ‘Mr. 5’th generational Caymanian,’ do you still live here; drive here; shop here? to make the statement above is displaying your complete lack of awareness of what has happened to Cayman. I won’t even go into the rest of your biased nonsense. And judging from the thumbs down your opinions are in the minority and does not represent Caymanians with more insight.
The comments were made against folks who were trespassing and littering. If you personally are offended by the fact these actions had occurred and were called out – I guess you are complicit and guilty as charged. Feel free to contact Indigo Divers and offer to help pick up the trash!
At no point was “riff-raff” defined as Caymanians. I have no doubt there are plenty of people regardless of their nationality that behave as “riff-raff.”
The dive company owns the land and the dock. It is not a public access point; therefore, they had the right to put up the gate. They have a right to protect their property, they have a right to post on social media. If the post specifically called out Caymanians then I could understand all the outrage but it did not say or infer that Caymanians are the “riff-raff” in question. Face it “riff-raff” exist in every nationality, every culture, every religion, EVERYWHERE.
I am blown away that Caymanians jumped to the conclusion that they were targeted by this post. And yes I know my comment is going to make many of you angry and before you ask, no I’m not Caymanian but I am a minority and I live on this island. I am not rich, I work my butt off to make a living. I do not trash others’ property, I do not use a private dock, I do not behave like “riff-raff” and because I do not behave that way I never for a moment thought that post was directed at me.
Of all the problems we have on this island, this is the issue CMR has decided to focus on. Possibly CMR and everyone angry about this should worry about getting people fired up over our crime rate, driving under the influence, politicians not following through on promises, overdevelopment, beach erosion, traffic, drugs…any of these issues deserve attention! Trying to run a business off the island because of a social media post is ridiculous.
So what should the people that have no respect for individual rights andleave trash on private property?
Sorry should have read So what should the people that have no respect for individual rights and leave trash on private property be called ?
It was an insensitive comment and the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back. May not be too late for a sincere, unconditional apology, but from what I am observing that may take an epiphany experience. On the other hand no one should be threatening violence if indeed that was done.
Apologies to who? He nor his wife never mentioned Caymanians when they referred to riff raff.
“Riff Raff/s” is a general noun and/or adjective describing person/people who have no respect for other persons, properties or belongings.
Why are these small village current/future politicians (and hopefully unsuccessful) representatives, with so little understanding of their political agendas, are joining force with this group of misguided and entitled people.
Where is Bernie? Did no one send him the memo for this important event?
Is that term comparative to Euro Trash?
Both are intentionally derogatory.
It’s not about politics but about foreigners who intentionally wear out their welcome, with acts like calling cohorts to intentionally block a public road with their vehicles, to try to block a lawful protest.
That police and tow trucks had to be called confirms that you such deserved to be thrown off the deep end.
NEW Definition of Terms:-
1. CAYMANIAN – A person possessing Caymanian Citizenship through Descent. No Loss Provisions Apply.
2. STATUS HOLDER – A person possessing Caymanian Citizenship through Grant. Loss Provisions Apply.
3. PERMANENT RESIDENT – A person possessing the ‘Rights’ to live and work in any of the three islands. Loss Provisions Apply.
4. LEGAL RESIDENT – A person possessing the means to finance themself throughout the duration of their stay. Maximum stay 6 months per year. Loss Provisions Apply.
5. WORK PERMIT HOLDER – A person possessing the ‘Rights’ to live and work throughout the duration of their work permit. Loss Provisions Apply.
6. Visitor – A person possessing the ‘Rights’ to stay up to a maximum of 1 month in the islands, without the Right to Work or Remain pass the expiration of the time given at the Point of Entry. Loss Provisions Apply.
The only ones offended are the actual riff raff.
A dozen or so of whom could be bothered to show up on Saturday afternoon.
I’m a Rif Raf that built this country so you can enjoy its now amenities. I’m offended by these words. What if we start calling people bimbos, ape, bogs, Cameal jockey, Charlie, gook just to name a few? I belive a lot of people would be quite offended.
Selective outrage and victim mentality for much ado about nothing.
Led by the pied piper of the stupids, CMR.
I think they mad because this guy and a lot of the dive boats used the public docks and the operators aren’t the friendliest (understand it business) but they were/are using the publics dock and the property across the road for their business. Indigo I believe still does as does it’s customers. So…………. it’s now extra rich!
In the Cayman Islands, there are several places where locals can access remedial English language training. Some key options include:
1. The Cayman Islands Further Education Centre (CIFEC): CIFEC offers a variety of adult education programs, including remedial English courses. These courses are designed to help improve literacy and language skills for those who need them.
2. University College of the Cayman Islands (UCCI): UCCI offers a range of academic and developmental programs, and they also offer remedial courses in English for those looking to improve their skills before pursuing more advanced studies.
3. The Adult Education Centre (AEC): This government-run service provides free English classes for adults. They focus on helping individuals improve their reading, writing, and speaking skills.
4. Private tutoring or small language schools: There are also a number of private tutors or small language schools that may offer remedial English language courses on a one-on-one or small group basis.
5. Non-profit organizations and community programs: Some community groups may offer English classes for those needing extra support, especially for immigrants or people with limited English proficiency.
Each of these institutions may have different schedules, fees, and admission requirements, so it’s a good idea to contact them directly for the most accurate and up-to-date information.
Manufactured outrage – was hardly and offensive post. Just leave the dive shop alone.
all the talk and complaints and caymarl talking their same crap their protest was the biggest joke. If it was such a big issue 1000s would have been there. not a handful lol lol 😆 😂 🤣
he has a right to say what he feels. Go drive by bodden town by the beach rif rif getting drunk same as west psy. Look at public beach. I’d it wasn’t for expats you all would be starving
at no point did the post call out locals or any nationality to be honest and I am not quite sure why our local population have embraced that this is about them. Its not like when people say that all Jamaicans bring their ghetto mentality and Phllipinos bring their poverty. Those things are geared towards specific parts of the population and we suck it up, but this one. no Caymanians were harmed in this post
It’s important to remember that not everything is an attack on a specific group. We live in a world where it’s easy to take offense, but sometimes a comment or action is just that, a comment or action, not a direct insult to any one person or group. Let’s focus on context and intent before jumping to conclusions. Not everything is about caymanians, and sometimes the best reaction is no reaction at all.
Those that gave 4:33 a thumbs down are likely the ones that are playing the victim card for gain. Hey crybabies, provide one piece of proof that the “Riff Raff” comment was directed at caymanians. Come on, enlighten us all! You know what happens to crybabies and blamers?… they get left behind. Think about that.
Bring back the Cayman Protection Board.
“Bring it back! Bring Back! Bring Back!” NOW!
4:25 – have you asked the Need Assessment Unit for a raise?
Tick Tock. Tick Tock. TICK TOCK!
‘Generational Caymanians’/’Caymanians of Descent’/”Caymanians As of Right’, I implore you to envision a Cayman Islands some twenty years from now.
The question for the incoming new government should be ‘Who should We Grant Citizenship to going forward?’
The Caymanian Citizenship should neither be taken lightly nor for granted by anyone privileged to receive it. Currently, both cases are happening in our country. This is clearly shown by persons who claim to have been here for thirty years yet display blatant rudeness and in-your-face BS that should never be done by anyone who has lived here for such a time and I am not only talking about the sign that Chris Alper displayed.
As a writer in an article I read stated “Safeguarding citizenship, emphasizing that nationality is tied to loyalty and belonging, not personal gains” the New Immigration Reform Laws MUST highlight the sincerity of the statement above. These notions should therefore be enshrined in our New Reformed Immigration Laws.
In our New Reformed Immigration Laws “There [should] be [NO COMPROMISE] on preserving [Caymanian] national identity”. NONE!
With that said, most of us older ‘Generational’ Caymanians’ will have left this earth and the current ‘New Caymanians’, their children, and grandchildren will be in charge of the Cayman Islands. These persons will continue to be the business owners, the CEOs and CFOs, the ‘Real Estate Moguls’ the Anti-Anything that is relatable to our Caymanian Heritage/Cultural/History group of people, and no doubt, lest we forget, Politicians in the future.
With the current social divide in our country, and its growing harm to safeguarding the peacefulness of such a diverse country, that is the ENVY of many developed and developing countries, the question then begs to be asked, ‘Who’s interest will such persons look out for if immigration reform is not carried out by the new government formed in April 2025?
To ensure that the Cayman Islands in such a time is a country that has not sold its people, its culture/heritage, and its history for the almighty dollar, the new government MUST have the ‘guts/wisdom/interest/foresight/loyalty’ to carry out a much needed Immigration Reform and the new Laws that are written and gazetted should be those that put the best interest of Generational Caymanians and their extended families at the core.
No doubt, no one wants to hear the words ‘IMMIGRATION REFORM’. However, it is time for serious reform. There will be backlash from interest groups and other self-serving groups that are among us. However, I IMPLORE the new government, that will be formed in April 2025, to create the legacy of safeguarding rather than the current and past actions of governments of the Cayman Islands, which was/is to enrich self first at all cost to the country and its people.
The time to safeguard the Culture/Heritage/History and Well Being of Generational Caymanians for the future generations of Caymanians ‘As of Right’, is no doubt, NOW!
If the government had fixed the public dock, they wouldn’t have been an issue.
But the Generational Caymanian MLA’s are more focused on future overdevelopment rather than repairing the existing infrastructure.
Who is the MLA in WestBay and why has he not had the dock repaired? that should be the question.
And why would you vote them back in?
So true. The public dock at Barcadere Marina hasn’t been repaired since damaged 2+ years ago.
It’s dangerous!!!
Nor has the public dock at Morgans Harbour, nor has the public dock at the Catboat Club… need I go on?
“They are now including the term “riff-raff” in their dive shop name and other social media profiles after pulling down their FaceBook page and disabling the TripAdvisor account because of the barrage of angry comments.”
You sure about that, CNS? I just looked at the Google.com Overview entry, and it looks identical to your second thumbnail other than the fact that it says Indigo Divers, not Indigo Riff raff. You pull that screenshot yourself? Because either they changed it back, or it looks awfully like someone manipulated a copy of the actual image just to put some more fuel on the fire.
Its my Sea, ill do what I want.
Would you feel that way if discarded condoms, fish guts, beer bottles and other trash were dumped on your property daily?
Prove it! LMAO
Make dart takes his down first at CiYC yacht club Thanks !
Dart can do it I don’t see why I can’t do it cheaper ! Monkee see monkee do !
Some people got nothing better to do then worry about someone else’s dock. Get a life. The people worried about this are worse than riff raff. They just straight up stupid.
Smooth brains led by the chief loud mouth grifter feeding on their insecurities.
If you’re not the ones trashing the Indigo Divers dock and bathroom, this should be a non-issue but grifters gonna grift and her idiot followers will do her bidding and she gets to post the protest on Facebook for clicks and cash.
Alarming and also amazing how local people absorb and own the racist insults..
eg. I remember the English high school teacher who loved to call our students Unruly.
that was a new moniker for our dear children, but they absorbed it, wore it, and many lived up to the name! unfortunately.
At least these rabble rpusing expats verbalized it with patent entitlement and pompous self indignation.
Many others spout the vile comments and opinions within their putrid circles.
“Unruly” is the most mild term for some of them!
Better take the gates off all these gated communities now and see how they react in a couple of months
How are these two things related?
Unnecessary and inappropriate barriers. All of them.
4:50 – Go and jump the perimeter gates of the homes of the rich parliament members. When they come out, you tell them what you stated above.
It amazes me this is a topic of conversation.
Never mind the outstanding mass shooter in West Bay. let’s talk about someone mentioning the word Riff Raff.
As people have said where in this comment does it mention Caymanians as Riff Raff. It can mean absolutely anyone. Or are Caymanians just the world’s victims?
The vitriolic witch hunt and the threats to these people and “Cayman kind” CMR supporters stirred up by Ms. Hill/Catron a convicted Cyber Bully is hateful, what do Tourists and the world press think of this? It’s hardly the Cayman kind everybody talks about.
Maybe these CMR Victims, Andre Ebanks, and Kenneth Bryan are ok for any ‘ Riff Raff” to come into their backyard or maybe use their pool /Shed/ backyard? I think not
As for the MPs please concentrate on Education/Crime/ SMB Erosion/ Cost of living and stop electioneering
By the way before you ask I’m Caymanian from WB and Andre just lost my vote
We get it bobo you’re socially tone deaf and can’t digest this further than “someone said riff raff”
We don’t care about the gate. I don’t want to use their private property. I want people who come here to respect Cayman and its natives.
Cool blame shifting.
“CaymanKind”, once known to be a marketing phrase for DoT, has now become synonymous with our willingness to open our doors, bend over, and tell any and everyone to come have fun. You fit this description perfectly to be frank.
Your what-aboutness deflects from the deeper issue here.
Such victims you could not be more right