Bush to retain trappings of office

| 12/02/2021 | 102 Comments
Cayman News Service
Speaker McKeeva Bush

(CNS): Speaker McKeeva Bush will retain his prestigious office until Election Day, despite the decision by Premier Alden McLaughlin to call an early election and dissolve, or prorogue, Parliament. By avoiding dealing with a no confidence motion, McLaughlin has ensured that Bush will retain all of the trappings and financial benefits that go with his high office until Election Day, when the current administration ends.

The premier claimed in his recent statement that by dissolving parliament Bush would no longer be the speaker because the dissolving of Parliament would “have the effect of vacating the seat”. However, in reality, while he will not be presiding over any actual proceedings in the House, he has not been removed from the office.

Speaking to CNS this week, Ezzard Miller MP said that the premier’s snap election has not made any difference to the fundamental point that the government is refusing to act to remove him from office despite his conviction for a violent assault. Instead, the premier has used the controversy for political expediency, as he has gambled that the PPM and the Unity candidates have a greater chance of retaining their seats by bringing the election forward, Miller said.

He stressed again that McLaughlin’s claims that a no confidence motion would have led to the collapse of the government were unfounded and that even if they were not, the timetable for the election did not need to be changed. He pointed out that there are still no consequences for Bush as a result of this move and the Cayman Islands still has a speaker convicted for a violent crime against a woman, even if he has no official public duties to perform.

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Comments (102)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Just remember the voters are the stupid ones,not the Policiations, they get close to a million dollars, plus free pension and medical for life for themselves and their wives, all for the 4 years that you voters gave them by voting for them, think about it, what yoy voters got ?

  2. Chris Johnson says:

    Those in the financial community here believe that Bush is a complete joke but moreover he is screwing up all we have achieved in the last fifty years. Long term term expats, many still here today, together with local Caymanians built an incredible offshore financial centre. Their names are legendary and put us on the financial map and included the likes of Bill Walker, Jim McDonald, Vassel Johnson, Brian Bothwell, Arthur Hunter, John Collins. There are many others. They were supported by the politicians of the day including the Honourable Norman Bodden and the Honourable Benson Ebanks and the Honourable Truman Bodden amongst others.

    Bush on the other hand has embarrassed the islands so much that those in the financial community have not only to proffer apologies but need explain where Cayman is going whilst this Baffoon remains in any office.

    I for one am unable to answer that question.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said. In fact, Truman Bodden was the last leader of government in the last 25 years that left the Cayman Islands with a surplus in the budget. Now how many other leaders (in the last 25 years) of our government can say that? None of them. Facts.

    • Anonymous says:

      We would like to know what Bush got on the orher M P’s , that they condone to women beating by being afraid and not speaking out against it

  3. Anonymous says:

    25 years ago? so in the 1990’s then. Cayman First Bank. Cayman Water attempted forced sale to foreign investors. No doubt other questionable situations. Roll forward a few years and the brazen Stan Thomas land deal and others come into view. A long long list. Sooner he’s out of office the better, and not just him.

  4. Anonymous says:

    You jut do not “get it” Cayman!
    By leaving him in place;
    Retains “Honorable” title
    Generous retirement package
    Generous severance package
    Clean heart
    Clean hands
    And that lovely halo he wears!


  5. Anonymous says:

    If there was ever someone whose time has come and gone, then McKeewa is top of the list, marginally ahead of the leader of Make America Great Again. There was a time, maybe 25 years ago, that Big Mac was a leader to follow and be proud of, no matter what party affiliations you had. But admiration for him, nationally, has waned, and only the select few now lap up his every word and deed.

    A good politician is likely to be caught up in controversy once in his or her career. But Big Mac has had a number of controversies, and I’d say far too many, and most are too serious to ignore. A good politician would see the writing on the wall and at least do the honourable thing, resigning while there is still a sliver of integrity left. But not Big Mac. He’s wringing every drop of support from other politicians who believe he is key to their continuance at the trough.

    How the voters in WBW, and his various bots, can stomach this man remaining on stage, collecting his undeserved salary, defies logic. He’s clearly learned his trade well from the worst of Jamaica’s politicians from the bad old times, when only crooks qualified for high office.

    Perhaps the voters in WBW should ask for a lot more money from Mac this time around, to see if he still has the stomach for corruption at any cost.

    But come April, VOTE HIM OUT. Do the right thing.

    • Anonymous says:

      48% of the vote was for the Make America Great Again, so he is well ahead of Mckeeva

      • Anonymous says:

        Make that 75 million people. These cretins who are so self absorbed in their Trump Derangement Synxrome still cannot get over him, even now that he is out of the spotlight. Get a life, find a hobby, stop obsessing.

        • Anonymous says:

          7:47, But didn’t Biden win over 80 million votes the most in American history?

          The problem with the Trump cult is that they cannot accept the basic fact that Biden won the election in a landslide.

          Wonder who really is deranged? All those who attacked and trashed the Capitol on January 6 were Trump people.

          Not easy getting over the trashing of the Capitol.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Our Government encourage criminal activity in the community, I say this because our government release convicted criminal back into our society to commit more crimes which they do. Our government fail to prosecute MLA’s/ MP’s for their criminal wrong doings. Only in Cayman MP’s and criminal have more rights than the working class people in society. sometime I thing they plan giving a free pass out of prison to convicted criminals to distract what they are doing and to just change the topic of their own wrong doings.

    • Anonymous says:

      Our government does its bit to rehabilitate convicted criminals by giving them jobs – step forward Austin, Kenneth and Mac.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Only thing he should retain is the wig.

  8. Anonymous says:

    McKeeva has been convicted, but what about the other politicians that beat women?

    At least when McKeeva was in power Caymanians had jobs and business was good.

    Alden in power deprives Caymanians of opportunity and gives opportunities to rich foreigners.

    • Anonymous says:

      As a rich foreigner, I’m counting down the days post COVID until I can leave, taking my money and jobs with me.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wah wah whataboutism… This isn’t about the others and it isn’t about Trump (other posts trying to compare this spit of sand to the USA LOL! THIS IS ABOUT MCKEEVA BUSH

      • Anonymous says:

        But the concept of political fear is the same with Bush in Cayman and Trump in America.


        McKeeva practices, like Trump, raw political power.

  9. Anonymous says:

    No one on this island tells McKeeva Bush what to do. How is that? Why is that? He is the cultural King of the Cayman Islands. Forget words you hear and trust your eyes. The Caymanian Culture Code trumps all mans laws in these islands.

    • Anonymous says:

      So it’s cool to beat women in Cayman culture?

      • Anonymous says:

        As long as you can get away with it and some can but some no can. The King apparently can beat his servants here.

    • Hubert says:

      8:52, You must be new to the Islands. The answer is simple. When you have the political goods on every politician in the Cayman Islands you have nothing to fear. You can do anything.

      Similar to Trump who said in 2016, “ I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot someone and I would lose no voters”.

      What you are seeing with McKeeva and Trump is absolute raw political power driven by fear.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not at all similar to Trump, idiot. Trump has had to face the music 2x. He has lost the election as well. Bush will be reelected. Not at all similar.

        • Anonymous says:

          And if we get a hung parliament again, where Bush can act as kingmaker, he may even get back in as Speaker or even a ministerial post.

        • Hubert says:

          3:42, I know it is very Trumpian to call people idiots and other names but please try and be more civilized in your discourse when posting. You are not on Twitter.

          The majority of the Republican Senate let Trump off the hook for serious crimes. The reason they did that was because the voters in the states they represent would come after them. Fear is an excellent weapon in politics. Just look what has already happened to Senator Cassidy in Louisiana.

          Trump will run again in 2024 because the Republican Senators allowed him to by their cowardice, just like the politicians in Cayman, who lacked the courage to do anything to Bush last year even though the evidence against him was overwhelming just like the evidence with Trump.

          • Anonymous says:

            Calling you an idiot… not at all Trumpian… if the shoe fits, stop complaining. Also, while you are at it, seek help for your Trump Derangement Syndrome. Find something else to obsess about, like the small size of your shoes.

            • Miami Dave says:

              7:50, Many people do become deranged when someone attempts to overthrow a democratically elected President. Historically, those people have had strong authoritarian and fascist tendencies, suspect you are one of those people that causes many people to become deranged, together with your hero Trump.

          • Anonymous says:

            Sorry, I don’t do Twitter. I’ll remember to be a bit more civilized if you remember to get over your derangement syndrome.

            • Anonymous says:

              Thankfully your cult leader was banned from Twitter. You certainly must have been disappointed.

          • Anonymous says:

            Evidence against Trump was overwhelming? Please tell me what your smoking so that I can avoid it.

  10. Anonymous says:

    I was downvoted for saying Cayman is a banana republic.

    Without the tax free status Cayman would be a third world dump. Give the expat residents the vote and replace the inbred uneducated corrupt government and authorities.

    Roll out UBI for the lazy or at least put them in further education or on trash collection. Build parks, health facilities and entertainment zones.

    I can see why people leave after a year

    • Anonymous says:

      I bet you wouldn’t dare put your name to this post?

      Why? Because, YOU, just like Alden, Moses, Roy, Julianna, Joey, Dwayne, Barbara, David W., Austin, Tara and Eugene, would rather keep your priveleged perch and money that you made in CAYMAN that you wouldn’t f’n make anywhere else than do the right thing.

      McKeeva is one of nineteen seats. So what if the poor, disinfranchised and now woefully dependent people of his single constituency vote him back in. He is ONE of NINETEEN.

      One of NINETEEN. What are the other ELEVEN PEOPLE DOING? Protecting their own interests.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sad but true. Also sad is that some folks think that it will get better.
      IT WON’T! ……………… until we get rid of the trough-feeders.

  11. Anonymous says:

    I don’t understand why so much comments and no one can signed their name to the comments. You all are cowards, no better than the individuals we elect to represent us.

    Carline Berry

    • Anonymous says:

      I can’t sign my name! I might be kicked out of the country……… or be found dead in some ditch.

    • Anonymous says:

      Really, all this time and you still don’t understand? #notAfool

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      You don’t understand how cayman society works. You obviously don’t understand West Bay. Live there for a few years and you will understand and have your answer.

      • Anonymous says:

        Look, I’ve lived and voted in WB for over 30 years and that means nothing in itself – before that I voted in BT. I have never been offered nor accepted personal benefits from any politician!! They know who to target with their overtures!! What means something is the integrity of people ALL OVER the island and in many countries overseas including the great USA who SELL their votes to their favourite politicians for material things or direct assistance! That is what keeps many politicians in power!

        It is simply based on targeting and manipulating poorly educated and “less” well-off folks (Trump did it successfully in 2016 and thereafter with US Government covid-stimulus cheques bearing his name) and IS NOT unique to West Bay or Cayman – it is all over the world. IT is called CORRUPTION!!

        Corrupt people create and support corrupt politicians!! So Big Bobo, if you’re inferring all of the above in you comment about “living in WB” and further inferring that ALL WB voters fit that bill – well it may include you but, as the old folks used to say “exclude me out”!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Don’t think Big Bobo inferred ALL VOTERS. Believe that is your inference. Read carefully again what he said.

        • Anonymous says:

          You had a good argument, until you brought Trump into the conversation. Btw, the Democrats buy far more votes than the Repubicans, especially the poor vote, which is by and large far greater Democrat.

          • Anonymous says:

            Hell, if one was poor in America one would be a jackass to support the Republicans. Just look at how the Republicans are doing everything now to block a $15 an hour minimum wage by 2025.

            No wonder poor people in America support the Democrats.

            Must say the Republicans and Trump bought all the hedge fund people and major real estate people with the 2017 tax cut budget. They bought all these people in those 2 industries. Just ask any hedge fund manager in America.

  12. Anonymous says:

    From the Compass news report either Bush has had a sudden miraculous memory recovery or he has lied under oath about having no recollection of the assault.

  13. Angus says:

    I don’t understand what the problem is?

    Private sector gives golden parachute every day.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Totally an ass!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Hope Alden enjoyed the last thing he will ever do as an mp! Loser!

  16. Anonymous says:

    Pure smoke and mirrors from Alden! I never thought I would see the day that he turned so duplicitous!

  17. Anonymous says:

    Did you hear him on the radio airing other MPs dirty laundry? I hope he oust each and every single one of them; after that, no one will have any more reason to keep quiet. WBW needs some dignity and self-respect.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Excuse me for a minute. I need to throw up!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Are you drunk? Don’t beat any ladies up

    • Anonymous says:

      Same! Ive seen a lot of political crap in my days but this is up there with the biggest bunch of BS so far. They didn’t want to collapse the government… so they … collapsed the government (dissolved/collapsed – tomato/tomato). Moved the elections and all for what? In hopes of beating the newcomers by majorly cutting their campaigns short. This should be illegal in more ways than one. It’s dripping wet with selfishness, corruption and not to mention defends horrible abuse against women. For God’s sake Cayman, vote them out! Who else is running in WBW? Whoever it is we should start an anonymous GoFundMe type account to find their campaign. He can’t get in again! That would just be the icing on the “Screw You Cayman!” cake.

      • Joshua Dryer says:

        Who are you so guiltless foreigner(s) who have never seen or heard of a snap election in your miserable native countries. Take ya meat outa we rice. Better yet stop walking our beaches and driving on our roads, stop buying food from our supermarkets since you find us so uncultured. Try it nah. Bunch a hypocrite foreigners. Make fun for now.

      • Anonymous says:

        I vote in WBW and agree totally with you. I’m disgusted!

        Yes, I could run but I would never tarnish my name getting caught-up in Cayman’s politics when all people want are personal handouts and “political colleagues” expect blind loyalty and allegiance, rather than genuine concern for and attention to the community’s needs. Never!

        But I certainly won’t be voting for McKeeva Bush!!

    • Anonymous says:

      “…throw up…” so tacky and overused ..try to express yourself intelligently…don’t use the word “vomited” either. Thanks

  19. Anonymous says:

    If the House of Parliament is prorogued (dissolved), what is McKeeva the Speaker of? Of course this ends his time in office as “Speaker of the House”.

    • Anonymous says:

      You clearly missed the fact that while he won’t be presiding over any meetings, he is still receiving “all of the trappings and financial benefits” of the high position.

      • Anonymous says:

        Disgusting, isn’t it! Convicted criminals should not be considered for any government office. Life imprisonment would be the way to go for crimes by our elected “leaders”.

      • Anonymous says:

        How do you know that to be a “fact”?

    • Anonymous says:

      No it doesn’t. Just the same as the Premier is still the Premier. And now, even if he doesn’t get re-elected Speaker – could happen folks- history books will show him as the first speaker and not that he was removed from that office.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Truly pathetic. And now normal for Cayman Islands. Nothing will change. Prepare for many more years of weird Government.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Sad corruption him and dart need go darn leaches

    • East end man says:

      How is DART a leach?

      • Anonymous says:

        The main mission of DART and the legion of Dartbots is to siphon off everything of value in the Cayman Islands until there is nothing left for anyone else, except the rock in the ocean.

        Sadly like leeches, they have no conscience, just out for bloody greed. And even if he is successfully extradited and convicted in the US for tax evasion amongst other crimes, Uncle Sam will receive the lumpsum, not Bobo nor Teedee.

        He has a long track record blowing up the economies of Brazil, Greece, and Argentina. None of these countries have financially recovered since. Looks like the Cayman Islands will be added to this list shortly. I have no pleasure in this lecture.

        Three words: Private equity malpractice. The country’s economy is constantly inflated like a balloon until it pops. When it pops, we all will be held liable for all the debt getting to this point, NOT DART. He will just jump ship to another country that will fall for his “pump and dump” scheme. Don’t believe me: Dr. Google is your best friend.

        If you didn’t know, now you do.

        • Anonymous says:

          Caymanians sold this Island. What is the problem. Go buy it back

          • Anonymous says:

            With what millions?

            I don’t know about you but many CANNOT afford the DART/Bovell tax.

            The group of locals you speak of are the subset of sellouts, not the modest many.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s all true, folks, although some details might have been removed from the records. Little things like failing to pay taxes, etc. Multi-millionaires have ways of making changes in the records.

          • Anonymous says:

            Better believe he has the money and the means to scrub the internet of articles that pop up in a search engine.

            Better save them while you can. The ones I’ve seen have already disappeared.
            Like magic.

        • Anonymous says:

          Well said. Don’t forget Alden’s conspiracy and collusion too.

        • anon says:

          8.12pm A lot of his charitable projects, and above all Camana Bay can’t jump with him, and this island is a far better place for them.

        • alaw says:

          8:12 If DART change his NAME, all his Money and Works will be Welcome!!

      • Anonymous says:


  22. Anonymous says:

    Thank God, I will never live in a country where Alden McLauchlin and McKeeva Bush of the al-Beeta tribe ever have a say in my life again.
    Beat your women in your own country. I cannot understand Roper’s silence.

    He bloody well needs to resign. His answer… 50 more recruits.

  23. Anonymous says:

    ELECTIONS LAW (2017 Revision) Page 55

    96. The following persons shall be deemed to have committed the offence of treating under this Law-

    (a) every person who corruptly, by himself or by any other person, either before, during or after an election, directly or indirectly, gives, or provides or pays, wholly or in part, the expenses of giving or providing any food, drink, entertainment or provision to or for any persons for the purpose of corruptly influencing that person, or any other person, to vote or to refrain from voting at such election, or on account of such person or any other person having voted or refrained from voting at such election; and

    (b) every elector who corruptly accepts or takes any such food, drink, entertainment or provision.

    99. A person who commits the offence of bribery, treating or undue influence under this Law, or of procuring, counselling, aiding or abetting any such offence is liable on summary conviction before a magistrate to a fine of two thousand dollars or to imprisonment for twelve months.


    Q. Has anyone (a) filed a complaint to the Supervisor of Elections, and/or (b) to Magistrate Kirsty-Ann Gunn for violations of the conditions of the court?!?

    • Anonymous says:

      Is an illegal status grant “a provision” accepted by an elector, or are our robust and impartial law enforcers happy to leave that apparently stinking pile alone?

    • Anonymous says:

      Unfortunately it’s not an absolute offence – simply providing the food, entertainment is not an offence, you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was a corrupt intention. So if the treater takes care not to ask people to vote for him, or has some BS excuse for the party, almost impossible to convict. Law is toothless.

    • Anonymous says:

      But not part of the Pirate code and therefore irrelevant. It’s all just a cultural misunderstanding. Bush is Pirate King for life and honorable by pirate law.

  24. Monty Python says:

    Do you mean to say he will keep his wig and his African dictator gown?.

    • BeaumontZodecloun says:

      Excellent point. If only we could mandate that he had to wear them forevermore, I would somehow feel …. avenged.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Has any member of the House filed the ethics breach complaint of his holding a treating event on Dec 26, and the impact that would have in violation of his non-custodial criminal sentence? If Bush is remanded to HM Northward for >1yr for violation of probationary release, he is no longer qualified to be a member of Parliament ever again, ergo disqualified from Speaker position, Chair of OT Committee, and other honorable titles. Checkmate. Except that nobody’s done that. Why?

    • Anonymous says:

      Why has nobody done that?…… It’s because they are afraid of losing their place at the trough.

      • Anonymous says:

        We can only hope the FCO are watching and will step in like they did a few years ago before the Chinese had a chance to add another layer of corruption.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get those complaints in!

    • Anonymous says:

      No, because they all do them.

    • Dottie Parker says:

      Or maybe some of us have and are waiting on the investigation to be completed by those committees.

      I am so tired of the disparaging comments about Caymanians.

      Some of us are out here standing up against injustice and trying to hold the government accountable, despite the loss of income and blacklisting for doing so.

    • Anonymous says:

      Simple answer: They are ALL trough-feeders.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Just a quick observation… Removing bush as speaker = instability in government, while dissolving the entire band = stability. Revolutionary thinking…

  27. Anonymous says:


  28. Junior says:

    Totally arrogant man. Needs to step down but of course he wont.

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