PPM: Officials ‘cannot turn blind eye’ to abuse in trial

| 05/03/2024 | 42 Comments
Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart (file photo)

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has called for action to address the “deliberate and disquieting abuse of process” by the crown last month in the case against McKeeva Bush, who had been charged with the indecent assault of two female civil servants. The PPM leader pointed out that the abuse was “of such gravity” that it led the judge in the case to discharge Bush and said that Governor Jane Owen and the Judicial and Legal Services Commission cannot simply turn a blind eye” to what has happened.

“The judge found that the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Royal Cayman Islands Police Service, in their determination to mount a case against MP McKeeva Bush, engaged in an abuse of process that threatened the integrity of the justice system,” McTaggart said in a statement released Monday. “This is a very damning finding.”

Bush had been accused of assaulting the women at a cocktail reception at the Ritz-Carlton during the Caribbean Tourism Association conference in September 2022 — allegations that he denied.

McTaggart said he now expected an announcement over what action would be taken to address the findings of the judge but that he would not comment further until the opposition sees what action will be taken by both the governor and the JLSC.

So far, there has been no comment from the JLSC, while the governor issued a very short statement on Monday indicating that she was waiting on the judge’s full written ruling on his decision to stay the case, which is expected by the end of this month, before commenting on the situation.

See the two statements below:

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Category: Courts, Crime, Politics

Comments (42)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    This time Mr Bush. How many poor men has it happened to in the past?

  2. Anonymous says:

    at 6.22 In this case they are talking about abuse of power by DPP, where is your outrage?
    On this occasion it was Mac, next time it could be you or someone you care about.

  3. Anonymous says:

    another day in paradise….#DatsCayman

  4. Anonymous says:

    Moses Kirkconnell is not involved in the sale of watches

  5. Anonymous says:

    Man, Roy sure is the king of selective outrage. The dinosaur has been radio silent until now and suddenly its the biggest issue on the planet for him?

    • Anonymous says:

      3.14. A comment on the abuse by DPP please.

      • Anonymous says:

        What abuse? The women were victims of conduct that is criminalised under our laws. Whether they wanted him prosecuted or thought they were giving a statement or not is irrelevant. The laws must be enforced, all relevant evidence (meaning evidence that helps the jury make up its mind) must go before it, and that’s that. This is just another slippery escape by Mac, that’s all. It’ll take the judge’s full ruling to convince me he should have been discharged and he should be tried again in any event.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Drunk and disorderly. . . again.

  7. Anonymous says:

    ‘..deliberate and disquieting abuse of process’…huh? What you all politricians been doing for centuries..April Fools Day again!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Well said! And having a machete waved at you when try to stop them and get them off property!

  9. Anonymous says:

    The Defendant, Mr.B was simply improperly charged. It should not have to been relied upon by the victims. Mr. B should have been charged with Drunk and Disorderly Contact, Public Intoxication and a Breach of Ethics or Morals as a public servant. Obviously, the evidence speaks for itself that it was perpetrated upon two females, however the charges should have been based on prosecution by the state, not as an assault on two witnesses who then changed their position and opinion in Court after giving sworn affidavits and depositions of testimony prior to the trial.

    CNS: Neither of the women changed their position. That is the point. Read this article again because you haven’t understood it.

  10. Jus Dis says:

    “Can’t turn a blind eye”? We’re actually very good at doing that Roy. Hold my beer and watch this spot!

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe the former governor was an enthusiastic participant in the Mac Bush saga….before he left.

    • Anonymous says:

      So Jus Dis you disagree with Roy and you feel that it is proper to turn a blind eye to this abuse of process?

      • Jus Dis says:

        Not at all. That’s not what I meant to convey. I was speaking in general terms as to what those in power in Cayman too often do. And that their examples over many years have resulted in what we have today – corruption! How about you?

    • Anonymous says:

      So Jus Dis you are really good at turning a blind eye eh?

  11. Anonymous says:

    But you can turn a blind eye to convicted drug dealers holding office and to very obvious breaches of behavioural conduct such as using govt credit cards for gambling, assault of a woman and drunken MP’s at official functions.

  12. Anonymous says:

    The head of DPP and the RCIPS investigation team needs to be fired, that much should be clear to everyone, including the RCIPS investigation team and head of DPP. The witness statement did not match the prosecution. There’s only one word for it: lazy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lazy? You think the decision to prosecute this as indecent assault based on this evidence and a hostile witness was either lazy or incompetent? The decision to prosecute a sitting MLA is a biggie, and presumably sanctioned by the DPP personally. Who is a well qualified lawyer clearly capable of assessing the evidence and the prospects of a conviction, yet decided to go ahead anyway. I would be amazed if the decision was reached without someone indicating to the DPP what was required. Question is, who. And whether the DPP is going to quietly take the blame. Or a bit like the Doctors Express saga, will it be kicked down the road until its out of the news cycle. Next up – Mac sues the DPP for malicious prosecution and gets a seven figure settlement!

  13. Anonymous says:

    Progressives ypu more than any other group of politicians are aware where the fault lies, you created the secret system.

    Roy some of us pity you.

    You inherited a very tainted grpup who failed to clean up the mess when they had the opportunity to do that.

    • Anonymous says:

      So 6.10 you had knowledge of this secret system and did nothing about it. Now you will have to accept blame also.

    • Anonymous says:

      @ 6:10 In your haste to show your hatred of the Progressives you completely ignored the subject of the article. The statement is issued on ‘The Progressives’ letterhead, however CNS headlined the article “PPM” etc. So that’s not confusion on the part of The Progressives, ask CNS why they did so.A number of people tend to use either name at times. If you are confused just contact the Progressives what name to use.
      What the statement shows is that Roy is concerned about the abuse of the system and that this should not happen to any of us..friend or foe.
      Sure Mc needs to be held accountable for his actions but this has to follow a lawful process.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey Anon at 6.10 What is your opinion on DPP abusing the legal process in their efforts to get a conviction against a member of the public maybe even you or a family member?

  14. Anonymous says:

    This is as serious as it could get, yet based on the number of comments, members of the public don’t understand it.

  15. Anonymous says:

    PPM shut up and sit dowm, actually LEAVE.

    PPM cannot even determine who they are – one day PPM next day the PROGRESSIVES.

    You suffer from an identity disorder.

    Fire your public relations person trying to make you relevant.

  16. Anonymous says:

    The Deputy Governor is touting ACCOUNTABILITY, ACCOUNTABILITY for the Civil Service.

    Will he now have two former Directors of ODPP in his office now?

    Or will this latest one be held accountable and get the boot?

  17. Anonymous says:

    Sit tight and see what transpires. My guess is that this is not all it seems.

  18. Anonymous says:

    The DPP has been doing this for decades in Cayman. They do whatever they want and bring nonsense cases to the courts in hopes of destroying even the smallest in our society over perceived crimes. They need a complete overhaul and the heads fired! Nothing else is acceptable. The law is for everyone, even Mckeeva Bush deserves to be dealt with fairly.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nearly perfectly said.

      Mr. Bush has violated many laws, procedures, policies, gpood conduct and good governance during his too long public office.

      However, the old tested sayimg is again proven correct in this matter:


      It is clear who did the first wrong.

      Now wee need to know to identify those persons who did the second or more wrongs, then take appropriate actiom against them.

      The public knows that will never happen because our governance and justice system is totally corrupted and distrusted.

      Millions os dollars will npw be wasted in another investigation, another court case and payimg false arrest damage claims to Mr. Bush.

      The lodge member brothers and sisters will gather arround to ensure the guilty persons will never suffer the consequences of their unlawful actions.

      That will never happen

      They are all pigs in the pig sty feeding from the same trough and lying in the same mud of governance corruption.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Blind eye? Hell Helen Keller could see thru this charade and cover up! Just what is the Governor going to do? It is time for the whole bunch of lawyers including the Attorney General to be relieved of duty as they all are just accustomed to doing nothing and getting fat paychecks for it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes 5:25 pm I agree 100% but please add the Deputy Governor to the list for firing in the lineup.

  20. Anonymous says:

    hey roy…you remeber the comment the judge made to the criwn council about “hopeless case” in the one brought by doctors? some them lawyers are great representatives of govt and system….knotttt! lol

  21. Anonymous says:

    Roy you and the PPM need to call Miss Cleo help hotline!

  22. Anonymous says:

    another glorious day for the civil service….!

  23. Anonymous says:

    umm didn’t the PPM have the chance to give this disgusting clown the boot years ago? But they chose to “turn a blind eye” too.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      He was saved by Kenneth… low life stick together.

    • Anonymous says:

      Roy is the king of selective outrage.

      • Anonymous says:

        anon at 3:14p Obviously you are selective in your outrage too…you completely ignored the abuse of process.

    • Anonymous says:

      they even wasted our money by calling an early election rather than deal with Mr. Bush. Mostly every issue the Progressives complain about they helped create. Hopeless bunch.

      • Anonymous says:

        at 6.22 In this case they are talking about abuse of power by DPP, where is your outrage?
        On this occasion it was Mac, next time it could be you or someone you care about.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Politicians will always circle the wagons. To protect themselves and their access to the perks and benefits.


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