RSS2021 General Elections

PPM not accepting ‘will of people’

PPM not accepting ‘will of people’

| 17/04/2021 | 168 Comments

(CNS): Premier Designate Wayne Panton has confirmed that his group met with the Progressive leader, Roy McTaggart, on Saturday but the meeting lasted just fifteen minutes because, Panton said, the PPM is still not grasping the reality of the election result and the mounting pressure from the public for a government led by Independent candidates. […]

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New turn in political horsetrading

New turn in political horsetrading

| 17/04/2021 | 82 Comments

(CNS): Roy McTaggart, the new leader of the Progressives, issued a press statement Saturday afternoon claiming he had met with Wayne Panton to discuss the possibility of forming a coalition government between the PPM-Alliance and the independents “who are still a part of his group”. McTaggart said negotiations were ongoing and he would say more […]

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We are irrational

We are irrational

| 17/04/2021 | 42 Comments

101 writes: After all the back door deals following the general elections, we are left with the PPM-led group having 9 members confirmed (Alden, Moses, Roy, Joey, Barbara, David, Julie, Dwayne and Isaac) and the Independents led group now having 8 members confirmed (Wayne, Chris, Kenneth, Sabrina, Bernie, Kathy, Heather and Andre). The final position […]

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Rankine to hold meeting for East Enders only

Rankine to hold meeting for East Enders only

| 17/04/2021 | 126 Comments

(CNS): Isaac Rankine, the independent member elect for East End who has signed two deals agreeing to form a government, one with the PPM-Alliance and one with the PACT led by Wayne Panton, is planning a meeting Saturday afternoon in East End, which he says is for his constituents only. A social media circular from […]

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Ego and politics

Ego and politics

| 17/04/2021 | 13 Comments

‘Public Servant’ writes: The ongoing saga of the formation of the new government may be resolved by the addition of Roy McTaggart as minister of finance (with the additional designation as Deputy Premier) and return of Isaac Rankine to the independents’ fold.  However, party politics and pride will prevent these two chess pieces from moving […]

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Turner returns to PACT but horsetrading rolls on

Turner returns to PACT but horsetrading rolls on

| 17/04/2021 | 60 Comments

(CNS): By Friday evening Sabrina Turner had returned to the PACT group led by Wayne Panton, succumbing to a different kind of pressure, this time from her own constituents and people across the islands who voted for an independent government. After she had signed a deal with the Progressives, just hours after committing to form […]

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McTaggart fails to confirm deal with Roper

McTaggart fails to confirm deal with Roper

| 16/04/2021 | 93 Comments

(CNS): While Roy McTaggart claimed late last night that the PPM-Alliance has broken Wayne Panton’s PACT, he has yet to confirm that with Governor Martin Roper. McTaggart has also failed to indicate who his alliance has agreed will be speaker. To keep his working majority he will need to nominate an external speaker, as Panton […]

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Transparency required for terms of backroom deal

Transparency required for terms of backroom deal

| 16/04/2021 | 38 Comments

Alric Lindsay writes: The independents (i.e. not the Alliance members and not Mr Bush) made a commitment to each other within 24 hours of winning their respective electoral districts. This was followed by a notice to the governor to form the next government. These two steps were taken after careful consideration of the wishes of […]

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Indie PACT cracks under donor pressure

Indie PACT cracks under donor pressure

| 16/04/2021 | 222 Comments

(CNS): Sabrina Turner, the newly elected MP for Prospect, and the new member for East End, Isaac Rankine, have been picked off by the PPM-Alliance from the Independent PACT group, according to PPM Leader Roy McTaggart, who released what is claimed to be the signature page of an agreement document last night. According to sources […]

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PPM refuses to concede power

PPM refuses to concede power

| 15/04/2021 | 150 Comments

(CNS): The Progressives have issued a press statement in which they challenge Wayne Panton’s claim to have formed a majority government and refuse to concede election victory to the independents. In a short statement issued by the party leader, Roy McTaggart, the Progressives claim that they had “arrangements” with Jay Ebanks and Isaac Rankine before […]

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Independents pull together new government PACT

Independents pull together new government PACT

| 15/04/2021 | 128 Comments

(CNS): Wayne Panton, the newly elected member for Newlands, is set to become the next Cayman Islands premier with Chris Saunders as his deputy in a coalition of ten independent members who have agreed to support him. The potential new administration was confirmed in a statement Thursday afternoon from the “Office of the Premier Designate”, […]

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