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Private sector bearing the brunt of pain

Private sector bearing the brunt of pain

| 01/06/2020 | 89 Comments

Our colonial history refers to public sector workers as “servants”. While this has discriminatory undertones, it has largely been culturally accepted that public sector workers are servants of the people. I think a conversation is justified when I, as a private individual (the people), can be sent home without pay by my organisation because they […]

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Government of National Unity approval rating

Government of National Unity approval rating

| 01/06/2020 | 63 Comments

(CNS): We are now less than a year away from the 2021 General Elections, and while the Government of National Unity has been working under extreme stress over the last few months, it has also had three years to put its policies in place. How well individual Cabinet members and ministry councillors have performed during […]

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Grey skies and rain for Cayman this week

Grey skies and rain for Cayman this week

| 23/05/2020 | 10 Comments

(CNS): The forecast for the Cayman Islands is for partly cloudy to cloudy skies with a 40% chance of rain and possibly thunder well into next week, according to the Cayman Islands National Weather Service. However, this area is not under any type of hurricane watch or warning, despite rumours circulating. CINWS is predicting that […]

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Outgoing mail to USA resumes

Outgoing mail to USA resumes

| 22/05/2020 | 28 Comments

(CNS): International mail to the United States only has resumed but no mail is yet entering the Cayman Islands. Postmaster General Sheena Glasgow said they are in regular contact with postal services in the US, Canada and UK to see when they are sending mail here but currently anything posted in those countries remains stuck […]

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Water Authority forgoes right to raise rates

Water Authority forgoes right to raise rates

| 22/05/2020 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The Water Authority will not be increasing water and sewerage rates this year, even though the Regulations allow for an annual rate adjustment, because of the widespread economic pain due to the current crisis. “This is a very challenging time for our community, and many of our customers are facing financial hardships due to […]

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Airport activity keeps CAL pilots certified

Airport activity keeps CAL pilots certified

| 22/05/2020 | 10 Comments

(CNS): Although the Owen Roberts International Airport remains closed to regular air traffic, there was a series of take-offs and landings on Friday morning conducted by the Flight Training Department for Cayman Airways Limited (CAL) in order for some of its pilots to maintain their ‘Pilot Recency of Experience’ certification, which is a regulatory requirement in the Cayman Islands.

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Two cops test positive for COVID-19

Two cops test positive for COVID-19

| 22/05/2020 | 51 Comments

(CNS): Two Royal Cayman Island Police Service (RCIPS) officers have tested positive for the coronavirus. These two officers are not the officers depicted in the photo published by CNS earlier (see note at the end of the article). Both officers who tested positive are asymptomatic and are in isolation, the RCIPS revealed Friday evening, 22 […]

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Beat officers handing out reusable masks

Beat officers handing out reusable masks

| 22/05/2020 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Community police officers have been handing out tens of thousands of cloth face masks on all three Cayman Islands. The masks were procured from Jamaica and the US through the National Emergency Operations Centre (NEOC) and are being distributed to members of the public and to front-line staff from public safety and customer facing […]

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Cayman in top ten countries for testing

Cayman in top ten countries for testing

| 22/05/2020 | 76 Comments

(CNS): Chief Medical officer Dr John Lee has revealed that since Sunday, the HSA laboratories have produced 1,935 COVID-19 test results, which has pushed the Cayman Islands into the top 10 countries in the world for testing per population. There were 467 new results on Friday, all of them for front-line workers and eight of […]

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Date set for 2021 General Elections

Date set for 2021 General Elections

| 22/05/2020 | 93 Comments

(CNS): Cayman Islands voters will go to the polls in twelve months time on Wednesday, 26 May 2021, a date that has now been confirmed by the Governor’s Office. However, it is still not known if the referendum on the government’s cruise port project will also take place that day, as urged by the Cruise […]

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Ministry surveying struggles to pay health cover

Ministry surveying struggles to pay health cover

| 22/05/2020 | 48 Comments

(CNS): Health Minister Dwayne Seymour said that his ministry is currently conducting a survey to find out how many companies are struggling to pay their employees’ health insurance fees. He said they are aware that many companies may have lost all of their business and might now be in a situation where they can no […]

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