New rules relaxing COVID-19 restrictions released

| 18/02/2022 | 95 Comments
Cayman News Service
Medical Officer of Health Dr Samuel Williams-Rodriguez

(CNS): The new regulations relating to the management of COVID-19 in the Cayman Islands have been published on the government gazette confirming the lifting of post-arrival test requirements for vaccinated travellers. The quarantine period for partially vaccinated, the non-securely verifiable vaccinated, and unvaccinated travellers has also dropped to seven days. Pre-flight tests to travel between Grand Cayman, Cayman Brac and Little Cayman have also been scrapped.

The changes are part of Phase 5 of the border reopening plan, and Premier Wayne Pantons said yesterday they would help the community “to safely live with COVID-19 as we continue to take a balanced, pragmatic approach”.   

Masks and social distancing requirements are still in place, though maximum crowd sizes have been increased to 500 people indoors and 1,000 outdoors. Exceptions will be considered only if specific criteria are met, as determined by the medical officer of health. Testing restrictions on gyms have also been lifted.

See the new rules in the CNS Library.

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Category: Health, Local News, Medical Health, Travel

Comments (95)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    “All Covid restrictions will end in England on Thursday” – BBC Headline.

    Let’s stop this stupidness, unmask our kids and get back to normal already!

    • Anonymous says:

      Someone on TripAdvisor just posted and said they had to pay $180 per exit test at the Marriott the other day as it was no longer $30.
      If this is what they are charging for exit tests, you might as well hang up tourism. No family will come down and pay that price to exit the island…especially after spending a week paying the high hotel, food and airfare bill.

    • Rob says:

      I am an avid scuba diver and have travelled to Cayman for 30 years. It is a magical island with wonderful people! Yes it has changed much over the years and political leadership has been lacking much like the US. I read about 50 posts below and it is obvious that you are letting Fear take over your lives and the Island. I live on the border of NC/SC in the US. I joined a gym in late January 2022 everyone is unmasked no issues with Covid. Ten miles away in Charlotte,NC people still live in fear and yes ride around in their cars with masks. I am unvaccinated but have antibodies because we are near herd immunity in the US. Do Not let fear rule in the islands you must move on. Norway, Sweden, Ireland “ Are following the Science” . 99% of the people that get Covid recover. Long Covid is rare. Much love to all of the beautiful Caymanians and you will get through this but only if you value your personal freedoms!

  2. Anonymous says:

    Wouldn’t it be nice if COVID could be made rare again? All it would take is the wider public voluntarily LFTing themselves twice a week for a couple weeks. We’d go from 15-20% community positivity to <1% in days with minimal cost, interruption, or effort. CITA should sponsor this. Then we could confidently ditch the masks, other fun-killing measures, and let our guests and residents truly relax in a self-aware holiday destination not blindly holding at an AVOID TRAVEL LEVEL 4 CAUTION, as if these tests hadn't been invented, or widely available, and for under $7 each.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you stop posting this? You’ve done so repeatedly and you’ve made up this idea that everyone taking LFTs would somehow reduce community positivity to less than 1% even though we now have people coming and going every day on regular flights.

      It’s clear that you don’t understand how Covid or LFTs work.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you. The original poster is infuriating. Like, getting everyone to all pull together and LFT at the same time to identify asymptomatic positives only works for the couple days you do this. Then you go back to the same place again. Makes zero sense.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you continue think that would work? Move on, get vaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      You selling LFT’s or what?

  3. Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Get rid of the Certificate to Travel.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s so not a big deal to wear them. No idea why you dispise them so much.

      • Anonymous says:

        No idea why you despise your freedom so much either.

      • Anonymous says:

        It may not be a big deal to throw it on for 20 minutes to do grocery shopping but think of the poor kids and their teachers who are wearing masks from 8am-2/3pm daily. This is simply unfair and putting kids at a disadvantage as they need to see facial expressions as part of their learning.

        • Anonymous says:

          It’s not a big deal to wear them in school. Kids are resilient and do not complain as much as the parents do. Teachers are used to wearing them by now. The only ones that really need to see facial expressions are the autistic students and they and others can hear our enthusiasm and tone. Masks when we can’t social distance or when we work closely together are keeping students safe.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Inept Leadership is common at Public Health and Ministry of Health. Inept.

  5. Anonymous says:

    I think most people were happy when it was announced that the indoor gatherings are increased to 500 persons. But we are also being told that masking and social distancing measures remain in effect. So for all practical purposes, does this really change anything that businesses, restaurants, churches can do? I have been trying to think of a venue in Grand Cayman that could hold 500, socially distanced, but I can’t come up with anything?

  6. Anonymous says:

    I am so sick and tired of going to work and even before hitting my desk I have to have a Covid test. Ridiculous!

  7. Anonymous says:

    The story that is not being told in regard to places like the UK is that, even among those who had an asymptomatic Covid infection the spectre of “long Covid” (continuing or reoccurring symptoms even after testing negative) is real and on the increase. Research shows that although many people make a full recovery following COVID-19, a significant proportion of people continue to experience chronic or recurring symptoms for months. This became so serious an issue that the UK expanded their long covid clinics but some of them are struggling to keep up with the case load. This from an iNews story on Jan 21: “GPs have been told to stop referring patients to long Covid clinics at two of the largest NHS (UK’s National Health Service) trusts in the country amid fears that they can no longer cope with the rising number of people with extended coronavirus symptoms.”
    Do your own queries about “Post-Covid-19” or “long Covid” or “long haul Covid”. The articles from well respected medical sources might shock you.

    Some of the common symptons of Long Covid are:
    Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
    Joint pain
    Chest pain
    Memory, concentration or sleep problems
    Muscle pain or headache
    Fast or pounding heartbeat
    Loss of smell or taste
    Depression or anxiety
    Dizziness when you stand
    Worsened symptoms after physical or mental activities
    Long Covid may present with new or persistent conditions. In those with an initial mild or asymptomatic case, the new conditions may be more severe than those present during the initial infection.
    The symptoms that pose the greatest risk are: respiratory failure, fatigue, high blood pressure, memory issues, kidney injury, mental health-related diagnoses, hypercoagulability — where the blood clots more easily — and cardiac rhythm disorders.
    In my opinion, if the Cayman Islands is following suit and relaxing Covid restrictions, we need to know the implications, impacts, and numbers of suspected long haul Covid cases there are here. I know several people who are experiencing continued or recurring symptoms, including one who totally lost consciousness during a recurring bout of long covid.
    We need to know what the situation is here. With most current research pointing out that long Covid is presenting in an alarmingly high number of recovered patients (including children and teens), I fail to believe that it is not an issue in the Cayman Islands. I’m not saying that I smell cover-up, but Long Covid is real, is prevalent globally, but is something that no one here seems to be talking about, even though many of us know people who are not recovering all that well from their initial Covid infection or have experienced recurring symptoms.

    • Anonymous says:

      Many will not take the time to read this excellent post, or they are simply too blinded by confirmation bias to believe it despite scientists and doctors doing exhaustive clinical research into Long Covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Get vaccinated

      • Anonymous says:

        I started having most of those symptoms listed above a few weeks after being vaccinated. I also got extreme tinnitus, burning and tingling in my arms, myalgia, sensitivity to sound, transient high blood pressure, POTS and headaches. Been suffering for nearly 9 months with some gradual improvement.

        I also spent $15,000 on tests so far. And guess what, I’m far from alone.

    • Bert says:

      Yes, dear. But the percentage of people reporting “long covid” symptoms who did not have covid antibodies is almost identical to the percentage reporting it who had in fact had covid. Long covid symptoms are on truth very rare.

      • Anonymous says:

        If it was as rare as you assume, then the situation related in the comment would not be the case, would it?:
        “GPs have been told to stop referring patients to long Covid clinics at two of the largest NHS (UK’s National Health Service) trusts in the country amid fears that they can no longer cope with the rising number of people with extended coronavirus symptoms.”

    • Anonymous says:

      This honestly isn’t meant to be antagonistic, but are these findings in people vaccinated?
      Please hold the hate as is a honest question.

      • Anonymous says:

        my sister, 62 and her husband,68, both unvaxxed, living in Europe, had covid in October 2021. Fully recovered, no long covid.

        my niece, unvaxxed, living n Miami, 34, had COVID in 2021. Fully recovered, no long COVID. Her husband didn’t get sick.

        my friend living in Latvia, and her entire family all got COVID late 2021, all unvaxxed, fully recovered. She is a new mom, she wasn’t subject to the jabs, but they were coming after the rest of her family, then they all got COVID and were happy about it. They are strong anti-vaxxers.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes. I have both family and friends in the islands and more offshore who have been vaxed and are experiencing rAecurring Covid symptoms.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is a long story that confirms there are horrible diseases on earth. Yet we have managed to live with cancer, heart disease etc etc without hysteria for decades

      • Anonymous says:

        And while you are “living with” people having these conditions, many are suffering from and dying from these conditions. Were it not for aggressive research into and proper attention given to these conditions–if the powers that be and the medical profession resigned themselves to “just live with it”–many many more would have died. The comment is intended to point out that it does not seem that our Clown Car government is giving Long Covid proper attention. The UK is relaxing restrictions but IS serous about addressing the issue of Long Covid. “Just live with it” is the blabbering of the willfully ignorant.

    • Caymanian says:

      Stupid people giving negative “dislike” to factual information. Like those A Clowns from US on the riot saying it was a peaceful protest.

      All this information above are FACTS. How do you dislike FACTS?? Don’t blame the writer blame the virus.

      • Anonymous says:

        Typical fake news watcher.🙄

      • Anonymous says:

        They aren’t facts, grow up. You sound like one of those caymanians that complains a manager at a top hotel or accounting firm stole their job. They didn’t steal it. They just live in the real world, are better, and don’t complain.

    • Caymanian says:

      To add to your story. Covid is found in many organs including the brain many months after infection.

      This is a good read.

      I think a lot of prople think that once they no longer show signs of it that its gone. Maybe but maybe not.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s still low in terms of absolute numbers though, I don’t know a single person here who has actually got long Covid.

      • Anonymous says:

        I know more than one. One of them had to be rushed to hospital with a very severe neurological episode that the attending physician attributed to Post-Covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nonsense. Never heard of anyone triple jabbed with omicron long Covid. Stop spreading lies. Your dampers probably unjabbed

    • Anonymous says:

      I get your list of side effects every weekend after a proper week of work and a few bottle of wine Friday night. Grow up snowflake

    • Anonymous says:

      I do believe the term is a bit misleading. Long term effects of an illness are nothing new. The longer and more severe the illness is will typically have some lingering effects. I have had many severe infections/illnesses (malaria, typhus, shingles, pneumonia, and yes – Covid and it was a bad case).
      It is been roughly 6 months since I had my infection but it took a few months for my strength to return and I can now jog for long distance and lift weights about at the level I could do before. Smell is now fully back as well. Do not confuse lingering effects with some permanent terminal condition. Many have told me similar conditions but it does appear to be in those that suffered a severe case versus those that sailed through it.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Coincidence that the post arrival testing requirement dropped on the same day that American Airlines is returning to Cayman??? I think this reveals who has the real power here. Government is not listening to the country, or the science. They are playing politicks. The social distancing rules inside are killing business. Masks inside are window dressing for a problem that doesn’t really exist.

    • Anonymous says:

      The lft testing was ridiculous. More community spread than travelers bring in. I suggest you start by testing every single construction crew member before travelers.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Hope they reduce the testing requirement day before arrival to at least 36 hours before arrival. At present travelers from Europe and Asia need to retest in Miami if their Miami transit time is more than 8 hours

  10. Anonymous says:

    Masks off?

  11. Anonymous says:

    So tired of “the Rock”.
    I’m ready to board one of those U.S. Airliners any day now. Yes- fully vaccinated and ready for travels/multiple family excursions.

    • Anonymous says:

      The cost of living is rising with seemingly no ceiling in sight. Food and electricity prices are consuming most of the average person’s salary, with little left for emergency funds and forget ever having enough to save to buy land, housing or even a few night’s out at one of our local restaurants.

      With little to do other than snorkeling, diving or drinking, the rock wears on one’s psyche combined with the awful traffic.

  12. Anonymous says:

    When will children be allowed to play indoor sports again? Disallowing people to be within six feet of each other in indoor sporting areas while bars can be crowded and maskless is ridiculous.

  13. Anonymous says:

    How is it that outdoor sports can have 1,000 spectators but I would get two years in prison for playing basketball in an gym? incomprehensible.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because we elect fools… Our own da.n fault.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        There is so much money in politics here so only the smart fools run. Ask yourself why they never do anything good when they get in office? A steady paycheck for status quo is sufficient enough for them. When a person wants to make changes you never vote them in. Us expats reap all the benefits from the dummies you keep voting for. The young girl who ran didn’t stand a chance because whoever ran against her gave you a ham once, right before election day. Take the ham but don’t vote for the giver of it is all I’m saying.

    • Anonymous says:

      Keyword- outdoors!

    • Anonymous says:

      @2:04pm ..Do you understand the difference between outdoors and indoors? Just asking for a friend..

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes I do. 8 people spread out in an indoor gym versus 1000 people crammed side by side outdoors. Which has the bigger risk of being a super spreader event?

        • Anonymous says:

          And the same 8 people who can’t play an indoor sport can go to a bar indoors and sit together with no restrictions. I guess being indoors + sports = incredible danger….

  14. Anonymous says:

    This is about economics, not health. If it was about health, the testing of tourists after arrival would continue.

    The mask mandate is pure nonsense but anyone who wishes to continue with it should do so. Been to a restaurant lately? Some servers pull their mask down to rattle off the specials or they wear the masks below their nose. Get rid of the requirement to mask when you walk in or go to the restroom. You are not protected from Covid just because you are seated so what difference does it make?

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly and get rid of quarantine too as it makes no sense

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly it makes no blasted sense I don’t know what they trying to prove.

      • Anonymous says:

        Way too many people concerned only about themselves and not nearly enough of the “for the greater good” type of people. Such is the state of the human race in 2022 as we race to the bottom.

        • Anonymous says:

          Nothing stopping you from staying home cowering in fear wearing 10 masks but you can’t impose that on others who want to live freely.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Do they even bother providing a justification for keeping any of the restrictions, when so many of the OECD has dropped all of them?

    UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway…

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly and ivwr a month now UK dropped theirs. Aren’t we a UK territory

    • Anonymous says:

      The WHO found that BA.2 prevalence soared from 27% in South Africa on Feb. 4 to 86% by Feb. 11. In Denmark, BA.2 prevalence climbed from 20% in the last week of 2021 to 66% by the third week of January. These two countries are now recording rises in Covid deaths.

      “Early evidence from limited studies suggest BA.2 is more transmissible as compared with BA.1,” the WHO concludes in its report. “Estimates of growth rates in Denmark indicate that BA.2 is 30% more transmissible than BA.1.”

  16. Anonymous says:

    Is any of this really about science anymore? Is it just politics?

    For example, the unvaccinated (those sinners!!) can quarantine for 7 days, and a vaccinated guest can stay with them and come and go freely with LFT’s….but the vaccinated can spread it just as easily for all intents and purposes…i really cannot fathom the logic here

    And as for hinting the cruise ships are coming back…can we have another election please? A referendum? We don’t want cruise ships back.

    • Anonymous says:

      No, the vaccinated DO NOT spread it just as easily. Get educated Bobo. Can they spread it – yes; at the same rate NO, considerably less. I agree, you cannot fathom the logic.

      • Anonymous says:

        Amazing. 3 willfully ignorant dislikes. U wonder why Cayman is a mess?????

        • Anonymous says:

          Up to 29 now Bobo! Haven’t you looked around and seen all the vaxxed that were positive? And you still believe the trash that vaxxed spread at a lesser rate? Ask around how many vaxxed tested negative on LFT only to test positive on PCR, and have to isolate. If they weren’t contagious, why would HSA make them isolate? Do know something they don’t? Every vaxxed person I know (friends and family) have had the latest strain.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong, indications are that vaccinated people catch and therefore spread it at a higher rate than the unvaxxed.

        2 dose vaccination infections 79%
        Boosted infections 10%
        Unvaccinated infections 8.5%

        Country vaccination rate: 82%

        Same in Scotland, Bermuda, Iceland.
        Currently in Iceland vaccinated children have the highest infection rate. Don’t even look at Gibraltar.

        Probably here too but they aren’t giving us those details any longer.

        • Anonymous says:

          Yea, but anonymous 5:25pm would rather willfully spread misinformation. The precise reason why we are here. People like them feel like they are better than the unvaxxed and are invincible. Possibly walking around with no regard for others (vaxxed & unvaxxed). The epitome of selfishness.

      • Anonymous says:

        In the age of Omicron, I wish you were correct. Let me start off by saying that I am triple vaccinated and wholly advocate for everyone to get their booster shots. Now with that out of the way:

        As far as the vaccine protecting against serious illness and death, the evidence is air tight. That is not what is what is the focus of debate here. The argument is simply these two questions:
        1. Does the vaccine prevent infection?
        2. If it does, once infected, does the vaccinated person transmit the virus?

        No and yes. It is unfortunately not the case that the vaccine will prevent an infection, nor will it prevent you from transmitting the virus once infected. I refer you to some peer-reviewed sources:

        “Will the virus evade neutralizing antibodies raised by prior infection or vaccination? The Omicron variants are far more immune evasive than previous variants, capable of infecting most of those previously infected or vaccinated.”

        “The team discovered that specific mutations create interference in the surface of the virus, preventing antibodies from binding to it, while others result in a complete loss of interaction between the antibodies and the virus”


        The takeaway here is that as far as infectivity and transmission go, you are not that much better off than someone unvaccinated. Yes, symptoms will be lower, you will be infectious for a shorter period of time and will recover quicker if boosted. The fact is that vaccinated are spreading it just as unvaccinated are. Possibly more so since they are taking more social risks than people who don’t take the vaccine but that is speculation on my part. The reality is that this virus is here FOREVER. You will one day become exposed to it and become infected no matter how many masks you wear, vaccines you inject and how much hand sanitizer you use.

        All restrictions should be ended. People who are vulnerable should take extra precautions. Let’s take a targeted approach to protect the most vulnerable as best we can. A little more scalpel and a little less chainsaw is all we’re really asking here…

      • Anonymous says:

        You have zero evidence of that and your name calling shows you are the ignorant!

    • Anonymous says:

      It is all about the dollars and no senses.

  17. Anonymous says:

    BS! End all mandates now!

    • Anonymous says:

      If this were a STD pandemic many of you would be screaming condoms are oppressive.

      • Anonymous says:

        If it was an std pandemic you could avoid it by just not having sex other tha with your partner. In thi case you can catch it without doing anything. Your analogy is bs.

      • Anonymous says:

        They kinda are.

      • Anonymous says:

        New York Times, February 19, 2022

        How Long Covid Exhausts the Body

        “ Long Covid is different: A chronic illness with a wide variety of symptoms, many of which are not explainable using conventional lab tests. Difficulties in detecting the illness have led some doctors to dismiss patients, or to misdiagnose their symptoms as psychosomatic. But researchers looking more deeply at long Covid patients have found visible dysfunction throughout the body.”


      • Anonymous says:

        They already do. That’s why there are so many children raising themselves on island.

  18. Steve says:

    So someone is going to pay thousands of $ to fly to CI and will also fake their vaccine certificate? Seems the “verification” is an unnecessary step. Come on guys. You’re excluding a big portion of the world

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