HSA receives COVID shots as virus continues to spread

| 15/01/2024 | 19 Comments

(CNS): There is just one patient currently in the Cayman Islands Hospital infected with the latest strain of COVID-19, the Health Services Authority has told Cayman News Service in answer to enquiries. However, CNS has learned that over the last several weeks, many more patients have been admitted with COVID or other respiratory infections. As anecdotal evidence suggests that the virus is once again spreading through the community, the HSA has resumed administering the vaccines.

According to a release from the HSA, a new supply of vaccines arrived recently from the UK, and the shots are available through outreach sessions in all districts. The HSA said it has the Moderna (bivalent) booster as well as the Pfizer adult and paediatric shots. The vaccines are still free of charge and appointments are not necessary. Individuals who have not yet received the vaccine can get the first dose of Pfizer, and those who have not had a booster shot for three months or more are eligible for the Moderna (bivalent) booster shot.

See the most up-to-date vaccination schedule here.

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Category: Health, Medical Health

Comments (19)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    Why a booster? Can’t they just change the batters in the first one?

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ask them how many is in Faith Hospital.

    • Anonymous says:

      You can always tell, because the HSA Faith Hospital personnel resume wearing masks.

      Right now, they are wearing masks.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Which version of the Moderna bivalent booster? Vaccination against the spike protein from the 2022 season BA.4 and BA.5 strains of the B.1.1.529 (omicron) variant or ancestral Wuhan strain from late 2019, is of limited practical use at this point. As of Sept 2023, the US FDA stopped use of bivalent and replaced with XBB Omicron update for 2024. So which one is it? How many did we order? Cost to Cayman? Lot Expiry?

    It would also be nice if leadership would remind employers to keep their workforce at home (to get well and return to work) and out of the community – esp if they know they are sick with something. That’s how illness spreads, and how businesses get crippled with outbreaks. Be courteous and considerate of others.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not everyone works a job that can be done from home. Most people also only get 10 sick days or less. Many will stay positive for 7 days or more. We can’t be expected to use all sick leave up over one illness. Many people get ill multiple times a year. The recent Covid strains have been mild. We need to stop fearmongering over this and just get on with life

      • Anonymous says:

        Big difference between fear mongering and reality. Repeated covid infections are provem to create other medical issues even tbough it can be “mild” as you say.

        If you are sick, limit your activity around other people or wear a N95 mask if you must because Covid is definitely here and spreading rapidly in America, where most of our visitors hail from.

  4. Anonymous says:

    said it before… no-one who is relatively healthy, under 70, who is vaxxed, will die from covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have two members of my own family who fit your criteria. one died and one is now in a wheel chair. another now has an unusual heart condition likely caused by repeated covid infections. There is a lot covid can do to wreck your life other than the acute illness phase and a quick death.

      • Anonymous says:

        That poster has been copying and pasting that drivel for years.

        Long Covid is finally being addressed in a U.S. Senate committee now. Millions who didn’t die are now suffering from the effects of Covid and will so for many years.

    • Anonymous says:

      May karma grace your perspective, and leave you enlightened.

    • Anonymous says:

      This kind of attitude is just wrong.

      I got COVID nearly a year ago, and it wasn’t too serious at the time, but I lost my sense of smell and still don’t have it back.

      My parents have a 62 year-old neighbour who was in great health. She got COVID and developed a bad cough. Six months later and she can’t shake it. It has completely affected her quality of life.

      COVID is very random in how it affects people… nobody can guarantee that they won’t have a bad outcome.

    • Anonymous says:

      My brother did. Healthy male, vaccinated, but he died a terrible death from covid. So maybe until you know someone close to you who has died from it, keep your unfounded opinions to yourself.

  5. Anonymous says:

    But they don’t carry the HPV vaccine for adults. This country is so behind!


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