Vaccine first shot rate increases to 64%

| 20/05/2021 | 103 Comments

(CNS): Public health officials confirmed Thursday that 41,307 people, or 64% of the population, have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while 54% have now completed the two-dose course, as the country inches towards the government’s target of getting at least 70% of the community fully vaccinated against the coronavirus before the borders are reopened. Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee confirmed Thursday that there were no new cases in the day’s test results. Currently there are 18 active cases of the virus among the more than 900 people in quarantine and isolation and none of them have symptoms.

The Public Health Department has announced updates to next week’s COVID-19 vaccination clinic schedule:

Monday, 24 May – Owen Roberts International Airport (ORIA) 9am – 12pm, 1:30 – 4pm

(The vaccination clinic will NOT be in West Bay Sir John A. Cumber Primary Hall)

Wednesday, 26 May – location confirmed at East End Public Beach 4pm – 9pm

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    5 people have sadly died on the roads this year yet we’re all driving our cars. We manage risk every day. Enough people have been vaccinated to prevent the health system from being overrun – so time to open the borders. Those who have been vaccinated should be able to travel without quarantine.

  2. Anonymous says:

    * CDC investigates dozens of reports of heart inflammation in teenagers and young adults that occur four days after their second dose of Moderna or Pfizer vaccines
    * COVID-19 booster shot needed within 9 to 12 months

    • Anonymous says:

      *Red Cross can not use convalescent plasma for treatment of people ill with CV if they are vaccinated.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Just a little tid-bit for those of you having to deal with the Anti-Vaxxers and Conspiracy Theorists. Remember you cannot change anyone’s mind they have a right to their own decisions.

    LISTEN, DON’T PREACH: Believers in conspiracy theories aren’t likely to be swayed by people who mock their views. Instead of lecturing, listen and ask questions about how they became interested in the conspiracy theory, where they get their information, and whether they’ve considered other explanations. Whenever possible, have the conversation offline.

    STAY CALM: Arguing with someone about conspiracy theories is likely to result only in higher blood pressure. Remember that some people won’t change their mind no matter what you say, and arguing over the proven benefits of mask wearing or vaccines isn’t likely to convince them.

    CHANGE THE SUBJECT: Bring up shared experiences and interests to help the person focus on personal connections. If someone dwells on the conspiracy theory, politely say you’d rather talk about something else.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Great news coming out of the UK today confirming a double dose of Pfizer or Astra vaccine offers excellent protection against the Indian variant. There is no excuse to not get a vaccine here, Pfizer is proven to be 100% safe, stop most transmission, and pretty much 100% prevent COVID illness that would lead to hospitalization, further of you didn’t get jabbed, you will never be able to board a,plane or fly off the island and lie,lt face restrictions on shops, bars, restaurants you can enter once we open up and need to always wear a mask and social distance, I cannot for the life of my see why anyone would refuse a vaccine, one other thing, it’s a disgrace there are taxi drivers operating including driving people off flights to quarantine who are not vaccinated. Simone, rule… no vaccine should equal no government stipend and no ability to perform taxi or tourist / citizen facing jobs like boat tours , bar work etc.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Come one enough is enough it is time to make a date and open to vaccinated people with no isolation after a negative arrival test!

    There has been plenty of time to get the vaccine if you want it!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Where do people keep getting their ‘facts’ from? Those saying BILLIONS have been vaccinated? Just check the WHO or OUR WORLD IN DATA –

    5% of the entire world have been fully vaccinated. That’s it. Not BILLIONS.

    To put that another way – if borders are not opening until everyone is vaccinated, they’re never opening.

    Ergo – open the borders.

    Not being vaccinated if you’re fit, healthy, under 65/70 is not a problem. There’s a chance you may get sick, its very small. THere’s a chance you may pass it on, it’s very small.

    Open the darn borders. The unvaccinated have had ample opportunity. The vaccinated seem more worried about the unvaccinated than the other way around. Which makes you wonder why we’ve taken the vax in the first place!

    Anyhow – open the borders. Enough already. There’s 8 BILLION people int he world, less than 5% have even caught covid19 and less than 0.2% have died ‘from’ it.

    Just open up.

    • Anonymous says:

      1.62 billion doses have been given but only 383 million people are fully vaccinated

      • Anonymous says: you agree..:it’s 5%…after half a year…it’s never going to be full…so just open

    • Anonymous says:

      More than 1.59 billion vaccine doses have been administered worldwide, equal to 21 doses for every 100 people.


    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed! Vax’ ing everyone is a redundant need anyhow ..helping the known vulnerable far more important

      If anything, ‘shielding’ the known vulnerable is a far better policy than locking down, closing off….we’re ruining so many livelihoods unnecessarily right now

      Not just Cayman of course, but we’re here and we should just open up and get on with it. The vulnerable are vax’d and if some are not, ‘shield’ them

  7. No more lies Cayman says:

    I would like to know how come we are on unable to get Green light status in the UK and the UK has now been declared to be a Virus Variant Region now requiring 2 weeks quarantine for those travelling from the UK .My next question is why are we trying to relax our quarantine rules here for who? With these vaccinations not being able to stop these variants . We clearly need some answers now! From our Covid 19 experts and not assume that our vaccine can fight these variants without scientific proof and not the word of some who’s sole interest is money and opening up Cayman!

    • Anonymous says:

      The World Health Organization recently said that the vaccine does work against all the variants of concern. It will be years before the everyone in the world has access to vaccines so covid is going to be around for a long time. We will need to open the borders at some point. Hopefully they will mitigate any risks by only opening up to vaccinated people who are highly unlikely to spread covid anyway.

      We weren’t given green light status because unfortunately they assessed the entire region as a group.

    • Anonymous says:

      The vaccines do stop the variants. Please read the news and inform yourself. I suggest bbc / sky news or a free uk respected newspaper website like the guardian as a starting,point
      , read up regarding the studies released today on vaccines vs the Indian variant. Stop spreading fake news and start informing yourself.

  8. Anonymous says:

    It is becoming obvious that the vaccines will not be used locally. So Cayman need to look at how to donate. Does anyone know what are the specific storage and transport issues preventing donating ?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Mathematically impossible to reach 70% with existing vaccines. Unless we change the arbitrary, unverified “population” to 60,000 from 65,000.

    • Anonymous says:

      Wasn’t it 70% of adults/those eligible for the vaccine, was it not?

      • Anonymous says:

        No, that’s the joke.

      • Anonymous says:

        That was one of Alden’s many variations, yes. Of course, we don’t even know what the total population is, let alone the proportion that are eligible. And even if we did, there is no magic wand that says x% is the right number. It’s all a game of justifying the policy decision using whatever numbers you can invent and then claim you are “following the science”.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are correct. 70% of 65,000 = 45,500. There is enough remaining vaccine do double dose a little less than 3,000 people, so when added to 41,307 dosed, we will not reach 45,500.

      So Mr. Panton, what say you?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Taxis should be giving free rides to those who can’t get there.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Mathematically impossible to reach 70 percent with remaining vaccine……so….

  12. Bless Up 👍🏽 says:

    @6:26 – I am one who haven’t taken the vaccine, sorry if I make you feel like you are a hostage. I don’t mind the opening of our borders.. But just remember, vaccinate persons just like non-vaccinated persons can still transmit or infect others with Covid! And despite the vaccines reducing the symptoms of sufferance, vaccinated persons can still die from the Covid virus – And they won’t put that in the news, because most naturally, to display a number of vaccinated persons that caught Covid AND STILL DIED would lose alot of customers. Instead the propaganda continues that the medical treatment spares you from death! And with no clinical trials on animals from these developers (like Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Johnson & Johnson), there is dead silence on the vaccines longterm affects on the human body. Nobody knows – not even Dr. Lee know what those affects will be. If you take the vaccine, all you did was made yourself a part of the global experiment! God has bless me with antibodies to resist colds, flu, and infections! I am a healthy active person! I wear my mask and respect other people’s space. And I still don’t see any need for this vaccine when you can still infect others and spread it, and that MORE WORSE in an asymptomatic way!

    • Anonymous says:

      Okay Mr. or Ms. Expert. Cases are plummeting in other countries with high vaccination rates because it’s still spreads among the vaccinated. Doesn’t that sound right?

    • Anonymous says:

      Please educate yourself using reliable sources of information because a lot of what you are saying is simply not true. The effectiveness of the vaccine at preventing serious illness and death cannot even be debated at this point. Plus vaccinated people are highly unlikely to spread covid and even less likely when there is a high percentage of the population vaccinated. That is why the CDC has now said vaccinated people no longer need to wear masks and the EU is opening up to vaccinated tourists.

      Have you considered the long term effects of having covid on you or someone you give covid to? They might not have the same “antibodies” that you claim to have. And even if you are worried about the long term effects of the vaccine, then I hope that applies to all areas of your life. I know anti-vaxxers that drink, eat junk, and even smoke despite the negative long term effects of these things being proven. It seems they are only concerned when it suits them.

      You are making a decision based on misinformation and it is really sad. Hopefully you will think about it and reconsider, not only for your sake but for your friends and family.

      • Anonymous says:

        Who or what makes the vaccinated expert and the non-vaccinated misinformed and conspiracy theorists?

      • Anonymous says:

        The CDC is confused by issuing differing directives for the vaccinated and unvaccinated – one time mask, now no mask. I believe the CDC is attempting to cast shame on those who must continue to wear masks and not get vaccinated! They are not credible.

        • Anonymous says:

          They are adapting their advice based on current research. Although I am all for shaming those too selfish and stupid to get vaccinated!

      • Cayman student says:

        FYI, just the other day, French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier, stated  vaccinations are creating and spreading variants of the Covid disease. In an interview with Pierre Barnérias of “Hold-Up Media”, Montagnier stated and I quote, “It is clear that the new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due to the vaccination…the new variants are a production and result from the vaccination. You see it in each country, it’s the same: in every country, deaths follow vaccination.” Research it for your self. And he is a bigger fish than the doctors we have here. I believe as time progress, knowledge too from experts will progress.

        • Anonymous says:

          Deaths have decreased substantially in both the US and the UK where the vaccine rollout is doing well. The variants have all come from places where the virus was running rampant at the time. Even I can see this guy is a quack.

        • Anonymous says:

          You do know this guy, Luc Montagnier, lost credibility amongst his peers from way back in 2010 and left Europe in disgrace because of his ridiculous conspiracy theories.

          Do a little research on him before you quote any foolishness that he is saying now.

        • Anonymous says:

          Luc Montagnier is your source..laughable..

          You do know that this man is a little(maybe a lot) out of his head and was disavowed by many of his peers from more than ten years ago for spurting conspiracy theories..

        • Anonymous says:


          Try looking at the reputation of the dude you’re spouting off about. He’s a whackadoodle and has next to no credibility.

    • Anonymous says:

      Bless Up – It’s a real shame we are relying on uneducated morons like you. Do you speak like you type?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are risking other people lives . I hope you and no one in your family ever get this Covid . Good luck to you . I hope you can find jobs for the thousand of people in the Tourism industry who are suffering because they have no jobs . Yes the billions of people who took the vaccine is going to die off . You don’t make no sense

    • Anonymous says:

      Liquor, cigarettes and pizza are going to kill us too. Take the vaccine. I need to get back to work. Thank you.

      • Anonymous says:

        I do like those items.

      • Anonymous says:

        Exactly. Air bags and seatbelts only help prevent death in a car crash some of the time, so I’m having both of these features removed from my car and dumping them straight in Mount Greenmore. The car safety lobby is spreading dangerous propaganda, when I know my body was designed to offer me full and complete protection against the head on collision.

      • Anonymous says:

        Partaay time!

    • P says:

      Get your vaccine…idiot

  13. Anonymous says:

    64% of a number they pulled from their rear ends, which includes 21.2% of the population which remains ineligible to receive any vaccine.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Don’t open our borders until all the other countries that wants to come here have the c-virus in control, makes sense.

  15. Anonymous says:

    You people behaving as if everyone not taking the vaccine are doing so spitefully. There are people who are unable to for health reasons. I hope that the government does not forget that small minority.

    CNS: No one is forgetting those who cannot take the vaccine (on the advice of their personal doctor) but they are a tiny fraction of the 30% or so who haven’t taken it, some of them because they are listening to stupid stuff on YouTube and Facebook. People who can take the vaccine but won’t are putting those who cannot take it at greater risk.

    • Anonymous says:

      Hey CNS, the majority of the 30% who have not taken it are under 16, fact.

      • Anonymous says:


        Fact?? Show me where you got that fact from? Geesh, sometimes I wonder if you don’t think before you write such foolishness. If you are going to state something as fact, for goodness sakes try to find at least one credible source that you can refer to…

    • Anonymous says:

      Very very very small portion of the unvaccinated is due to truly being ineligible. Vast majority are just misinformed and/or conspiracy theory followers.

  16. Anonymous says:

    just wish we knew what government would do even if we got to their ever changing target figures…..
    there is no-plan to re-open….

  17. Anonymous says:

    Come on – 275 a day to reach 70% by 9 June – we can do it!
    (and use up all the vaccines we have, assuming all will take their second jab as well)

    • Guido Marsupio says:

      That’s doable if the vaccinators can get out into the community and use mobile vaccination sites to get people who just don’t have time to get to the airport or hospital. Please, folks, be flexible and get it done!

      • Biuja says:

        There have been clinics held in camana bay, east end, Bodden town, west bay, etc. in the evenings from 4-9. There are clinics held at the airport nearly every day until 7 pm, and all day Saturday Stop acting like it’s too hard to get there. It’s been made extremely available and accessible for all. You can keep hallucinating that someone needs to drive to the houses of unvaccinated people and individually deal with them personally, but that’s not the real world. They need to pull up their big Bobo pants and go get vaccinated without these lame excuses

        • Anonymous says:

          Well said!

        • Anonymous says:

          This true but they need to advertise it better. I didn’t even know they were in my district until they were already done and I have two in my family that still need their vaccine done but coming into GT when you work in East End is difficult no matter when.

    • under-50 no-vaxxer says:

      I trust my immune system more than this current experiment. The fact that there is no way to sue the government or the pharmaceutical company if I have any adverse reactions is highly problematic to me. The chances of me dying from a car accident are higher than my dying of COVID.

      The coronavirus is a wildly overrated threat. Yes, it’s appropriate and good to protect old and vulnerable people. But I’m not old or vulnerable. If I get it, I’ll be fine. In fact, maybe I have gotten it, and I am fine. I don’t know why I should consider this disease more dangerous than driving a car, a risky thing I do every day without a moment’s worry.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you realize how horrible and selfish you sound? You refuse to get a life-saving vaccine that could prevent you from spreading covid to one of your friends or family because you won’t be able to sue if you have a negative reaction???? Even if you don’t care about yourself, surely you care about protecting other people. Especially after knowing that over a billion vaccines have been given and it’s been found to be safe. Please research herd immunity and think about what kind of person you want to be.

        • JJ says:

          Wah?! That persom has every right to love him or her self first, not knowing what’s in Pfizer, and how it will effect his or her body in the future. Don’t talk about love when you become lame or cripple from one of these vaccines!

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s a new one, cripple and lame..let’s see I’ll add to my list for not taking it..

            1.Not taking it because Bill Gates will put a chip in me.

            2. Not taking it because I might grow horns.

            3. Not taking it because there is no such thing as COVID..Fake news!

            4. Not taking it because it will cause my arm to become a magnet.

            5.Not taking it because it is just an experiment and and there is no truth that the covid cases are coming down.

            6. Not taking until the Government tells me we are going to open the borders.

            7.Not taking it because it causes Aids.

            8.Not taking because I don’t know what in it but please don’t take my pop tarts away.

            9.Not taking it because just eating garlic will help ward of Covid 19.

            10. Not taking it because Covid was made in a lab to poison everyone outside of China. We don’t want to be ruled by the Chinese do we?

            11. Not taking it because I’m healthy and young and covid only kills old people.

            12. Not taking it because President Trump said it’s a fake disease..He didn’t contract the virus and he and Melana didn’t take the useless vaccine.

            13. Not taking because Fox News says so.

            14.Not taking it because I’m black and they use a separate vaccine on us to do experiments.

            15.Not taking it because I don’t want the government telling me what to do.

            16.Not taking it because it is against my human rights.

            Feel free to add any more you like..We have to stop people taking these vaccines..

            • Anonymous says:

              Haha! Not taking it because it will make me sterile…. Not taking it because it will change my genes….

            • Anonymous says:

              Hahaha .. my gf not taking it because it’ll make her sterile.

              Not taking it because its got 5G.

              Not taking it because garlic and running once a week will keep me fit.

    • The Math Doesn't Work! says:

      We can’t reach 70% as we don’t have enough vaccine available.

      They are using 65,000 as the population (and this is a wild guess)

      We have 64% covered now and when we were at 63% supposedly we had enough doses to give an additional 3.000 people 2 shots for full vaccination.

      1% of the population guess is 650 people so we still need to do 3,900 people and now have less than 3,000 we had back at 63%.

      So hopefully 70% isn’t a hard and fast level as we can’t reach it. Now if it is as a % of people 16 and over who are eligible for the vaccine were are already above 70%.

      So this is a long winded way of saying how about coming out with an actual plan as what we’ve gotten from PACT so far is somehow even worse communication than the PPM.

      This amazes me give the multi-lingual joke updates we used to get from Jon Jon as Health Minister last year.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Reopen Cayman July 1st

    It is time for the PACT government to announce the date of reopening the borders so that Vaccinated Tourists can travel freely to and fro WITHOUT quarantine.

    • Anonymous says:

      How many lives is that worth?

      • Anonymous says:

        Everyone at risk has had more than enough opportunity to be vaccinated…. The vaccine is safe and effective.

      • Anonymous says:

        due to our vaccination rate, the risk is now the same as seasonal flu….cayman can’t hide from covid or other viruses forever…

      • John says:

        Vaccines are available. If you chose not to get it, that is your free choice, but you have to live with the consequences. The Vaccine is 100% effective against death.

      • Time to reopen! says:

        You are assuming that no lives are being lost now, due to the current repressive border closure.

        Patients can’t get their cancer treatments in Miami.

        Early detection of illness is down.

        Persons who can’t support their family and forced to make poor lifestyle choices to survive.

        The border closure was started to flatten the curve, we are mostly vaccinated now. Time to reopen immediately on July 1!

      • Anonymous says:

        As many as it takes for the message to get through.

    • Anonymous says:

      June 1st. To hell with them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Nah, wait till after carnival

  19. Anonymous says:

    Open the borders now!

    No vaccine? Too bad, you had your chance.

  20. Reopen Cayman says:

    Reopen Cayman July 1st!

    It is time for the PACT government to announce the date of reopening our borders so that Vacinated Caymanians can travel freely to and fro.

    All persons who are not vaccinated should sign a waiver that they will pay for their own medical care should they contract Covid-19.

    We need to restore freedom to Caymanians, this is not Cuba, the unvaccinated minority can no longer keep us in prison.

    • Anonymous says:

      I am a grown up…that’s why I know we should be open and must move on.

    • Brian says:

      You realize your very statement is an oxymoron right? “This is not Cuba….do as the government tells you and you are not allowed to make a choice for what you put into your body”. That is literally what CUBA is…government controlling citizens and telling you what you can and cant do with your body. Do you not understand how a vaccine works? Vaccines are to protect yourself, Not for protecting others. If you feel unsafe then get the vaccine, if you don’t want the vaccine that’s your right. How about we go back to the days of respecting peoples rights to their bodies.

      CNS: Children are required to be up to date on their vaccines before they can enter school. This is for the good of the community as a whole as well as the individual child because it keeps those diseases out of the country. As far as I can remember there has never been a big fuss about this here in Cayman because it hasn’t been politicized like the BS surrounding the covid vaccine. Governments have a responsibility to protect the citizens from irresponsible people, which is why countries are requiring people who entered to be vaccinated first.

      • Anonymous says:

        @CNS, you might want to check that again. There are many unvaccinated children who attend school freely.

        CNS: Well, it was mandatory when my kids went to school. I stand to be corrected if that’s changed. Really, I should drag Auntie out of retirement for questions like this.

      • Anon says:

        CNS, the government shouldn’t be forcing people to do something that don’t feel comfortable doing? Ludicrous!

        CNS: No one at any time has suggested forcibly vaccinating anyone. However, if you are a risk to the population it is perfectly reasonable that governments may not allow you into their country and airlines may not allow you onto their planes, etc.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Let’s hope these figures are real.

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