Less than half under 30s vaccinated

| 27/05/2021 | 117 Comments

(CNS): While the vast majority of the over 50s in Cayman have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, less than half of those under 30 have had their first shot. According to the latest demographic breakdown of the national vaccine programme, some 54% of those under 30 who are eligible for the shot have yet to come forward. Following an evening event at the East End Public Beach on Wednesday, 26 May, and an ongoing community outreach programme, the numbers continue to inch up, but just 164 more people were added to the tally on Thursday.

The deadline for people to get their first shot is less than two weeks away, since Cayman’s supply of vaccines will expire at the end of June. So far 42,954 people, or 66% of the population, have had one dose while 56% have completed the two-dose course.

Efforts to encourage people to get vaccinated roll on and government is organising another vaccine drive event at the airport on Saturday. The Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA), whose members remain the most negatively impacted by the continued border closure, revealed that it will be offering entry into raffle for those who get vaccinated in June to win US$10,000 and other prizes. Government is also running a prize draw to attract those reluctant to get the shot.

Meanwhile, there were no additional cases of COVID-19 Thursday and there are just 15 active cases of the virus, with two people suffering symptoms among the more than 1,000 people in home isolation and government quarantine.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    I’ve been watching from afar for the past 12 months and it seems that someone really doesn’t want the islands to open up and has convinced the previous and current governments of this. Continually moving goalposts, driving hotels, restaurants etc out of business, limiting the number of flights arriving and most bizarrely behaving as though once the current batch to vaccines has expired, there will never be any more! Why haven’t they ordered more? At some point children will be able to have the vaccine and also booster shots will be needed in time. You can buy vaccines, you know, getting them free from the U.K. isn’t the only option!

  2. Vaxed says:

    Lead with “You can suffer from erectile dysfunction FOR LIFE as a symptom of getting COVID”.

    “Save your erection! Get the injection!”

  3. Anonymous says:

    God damn millennials. Maybe offer them all a trophy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, I just said the same thing. Give me the money upfront then I’ll consider it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Pre Covid

        Boomers to Millenials complaints about their struggles-keep your chin up.

        Post Covid

        Boomers they won’t get vaccinated.

        Millenials-keep your chin up.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Pfizer vax 95% effective? Nonsense…that relates only to if you’re pretty close to dying anyhow. Read on jab lovers, read on! (a little tease…its actually less than 1%..that’s the benefit most of you jabbed have gained…yep, that’s it)

    Vaccines are not saving 99% of you. Dont take my word for it, read the Lancet or the British Med Journal. Google ARR and RRR Covid 19. If you won’t, just read this:

    I wonder how many people who took the vaccine believe its because it’s 95% effective and therefore its very clearly a gamechanger and can solve 95% of the problem?

    If only you’d calm down, stop believing Fauci and the rest and try reading non-sensationalist stuff you’d have found:

    Pfizer isn’t 95% more effective, that was relating solely to the RRR. Chances are you don’t know what that means. Its the Relative Risk Reduction efficacy. This is actually a wonderful achievement – IF you’re over 80, obsese, diabetic, multiple strokes, etc.

    RRR is a very focused portion of the population – its basically a study of how the vaccine works for those at super high risk.

    But that’s now known and proven to be very few of us at all.

    You see…RRR is very different to ARR, the Absolute Risk Reduction. Absolute Risk relates to the popluation as a whole.

    The pharma’s and the governments have oddly neglected to obey their own rules and only pushed the RRR rates. Why? Because the ARR rates are STUNNINGLY low.

    It’s 0.7%. That’s right. If you are NOT VULNERABLE, you have reduced your risk of getting ill or dying by 0(ZERO). (POINT) 7 (SEVEN) % (PERCENT).

    not 95%
    0.7% (not 70%…less than 1%).

    Food for thought. Unreported absolute risk reduction measures of 0.7% and 1.1% for the Pfzier/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, respectively, are very much lower
    than the reported relative risk reduction measures. Reporting absolute risk reduction measures is
    essential to prevent outcome reporting bias in evaluation of COVID-19 vaccine efficacy.

    Gee…i wonder why they didn’t report these numbers?

    • Anonymous says:

      Lies, damn lies, and statistics (misapplied).

    • Anonymous says:

      People disliking this post of pure fact…hilarious..

      • Anonymous says:

        Productive people, that enjoy life, and breathing, would much rather get the vaccine than risk death, or months of impaired breathing, pulmonary scarring, and other lingering lung damage lasting from days to a full shortened lifetime. Nobody knows how well they’ll fair. Not even going to get into the other organ failure possibilities. It’s not just risk of death that should motivate rational people to give themselves a proven immune advantage, and thankfully it’s not. That’s why Billions with firsthand experience are now eagerly lining up for their turn to get finished with this. Good luck to all the holdouts, and you can get out your calculators and figure out how many of you that applies to if you want. Vaxed and done.

      • Anonymous says:

        Pure ‘alternative’ fact – how is life down the rabbit hole by the way?

      • Anonymous says:

        People accepting numbers posted anonymously on a website as “pure fact” … pitiful and incredibly dangerous.

    • Anonymous says:

      Death is not, and never was the only risk factor of this novel virus. It can settle into the entire vascular system and regroup. It will be years until all of the lingering effects are known from those “recovered”. If you’re calculating only the relative risk of death, then you haven’t been listening or paying attention this last year. So glad that bullhorned QAnon aren’t in charge of our medical policy.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Cayman should just block YouTube from the Internet. It’s clear our population just can’t handle it. People are skeptical of science but wholeheartedly believe a YouTube video made by some clueless moron.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its not YouTube, it’s the people they choose to get their information from. People STILL think Bill Gates is going to microchip them! I got news for you anti-vaxxer idiots, you’re not worth microchipping…

      • Anonymous says:

        Microsoft president Brad Smith warns ‘life will become like George Orwell’s 1984’ by 2024 if lawmakers don’t protect the public against AI.

        And they found how to microchip you, LOL.

        May be my comment is sarcastic, may be not, feel free to attack me with your insults.

    • Anonymous says:

      Kim Jun Un would be so proud of you.

    • Anonymous says:

      How confident can you be in your beliefs, if you have to silence people and shut every other opinion up. Just a thought.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Those raffles are a joke. Have a 2nd pension fund withdrawal!!!!

  7. Great News says:

    The younger generation ask more questions than the older generation. As for me in my 40’s, I am not taking the vaccine. My body is Gd’s temple.

    • Anonymous says:

      mY bOdY iS gOd’S tEmPlE

      *brushes beef patty crumbs off shirt and finishes chugging his 20oz Kola Champagne*

    • Anonymous says:

      ok, be selfish

    • Anonymous says:

      God’s temple. Yeah, rght. How how many miles a day do you run? How many times a week do you lift weights? When was the last time you ate junk food?

      And, by the way, why are you interacting on the Internet, a product of science and technology? Shouldn’t you limit yourself to the tongue and larynx, the only means of communication gifted to you by your imaginary god?


      • Anonymous says:

        Imaginary God? Ok .. I have heard that come from the mouth of several who have changed that tune. Strange how atheists are the first to cry, “Oh God”, when they run into extreme difficulty and fear. I’ll keep you in my prayers 28/05/2021 at 1:51 pm. You are welcome! 🙂

        • Anonymous says:

          You don’t understand how reality works.

          So what if an atheist gets cancer or goes bankrupt and then gets religion because of despair or a psychotic break? It wouldn’t make your god real.

      • Anonymous says:

        None of your business. #spiteful.

    • Anonymous says:

      God made Covid just for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Great news, agreed. The way I see it, my body, my choice. Period!

  8. Anonymous says:

    So let me get this straight:

    14 months ago if we were told that by June 2021, we have had no community cases for 11 months, all willing over 16s have been vaccinated with a 90% effective vaccine, that will cover almost 70% of the population and almost all vulnerable people, and we have left over vaccine, and other places are cautiously opening up…….

    ….that we remain effectively closed, must quarantine on return, and this summer have to fight to get on two flights a week to Miami or one of two a month on BA.

    And our new leader who campaigned on transparency but has been totally silent.

    Cant make this stuff up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t leave out the fact that we, and we alone in this hemisphere, succeeded in completely extinguishing Covid in our community.

      • Anonymous says:

        😅😂🤣 Delusion of grandeur?

        You never had COVID in your community. You caged your community, creating an artificial COVID free environment.

        Try to actually treat covid patients as doctors everywhere else in the world did and keep doing. And if you don’t lose a single one, then you can brag about it.

        Don’t forget all those who succumbed to cancer and other diseases because they could not receive timely treatments while you were saving elderly and vulnerable. Or their lives don’t matter? Collateral damage?

        What about mental health of children on this rock? They are damaged for life.

        • Anonymous says:

          So, 28/05/2021 at 4:29 pm why are you still on this rock, caged with the rest of us? Eh?

        • Anonymous says:

          If all the countries had closed their borders and restrict travel, then maybe there would be no need to get vaccinated. All that we crave is causing all this mess we are in today.

        • Anonymous says:

          No only that but we ate the food, drank the wine and tripped the lights fantastic off the backs of those who actually had to prepare all of it while facing covid head in places where we get all of our food and supplies. Yeah we’re heros!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Then leave this rock and take your kids elsewhere.

  9. Anonymous says:

    A plan to open the borders to the fully vaccinated needs to be announced. Make it very strict. Do something because this lockdown can’t go on forever. Look at other British territories.

  10. Anonymous says:

    The “only old people get sick from covid so why should I get vaccinated” brigade.. the selfishness of my fellow age bracket never ceases to amaze me..

  11. Anonymous says:

    Is anybody keeping track of the evidence that our education system is failing Cayman?

    • Anonymous says:

      The best evidence is the number of expats working in Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        The low vaccination rate may be better

      • Anonymous says:

        The number of expats is the best evidence of imported poverty in some employment classifications and phenomenal grown in demand for other employment classifications. The best evidence for educational failure is clearly the lack of vaccine uptake in some parts of the local population – at least that is my view as a local.

  12. Anonymous says:

    It seems that the risk to children’s lives posed by opening our country to Covid is the latest battle ground in the Covid wars. It appears that many who post here consider the lives and health of our children as irrelevant.

    For anybody, including our public health decision makers, who has not read the most recent May 2021 CDC guidance on Covid exposure risks to babies and under 12’s who are not eligible for a vaccine, here is a link:


    Here are the highlights:

    “Most children with COVID-19 have mild symptoms or have no symptoms at all. However, some children can get severely ill from COVID-19. They might require hospitalization, intensive care, or a ventilator to help them breathe. In rare cases, they might die…

    Babies under 1 year old and children with certain underlying conditions may be more likely to have severe illness from COVID-19.”

  13. Anonymous says:

    What opening?? The writing is on the wall people. PACT asking BA for 2 more flight this summer is your first clue, not showing up to the CITA event yesterday to answer the questions of the concerned people in a packed Ritz ballroom is your second clue. Why is PACT MIA?

    • No Transparency says:

      They are now the PAC

    • Anonymous says:

      Based on the crap that came out of the CITA meeting, I’m glad no one from the government was there. XXX

      We need to reopen safely not just fling our doors open to ones that are squealing the loudest. Not for one second do I believe that the Government will do something without it being in our best interests when it comes to this pandemic

      We have done well so far and if we have to wait a bit longer than so be it. These people are used to the PPM playing to their every whim. We have this one opportunity to do things right. Let’s not be like all the islands around us that rushed to re-open and their people are now suffering the consequences.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Pro vaxers are in complete denial. Do you really think if we get to 70% the government will open up? Do they have a plan? All they’ve managed to do is move the 15 day quarantine to 11 for vaccinated persons. This is despite the fact that we now know vaccinated persons are highly unlikely, if at all, to transmit the virus. So these people, who have done the right thing, have to be treated like prisoners for 11 days.

    Government has randomly set 70%. Based on the above, the decision is based on fear and ignorance as opposed to knowledge. They could, just have easily, set it to 60%.

    Any reasonable person can deduce that we are not opening up for now. Added to the fact that Cayman does not have the virus, there is absolutely no need to get the vaccine. Added to that fact, is this sin’t North Korea!

    If we open up, and have chosen not been vaccinated, well that’s our choice. A risk we are willing, and entitled to take. I appreciate you think we can catch the virus once open, but if you are vaccinated, so what? Don’t you believe the vaccine works?

    Here is when Cayman does the right thing and opens up. When the U.K. tells us to. And given the recent ruling from the U.K. they aren’t likely to go down this road soon again. Our Premier entered the political race with a master plan to gain control of government. His plan seems to have stopped there. So pro-vaxers, please tell me when we will realistically open up.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pretty sure it was the last gov’t that lowered the quarantine.

      All these guys have done is hold a really bad press conference, drop the pre-test for vaccinated travelers and hold a raffle.

  15. Anonymous says:

    What pisses me off is the apparent assumption that everyone not taking the vaccine are just “reluctant”. Some people have serious health histories that dictate they should not take it. Yet the general attitude seems to be “try it and see”. Really? Some who were shamed into taking it suffered serious consequences, needed emergency room treatment and are still not well. Those incidents are not publicized but the fact is the vaccine is not for everyone and those folks who cannot take it should be treated with compassion and respect, not as if they are idiots or criminals.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you professor. Please provide references for your assertions.

      • Anonymous says:

        References? Hmmm…

        “Distrust even Mathematics; albeit so sublime and highly perfected, we have here a machine of such delicacy it can only work in vacuo, and one grain of sand in the wheels is enough to put everything out of gear. One shudders to think to what disaster such a grain of sand may bring a Mathematical brain. Remember Pascal.”
        — Anatole France
        The Garden of Epicurus (1894) translated by Alfred Allinson, in The Works of Anatole France in an English Translation (1920), 187.

      • Anonymous says:

        8:50 go to the emergency room and see for yourself. Or better yet, take your head out of your ass and speak to people. There are a lot of cases with people having bad reactions. Lee and the government and just not being transparent and forthcoming. #coverup

    • Anonymous says:

      If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck…..

      • Anonymous says:

        “The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts. We are apt to fall into the error of thinking that the facts are simple because simplicity is the goal of our quest. The guiding motto in the life of every natural philosopher should be, Seek simplicity and distrust it. “
        — Alfred North Whitehead
        In The Concept of Nature: Tarner Lectures Delivered in Trinity College, November 1919 (1920), 163

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree – screw science – lets make all decisions on unverified reports of unverified reports of unverified reports of anecdotes. – *** Note to 6:53 – my comment is sarcastic – that means I am making fun of your comment ***

    • Anonymous says:

      So half of under 30s have a medical reason not to take the vaccine……give me break!

      • Anonymous says:

        28/05/2021 at 9:43 am I am no antivaxer, however, the under 30s are free to choose not to take it just as you are free to choose to do so. This is not a dictatorship as many of you, on both sides of this vaccine argument, seem to think! And, yes, despite what you are obviously stupid enough to believe, there are those with serious health issues (some under 30!) who have taken great care to consult with medical professionals, and based on sound medical advice have opted not to take the vaccine. They are being left virtually alone with the knowledge of their vulnerability, trying to boost their immune systems and do their best to be able to avoid the virus when it arrives in our community, as it will, when the government opens the borders! The government is totally mum and has not offered any guidance to this vulnerable segment of our society. Bullies like you have no clue what you are talking about! Try getting lupus or MS, or some painful inflammatory allergic reactions, or some neurological issue and live with that every day. Guaranteed you will sing a different tune. This, like all vaccines, is not for everyone.

    • Anonymous says:

      another anti-vaxxer who hasn’t got the guts to admit what they are….

      • Anonymous says:

        We are not against vaccines per se. we just don’t want experimental jabs against the virus that has affected les than 2% of world’s population, has 99.8% recovery rate and 25% of world’s population is probably naturally immune to it.
        You don’t want to take chances with covid? We don’t want to take chances with immune boosters. Are we square?

      • Anonymous says:

        28/05/2021 at 10:12 am You are a heartless bully jumping on here attacking those who already vulnerable, not just to COVID. The evil that people like you spew is incredible.

      • Anonymous says:

        A closeted anti-vaxxer.lol..This forum already provides you with anonymity. Nobody know who you are.You can admit it here..no problem.

  16. Anonymous says:

    Let me get this straight. We shut down last year in an effort to stamp out the virus which will never go away. Ok, did that everyone sacrificed their freedom to do the right thing, then Alden’s Government asked that the most vulnerable and over 60’s get vaccinated so that we could look at opening with care the boarders. Ok, did that, then Dr. Lee came up with a random number of XYC of the population needed to be vaccinated which Alden’s government interpreted at 70% over 50. Ok, got there then it was changed to overall population between Alden’s government and new government. Ok, we are close to that target. Now, the new Premier Wayne Panton wants a census done in October to see what our exact population number is to use to figure out the correct percentages of people vaccinated. So, basically what this new government is saying is we will not be opening until 2022!! Maybe what this government needs to look at is the rise in mental health due to all this indecisiveness and lack of transparency. No one is asking that the boarders be wide open but what majority of the population and those that voted this new government into power are asking is that the government provide a concrete plan that has steps on what they plan on doing to start opening the boarders safely and carefully. Why wait until winter when it’s the peak time for the flu? Start opening slowly by July to only vaccinated people, bring the quarantine down to five days do it for a month to see how it goes, then lower the quarantine to 3 days in August again for a month etc. Change the airfare (highway robbery charges) from repatriation flights to normal flights so people can get their children to University etc. In addition, it will allow hotels, condos, villas and tourism sector to test their sector for when we fully open up and gives them time to rehire staff.

    CNS can you please ask the government when they plan on answering our questions and having a press conference with a plan? Enough is enough.

    • Anonymous says:

      100 percent!

      • Anonymous says:

        No quarantine for vaccinated people. It doesn’t make sense!

        • Anonymous says:

          I agree no quarantine for vaccinated people does not make sense!

        • Anonymous says:

          It DOES make sense! Vaccinated people are NOT immune, can still catch the virus and spread it. The problem is that this vaccine is completely new and there are still more questions than answers. No one really knows how long it will offer any protection, if or when a booster will be needed or even if it could have lasting negative effects. We are in unknown territory guys so settle down, let the government work with the professionals they have to guide them and allow them to hopefully come up with a safe plan or us all.

    • Anonymous says:

      I agree with most of your comments, however, the opening was always 80% by the former Govt. Some people have serious health reasons why they can not take the vaccine. I have two close family members that took the first one and are under 24 hour care as they have been ill ever since. The rest of the family suffers the same genetic allergies and health ailments so we were advised by our doctors not to take it, as it could also make us ill like those needed 24 hr care.

      Second point, is there is no rush to vaccinate because by June, everyone that was vaccinated end of January and prior, will need another sot as the vaccine only last for 6 months. So by the time we reopen, everyone that was vaccinated in 2021 will need another vaccinate shot(s) as it will be out of their system.

      They also need to consider this when asking about people being vaccinated can forgo quarantine. They only give you immunity for so long. By not quarantining vaccinated person, you put the entire community at risk for community spread.

      • Anonymous says:

        Why is the government covering up such such serious side effects of the vaccine and only publicizing that is it safe. They should make such side effects public too so that people can made an informed decision. There may be more such or similar cases here which no one would know unless they are close family or friends.

        • Anonymous says:

          Really, how is the Government covering up side effects?? When I went to get my vaccine the nurse read me a list of potential side effects and those that were more serious to call or go to the HSA. Luckily, I didn’t have any at all.

          Now, I’m not saying that everyone is as lucky as me and I have talked to many people who have had side effects but they have always been short-lived.

          On this island if someone suffered some type of side effects that was life threatening or otherwise, it would be on the Marl Road so quickly and spreading like wildfire with the anti-vaxxers spouting of their “I told you so claims.” There would all kinds of posts on CNS about it as well. You can’t cover up things like this on this small island..People love to gossip and it would be on the street real quickly..

          Nobody has died. Nobody has suffered any life changing problems with taking the vaccine here on island. If you are that concerned about side effects, do what the government and the HSA has promoted all along, see your doctor, express your concerns and get their advice.

    • Anonymous says:

      I suspect that the ‘plan’ is to do everything possible to avoid there being a single Caymanian death due to Covid. Our success in keeping the virus at bay last year is, ironically, the thing that may be keeping us locked down. The new government probably doesn’t want to move too fast and open borders in case we have sickness and death, and they get blamed for that. So, they’ll do exactly what Alden did and keep Cayman locked down in a bubble until the risk of opening the borders is incredibly small. They’ve seen Bermuda and other jurisdictions open up and suffer the consequences. It’s just easier for them to make no decision and to maintain the status quo. That’s not leadership.

      • Anonymous says:

        Bermuda opened last July and did well for so long. Then, they got community spread which it has been reported over and over were people NOT vaccinated.
        To correct this- only invite vaccinated people to travel.

      • Anonymous says:

        Sorry – What the government is doing IS leadership. Since when was taking unnecessary risks with citizen’s lives the hallmark of leadership. Risking people’s lives unnecessarily would be pandering to the baying minority who don’t care about risks to people’s lives not leadership.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Now we are offering raffle prizes of $10K to people whose contribution has been to wait until the last possible moment to get vaccinated? And for what – because it is now impossible to get to the percentage the government says it has to have to reopen with the vaccine we have left – so the only objective is to spare the government the embarrassment of having to destroy unused vaccines. That is apparently worth $10K of CITAs money.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Half the people under 30, or half the people over 16 and under 30? Hell of a difference, and given the proportion of the population below the vaccination cut off limit, think your statistic is the former ( and completely misleading).

    • Townah says:

      It says right there in the article “54% of those under 30 who are eligible for the shot”:

      According to the latest demographic breakdown of the national vaccine programme, some 54% of those under 30 who are eligible for the shot have yet to come forward.

      Looks like we have a case of completely misreading, not completely misleading.

    • Anonymous says:

      Read the article.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ahhh – missed those classes on comprehension did we?

  19. Anonymous says:

    What will motivate an under 30 is to announce a tangible benefit to getting the vaccine, such as no need to quarantine upon a resident returning to Cayman.

    What is also not helping is the government’s complete (actually, unbelievably complete) silence on potential plans. The government is also signaling there is no near-term intention of allowing more travel to Cayman by announcing that for next four months (to September), only two flights a month will be allowed for British Airways. That clearly shows it is status quo until the fall.

    So disappointed by the deafening silence and lack of transparency by Panton.

    (I wish Panton would grant Wendy Ledger a 30 minute interview….heck, I will take 15 minutes even)

  20. Anonymous says:

    I don’t think a raffle is going to induce a 25 year old who is uninterested in getting a vaccine. A one in a couple thousand chance of winning something isnt going to motivate anyone.

  21. Anonymous says:

    No carnival, no vaccine.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I say plan a day to open up. These anti-vaxxers have had many chances to get their vaccine done. Let them suffer the consequences even though I know the expenses to hospitalize and ventilate them will fall on the government.

    Open up the Field hospital again and have that set aside for them so that we can keep the GT Hospital open. After a few start dying off, some will maintain their conspiracy theories and continue to watch their loved ones fall off and those with an ounce of sense will ask for the vaccine and they should be charge for thee the shots. They should not be free.

    Further all of these people particularly those in the construction industry who are here on work permits and refuse to go an get a free vaccine need to have their work permits pulled and allow the developers/contractors to replace them with people that are fully vaccinated if needed. I’ll bet then you will see them lining up at the airport to get it done..otherwise they will be there catching a flight out.

    It’s time for someone to get tough and say enough is enough. We cannot be held hostage by these people anymore.

  23. Anonymous says:

    yep…youtube generation brainwashed with nonsense.
    cig should have seen this coming a mile off…..they did nothing…no plan…no plan b….total waste of time.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you plan for those “brainwashed with nonsense?” The Government doesn’t have a anti-brainwash plan because you cannot treat or cure ignorance. Once indoctrinated, there is nothing any government can do.

      Anti-Vaxxers choose not to believe the science and instead delve in to Youtube or any other media source that promulgates their conspiracy theories….and boy I have heard some doozies..

      You can’t fix stupid..You just have work around them and I think once the Government has the numbers to ensure a safe opening for those that need to have it done they will do so and the anti-vaxxers will still be there. The biggest fear I have is for those that are unable to take it for a valid reason being infected by these assholes..

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