Archive for April, 2021

Slowed vaccine take-up poses risk of waste

Slowed vaccine take-up poses risk of waste

| 26/04/2021 | 159 Comments

(CNS): As the clock ticks on the shelf life of the COVID-19 vaccine stocks, the slowed pace of the vaccine take-up in the Cayman Islands may see them go to waste. According to the latest figures from Public Health officials, only 368 people received their first vaccination shot over the weekend. As of Monday afternoon, […]

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Juliana denies turning her back on Progressives

Juliana denies turning her back on Progressives

| 26/04/2021 | 55 Comments

(CNS): Beginning her seventh term in office, Friday, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly justified why yet again she found herself on the government benches even though the party she ran with lost. The member for Cayman Brac East made the decision to desert the team she ran with and secure a seat in Cabinet yet again at the […]

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External pressure helped forge Cabinet

External pressure helped forge Cabinet

| 26/04/2021 | 47 Comments

(CNS): During the first working meeting of the new Parliament, Premier Wayne Panton described his Cabinet as being forged in steel after what they had been through over the previous week and the pressure they were put under by external forces. But they did not break, he said. Deputy Premier Chris Saunders, in his contribution […]

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McTaggart promises ‘robust opposition’

McTaggart promises ‘robust opposition’

| 26/04/2021 | 33 Comments

(CNS): After what he said was a stressful six weeks, Roy McTaggart publicly congratulated the new government, as he stood to make his first speech as opposition leader in Parliament on Friday. The PPM leader made a very short address, in which he promised to hold the government to account. McTaggart said his team of […]

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Rangers appeal to PACT to save threatened mangroves

Rangers appeal to PACT to save threatened mangroves

| 26/04/2021 | 21 Comments

(CNS): An adjourned application for a subdivision that threatens the Central Mangrove Wetlands is one of a number of controversial items on the Central Planning Authority’s agenda this week that activists hope the PACT government will be able to pause, in light of the commitment made by the new premier and his team to protect […]

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Driver critical after crash on Shamrock road

Driver critical after crash on Shamrock road

| 24/04/2021 | 39 Comments

(CNS): The driver in a single-vehicle crash on Shamrock Road in the early hours of Saturday morning is in critical condition in the Cayman Islands Hospital. Police reported that around 2:00am on 24 April, a silver Honda Accord travelling west left the roadway and collided into the wall at Coral Bay Village, which caused the […]

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Three more travellers positive for COVID-19

Three more travellers positive for COVID-19

| 23/04/2021 | 54 Comments

(CNS): With the COVID-19 pandemic still raging around the world, another three people arrived in the Cayman Islands over the last few days carrying the coronavirus. There are now 18 active cases of the virus among the 773 people currently in isolation and quarantine, three of them are suffering symptoms, public health officials said. According […]

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Last week ‘left a stain’ on Cayman, says Hew

Last week ‘left a stain’ on Cayman, says Hew

| 23/04/2021 | 163 Comments

(CNS): The member for George Town North appeared reluctant to put the election behind him when he stood to make his debut address as a member of the opposition on Friday. Joey Hew said he had been “characterized as the villain” in the recent campaign, as he pointed the finger at, but did not name, […]

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Roy to review his own work as chair of PAC

Roy to review his own work as chair of PAC

| 23/04/2021 | 27 Comments

(CNS): The absence of the former member for North Side, Ezzard Miller, was felt immediately in the Legislative Assembly on Friday morning, as members met for the first time to form the various standing committees and other business required at the start of every new parliament. Given the current make-up of the House, the new […]

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A sliding scale of judgement

A sliding scale of judgement

| 23/04/2021 | 73 Comments

Public Servant writes: I listened tentatively to conversations about the re-appointment of William McKeeva Bush as speaker of Parliament. Some viewpoints were positive. Some were negative. Others were in-between and hopeful. Overall, though, there seems to have been a shifting of accountability from the previous government to the new one. I believe that this shift warrants […]

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Dagarro: We’re here to ‘save and protect lives’

Dagarro: We’re here to ‘save and protect lives’

| 23/04/2021 | 83 Comments

(CNS): Myles Newlove, the CEO of the aviation company about to start work on the disaster and evacuations facility for its helicopter project on Cayman Brac, has told CNS that residents’ fears about the work they will be doing are entirely groundless and Daggaro is about tracking disasters, evacuations, air support, and protecting and saving […]

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