Archive for April 13th, 2021

51% of population vaccinated against COVID
(CNS): Public Health officials said that almost 33,000 people have now received at least one shot of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, which equates to around 51% of the entire population, with 41% having received the full double dose course. There were no new cases of the virus reported in Tuesday’s test results and there are […]

Panton, Saunders emerge as viable leaders
(CNS): On the eve of the 2021 General Elections, the independent challengers to the PPM-Alliance with the most realistic hope of retaining or winning a seat are coalescing around Wayne Panton and Chris Saunders as potential unifying leaders among the non-Alliance candidates. While no agreements have been signed and sealed yet, over the last few […]

Tourism workers and civil servants need to out Alden and his selfish crew
Shameless writes: When I was growing up, we used to sing a chorus in Sunday school that said: J – O – Y / J – O – Y / That must surely mean / Jesus first / Yourself last / Others in between. That little chorus engraved basic principles that have served many well over […]