Archive for April 20th, 2021

Man stabbed in head at Coe Wood Beach

Man stabbed in head at Coe Wood Beach

| 20/04/2021

(CNS): A 39-year-old man from Boden Town has been arrested on suspicion of wounding after a fight at Coe Wood Beach at around 10:30 Sunday morning. The suspect was said to have stabbed the man he was brawling with in the head, according to the RCIPS. The victim was taken to hospital in a private […]

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Crisis Centre plans to decline Bush cash

Crisis Centre plans to decline Bush cash

| 20/04/2021 | 142 Comments

(CNS): In a short statement published on the Cayman Islands Crisis Centre’s website and social media pages, the charity’s board of directors said that they will be declining the offer of a monthly donation from what will be Speaker McKeeva Bush’s salary. The charity, which runs a shelter for women and children fleeing abusive situations […]

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Vaccine take-up increases just 2% in last week

Vaccine take-up increases just 2% in last week

| 20/04/2021 | 59 Comments

(CNS): The percentage of the population that has received at least one does of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine against the COVID-19 coronavirus barely moved Tuesday, according to the latest statistics. Cayman remains a world leader in the percentage of the population who have had at least one dose, with 34,614 people vaccinated or 53% of the […]

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Parliament to meet after Panton confirms new PACT

Parliament to meet after Panton confirms new PACT

| 20/04/2021 | 118 Comments

(CNS) Premier Designate Wayne Panton submitted a revised letter of support to Governor Martyn Roper on Tuesday, triggering a proclamation for Parliament to meet on Wednesday at 3pm. The governor’s proclamation has been gazetted outlining the meeting where all 19 members elect will be sworn in. The vote for premier, speaker and deputy speaker will […]

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Gov faces backlash on bullying allegation as protests roll on

Gov faces backlash on bullying allegation as protests roll on

| 20/04/2021 | 75 Comments

(CNS): Many voters across Grand Cayman have expressed anger at the governor’s statement issued on Monday, which was described as undermining their right to protest and express their wishes clearly to the 19 elected MPs. Most activists groups were outraged by Martyn Roper’s suggestions they were inciting or causing violence by lobbying people they had […]

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CPR plan action over loss of GT marine protection

CPR plan action over loss of GT marine protection

| 20/04/2021 | 11 Comments

(CNS): The Unity Government’s removal of marine protections in the George Town Harbour and the creation of a port designation is set to become the grounds for further legal action by Shirley Roulstone of the Cruise Port Referendum campaign, as the activists continue their quest to prevent the development of a cruise berthing facility and […]

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The port issue is not dead

The port issue is not dead

| 20/04/2021 | 16 Comments

Shirley Roulstone writes: This PPM-led Unity government has told us many times over the last few months since we have been shut down that the port issue is dead and they are going to focus on medical tourism and other things. You all have heard that at many times… but listen to me… and listen to […]

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Dive boat hits the rocks on Boggy Sand beach

Dive boat hits the rocks on Boggy Sand beach

| 20/04/2021 | 18 Comments

(CNS): Harbour House Marine boat salvage teams were out in West Bay this morning after a local dive boat broke from is moorings in the choppy seas and drifted to shore, landing on rocks along Boggy Sand Beach. The owners and boat repair crews are struggling to move the vessel, which has been damaged as […]

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Rules and carrots and the role of speaker

Rules and carrots and the role of speaker

| 20/04/2021 | 46 Comments

(CNS): Roy McTaggart’s ‘Come to Jesus’ moment regarding the speaker of the House and parliamentary procedure is 20 years too late and as hollow as a kettle drum. In 2001, McKeeva Bush orchestrated a political coup, deposing Kurt Tibbetts as leader of government business and inserting himself in this position. To do that, he had […]

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A true coalition is better for the country

A true coalition is better for the country

| 20/04/2021 | 12 Comments

Votesmart writes: Although the election saga seems to be nearly over with the announcement of a majority and a full list of Cabinet ministers by Mr Wayne Panton, the proposed solution is not the right one for Cayman. Mr Panton as premier, aided by fresh minds such as Chris Saunders, Kenneth Bryan, and Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, […]

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