Kids’ living conditions shock school principal

| 13/04/2020 | 137 Comments
Cayman News Service
Sir John A Cumber Primary School Principal Jovanna Wright

(CNS): Sir John A Cumber Primary School Principal Jovanna Wright said some of her students are living in “unmentionable circumstances” without running water or electricity, as she described the “heartbreaking experience” over the last month delivering food to kids in need. Wright is part of an army of education staff now delivering lunches and supplies to students during the current COVID-19 lockdown who have had their eyes opened to the reality of the living conditions for some children here.

In a press release from the Department of Education Services about what teachers and other DES staff and private sector volunteers are doing to feed children in need, Wright expressed serious concerns about her young students.

“Unfortunately, many of our students are at-risk youth, from single or no income households and often broken homes,” she said. “These past few weeks have been significantly eye-opening for me and many of my colleagues in the government school system.”

She said that some kids do not have access to food and that they had witnessed “hundreds of students living in unmentionable circumstances, some with no running water and electricity, much less electronic devices. It is heartbreaking.”

Determined to ensure their students eat every day while schools are closed, she said that she and her colleagues have been making sure the children have daily lunches prepared and delivered to their homes. Teachers, school canteen staff, school bus drivers and other civilian volunteers are all pitching in, as this is the only cooked food some students receive each day because many of their parents have only food vouchers to survive on.

The DES has partnered with various private companies and non-profit organisations to provide the free lunches. Teachers knew there would be a need as before the coronavirus came to Cayman and turned our world upsidedown, over 500 students across the 13 government primary and secondary schools already received free breakfast, snacks and lunches on a daily basis. But now, almost 700 students are part of the Free School Meal programme, which started after the schools were closed just a month ago.

Since the ‘shelter in place’ order came into effect and the business community close down, the number of young students needing meals has increased by nearly 200, and staff say it continues to grow every day.

Officials from the education ministry said the reality is that the emergence of this coronavirus pandemic has added to copious amounts of unique challenges that government schools already faced.

Another unfortunate reality is the realisation that many government school students live in environments not equipped for home learning. Some have no access to home-internet or a smart device. This presents a considerable disadvantage for these students to access all available home distance learning resources.

“Our government schools face a number of very unique challenges,” said Ministry of Education Chief Officer Cetonya Cacho.

“Some of these currently include coming up with innovative ideas for providing distance education to all our students who are from a diverse set of socioeconomic, cultural and learning backgrounds. During this pandemic, government schools also have to continue to provide a wide range of high quality services for students with learning disabilities, mental, emotional and behavioural needs,” she added.

See more about what the DES is doing to help keep kids learning during these unprecedented times here.

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Comments (137)

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  1. Darlene Mckenzie says:

    No disrespect this news is not news is not new. The problem is only getting worst. Thanks too principal Wright from West Bay primary school. The most well-fare district in the cayman islands. for bringing it out too light. In the media. No disrespect too principal Wright be careful the higer-ups do not shift victimnize you. No disrespect malace and victimnization is real in the cayman islands whenever you bring the truth too light. No disrespect government departments or agencies have it the worst. No disrespect a man have too do what a man have too do. Even if he do not want to do it. He will be forced too do so. My name can be exposed because it were already exposed before on speaking up against wrong doings.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Until men are granted equal reproductive rights children will continue to suffer and child abuse will continue unabated.

  3. Rodney Barnett says:

    So my question is: Where are the Church Community Leaders in all of this. After all they are the “pillars” of the community.

    Perhaps they should step up, organize their members and help do God’s work to save these needy souls.

    • Anonymous says:

      They should get together to offer free birth control and sterilization.

    • too busy says:

      Oops, sorry. Church leaders are too busy. They spend all free time on gaybashing and fighting gay marriage. (Keep in mind that gay marriage affects only a tiny minority of people and takes absolutely nothing away from the straight community.) Way to go, Cayman churches…

    • Anonymous says:

      They always hollering up in church and dropping to the floor about the healing power of jebus while the pastor rakes in the tithe because the congregation thinks he weilds some sort of divine influence.

      Get unna asses down to flu clinic and isolation facilities.

  4. Anonymous says:

    As far as the ED department goes we had lots of good educated people implementing lots of great programs in the past, but because they where Caymanians at the helm – there was no confidence in them. So what did we do? Bring in the usual corrupted/scamming consultants who knows nothing. As usual we fell for their shit. No support for Caymanians.

    This has got to stop. Caymanians are smart and highly analytical, with common sense and foresight and guess what we built these islands with no help from the outside world. We were built on honesty and integrity – today we are still the best people and the best place in the world. What we have left now we must preserved and find the best way forward.

    Remember my Caymanians God has always protected us. Right now he is not too pleased at all.

    We must put confidence back in our people and cut off the static he hear from the supposedly foreign consultants and DO IT OURSELVES. We cannot go back to the corrupted way we were, the best way forward is to put trust back in GOD and OUR people, starting right now.

    There is too much disconnect in Government and this must stop, we have to WORK TOGETHER and I mean work together. Remember we did it before we can do it again.

    We need to start looking at out Laws – and we need good people with our best interest at heart – not these that come in here with their own agenda. We got to wisen up here quickly.

    • Anonymous says:

      Then you need schools that produce graduates who pass international standard tests. Semi-literate is not good enough anymore.

      • Anonymous says:

        10.26am… and we don’t need you…..

        Who are the most of these teachers?????Most of them teachers are nothing short of bullies and are there for the pay!!!!! Do u understand that.

        Re read the above! (9.37am)

  5. Anonymous says:

    Bet them step fathers living good tho. Children starving, no current. No water. Abuse everywhere. Sexual, mental plus you hungry. And I bet you 5lbs of turtle meat they all Caymanians.

    • Anonymous says:

      You bet!

    • Diana says:

      Was that last bit really necessary? No it certainly wasn’t. You’re obviously very ignorant and prejudice so good on you. Maybe next time don’t post your comments on an article having anything to do with education. It’s just not for you. Looks like your school system failed you and only instilled small mindedness.

  6. Anon says:

    As a teacher it has been glaringly obvious we have social issues that affects all of our students and not just the poor souls with parents whom splash cash on drink, drugs and the good life but also the 90% of students who regularly do the right thing to get educated but are disrupted by the small % ( in EVERY class) who have issues arising from poor parenting/ no parenting.
    Remote learning has shown me that we have adapted as educators but too many parents cannot adapt to get their kids online due to lack of access/ funds and a lack of knowledge of what it means to parent a child.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Instead of attacking and judging these poor children and their families why not help them. If you cannot help them that’s ok too. If you are not speaking with kindness or compassion best not speak at all.

    • Anonymous says:

      The best help is to control reproduction. Who in their right senses will look for children when they are not capable of providing or taking care of themselves? Our government has encouraged this type of mentality through NAU, providing for lazy, useless people, who are only looking for a hand out. Educate those persons, they are not too old to learn. They can be taught to use their hands thereby earning a decent living, not being dependents. Teach them that having a child or children and no support to raise them, is not the way forward.

      Weekly classroom lectures in Family Planning should be a part of e curriculum.

      • Anonymous says:

        I think your comments come from a lack of life experience. I’m educated with professional designations but I’ve been through a period in my life why I needed government assistance and am thoroughly grateful for it. I also know of people left in situations where there are unexpectedly single parents with no option to ask for government assistance.

        You never know what life is going to through at you, and when. And judging everyone by the same uneducated slob stick is in itself a lazy assessment.

        The day the work enforced sterilization on people is never a day I want to see.

        The way I see it, the only answer is love and support. If you are unable to provide that that’s fine too (we all have our own battles and limits).

      • Anonymous says:

        You can teach the HOW TO but not the WANT TO.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Eden? Where is your god ?

    • Anonymous says:

      8:41pm… if I were you I would be very careful. Mr Eden God (our God!) is exactly where he has always been.

      You all thought he was dead ugh. Head up to you “he is not”. Be careful.

  9. Anonymous says:

    It is very sad to see that although teachers and the management at schools work tirelessly – people will still find a way to tear them down.
    When some parents don’t do their job in “teaching” their child boundaries at home and the child comes in to the school system with negative behaviors that disrupt the teaching and learning for an entire classroom. It is the teachers fault. When a child hits or curses at another child or teacher. It is the teachers fault. When a child is not learning because their primary needs are not being met at home- it is the teachers fault. I know many teachers who work here in the Cayman Islands and I know that they work week days, week nights and weekends to meet the needs of the students and is still heavily critiqued about not doing enough.
    Teachers are figuring out teaching from home while taking care of their own families as well. Maybe instead of writing on here you should write to your child’s teacher giving them that feedback so that they can work with you. Truth is they’re probably busy figuring out how to teach from home and not sitting on this website “doing nothing” like you imagine. A little appreciation and compassion goes a long way. But I guess that’s too much to ask as covid-19 is probably the teacher’s fault too.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is unfortunate. Teachers have always been heavily critiqued before covid and obviously during.

      However, everyone regardless of the role they play are having a very challenging time right now. We should be supporting each other instead of asking if people are doing enough. Many teachers and parents are working hard but also are mentally and emotionally drained.

      A teacher cannot make online learning to be exactly like the classroom experience. But we can work together to figure out how to make it a quality learning experience while we wait this out.

      These changes happened quickly and although we expect immediate action. Well thought out plans are executed with greater success. Give everyone a bit of time and grace to figure the right next steps out.

      Everyone please stay safe and follow the guidelines that have been set to protect us.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Wait! I recall someone suggesting they can live for weeks on corned beef and rice! Why cannot they just eat cake if they have no bread? Sorry, I have to go. My subzero will not stay closed due to all of the food I have.

  11. Anonymous says:

    And unfortunately, when their parent have also been bankrupted on top of that with this financial disaster, this problem will only get much worse.

    And unfortunately, there is still zero plan is on the table to get this economy going. Rather, we are finding new ways everyday to keep squashing and destroying it to new levels.
    Sure, let’s shutdown for another few months and see who has survived NOT the corona because virtually everyone will that normally survives the seasonal flu. More importantly, who has managed to survive the financial catastrophe. That is the real disaster we will be facing and the fall out thereof.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes! idiot you say open it up…for greedy people like you – I know if you dead you dead!

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t worry, in your next life you will experience it firsthand..Doubt you will be reborn in Cayman…may be in a bare rocky area of Pakistan?

        • Diana says:

          May you be returned to your beloved homeland from within the putrid cavity of your winged descendant. I pray you do so without incident or by way of defecation.
          Ok now you try, but with a bit more poetic imagination. Really explore & stretch yourself by incorporating more linguistic imagery in your revilement. You’ve got this! I believe in you!

  12. Anonymous says:

    .. …And there are numerous slumlords who are bleeding the little resources that some people may have. Rents of $500- 600 for one room, often sharing toilet and kitchen facilities.

    There is a sad underbelly of substandard housing and general poverty in Cayman which continues to be overlooked by successive Governments. But heartless and greedy slumlords is a major problem amongst it all.

    • Anonymous says:

      4.04pm. .. these slums and tenement yards should not have happen. We have building codes but when you let poverty into the island along with what we have – then what going to happen. Time to purge and bulldoze!

      • Anonymous says:

        Poverty can not be imported. It has been created by high cost of living and the lack of a liveable wage.

        • Anonymous says:

          8.45am… really now … you say poverty can’t be imported… I don’t know where you come from but I know there were very few (Caymanians) relying on the NAU (before the mass status grant) (MAC you listening?) Now we have??? Thousands!!!! benefiting from it and also lots of greedy low class scammers. Go ask NAU where these people come from? IMPORTED!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Time to turn these slum landlords in and keep pressing for a solution. We got to do it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not happening because slum landlords vote for one thing and provide housing for people who provide cheap labour to Cayman’s powerful merchant class for another.

        • Anonymous says:

          Even though they are often operating in breach of planning, health, environment, and licensing laws? We have an opportunity to clean the slate. We should not waste it.

    • Anonymous says:

      The slums were created by the greedy developers who bring in cheap labour, while they make millions of $ in profit. Also Govt. allowing the Island to develop too f a s t, now is the time to take 10 deep breaths and spread out development. covid-19 will slow it down it had to happen 1 way or another, greed and c—p*i.n.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Dear Principal,
    Can we help?
    Can you deliver information that will keep the entire process anonymous?
    I for one am willing to turn someone’s lights and water on.
    If you post your email, I will be in touch.
    CNS, if you know please pass it on.
    Of course, I will talk to the Principal and vet the situation, but I cannot stand by and let this happen to my fellow Caymanians.

  14. Anonymous says:

    “Our government schools face a number of very unique challenges,” said Ministry of Education Chief Officer Cetonya Cacho.
    …. whilst offering no solutions, Along with the rest of her do-nothing department.

  15. Anonymous says:

    This is not a surprise to me. Until we find a way to get the unrestricted breeding under control the problem is only going to get worse.

    • Anonymous says:

      Why hello there, eugenics.

    • Anonymous says:

      What the hell is wrong with you?
      Were you born here?
      Is this your mother country?
      If no, STFU.

      • Anonymous says:

        Interestingly a born Caymanian who taught in a government school here once told me the only solution to the abominable problems in the schools here was forced sterilization. And this person was serious!

        • Anonymous says:

          And correct.

        • Anonymous says:

          Simple solution is – If you can’t feed it, DON’T BREED IT!

        • Diana says:

          Yes, because she certainly represents all of us. As good as some ppl are at painting all Caymanians with the same brush the rest of us will be busy drawing out of the lines.
          While you and this “educator” wish to play god, the rest of us with actual souls will do what we can to help our fellow man.
          Just remember, not everything is what it seems. Go do something good. Maybe get to know the ppl you live amongst and not just the few that help prove your point.
          There will always be ppl (in every society) who take advantage of welfare programs and ppl who preach on their podium of privilege. Would you approve of being sterilized? Then volunteer and be an example because god knows we don’t need more ppl like you with your narcissistic way of thinking running wild on this planet.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      Truth. And it is only going to get worse here in Cayman. Lots of ignorant unemployables who can not take care of themselves but culturally believe it is OK to have kids. CIG spends a lot of money keeping them from being homeless and starving.

    • Anonymous says:

      12:44pm ” get the unrestricted breeding under control”….are you speaking of human beings or animals?

      • Anonymous says:

        Some people act like animals bro. You want me to treat you like a man act accordingly.

        • Diana says:

          I don’t think anyone wants you treating them AT ALL lol. Who are you? Other than someone doused in ego and by god isn’t it rancid. Seems like you need a lesson in Manhood yourself.

          How would you feel if your mother was sterilized? Oh right, you wouldn’t. Grow up.

  16. Schilo Scott says:

    You all like to hide behind your anonymous names. If you aren’t trying to help with the issues in Cayman, sit down and stop telling people what to do. I said what I said.

    • Anonymous says:

      How you mean? I Tik Tok all day long. Are you suggesting that this does not help with the issues?

    • Anonymous says:

      Tell them again queen😘

    • Gray Matter says:

      Help… how the hell you going to help someone who does not want to help themselves ; can’t put a roof over their own head but, bringing children into this world and then looking a hand out.

      • Anonymous says:

        It looks like some people still can’t comprehend the fact that sex brings babies. Condoms are cheap from the stores, pharmacies, and free at all government health care clinics across the islands. That’s not just for males. Females can buy them too.
        Secondly, birth control is relatively cheap say 4 dollars to 11 dollars but does not protect against STDs.

        I learnt all this basic stuff in high school.

        At home, I was told by mom, don’t bring a baby home or you’ll eat it! Needless to say that statement got me through the teenage years safely. It takes more than a school or teacher. You have to have good parents who care. Or guardians who care, at home.

        It all starts at home. This is the elephant in the room that we don’t talk about enough.

        Stay safe everyone.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Very good that they try to help their students now. But of course I ask myself why it took them so long to find out and understand under which circumstances many of their students have to live.

  18. Anonymous says:

    peolple should do themselves, society and the planet a favour…..stop having kids!(especially if you can’t afford them)

    • Anonymous says:

      And …. expats stop bringing and having them here. We are not responsible.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes we are, but that is to complicated for you to understand.
        It’s about the bigger picture. It is not about you.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Are teachers still being paid their large salaries? With the exception of Math (video lessons three times a week) and English the work photocopied by Clifton Hunter staff for Year 8’s is absolute rubbish.

    • Anonymous says:

      The government’s response is absolutely criminal.
      Narcissistic leader is our problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      of course they are. teachers always get paid..even when they are not working

    • Anonymous says:

      Explain exactly what they should be doing? You see that many children don’t even have access to technology? I’m guessing you expect them to go to your house and teach your child one on one? So not paying them going to help you how? Then you would probably complain when school resumes and you’ve lost all the teachers. Glad I’m not quarantined in your miserable home, chh.

  20. Anonymous says:

    I would like to commend Jovanna and her colleagues for helping the youth get through this difficult time and not ‘staying at home’ to preserve their own health. That is incredible! I also hope that the know it alls under this post are helping out as well as it doesn’t pay to know and do NOTHING.

  21. Anonymous says:

    None of these situations are “unique” instead they are very common all over the world from so called “first” world to third and fourth world as defined by the mega rich countries. Cayman was well prepared to handle the online learning a few years ago when Mr Roy and Mrs Basdeo introduced the ITALIC programme (Improving Teaching and Learning in the Cayman Islands in partnership with IBM. As predicted it was killed off by politics and a charlatan who is now incarcerated. ITALIC comprised of training for teachers and leaders, a laptop for each child, online curriculum, dedicated education servers and WiFi etc.
    Now the chief officer or whoever runs the show needs to hire staff to lead online teaching and learning. The current mishmash of provision where everyone is doing their thing is unsatisfactory, cannot be measured and bad practice. We can do much better, come on!

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you!
      For bringing up Dr. Roy Bodden! And Mrs. Joy Basdeo!

      My how they are missed!

      There has never been an education minister since him and there hasn’t been a chief officer since her! Please bring them back to get the ship a sail again!

      This one is for the greater good. Please bring them back.

  22. Anonymous says:

    I am extremely proud that her and her colleagues are doing all that they can! A lot of the people commenting about already being aware of these issues are probably doing much less to help.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Are people monitoring homes known to abuse their children and wives!

  24. Anonymous says:

    CNS: Is there a link where we can make donations to support the program directly? Or are we best to donate to Meals on Wheels or Feed our Future and they are supporting the program?

    CNS: The Feed Our Future website seems to have crashed but you can contact them via their Facebook page. We published an article on the Cayman Food Bank, which has donation details. See here. The Kiwanis Club is also very involved with the schools meals programme.
    Meals on Wheels delivers meals to seniors but there is need there also.

  25. Anonymous says:

    the problem will explode with the economic shut-down….

    • Anonymous says:

      So we better deal with it. There is nothing this government can do about the already happening global economic meltdown. It isn’t up to us. If anything, having a lot of generous rich people here (like Ken Dart) might help us through this better than some places. They key is to keep those affected most fed and housed in sanitary conditions. We’re very spoiled here with our Western way of life. What people don’t seem to understand is that a good portion of the world’s population lives in this kind of poverty ALWAYS. Many lives are cut short by malnutrition and disease, but many others live full lives. As a small society, we need to help those who are most vulnerable get through this. I am willing to share, and I’m by no means rich. Are you?

      • Anonymous says:

        of course there are things the government can do.every other government in the world is working on a stimulus plan……everyday is the same message from alden…tourism is done…expats go home.
        well this ignorant attitude is going to come back and bite caymanians hard.

        • Anonymous says:

          Tourism is done and unemployed expats who cannot support themselves here should go home. What part of that is untrue?

          • Anonymous says:

            Two persons, so far, have voted that comment down. On what basis? I sincerely hope for an explanation. If someone thinks there will be Tourism this year, let us know why. If someone thinks impoverished foreign nationals have some right to be here indefinitely without employment or the means to support themselves, and therefore at the expense of everyone else, please explain why.

          • Anonymous says:

            These cannot be expats, as they would not be able to have children here on their minimum wage permits. Oh wait. The children have caymanian dads & they were born here. The dads of course pay nothing to the baby mamma.

            • Anonymous says:

              Because they father a few baby’s outside of their marriage. But cayman is sooooo concerned about the sanctity of marriage. Laughable.

              • Anonymous says:

                Some people are so smug in their money they don’t think anything they do is wrong. Including cheating on their wife. Having outside children. Pretending to live a perfect life when it’s all a lie. Too many well to do cayman families out there that are hypocrites.
                The amount of adultery here is unfathomable. The amount of prostitution, gambling, crime, incest, child abuse both sexual and general….good lord I could go on.
                Oh yes, I forgot the drinkers….this is a sensitive topic. Most people drink but boy we have some drunkards. Some real tyrants. They need to stop the drinking. Step away from the bottle. Big problem for all in cayman, from the poorest on the street with a 345 beer to the richest (I dunno what the most expensive liquor is) on the street. You’re all the same. It’s still a shit show at the end of the day for all your families, wives, husbands, even the frigging dog at home. Stop drinking. Stop beating your wives. Some women even beat their husbands…..

          • Anonymous says:

            Get ready to pay for it.

        • Anonymous says:

          All hail Mr Premier… they got to go..

      • Anonymous says:

        Most of us are also willing to share, but how long this will last. Their country must accept them ASAP.

        I bet if we were in their country they would make our Premier know in no uncertain way that we must be repatriated to Cayman -NO QUESTION asked.

      • Anonymous says:

        Thank you 11:10. Well written.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Please support the needy…this is no time to be mentioning birth control and awareness…these are living human beings.

    • Da-wa-u-get says:

      You are speaking about 2 issues that are (for right now) separate!
      Yes by all means let us find a way to feed these children, give them an opportunity to get a daily bath and a bed to sleep on. But, let us also tackle the problem of unwanted or unplanned pregnancies now!

      • Anonymous says:

        Who says they are unwanted? Perhaps they are the only light to their families….I wouldn’t be surprised given the hostility of these comments towards them….

        • Anonymous says:

          Separate emotions and logic. Life will be easier. In the long run. Everyone wants kids deep down inside. But being honest with yourself and your situation is imperative. You have to have money to have kids. It’s really simple.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Heart breaking…

  28. Anonymous says:

    This will continue to occur without FREE birth control and legalised abortions. Education is the ONLY way out of the cycle.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly! Give these young girls some organic sanitary products teach them how to take care of themselves. They having yeast infections at young ages and all sorts of issues. The powers that be too busy giving away free products to help encourage them to have sex. Teach these young boys and girls how to take care of themselves first! They have no idea about their own bodies. Educate through various forms of learning. Stop throwing everyone into a classroom like sardines and forcing all the children to learn through the style of learning. Everyone learns different. The system is its own problem.

    • Anonymous says:

      or helping people in need… so that the kids are encouraged by the community support. Once the kids get an education, then the cycle can be broken.

      Frankly saying that people who are out of a job, uneducated shouldn’t reproduce is like saying they shouldn’t be alive. Similarly if their partner left them. Our community should be supporting each other, not cutting people out.

      • Anonymous says:

        NOT saying unemployed and under educated shouldn’t need. I AM SAYING, all shouldn’t breed unless you’re WILLING and ABLE to raise your kids.

        • Anonymous says:

          Circumstances change some people have kids and are willing and able to raise them and then their circumstances change… all this judgement and uninformed comments is taking away from the fact that there are KIDS who have already been ‘bred’ who are going to bed hungry! Seriously where is your humanity…

          • Anonymous says:

            For most of us, humanity stretches as far as the bank account will allow. Wish there was more to give.

    • Anonymous says:

      9.44am… yes! And we have more than enough of our to deal with. But the powers that be are ostriches. We need to take care of own FIRST. This is what happens when we let poverty stricken people in – along with criminals doing everything illegal under the sun and baby fathers are everywhere – no accountability.

      I am sorry but this shit must stop! – we just cannot continue on this path.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh stop it. Do you know how many people have survived rejection and adversity and become great?

    • Anonymous says:

      To be honest guys, speaking from direct experience, birth control (once you have insurance) is usually cheap. Like Burger King value meal cheap. 4 to 11 bucks CI for a months supply for example.

      I think the catch is, what does it cost without insurance?

    • Anonymous says:

      To 9.44am In other words we should only grow the population by importing expats.Really.

  29. Anonymous says:

    She just figuring this out now? Where she been?

    • Anonymous says:

      My thoughts exactly! This is not just happening today and having been in the Education system for many years now, she should have more awareness.

      • Anonymous says:

        And a portion of the problem is imported. Why has immigration not stepped in to ensure this did not happen? The adequacy of remuneration, housing and ability to support dependents are all core issues the immigration authorities are required by law to police.

        • Anonymous says:

          Absolutely – too many undocumented immigrants. Also Government needs to pull out the Law for Status and PR holders. And start doing their job. Put strict laws in place going forward. This madness got to stop.

          • Anonymous says:

            Government needs to “pull out the Law for Status” holders? You do realise that status holders have the same rights as born Caymanians right? That’s how citizenship works.

          • Anonymous says:

            If you care about our economy then you would not make statements like this about government pulling permits.
            It is really not that simple.
            Permits bring in a great deal of revenue for the country. Think budget, expenditure…if you can.
            This is not an easy road to walk. Everyone has a complaint. Everyone has a need, a want.
            Everyone has an opinion.
            What does everyone need that they can’t do without?
            Food, clean water, air and shelter. Preferably shelter where there is no abuse.

            Goodluck CIG.

            Goodluck to his Excellency, the Governor, Mr. Martin Roper.

    • Anonymous says:

      True 9:30 am

      Now they can stop forcing teachers to reach out to parents to get all children online! At last, Ministry and DES will see that teachers weren’t the problem. They brought the new curriculum and these high expectations of teachers but no one analyzed public schools’ socio and economic makeup.

    • The sky is blue says:

      Congrats, you played yourself at least talk about your contributions to something, anything. You sound like one of the same people watching your family members struggle but at brunch every Sunday. Thanks for stating the obvious and not stating how you help. There will be and has always been a part of the population struggling and disenfranchised irregardless of the nation/country. At least someone is trying. Didn’t she just get this job? and so quickly using the resources and leverage to do this. Every generation there are a handful in education doing this stuff

      The world isn’t perfect btw since we being obvious.

      • Anonymous says:

        11:39 am Yes she’s trying and good job to her.

        The fact that a part of the population is struggling is the reason systems should be in place to help the less fortunate as opposed to classifying them as special needs.

        You obviously know nothing about the education system that’s why it’s so easy to say she’s trying and doing her part and that’s it.

        It’s good for her to see the children’s living condition and tell DES that all children can’t get online so teachers shouldn’t be forced to call students to ask why they are not online.

        You don’t need to know how I’m helping but I’m pretty sure I’m doing much more for Caymanian children than you sitting on CNS waiting to attack anyone that “states the obvious.”


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