Tag: Department of Agriculture

DoE v CPA legal battle confirmed for June

DoE v CPA legal battle confirmed for June

| 25/03/2022 | 54 Comments

(CNS): The unprecedented forthcoming legal battle between two public sector entities, effectively setting government against government, has been listed to be heard in June. The Department of Environment and the National Conservation Council have requested a judicial review of a Central Planning Authority decision that ignored a legal directive not to grant planning permission.

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DoA seeks info on dumped dead dog

DoA seeks info on dumped dead dog

| 09/02/2022 | 16 Comments

(CNS): The Department of Agriculture (DoA) is appealing to members of the public for information about the corpse of a dog that was found dumped on a dyke road off Barkers Park in West Bay on Monday. The adult brown and white male animal was discovered by a member of the public who then reported […]

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Ag show cancelled in face of COVID and wake of Grace

Ag show cancelled in face of COVID and wake of Grace

| 10/01/2022 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The annual Cayman Islands Agricultural Show has been cancelled for the second year due to coronavirus restrictions as well as the loss and damage suffered by several farmers as a result of Tropical Storm Grace, officials from government and the Agricultural Society said Friday. The show, which usually takes place on Ash Wednesday, attracts […]

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First raccoon clear of dangerous viruses

First raccoon clear of dangerous viruses

| 03/11/2021 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The first of two raccoons that had a stowed away in a shipping container bound for a local supermarket was clear of both rabies and canine distemper, which are viruses commonly carried by raccoons. The animal had been immediately trapped after the two raccoons escaped from the container at Foster’s Republix last month and […]

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‘Wanted’ raccoon rounded up in West Bay

‘Wanted’ raccoon rounded up in West Bay

| 02/11/2021 | 36 Comments

(CNS): A raccoon that spent ten days on the run on Grand Cayman was captured Tuesday after it was spotted by a local bus driver across the street from Foster’s Republix in West Bay, which is where it had escaped from, having stowed away in a shipping container from Miami. A second raccoon had been […]

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Raccoon on the run from Republix

Raccoon on the run from Republix

| 22/10/2021 | 95 Comments

(CNS): A raccoon that was apparently trapped in a shipping container from the United States and delivered to Foster’s Republix Friday morning is on the run in the district and people are warned to stay clear of the animal as government officials try to catch it. The wild animal was one of two racoons that […]

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Post Grace clean-up underway islandwide

Post Grace clean-up underway islandwide

| 24/08/2021 | 14 Comments

(CNS): The National Roads Authority and the Department of Environmental Health, as well as community groups, non-profits and private sector companies, are now involved in an islandwide effort to clean up Grand Cayman following the passage of Tropical Storm Grace last week. The DEH has extended the opening hours at the dump, as vehicles continue […]

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DoA ordered to stop taking personal info

DoA ordered to stop taking personal info

| 13/07/2021 | 26 Comments

(CNS): The Department of Agriculture (DoA) has found itself on the wrong side of the Data Protection Law and is now facing an order from the Office of the Ombudsman to stop taking the personal data it has been collecting from customers without a legal basis and to delete it. Following a complaint last year […]

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Ministry calling time on farmers stipend

Ministry calling time on farmers stipend

| 28/05/2021 | 54 Comments

(CNS): Just one week after stating that he supported the Cayman Islands Farmers Assistance and Relief Measures (CI FARM) initiated by the previous government, Jay Ebanks’ agriculture ministry has announced that the relief will only continue for one more month. No more applications will be accepted and everyone on the programme already or waiting approval […]

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Clock ticks on farmers relief programme

Clock ticks on farmers relief programme

| 21/05/2021 | 20 Comments

(CNS): The PACT government is continuing with the previous government’s policy to support farmers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and officials are urging eligible people to submit applications for the relief before next Friday, when the window of opportunity closes. The Cayman Islands Farmers Assistance and Relief Measures (CI FARM) policy was implemented by Juliana […]

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People damaging DoA traps to free dogs

People damaging DoA traps to free dogs

| 05/08/2020 | 19 Comments

(CNS): Department of Agriculture dog traps have apparently been damaged by members of the public, and the police have issued a warning that anyone who damages government property, maliciously or recklessly, commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $5,000 or up to five years in jail. While the RCIPS did not state […]

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