Please get the vaccine to save lives
Sara McKay writes: With only a few weeks to go before the vaccine expiry date deadline, I am hoping this article will persuade more people in the Cayman Islands community to come forward and get the COVID-19 vaccine. There is just simply no excuse not to get it and we should be grateful to have […]
PACT Ministry of Education: audacity or redemption?
Judy Singh Hurlston writes: Witnessing the PACT Government finally sworn in after a week of uncertainty invoked deep feelings of relief, pride and hope in my heart. So when the announcement of Cabinet ministries finally circulated late Monday afternoon, perhaps one of the greatest shocks was that Juliana O’Connor-Connolly was once again given the Ministry […]
A sliding scale of judgement
Public Servant writes: I listened tentatively to conversations about the re-appointment of William McKeeva Bush as speaker of Parliament. Some viewpoints were positive. Some were negative. Others were in-between and hopeful. Overall, though, there seems to have been a shifting of accountability from the previous government to the new one. I believe that this shift warrants […]
People must stay engaged in political process
REAL Representation writes: Another four years of PPM government would have left Dart in charge – specifically hotel tourism monopoly, mass tourism policies, high property costs, erosion of environmental protections, more office buildings (when corporates globally are downsizing their real estate in favour of much better and more acceptable flexible working), more traffic congestion, harmful/toxic […]
The port issue is not dead
Shirley Roulstone writes: This PPM-led Unity government has told us many times over the last few months since we have been shut down that the port issue is dead and they are going to focus on medical tourism and other things. You all have heard that at many times… but listen to me… and listen to […]
Rules and carrots and the role of speaker
(CNS): Roy McTaggart’s ‘Come to Jesus’ moment regarding the speaker of the House and parliamentary procedure is 20 years too late and as hollow as a kettle drum. In 2001, McKeeva Bush orchestrated a political coup, deposing Kurt Tibbetts as leader of government business and inserting himself in this position. To do that, he had […]
A true coalition is better for the country
Votesmart writes: Although the election saga seems to be nearly over with the announcement of a majority and a full list of Cabinet ministers by Mr Wayne Panton, the proposed solution is not the right one for Cayman. Mr Panton as premier, aided by fresh minds such as Chris Saunders, Kenneth Bryan, and Kathy Ebanks-Wilks, […]
It’s time we elected governments instead of individuals
101 writes: In the current deadlock, the individuals we elected last week seem to have three options to form a government. Option 1: A proper coalition. This would entail both groups coming together and compromising with likely a Cabinet split equally or close to evenly, representing both sides. This appears to have been attempted and lasted 15 […]
Holding out for power
Public Servant writes: After various telephone calls and in-person meetings, there are only one or two people who are willing to deal with the consequences of a political fallout within the Progressives that would be caused by a move to the Independent-led government. This is unfortunate as one would have thought that it was important […]
We are irrational
101 writes: After all the back door deals following the general elections, we are left with the PPM-led group having 9 members confirmed (Alden, Moses, Roy, Joey, Barbara, David, Julie, Dwayne and Isaac) and the Independents led group now having 8 members confirmed (Wayne, Chris, Kenneth, Sabrina, Bernie, Kathy, Heather and Andre). The final position […]
Ego and politics
‘Public Servant’ writes: The ongoing saga of the formation of the new government may be resolved by the addition of Roy McTaggart as minister of finance (with the additional designation as Deputy Premier) and return of Isaac Rankine to the independents’ fold. However, party politics and pride will prevent these two chess pieces from moving […]