85% of COVID hospital patients unvaccinated

| 09/11/2021 | 136 Comments

(CNS): Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee confirmed that five people currently in the hospital suffering from COVID-19 are being assisted with oxygen but none of them are on a ventilator or other breathing assistance. Among the 14 admissions at present, it is understood that 12 of them, or 85%, are unvaccinated against SARS‐CoV‐2. Despite requests for more details by CNS and other media houses, the age range and health status of the patients has not been released.

The CMO also said that during this outbreak of the virus in the community, 12 people have already been treated and released from hospital. This means that since the fist case on 8 September, 26 people have been admitted to the hospital as a result of the virus.

“As far as hospital admissions are concerned, we currently have 14 people in the George Town hospital of the HSA, currently five of whom are needing extra oxygen but there is no one on a ventilator and no one needing enhanced respiratory support,” he said in a video about the current level of community spread.

“I think it’s important to understand that not only are people being admitted but they’re also being discharged. So, since Friday there have been 14 people in total admitted but at the same time there has been 12 people that have been discharged. And that’s what you would expect as people get treated; they get better and they’re able to go home again.”

Cayman is doing a lot of testing, which is why the case rate is high but the virus is also spreading widely and there are concerns that people are not following isolation protocols when they are ill or have had a positive result.

The CMO stressed the need for people to quarantine when they know they are positive, even if they are not ill, and those who are unwell and awaiting a result should also self-isolate in order to check the spread. He said the rollout of the rapid testing policy was to help identify people who have the virus so that they can isolate, with the goal of curtailing the spread.

He said the lateral flow test policy would pick up many positives that would probably not have been detected otherwise.

“As we introduce the policy, we’re going to pick up an awful lot of positives at the start, and so I very much appreciate continued cooperation with this and following the policy,” Dr Lee said. “The whole purpose of this testing is to identify people who are positive. Because people who are positive for SARS‐CoV‐2 can go on to spread the infection… By isolating when you’re known to have SARS‐CoV‐2, we will bring down the positive rates.”

Cayman is currently ranked as having the most COVID-19 cases per capita, according to a New York Times track of global outbreaks, and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention has moved Cayman up to its Level 4 (very high) travel risk category.

See Dr Lee’s update below:

See the vaccine schedule on the HSA website here.

For more information on vaccines contact the HSA Communications team at

See here for more information on securely verifiable vaccination records.

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Comments (136)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    It’s Tucker Carlson time I see.

  2. Sheriff says:

    Travelers are required to apply on Travel Time to be granted a certificate which is required for entry. I believe in the past applications were to be submitted 14 days prior to arrival. Travel Time was to be updated with the new arrival protocols on Tuesday 9 November after 9:00 p.m., then it was moved to Wednesday 10 November after 9:00 p.m., and now it has been moved to Friday 12 November after 9:00 p.m. The border opens 8 days (closer to 7 days) AFTER Travel Time is supposed to be updated.

    NO EXCUSE for Travel Time updates to be postponed multiple times prior to the impending border reopening date.

  3. Anonymous says:

    12 out of 14 are discharged.

    • Anonymous says:

      No 12 out of 26…. Read! There is a serious lack of reading comprehension. This is exactly how they use numbers and words to fool all of you that skim and don’t try to grasp the true picture. 14 are “ currently” IN hospital, 12 HAVE BEEN discharged. Add that now. 26! It’s even in the article. 26 hospital admission with the current wave. Small amount yes but goes to show how they are selective with how they present the information to the public.

    • Anonymous says:

      had a nasty discharge but a strong dose of antibiotics took care of it.

    • Anonymous says:

      12 out of 26.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Before blaning the unvaccinated. Please find out how many are children as all children the age of 12 are unvaccinated. Currently several schools have at least 6 children per class within the primary school tested positive. Stop been disrespectful and learn the facts first as you are disrespectio children who are unvaccinated.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stop worrying about being blamed. I receive blame for things all my life. If people want to be foolishly ignorant that way, let them be.

    • Anonymous says:

      Leave children alone.

    • Anonymous says:

      Our poor children (yes) they did not have a choice. but, we have been screaming for the LFT tests since summer!!!

      The Lateral Flow Tests are still FREE at any Pharmacy in the UK, while we have empty shelves and being price gouged?

      My family in England with school age children started bi-weekly Lateral Flow Tests to attend school last Spring…. so how could we be so woefully behind?

      Dr.Lee, this awful last month could have been completed avoided if those tests were here and ready and integrted into our system the very DAY of the first elementary school outbreak???

      Instead, we went on with Halloween as expected and this week breaking records and still no free home tests?

      The private schools are “starting” the tests next week and it is only “voluntary?” Poppycock and what poor planning CI Govt.

    • R. U. Bush says:

      85% of people in hospital for Covid are unvacciated, yet they will get drugs and other procedures they have not had time to Google.
      When the beds get full and bobo can’t get in, then something will give. Disclaimer: only my personal thoughts.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well no more vaccines for them.. They had their chance and they knew this would happen. Now one of them is on the ventilator.

        Now tell me is getting covid better than a vaccine that keeps the majority of us out of the hospital?

  5. Anonymous says:

    The government implemented a law that all expats must be vaccinated. This was done, not to protect the expat, but to protect us as it’s our country and our right to choose supersedes everything. I’m all for personal choice. But when governments practice segregation, it has a way of coming back to bite one in the ass.

  6. Anonymous says:

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has moved Cayman up to its Level 4 (very high) travel risk category. Is it appropriate/moral for CITA to be encouraging tourists to come to Cayman? Comment Mr. Langevin, Miss Leacock-Broderick?

    • Anonymous says:

      We don’t care. Corona may be a new experience in Cayman- but it is old news everywhere else.

      • Anon says:

        It shouldn’t be new, but sadly some people in cayman don’t follow news or expose themselves to world events, so they are stuck in a March 2020 mindset

  7. Anonymous says:

    The unvaccinated should not be allowed in our hospitals. Send them all to a colony somewhere in West Bay.

  8. Anon says:

    Cayman can join the many other places that have a high vaccination rate, which equals more covid cases. See attached article.
    FYI, if you think the injection gives you antibodies, it doesn’t. (The testing done here shows that)
    The injection produces the spike protein, which inhibits covid a bit. But this technology only lasts a few months, hence the forever boosters.
    Natural immunity is the best defense. People with comorbidities, immunocompromised and/or obesity are more easily affected (with any disease).


    • Anonymous says:

      “Taoiseach Micheal Martin said on Thursday the government is ‘concerned’ about the rise in Covid cases and that the country would be in another lockdown had it not been for the vaccine.”

      Not sure that your link proves what you think it proves. Maybe just go talk to your doctor about the vaccination because I don’t think that you have a good grasp on vaccines and would be better off listening to the advice of someone that does.

    • Anonymous says:

      So – much – misinformation.
      The spike protein does not inhibit covid. It is the part of covid which the vaccine teaches your body to spot and react to (produce antibodies for). In the very most basic of explanations.

    • Anonymous says:

      Goodness me, after all this time we still get this tripe being spread around.

    • Anonymous says:

      Vaccination is 5-times more protective against hospitalization than natural immunity — but hey, that’s just the research and who wants to listen to the scientists?


    • Anonymous says:

      This is one of the most stupid posts I’ve ever seen. You say a country with higher vaccination equals more cases. Ever considered that the higher the vaccination rate generally, the less lockdown and restrictions are imposed hence more likely it spreads, but those cases largely don’t impact hospitals and are fine as they are in vaccinated people?

  9. Anonymous says:

    “Despite requests for more details by CNS and other media houses, the age range and health status of the patients has not been released.”

    Until Government releases this information I will continue to believe the large number of “unvaccinated” being hospitalized are children being admitted out of an abundance of caution. I know for a fact of some children having to go just to be safe. It’s not that hard for them to let us know these facts for 26.

    • Anonymous says:

      There should be no thumbs down for this post. Vaccinated or not, the publication of facts makes it easier for everyone to make informed decisions. It’s the human thing to do! So one has to wonder why it isn’t done? Incompetence? Intent?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Unvaccinated, you are being blame for the pandemic, what are you all doing in the hospital.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t you see it IS the unvaccinated that places the hospital under pressure?

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s sad how they don’t believe in the vaccine but will go to the hospital to get treated. What you get in the food served at the hospital when you’re inpatient is probably much worse than what is in the vaccine!

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s sad that mainstream media and propaganda sponsored by the pharmaceutical companies have poisoned minds like yours to hate your fellow man.

    • Bob says:

      Regretting being stupid, getting science advice from Facebook or watching Fox News?

    • smh :) says:

      What is this?! A vendatta issue ??? If someone has overcome covid and didn’t had to be jab, whats the big deal? Not everyone my friend want to follow the government/media narrative like yourself. And nobody is clogging the hospital – thats nonsense!

    • Anonymous says:

      Well we have 70,000 in quarantine so 4,000 is a great improvement

  11. Anonymous says:

    So why does my triple vaxed wife have to quarantine when she arrives on the BA flight Thursday?

    It must be to protect her

    • Anonymous says:

      Absolutely. Safe in quarantine away from all the infected people is the best place to be right now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Its a simple as the legislation hasn’t come into effect yet.

    • Anonymous says:

      She won’t after November 20. Agree it is ridiculous but only 10 days until we see some sense of normality at last

    • Anonymous says:

      Because she should have booked her ticket for Nov 21st…..

    • Anonymous says:

      Because vaccination does not guarantee you will not become infected, and although the degree of infectiousness is less if you’re vaccinated, she can still spread the disease.

    • Anonymous says:

      Make sure government doesn’t send persons to check on her. That persons has a far greater chance of having Covid than your wife! I’m beginning to believe government doesn’t want this system to end. Where will all the travel Cayman employees go? There won’t be many tourism jobs. This is not a knock on the travel time persons who I found to be incredibly gracious and professional despite the absurd and idiotic things they are asked to do – 8 check in stations in the airport, wear ridiculous clothing, sanitize their gloves, etc.

    • Anonymous says:

      It is because she can still and transmit it. We all can.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because she didn’t have the foresight to arrive after November 20, when magically she will no longer be a risk to the community. Just like when you sit down at a table in an indoor space to eat, you are below the necessary height threshold to spread or transmit COVID. Rational rules built on rational thoughts.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Has the issue of whether or not employees who test positive and have to quarantine will be covered under sick leave and paid while locked down and not working? If they knew they were going to be paid if positive it would certainly encourage more to test and report. If for no other reason than to get a nice paid time off.

    • Anonymous says:

      It will only be paid sick leave under the law if they are incapable of carrying out their work. If they are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic, and can carry out their role remotely, they should continue to be paid as regular salary. Only if they cannot, or are unable to do their work from home, is it paid sick leave.

  13. Bodden Towner says:

    Well, good morning, I didn’t take the vaccine, got Covid, and I am doing just fine. It could be 85% of us in the hospital. It does not prove artificial antibodies are better than natural antibodies. Its people’s choice not to get vaccinated, and RESPECT goes a long way.

    • Anonymous says:

      When the unhealthy unvaccinated ends up in the hospital, the unvaccinated will be the ones to blame, as is happening now.

    • Anonymous says:

      When vaccinated you are less contagious to others .
      Talking about respect.

    • Anonymous says:

      Unvaccinated people are five times more likely to get covid. It would have been nice if you would have at least considered doing what you could to prevent yourself from getting covid and then spreading it to others. Instead of being proud of yourself, maybe consider the people in the community that you might have spread covid to. Hopefully they are doing as well as you.

      • God Bless :) says:

        I am sorry, but we have issues with Pfizer. We have our reasons. And if so we are SELFISH in refusing to get Pfizer, then so be it. What are you going to do about it? Better you go to Panton and look for some measures against us 🙂

    • Anonymous says:

      The fact so many thumbs down on this really concerns me. I wish @CNS would help those so misinformed instead of pushing so unabashedly a pro-vax agenda.

      There is nothing wrong with being pro-vax (Well, i’ll come to that later!) but please do it on a level playing field acknowledging the below, you have so many on this Island and globally who simply accept the bias and don’t at least consider that they may not be getting the best or all the information necessary. (For example, people here think Lateral Flow and PCR tests can differentiate between flu.colds.covid – they can’t! This is completely proven – they cannot differentiate when ran at high cycles (PCR). Most of the cases in Cayman will NOT be anything to worry about at all, they’re bad colds)

      This poster mentioned natural immunity and got voted down at time of typing by a factor of 5-1. The fact is, there are over 100 reports now showing that natural immunity (acquired or innate) is at LEAST as good as vaccinated and frankly BETTER. This is simply true. The vaccines are waning far faster than any of us could possibly have imagined when they were promised to us, and i bet far faster than the manufacturers can believe.

      here’s an interesting fair and balanced article on this point – from the Lancet (massively respected)

      heres an interview regarding anitbodies you should listen to – https://twitter.com/talkRADIO/status/1458167814062231555

      heres over 100 articles on antibodies and natural immunity –

      Here is a talk given by Dr Peter Doshi, associate editor of the BMJ discusses the scientific process/roll out of Vaccines – you should listen

      I could go on and on. I really wish @CNS would help everyone here get a balanced view on what their risks are, what they could do about them, and what is happening globally with covid19.

      Just today GERMANY became the latest country to BAN the MODERNA vaccine for U-30’s due to heart concerns. The MODERNA is remarkably similar to Pfizer (i believe the Pfizer is LESS of a dose). But just a few months ago, nobodyw as banning Moderna. Now they are (France, Sweden, Denmark, etc)

      The point is, despite being told these are safe or that these work, we are not even 1 year into a global rollout. They do NOT know in truth what they will do to us or against Covid.

      This is NOT to say that they are terrible. The point is simply that nearly everything we’ve been told so far has changed and this is not a game, this is our lives. The vaccines do not stop transmission, do not stop you getting it, do not stop you dying. They seem to work well in reducing severe illness for most who take them – BUT we can easily suggest that MOST who take them never needed them

      There is so much strange behavior going on with governments it makes no sense to be ramming these vaccines into us whilst ignoring completely immunity (Acquired or innate), and ignoring risk of the disease to most of us (there is no risk)

      @CNS, please. Give people the ability to inform themselves. YEs there is a really bad virus/bug going, but NO it is not going to hurt very many of us at all.

      Taking a few jabs now is increasingly looking foolish for most of us especially if we think its going to give us our freedoms back – the UK are already advising a 3rd booster will be needed for travel from April. In Israel, its a 4th or you can’t enter restaurants.

      What? What about immunity? And what about the strange increase in excess deaths in the homes. All the sudden deaths? What is going on?

      There is no need for this over reaction UNLESS something sinister is taking place. THere is no logic behind having multiple different policies in place globally if there really is a doomsday virus.

      The only logical conclusion to be drawn is that there is no such doomsday virus. Locking up asymptomatic people in quarantine is a scandal. Utter scandal.

      Allowing ‘fully vaccinated’ people to wander freely anywhere and not test for covid DESPITE total proof they carry and spread it? While preventing non-vaccinated folks doing the same?

      This is not science. Not by any means.

      Yes there is a really bad bug going. But no, we don’t have to all enroll in lifelong subscription medicine to fight it. The old and sick do. Nobody else. And certainly not those with immunity (which was the original point)

      Thank you.

      • Anonymous says:

        There is a lot of dangerous exaggeration and misinformation here. I really hope anyone that hasn’t been vaccinated yet will speak to their doctor rather than listening to any of this.

        You should consider that perhaps you yourself are not getting “the best or all the information necessary.” The Brownstone Institute for instance is an ultra right-wing organization with a clear bias and an agenda. I would put them on the same level as QAnon and certainly wouldn’t just trust any information from them.

    • Anonymous says:

      FFS it’s not just about you!

    • Anonymous says:

      Congrats for being one of the 98% of unvaccinated people who will get covid and be fine. Unfortunately you are more likely to spread covid to someone who will become ill and have lasting effects and someone else who might die.

      The fact that most people in the hospital are unvaccinated actually does prove that the vaccine affords more protection than your own natural defenses.

      It’s hard to respect people who make bad decisions based on bad information. I do respect the decision of people who have a reason for not taking the vaccine which doesn’t deny basic facts, even if I think their decision is incorrect.

    • Anonymous says:

      The antibodies are not artificial. They’re created by YOUR body against the same spike proteins that would have been created through actual viral replication.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m not sure I even believe you. Anyone could say this.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Recent article from British Medical Journal, a respected source.


  15. Anonymous says:

    Almost everyone I speak to, caymanian or expat, wants the borders open on November 20.

    I think the people that keep referring to this cabal myth on here are a minority – I would estimate of you surveyed cayman’s whole population, 80 per cent are in agreement with government phase 4 policy, similar to vaccination rate, as we’ve been stuck on this tiny rock for almost 2 years and vaccinated people need to be able to safely and freely visit other countries and not do ridiculous quarantine on return when they are very unlikely to fill hospital beds with covid.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s such a weird comment (that there is a “cabal”), I have a feeling it’s one or two people posting many times.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Stuck on this tiny rock”..?
      99% of the world’s population wishes it had your problems.

      • Anonymous says:

        Another mathematical genius.

      • Anonymous says:

        That number drops CONSIDERABLY once you’ve been on The Rock for a while and can see under the veneer…..yeah, yeah, yeah…..don’t let the plane door hit your ass on the way out…yawn….

        • Anonymous says:

          Not really, we like your type here

          But why I n the @#£& did you come here in the first place?


    • Anonymous says:

      You obviously have few if any people who vote in the silo that you surveyed. If there was a formal referendum today I am quite confident that the government’s/cabal’s project would go down in flames.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are obviously a youngish expat and probably mostly speak to expats and a few token Caymanians who work with you in financial services. You don’t know anything about how most people feel.

  16. Anonymous says:

    We also have way more vaccinated, about 80 per cent.

    So the 15 per cent in hospital that are vaccinated are from a way bigger population than the 85% in hospital that are unvaccinated.

    Months into our community spread, no one on a ventilator and 14 people hospitalized which is 0.02% of the 71,000 population.

    56,800 are vaccinated, so 0.0037% of vaccinated have been hospitalized.

    14,200 are unvaccinated (including kids who won’t get ill, so 0.085% of unvaccinated have been hospitalized.

    Therefore similar to what we see in the rest of the world – you are about 20 to 25 times more likely to end up in hospital if you are unvaccinated.

  17. To be humble and kind says:

    I am assuming the unvaccinated are:
    – healthy, if they catch it they will not end up in the hospital.
    – not into sickness and medication
    – have higher education
    – financially independent
    – not happy because the other beings, it appears, are being persecuted.
    Humble and intelligent people.
    – believes in a higher power which protects, guide and grants understanding.
    This looks like transitioning to me.

    • Anonymous says:

      What on earth are you talking about? The vaccines protect you. After a booster, if your second jab was over 6 months ago, the results in the UK show you are back to almost 100% prevention against hospitalization if you catch covid including delta.

      Please don’t rely on some imaginary higher power. Only science and facts can protect you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Make sense, if you are healthy, will not end up in the hospital needing oxygen.

    • Anonymous says:

      I have no idea what you are on about. Lots of healthy people have ended up in hospital because of covid, especially the unvaccinated. And they certainly believed in medication when they got there. I guess you didn’t see the American news reports of people begging to be vaccinated when they ended up in hospital.

      There has been several studies that found people with a higher education are more likely to be vaccinated. I’m not sure what this says about intelligence but if you’ve ever spoken to an anti-vaxxer, you’d know that they are certainly not the smartest people.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s is why they are saying it’s a pandemic of the unvaccinated.
        If you chose to be unvaccinated, do not clog up the hospital and be considerate for those who are then having to treat you.

  18. Anonymous says:

    So why lock up the vaccinated who fly in? Clearly the problem is unvaccinated people. Who, by law, can only be Caymanians or children. But this is nothing new, we just take an awfully long time to learn.

    • Anonymous says:

      In 10 days the vaccinated correctly won’t have to quarantine. The unvaccinated will, but realistically the unvaccinated caymanian’s can’t ever go anywhere anyway. The US requires vaccination to enter, as do most counties (or if not vaccination then expensive 14 day quarantine when they land there from cayman).

      This has always been a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Case numbers in vaccinated don’t matter. The important matrix is people seriously Ill in hospital, and those are 99 per cent unvaccinated worldwide.

      • Anonymous says:

        Clearly you are not reviewing recent reports from UK public health. Go and check who is in the hospital and who is dying more.

      • Anonymous says:

        So why lock any current traveler up? Travel quarantine should have ended months ago! Asking for Wayne.

    • Anonymous says:

      Great point!

    • Big Bobo In West Bay says:

      12:12, We are not the brightest people.

  19. Anonymous says:

    5 million COVID 19 deaths worldwide during the 2 years we have been dealing with this virus. During the same 2 years, 34 million people have died as a result of heart disease ( 17 million per year worldwide). Let’s get a bit of perspective on the situation and realize this virus is less of a threat than many other diseases which we have learnt to accept as part of life in the 21st century.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you imagine if there was actually a vaccine to prevent death from heart disease at a 90% rate, and people still refused to take it? This is how crazy the situation is with the Covid vaccine.
      And yet so many of these same people who won’t take the vaccine eat food which is full of vaccines…..

      • Anonymous says:

        The Covid does not prevent anything though. So your comment is irrelevant

        • Anonymous says:

          The vaccine is not 100% and most reasonable people accept that.

          What if you could reframe the vaccine in your mind and accept that is effective, similar to new therapeutics that are emerging in reducing severe outcomes from COVID. The difference is you can take it in advance and have longer protection than the new emerging treatments.

          It’s a small shift in one’s thinking that is required.

    • Anonymous says:

      Can you catch heart disease from someone else? Is heart disease highly contagious?do you see the difference ?


  20. Anonymous says:

    Keep in mind that 80% of the population is vaccinated, which means that:

    – the vaccinated population is 4 times larger than the unvaccinated population; and

    – 15% of those in hospital being vaccinated implies that you are more than 20 times more likely to be hospitalized if you are unvaccinated.

    How many people are in hospital as a result of the vaccination itself? 0?

    But people persist in claiming that the healthy choice is to avoid the shot altogether?

  21. Big Bobo In West Bay says:

    If only CIG had mandated months ago that all civil servants and health care workers were vaccinated. We then would not be in this mess today.

    We really are a stupid people sometimes.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ridiculous that healthcare workers here don’t have to have a vaccine. In the Uk they have mandated all healthcare workers who are patient facing must be jabbed.

  22. Anonymous says:

    Tha anti-cabal people are the ones spreading it. Grow up and get vaccinated

  23. Anonymous says:

    This really isn’t news. We’ve known for a year that the vaccine protects you compared to being unvaccinated

  24. Anonymous says:

    I hope it is home quarantine of close contacts of cases as was and is done in uk.

  25. Anonymous says:

    isolate the unvaxxed from public places….for their own safety and to protect our health service.
    if you are doing it in gyms…it should be done in restraunts and bars.

    • Anonymous says:

      Segregation is back again! Cool

      • Anonymous says:

        Reality is the rest of the world is already doing this. Concerts, ball games, theatres, restaurants, etc. This is not a black, white, pink, purple issue, it is a health issue and to call it a “segregation” issue is blatantly wrong. There is a great quote “Life is not what you alone make it. Life is the input of everyone who touched your life and every experience that entered it. We are all part of one another.” Care enough about your fellow man and get vaxxed. The life you save may be your own.

      • Anonymous says:

        Huh!? I didn’t realize people segregated because of the color of their skin could take a vaccine to change it. Nor did I realize race was an INFECTIOUS DISEASE. Who knew!? If only all those colored folk knew, they could have been drinking water out of the European Americans water fountains and sitting at the front of buses and what not.

        All sarcasm aside, comparing a vaccine mandate to racial segregation is repulsive and ignorant. Do better.

  26. Anonymous says:

    yes ….a pandemic of the unvaccinated who have made their own ignorant choice.
    the vaxxed will not tolerate lockdowns or any social restrictions because of their stupidity.
    bring vaccination passport system now for all social settings!

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. Wayne said on Marl Road that the country wouldn’t go into a lockdown unless the hospitals were overrun. Well from this we can see that would only happen because of the unvaccinated. Hopefully they would have tried restrictions on the unvaccinated before that happens because those of us that did the right thing don’t want a lockdown again.

      • Anonymous says:

        You realize the lockdowns have to happen a month before the hospitals are overrun to have the desired effect?

    • Anonymous says:

      Just wait a few months and all the unvaccinated people will have gotten covid. Then everyone will have antibodies and no need for draconian vaccine passports.

  27. Unvax patriot :) says:

    Got over the covid by myself. I guess I won’t be needing to put up with the vaccine discrimination happening at the hospital. Alot of grumpy faces towards me surviving it better than them. :)) lol

  28. Anonymous says:


  29. Anonymous says:

    Sounds good to me. Eventually the unvacinnated will all have caught it and recovered and we will be mostly done with it.

    • Anonymous says:

      Do you not realise that you can catch covid more than once, and sometimes subsequent times are worst than the first one. It’s not a once and you are done type of disease.

    • Anonymous says:

      Or caught it and died….

    • Anonymous says:

      Why is anyone unvaccinated after a year of free vaccines available from the UK? Idiots

    • Anonymous says:

      Correct. Except that the vaccinated will require boosters for life.

      • Anonymous says:

        So what? Hardly an inconvenience to get a quick jab in the arm once a year, especially in cayman where everywhere is a 5 minute walk or drive to go get your booster.

      • Anonymous says:

        Better than ‘booster infections’ for life.

    • Anon says:

      Cant wait for you to fall down and break your arm so that when you go to hospital you’re turned away because its overflowing with unvaccinated covid sufferers. Maybe then you will realise the severity of the issue.

    • Anonymous says:

      Except u can catch it more than once and there will continually be new variants.
      So, no, wrong.

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