Rapid test policy should cut need for isolation

| 29/10/2021 | 60 Comments

(CNS): The government has finally unveiled its COVID-19 lateral flow test (LFT) policy, which sets out how and when they can be used. The do-it-yourself tests give a reliable result within 20 minutes and are very easy to use. Asymptomatic people will be able to find out quickly if they are infected and avoid speculative isolation after exposure. Those who are negative will not need to isolate, even if they have come in to contact with a positive person, since they will be able to test every few days, putting an end to the increasingly unsustainable isolation policy.

Introducing the policy has been described by government officials as a game-changer when it comes to living with COVID.

The rapid home tests have increased in accuracy, and a recent University College London study found that LFTs are especially good at detecting people most likely to spread COVID-19 and positive results can be trusted. LFTs are more than 80% effective at detecting any level of COVID-19 infection and likely to be more than 90% effective at detecting who is most infectious when they use the test.

“While PCR tests remain the highest standard for accuracy and confidence, LFTs which meet the specifications for approval for use in the Cayman Islands can allow for a different approach which will reduce the impact of isolation of close contacts,” the policy document states. “In many circumstances, close contacts can be permitted to continue to operate in the community subject to undertaking daily LFT surveillance.”

As the guidelines on using the tests were rolled out Friday evening, Premier Wayne Panton said the tests will bring clarity for parents, students and the wider community.

“These guidelines are designed to offer some supportive information and direction in what can be a very challenging and disruptive time for families by advising parents, children, family members and the entire community on what steps to follow when a member of your household either tests positive for the virus that can cause COVID-19 disease or is a primary contact of a positive case,” Premier Panton said. 

“COVID-19 spreads rapidly, and can cause societal disruption and severe strain on healthcare systems. The government’s introduction of lateral flow tests will assist in quickly identifying positive cases via a more scalable and accessible option which does not create additional pressure on the healthcare system, while also limiting the number of people having to go into required isolation, which is less disruptive for the community.

“People still need to earn a living and children still need to access education services, even as we do our best to stay safe and learn to live with the virus,” Panton added. He explained that the tests kits are being made available to parents and guardians via schools to test their children at home twice per week. The tests can be administered on Monday or Thursday mornings or the preceding nights.

Positive results should be reported to Public Health but students with negative results can attend school while those who are positive must isolate. Their parents should contact the child’s school to report the absence and Public Health to arrange for a PCR test.

The premier encouraged parents of students enrolled in both private and government schools to embrace the simple testing process, which, although not mandatory, is strongly recommended by Public Health and is an important community health measure.

“I am urging all parents and staff to utilise the opportunity for at-home screening testing to protect the health and well-being of our children, teachers and fellow students, their families and the entire Cayman Islands community,” he said. “The testing process is quite simple. In fact, most of the older children will be able to administer their own tests themselves.”

According to the policy, those who test positive will be required to report the result and isolate in accordance with the guidance given by public health. Other members of the household who test positive must also isolate, but where people in the family are negative they will be able to go to school or work as long as they continue getting negative daily test results.

Once a person is confirmed to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, however, they must still isolate for 10 days if vaccinated and 14 if not, even if they produce a negative LFT before the last day.

The results of any positive tests must be reported to Public Health in accordance with the Public Health Act (2021 Revision) because SARS-CoV-2 is a notifiable disease which is required to be reported to the medical officer of health as soon as someone is aware of a positive result or a potential case.

Where employers introduce the reporting of results as part of their company policy, it is recommended that they conduct a comprehensive assessment of any legal issues and ensure that the policy is carried out in a manner that is compliant with the Data Protection Act (2021) and its requirements for the storing and processing of sensitive personal data relating to the health of the employees.

Positive results for COVID-19 can be reported via the special web portal that has been created for that purpose on the government website here.

Those who do not have access to the internet should contact their local healthcare provider or the Flu Hotline, 1-800-534-3530, to report a positive result and seek advice on the best next steps.

See the full policy document here or in the CNS Library.

View the rapid test demo video below:

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Comments (60)

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  1. Anonymous says:

    There are no LFT available on Island. Called everyone. So nice idea, but no planning. What the heck did they think ordering 20k? What a joke! We need at least 10 for everyone for this ‘policy’ to be feasible. That would be 700,000.

    I actually plan. I work my A$$ off every day. I would appreciate if our Government just put a tiny bit of thought or logic into their actions, and actually worked as hard as the small people they are hell bent on destroying.

  2. Anonymous says:

    THE PCR test is set so sensitively, it is picking up the most minute amount of viral load that is not transmissible, yet rendering that person “positive” and unable to fly or work. Hence why a significant number of people who tested negative on LFTs are surprised when they get back their PCR test saying positive with tiniest amount of viral load that cannot infect another and zero symptoms.

    Public Health – please ensure the PCR test machine is set on par with the rest of the world so that travel and workforce are not unnecessarily impacted and hindered. The status quo is not sustainable. We have a success story with our high vaccination rate which is clearly suppressing the worst of the virus but you are affecting livelihoods with the current PCR testing regime.

  3. Robert Mugabe IV says:

    LFT policy will not work. Let’s get real. Simple as this, the cost of the kits and the cost of staying out of work.
    The lowest price I have heard is $5 per kit (if you buy minimum of 100 kits, lowest price ive came across for a single unit is $7.
    So a family of 4 are expected to spend $280 over over 10 days………..A very small percentage of people on this island can afford to do that.
    Then both parents have to stay out of work for at least 6 working days each depending on what time testing started…………and again only a very small percentage of people on this island can afford to do that.
    These are facts that can’t be ignored. Many employers will not pay anyone to stay at home during self imposed isolation. No point in saying oh the people are selfish if they don’t follow the LFT policy, they should put the good of the community above all else. Nobody who has lost months of pay during this pandemic will find it easy or possible to follow the protocols. That’s the cold hard truth!

    Can’t understand why the Govt didn’t mandate a fixed lowest price for these test kits. Oh but we all know why, The big name families all have their greedy hands selling these kits to us. Price gouging is alive and well. Same cronies, same old stories.
    The common man pays through the teeth for it all.

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. Two issues here. Cost and trust.
      The government should mandate these are to be sold at cost. Profiteering from a pandemic and peoples suffering is not cool.
      And allowing people to self-test is the same as allowing people to quarantine on trust. Never going to work. People prove time and time again they can’t be trusted to do the right thing if its slightly inconvenient for them.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cost plus a reasonable (maybe 20%) mark-up would be fair. The prices should be fixed for all retailers though.

        • Anonymous says:

          They’re free in the UK. You want to test, you’re given a 6 pack of them.

          They should be free, or heavily subsidized.

      • Anonymous says:

        It is disgusting that we are forced to do this testing and to also pay for testing that we do not want. I don’t want a LFT. I am fully vaccinated, I will roll the dice. If Government MANDATES that I take this daily test they can flipping pay for it. I have no interest in loosing my livelihood for some idiots who refuse to get vaccinated. Sue me. I dare you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Responsible employers should foot the bill for the RFTs for their employees if they want to keep their businesses in good health. But watch, they won’t.

      • Anonymous says:

        Really? I should pay for our Government’s lack of planning? I should cover for their foolishness? Why don’t you pay for it? We have been crushed by the pandemic. We don’t have any savings, or contingency funds left. I already lost everything I had saved to thanks to these morons.

  4. A. Ebanks says:

    Arrived in Cayman this weekend after traveling through 3 countries. Multiple PCR tests, fully vaccinated and traveled relatively easy until returning to my home. Countless spacesuits at the airport yelling at everyone to remain separated after being on d plane. 3 ID and vaccination checks before getting to customs who forgot the Cayman kind stuff. Can’t touch luggage until it is all off loaded. Then a private paid for bus to my lovely hotel room. Spread is here. Every country, well most have accepted this and have come to realization that this is economically unfeasible as well as psychologically painful for families. Yeah, we have a hotline we can call(but may not be dealt with promptly on Sundays)….but we continue as the island that time forgot. We have nearly touched that magical number of 80% but still only thing that has changed is when we open for tourists. If we truly care about our people how can this be the way it is. I guess the next press briefing will be when our leader gets out of quarantine just in time to give a glorious welcoming hug to the tourists that might show up in a few weeks…what country are we following the lead on? Our tourism competitors namely, Jamaica and Bahamas have barely 25% vaccination rates but have realized the reality. Yes, we are the best country in the Caribbean but still can’t fathom the pain the Tourism businesses are and will continue to feel.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve had a similar experience. It’s downright embarrassing how Cayman is handling Covid. But not to worry, in a months time, people will be forced to wake up to the reality that we are not all dying.

    • Anonymous says:

      We are not a country. And best in the Caribbean is a pretty low bar.

    • Anonymous says:

      Totally agree with your post. Just passed through major international airports myself and on my return to Cayman I could not believe the outrageous show that is being put on. From the baggage handlers lined up outside in full hazmat gear to the four separate check points basically going through the same checks/verifications, being required to sanitize every 30 – 40 ft with no chance of touching anything in between) and then enduring the “not so CaymanKind” attitude throughout the various check points.
      Can someone please justify the need for the extreme protocols and provide a cost associated with such?
      If you rely on the CBC officers (already being paid) to carry out their normal airport routines, that should be sufficient and will decrease costs for unnecessary check points, extra staff, as well as reducing and an extra 20 to 30 people coming in contact with travelers daily.

      • Anonymous says:

        And the fact everyone was seated merely inches away from each other for an hour….ridiculous.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Covid is here to stay. Delta is highly infectious. Sorry, but we all have to learn to live with it.

    We might as well be pragmatic.

    *Stop all quarantines of vaccinated persons. They are unlikely to become seriously ill.
    *Stop the school closures. A child’s risk of becoming seriously ill from Covid is minuscule.
    *Give up the mask mandate. Most people are not wearing them correctly, so is just pointless.
    *Get vaccinated and reduce your risk of serious illness.
    *Provide antibody testing, so that those who have contracted Covid have rights equal to the vaccinated.
    *Fully open the Island and get on with it.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Video made sense until the end…Don’t forget folks double bag the bio hazard and put it your bin. WTF

    • Anonymous says:

      Studies have so far shown that SARS-CoV-2 can survive on some hard surfaces for up to three days. Double bagging and in the trash is not unreasonable. Unless you want to pay Environmental Health to pick up from Biohazard bins specially provided by them.

      • C says:

        Oh whatever. This virus laughs at our silly cloth masks. Bit@h unless your vaccinated you are at risk.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Most people may not report if positive but asymptomatic, for fear of loss of income – and go about spreading the infection.

    If someone in the household is positive and others have to test daily for 10 or 14 days, how do we know they are actually testing daily before stepping out of the house. Among other things, cost of the test would be a matter of concern as well. 10 days would be between KYD 60 to 80 and 14 days even more – per person. Can everyone afford it?

    • Anonymous says:

      I know I wouldn’t. I got the jab. If you choose not to fine. But don’t expect me t quarantine for your poor decision. Bit@h you are on your own.

  8. Anon says:

    There is no other solution and amounts to herd immunity which is what the wider international community has already acknowledged. So, having made this step and announced this new approach, WHEN does it become effective?
    There are so many people locked in isolation waiting on results of their PCR tests not because they feel sick but because they were unknowingly in close contact with a “positive”.
    The government needs to be very specific with the public to avoid confusion, frustration and in some cases, panic.
    New measures announced but WHEN?

  9. Anonymous says:

    Based on all comments if Govt advises public that self testing is for their mental peace and it is left to their honesty for self isolation if tested positive.

    For admin purposes it has to be done by a HCW.
    If clear advice is given public will be happy. But as per law reportable is not going to work as we know how reporting of flu or chikenpox is tip of iceberg. Reporting helps stats but our purpose is curtail transmission
    So pl give practical guidance.

  10. Anonymous says:

    It is great to learn that UK is accepting our digital covid vaccine certificate.
    But let us think a minute. We developed our one now. But we dont want to accept others.
    We know vaccine was being developed for more than a yr. We have been vaccinating since Jan 2021. Would it not have been reasonable if all IT related work for digital certificates completed except the vaccine name to be inserted when ordered. Thus certificates would have been available since day 1.
    Responsibility should be established for lapses or successes; otherwise free run.
    Let us be prepared to avoid such mistakes in future.

  11. Anonymous says:

    That’s fine but at $7 per single test, there’s a touch of opportunism and profiteering going on by retailers on this island, given that they’re being out for free in the U.K. and States.

  12. Anonymous says:

    No way in hell I am getting tested. I cannot afford to be locked down for weeks. No sir, no way.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Why should you still have to quarantine for 10 to 14 days? Why not release after a negative test? Also this is trying to hold back the Ocean with a light flow Tampax. Genie is out. Get vaccinated, and have a mild case. Don’t want the jab, fine. Roll the dice. If you are young, and healthy you probably won’t even know you had Covid. If you are older, fat or otherwise compromised, get a booster. This is totally manageable without any quarantine.

  14. Anonymous says:

    I fully support anything being done by the government to protect the community. That said, the one consistent thing from the very beginning of this pandemic is the fact that any supression measures that are based on trust and on people willingly doing the right things will ultimately fail. This has been proven time and time again.

    • Anonymous says:

      How do you reconcile that pessimism with the fact we were one of the only places on Earth that remained community transmission free for over a year? That barrier was an honour-based inbound travel quarantine until someone decided to go play dominos.

      • Anonymous says:

        It really wasn’t though. Community transmission was suppressed because we were on full lockdown with people being warned for prosecution when they broke curfew.

        For the majority of inbound travel, quarantine was monitored with wristbands and government issued phones.

        It was only when we removed the monitored quarantine back in September, that we saw a rise in cases. Not because people were necessarily dishonest, but because they were most likely incubating the virus unknowingly and then able to move into the community after their requisite 5 days.

        Regardless, it doesn’t matter whether we trust the public (which we can never do, in any country except perhaps Singapore), all that matters now is that those who currently have it, are developing antibodies. When I’m able to leave isolation with my kids, I’m at least comforted by the fact that they can’t catch this strain again!

        The horse has already bolted and all we can do is use our common sense, take responsibility for ourselves and not worry about what everyone else is doing. We can only control our own actions.

  15. Anonymous says:

    In the CNS article headlined “COVID reporting grinds to a halt as surge continues” we see where workers via Lateral Flow (LF) self-testing find out that they are Covid positive but their employers still demand that they come to work until they have an official positive test from Public Health. I hope that every lame-brained employer with this policy has to close up their business because of rampant staff Covid infections resulting from their moronic foolery.
    What the hell good is the LF testing if it does not keep suspected-infected people in self-isolation?
    Every time I open a local news site I see more and more evidence that the government opening policy will lead to Covid disaster. Yet another hunk of glaring evidence on how unconcerned–regardless of their hollow assertions otherwise–that this government actually is about protecting Cayman from a devastating Covid wave: Panton decides to leave for non-essential travel to the climate change conference. A dose of reality: Considering that Cayman has just about the same level of planning to deal with climate control as it has for Covid control, Panton’s attendance at the conference is a pinnacle of hypocrisy. Just like Panton’s Covid opening policy, his climate change policy is heavy on hot air (and CO2) but a bit light on substance and effective implementation. The irony is that Panton wants to promote the expansion of the tourism industry at home. With this comes the return of CO2-spewing ocean liners and fossil-fuel guzzling airliners. Plus increases in all these contributors to greenhouse gases: ocean freight, air freight, fossil fuel generated electrical consumption, taxi trips, reverse-osmosis water purification, automobile travel, freight delivery trucking, etc etc. Not to mention a major source of hot air and CO2: political jib-jabbering.
    Earth to orbiting space cowboy Panton: Hello! You up there? Duuude! There are kinda sorta a tad bit more urgent and important current pressing issues at home to deal with before you step out and solve the world’s problems. OK? I know it’s important that your ego experience your being a VVIP at a big elitist global bash, at the expense of we the people. However, if this is the relative importance that you attach to dealing with the Covid wave at home, please do us a big favour and stay the hell in Scotland and don’t bother coming back!

  16. Anonymous says:

    That’s great except you can’t buy them anywhere, every single pharmacy on island is out.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Where is the update to travel time? I am travelling soon, returning after the 20th. What do we need to submit?

    Time is wasting.

  18. Anonymous says:

    I bought 5000, just for so. Put them in my toilet paper closet for safe keeping.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Testing daily is too much waste of time.

  20. Anonymous says:

    The 7 day 10 day and 14 day quarantine for inbound travelers doesnt make sense as vaccination doesnt prevent getting infected. Either keep a specific quarantine or not at all. With excellent vaccination in cayman and allowing negative pcr and vaccinated visitors with lft on arrival and no quarantine if negative is the way to go.
    There will be a few that may develop test positive if tested but dont test without symptoms.these few doesnt matter as we have many.
    This will allow tourism , curtail public health costs and unnnecessary beurocracy.

    • Anonymous says:

      True, and the inbound or domestic contact trace incubation period is entirely different than disease duration once a positive case.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The policy document is comprehensive . Congratulations.
    But too lengthy although useful for health care workers and professionals.
    Better to have a leaflet on lft -who should get tested, frequency and what to do if negative and what to do if positive.
    It is not clear how can we know a contact of a case may say tested negative although positive to avoid quarantine if asymptomatic.
    I dont have a problem if symptomatic as he will report as he will be worried and wish further evaluation.
    Authorities need to consider. Actually as mostly positives r asymptomatic or minor symptoms treating it like flu is better. Advise any symptomatic to stay home , use lft and contact public health.

  22. Anonymous says:

    How can u cut isolation. If positive need to be isolated until 2wks if other countries without exit testing followed or until tested negative pcr.

    If cutting quarantine we need to think of the incubation period from exposure which is 2 to 14 days in some cases even 3 wks. So in general countries adopted 2wks as general rule. Some countries adopted 10day rule.

    Whatever cut of point exit test need to be done then. So not cutting quarantine. But repeated self testing may give peace of mind and reduce public health load.

    We need to give appropriate info to public.

  23. Anonymous says:

    All is well and good.
    If I test myself and positive and no symptoms I may not report but stay home.if symptoms appear I will test again and report then.
    If i am govt employee i may report positive eventhough negative to get time off.
    So for all positives self reported retesting is essential by Health persons.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Great. Now people with Covid will still be going to work and school until they are highly infectious which will be too late and other people will get it.

  25. Anonymous says:

    Easy to have test and publish rules. It would help as a reassuring tool for public but not to use as punitive if some one didnt report positive.
    If each test has unique code to be entered online it is fine but person may enter negative unless there isca way to scan test indicator.
    If things r not perfectly set pl do not punish for non compliance as one non reporting doesnt cause problem as we have already plenty in our community
    Our 150 a day equals to 100000 cases per day in uk or 1000000 per day in USA meaning we crossed their testing positive rate in their peak periods.
    One good thing we had 80 percent vaxed by the time we got community transmission wit minimal hospitalisations.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Speculative isolation isn’t really the problem, it’s speculative premature self-clearing to resume normal activity that perpetuates community transmissions. The testing kits will hopefully help with both of those, when self administered by honest people.

    • Anonymous says:

      Many places don’t test to exit isolation after a positive. Once the time passes, they either simply leave isolation or in some cases they are screened for symptoms.

    • Anonymous says:

      If only we had honest and law-abiding people here. But sadly we do not.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Open the border. Get in the real world. Welcome to the normality of the rest of the planet Cayman

    • Anonymous says:

      I am so ready to travel.. once we’re over this hump ya either going be naturally immune or vaccinated

  28. Anonymous says:

    But there are now no LFT kits to be found…..

  29. Anonymous says:

    Only works if people are honest about their positive test and actually isolate….which will rarely happen. I’ve heard people say that they will not isolate if positive, that they won’t tell anyone and just got their thing, or think that because they are vaccinated being positive doesn’t matter.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Maybe, if rapid tests were available. Anyway, given it 10 days and all the rest hoarding sheep will be wondering what to do with their rations.

  31. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    Good news! Now all we have to doooo, is get these kits into the hands of the public and right quick. Then, we can test ourselves at all hours of the day and post those results on social media and the world will be bright again.

    Seriously though, I’d like a dozen, please.

    • Anonymous says:

      If u r a family of 4 and one of you r a contact of a positive you need 40 to test every day for 10 days

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