Quarantine increased to 7 days for vaxed travellers

| 22/09/2021 | 144 Comments

(CNS): Government has published new COVID-19 regulations that set out revised conditions under which travellers, including visitors, can enter the Cayman Islands. The latest set of rules extend the period of isolation for fully, verifiably vaccinated people to seven days from five, as announced by government recently in light of two separate outbreaks of the coronavirus in the community. A negative test is also required before departure from quarantine or isolation, which will be conducted at the end of the seven days, making it less likely that people carrying the virus will be released from isolation.

Government has not been able to pinpoint how the two outbreaks in local transmission were caused, though quarantine breach is considered the most likely given the frequency with which they occurred over the last month.

But since the Delta variant, even in vaccinated people, can incubate for more than two weeks and still spread, the reduction of the quarantine period to five days may also have been the source if people were released when negative and asymptomatic and became unwitting carriers. Illegally landed ganja boats are also considered a possible source.

Other regulations are expected to follow that impact the community directly, including the reduction of crowd sizes at indoor and outdoor events as well as other social distancing measures. These will be rolled out to manage the current cases of community transmission during the paused phased of the border reopening and to prepare for the borders opening and the expectation of further outbreaks.

See the regulations here.

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Comments (144)

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  1. P says:

    Each country that pursued a zero Covid strategy has in turn admitted delta, with a base R around 9 or so, makes that policy impossible to maintain. The facts changed and a leader can say that. This backtracking has no sound policy support.

  2. Anonymous says:

    I was recently in Quebec prior to the Premier of Quebec implementing the province’s vaccine passport. When I went to get mine done, I was amazed at how many people were in line to ensure that they got theirs done and no one was complaining. In fact there really wasn’t even much on the news about except the fact that it was being implemented very soon. I am sure there is still a minority of anti-vaxxers and human rights people out there but no one seemed to care. I think in Cayman, we let them draw us into to their conversation rather than just ignoring them. They thrive on controversy and love attention.

    The vaccine passport can be done here too. Quebec has 83% of its population 12 years and up fully vaccinated and 88% with just one shot.

    It was an absolutely different feeling to go out to bars and restaurants knowing that all the people in there were fully vaccinated. It really was just a simple process. you have a QR phone on your phone and the bars/restaurants etc have a reader to scan it and you are in. It takes literally seconds and before the anti-vaxxers say that the vaccinated can still spread the virus, I am well aware of that but sitting in a bar with a bunch of unvaccinated people vs all vaccinated, I felt I had less chances of catching covid.

    Despite all of this however, the delta variant is still playing a role in the rising of cases still happening, albeit, the majority of these are unvaccinated.

    This is a good article with an excellent breakdown of statistics. These types of statistics here in Cayman could possibly help get more people on board with getting vaccinated as well.


  3. Tran pax says:

    We are clearly living in Absurdia. There is no logic to our Government’s North Korean choices.

  4. Anonymous says:

    We visited Spain twice this summer, along with thousands of other Europeans. Vaccinated adults don’t need tests, anyone over 12 and unvaccinated (i.e. all UK under 18s), just needs a negative test. Infection rates continue to fall in Spain despite the influx of tourists. Their own vaccination rates are high. They took the gamble to save their economy and it appears to have paid off.

    • Segebert T says:

      Good for you buddie why did you come back ??if it was so great ???? Unnah always comparing this place with the world . Cayman is not for everyone!

    • For All A We says:

      This is a message to all persons who respond to the quips and insults made by folks who we have elcomed to live and work here but now think that we are just a bunch of looney natives who are lazy, with a government who they feel is incompetent, who are really nobody back home, but have come here and made it ( although supposedly disenfranchised) the envy of their peers back home , pillars of society,. These people need to be ignored don’t take them on, they are all part of a still in existence bunch of colonialists who want to rile us up so that we become violent and then they can call on Mother to quell our rebellion and take us totally over.

      Let them stew, let them talk, while we educate ourselves, and our children , while we work and continually lobby our government to not just pay lip service to the Caymanian cause but put through all the neccesary policies and reforms that will ensure that we are no longer left behind. It is a long road ahead but together wie will make it.

      Finally ona take warning ya hear ona dissenters for the hand that fed you one day may not take too kindly to your cohabiting our land.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Anyone know what the rules are for travel to sister islands from Grand with unvaxxed kids? Thanks

  6. Anonymous says:

    Why? Increasing quarantine to 7 days and putting a tracker on won’t stop the family members from visiting travelers inside their homes, which considering everyone has to test negative with their crazy sensitive PCR tests that you can’t even get in other parts of the world in order to be released is the most likely explanation for how covid got into the community. Seems like an added cost that will change nothing.

  7. Duppy Conqueror says:

    To the Old Trafford wizard over 200,000 new infections and 1000 persons dead in Last 7 days a new deadlier variant now resistant to the vaccine and fuel and food shortages related to the Covid situation in the UK.please spare us with your UK living with Covid Utopia ! Be glad you are alive and well to complain and write poor foolishness on this website! What is 7 days to honour and reflect on those who have lost their precious lives in this Pandemic you ungrateful Ba$#@!§

    • Anonymous says:

      What nonsense are you on! Please

    • Anonymous says:

      Not really true. The gas and CO2 shortage is soon to be Europe, if not world wide,a nd largely due to Russia constricting supply and unsually high demand last winter in Asia.

      The Uk cases have been static at about 30,000 a day and 100 deaths a day since they fully opened on July 19 sot he NHS is not overrun.

      We should be open and mirroring the Uk testing approach. cayman is third world in their COVID response compared to the UK.

      We have one of the highest vaccination rates in the world in Cayman, which surprise surprise is why no one is dying in hospital. Because the vaccines work. Cases don’t matter – hospital demands do. We have 42 ICU beds – we are well covered.

    • Anonymous says:

      Duh, our population is 68 million and these deaths were “with covid”, not “from covid”. A few food items have supply issues, but that’s nothing to do with covid, it’s because of a shortage of HGV drivers and also now due to processing/storage issues. At least we can visit family and friends outside of a 76 square mile zone.

    • Anonymous says:

      So quarantine is to honour and reflect on those who have died in the pandemic (if there ever was a pandemic, but that’s another conversation). Anyone dying due to this is a real shame, although the numbers are nothing like those put out as dying from covid and dying of covid are two totally different things. But your view on quarantine? SMH.

      Oh and the moon is made of cheese.

    • Anonymous says:

      Got any toilet rolls?

      • Anonymous says:

        No FOSTERS shelves dry yet they stated that no need for panic buying as their warehouses has sufficient but so happens Price Right was out of toilet paper for days

  8. Anonymous says:

    If I was in Cayman right now I’d be much more worried about being murdered or mowed down by a drink/drug driver than catching covid. Just saying.

    • Anonymous says:

      All the sculkers keeping on eye on Cayman cause they wish they still lived here…

    • Anonymous says:

      @8:50am..Better not come back then if it is that bad..Something tells me the odds of you dying where you are are much greater than here in Cayman.

      You are one of those that love our milk and honey but run back to your country at the drop of a hat when anything happens out of the ordinary.. Well guess what, we don’t have that choice, so we have to try to make where we live good enough for us and for those expats and visitors who really care and want to be here and be a part of us..

  9. Anonymous says:

    This change in quarantine requirements is as science-based as demanding people wear one purple sock and one orange sock while quarantined.

    Besides, most of those “positives” in travelers are due to our habit of running the tests past the number of cycles they were designed for. An occasional person might contract Covid between testing and traveling but definitely not in the numbers we’re seeing. The other alternative is that people are buying fake PCR test results to travel (Jamaica!).

    • Anonymous says:

      I’ve been wearing one purple sock and one orange sock for the last 18 months and I haven’t caught the virus so there’s no question it works. I’m pretty sure someone is watching me the whole time though.

  10. Anonymous says:

    Whatever measures we may take once borders open sporadic cases will occur and we have to manage.It will be euporic to imagine with increase of quarantine to 7 days we wont get cases.
    5 days or 7 days ok for returning residents but one week leave in quarantine is not going to welcome tourists

  11. Anonymous says:

    Public looses trust when rules r changed haphazardly. We have 7 days for vaccinated 10 days unverified vaccinated and 14 for unvaccinated. Uk from oct 4 has two categories vaccinated or unvaccinated. Vaccinated no quarantine and unvaccinated 10 day quarantine.
    Both vaccinated and unvaccinated can get infected but low viral load in vaccinated. If we r following UK advice why these diff categories rather than following UK.

  12. Concerned Citizen of George Town South says:

    It is so heartbreaking that Bermuda has had two more deaths this evening, (22.9.2021) which brings their Covid-19 death toll to 45, with 58 in the hospital, and 168 new cases.
    I don’t care what anyone says, but I am entitled to my opinion but the Chamber of Commerce and the Cayman Islands Tourism Association (CITA) need to sit their a—- down and listen to our Premier and his Government. They are all doing the right thing and not opening our borders until 2022. We do not want this same thing to happen here in our beautiful Cayman Islands. I whole-heartly support our Premier. If Cayman was not so small I would sign my name to this comment but then again it would be held against me and my immediate Family. He has the Cayman people at heart. I am so glad that he is not giving in to their request about opening up. This is what you call leadership and thinking about his beloved Isle Cayman.
    I close with a saying that I read the other day on a facebook post. “No matter how big your house is, how recent your Car is, or how big your Bank account is. Our graves will always be the same size. Stay humble and we will get through this together.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Oh, boy. The expats came out in force on this one.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because they pay for the roads, schools and healthcare.

    • Anonymous says:

      You mean those who give to this country despite having no rights?

    • Anonymous says:

      And their dirty virus also. Damn those with dreams and wallets.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wow, can’t believe CNS posted your comment Shame on CNS for contributing to social divide.

        CNS: The commenter was using irony to make a point.

    • Anonymous says:

      Any time you want to fully do without us, protest publicly in the streets and we will peacefully go. But the fact that you are Caymanian and hide behind anonymous tells me you’re all talk and no action.

    • Anonymous says:

      You do realise the majority of doctors, dentists, nurses and paramedics (i.e. the people who would treat you if you got sick) are expats, right?

    • Anonymous says:

      And us Caymanians? We don’t count anymore because you don’t like our stance? Get vaxxed.

  14. Anonymous says:

    MAN UTD v. WEST HAM (22/09/21)

    70,000 fans inside Old Trafford this evening with a full away end, too.

    Cayman Population: under 65,000.

    • Anonymous says:

      Please stop making sensible points. We prefer more illogical reasoning around here.

    • Anonymous says:

      When will this madness end? Open up the border.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who won??

      Asking for a Man City fan?

      • Man City Are Sportwashing Cheats says:

        It was the Comedy Cup. Teams participate out of contractual obligation and give their squad players a run out. Better out of it early.

    • Anonymous says:

      And West Ham won 😄

    • Cayman Sanction says:

      Yes while you are at it please state the current UK stats 221,442 infected and 974 dead last 7 days shortage of fuel and food issues all associated with this Covid related situation. Why don’t go live there then or return back to where you can roam free and do as you like and stop complaining and whining about Cayman !Sick and tired of unnah BS !

      • anon against ignorance says:

        Cayman Sanction Despite all the problems in the UK they have still supplied us with all our vaccines free of charge.Sounds like you may be an anti-vaxer in which case I hope they ram it down your throat.

      • Anonymous says:

        Minor shortages due to lack of HGV drivers, nothing to do with covid. And our food prices are still a quarter of those in Cayman!

  15. Anonymous says:

    So, how many in hospital from our community spread?

    • Anonymous says:

      Quarantine increased to 7 days for vaxxed instead of it being dropped does nothing except deter all tourists from coming to the island. Might as well just say border stays shut until all quarantine measures are dropped.

      • Anonymous says:

        Aiming for 2023 > 2024

      • Anonymous says:

        Not long enough. Research shows many infected people do not develop symptoms until 2-weeks or longer. Quarantine should be 14-days, full stop. We are in a world-wide pandemic — learn to live with the restriction or pay the price, which may include members of your family.

    • Anonymous says:

      Give it time. For us the pandemic has just begun.

      • Anonymous says:

        practically it is true. Your own fault. But relax, you might fare better than you expect. In fact, I am sure of that and I am rarely wrong.

    • Anonymous says:

      Too much ! Go home where it is all hunky doory and life is soooo good and Covid variants abound .

  16. Anonymous says:

    Does this increased quarantine include incoming flights today the 22nd?

  17. anon says:

    I wasn’t for delaying the reopening, but when I think about it, having our first wave of exponential positives cases and subsequent deaths happening around Christmas time would have been awful.

    • Anonymous says:

      So unreasonable to die at Christmas.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yea, dying around Christmas time is so inconvenient. People die all the time, get vaccinated and you don’t get sick enough to die unless you are already too sick to survive. In which case anything, including a common cold or tummy bug could do the same.

    • Anonymous says:

      Zero deaths in Bermuda for vaccinated people. It certainly isn’t impossible, but keeping the boarder closed forever is!

      • anon against ignorance says:

        5.55am I wouldn’t wish death from Covid on anyone but is that the only way to stop you referring to boarders?.

    • Anonymous says:

      What deaths? over 600 positive cases, most of them didnt’ even know they had it.

      So please…..tell us. WHAT DEATHS?

      at the current rate of death of covid, you have a better chance of dying in a car crash. oh no, lets all ban cars now.

  18. Anonymous says:

    Is Government going to mention anything on mask mandates, social distancing protocols and size of events as well? Please ask if they don’t. I see so many people on island not wearing masks to go into businesses and restaurants and also many staff at shops and restaurants not wearing masks. Please ask if this is required and if there’s a number to call to report people who are not following these guidelines and regulations

  19. Anonymous says:

    Is Government going to mention anything on mask mandates, social distancing protocols and size of events as well? Please ask if they don’t. I see so many people on island not wearing masks to go into businesses and restaurants and also many staff at shops and restaurants not wearing masks. Please ask if this is required and if there’s a number to call to report people who are not following these guidelines and regulations

    • Anonymous says:

      There isn’t a number so you can report people breaking the regulations because they haven’t set any regulations for the general public. You want to report someone, ry hanging around government offices and see how many staff are breaking the mask mandates there.

  20. We still don’t understand Quarantine Rules says:

    To Anonymous @1:18pm. That is not how quarantine works. The person is who is vaccinated and does 7 days CANNOT go home to the unvaccinated 14 day person. That would be a breach by both the vaccinated and unvaccinated persons..whether that is your home or not.

    • Anonymous says:

      You are Wrong!
      Once a approved vaccinated person completes the 7 days they are free to sleep where and with whom they like. So the unvaccinated partner they would have stayed with locked up for 14 days is now free to roam the streets as is the vaccinated person after only 7 days.

      • Anonymous says:

        This is absolutely untrue. No one can enter a residence where someone is quarantining, whether they just completed seven days or not. It would be a breach. If one person in the residence has to do fourteen days, everyone has to.

        • Anonymous says:

          You miss the point.
          1. If a vaccinated person enters cayman and isolated with an unvaccinated the two of them are locked down for 14 days in a house.

          2. If that vaccinated person quarantines in a separate house for 7 days they can then return to the vaccinated person and live with them!
          Both then can be in the community.

          So why if a person is approved for 7 days and goes home to his unvaccinated family should the all now have to isolate for 14 days!

          • Anonymous says:

            That’s not what the OP said tho, is it? he said they would be free to sleep with an unvaccinated person still doing 14 days quarantine, and they would then both be free to roam the streets.

            • Anonymous says:

              No they did not.
              I look like they where making a point that why lock a family up for 14 days IF the vaccinated parent returns home and Isolates with them if the other family members are not vaccinated.

              If that person isolated at a hotel for 7 days they would be able to go home and live with their unvaccinated family on day.

              • Anonymous says:

                No they did not? Umm – they said “Once a approved vaccinated person completes the 7 days they are free to sleep where and with whom they like. So the unvaccinated partner they would have stayed with locked up for 14 days is now free to roam the streets as is the vaccinated person after only 7 days.”

        • Anonymous says:

          The unvaccinated person may not have travelled or be in quarantine (that’s how I’m reading the above) so the vaxxed partner who returned can go home to them after 7 days but if they had chosen to quarantine at home with them it would have been 14 days as they were entering a home with an unvaxxed person.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, but can they swap spit?

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s the ignorance talking. No vaccine for that.

      • Anonymous says:

        How does this possibly get 10 thumbs up? Its completely illogical, as well as untrue. Think about what you are suggesting – the person that does a 7 day quarantine magically confers the same stats on someone half way through their 14 days? because their risk profile is somehow lessened by contact with someone who had completed quarantine? And that is so somehow different from contact with any other person on the community, who hadn’t done any quarantine? I don’t even begin to understand how you came yup with that theory.

  21. Anonymous says:

    The government needs to be held to decisions based on fact. There isnt any credible evidence to decide 7 or 5 or 6 or 8 days. Enough of the random, uneducated decisiin making. If that is the standard for governmental ruling, Cayman should really not self govern.

    • Anonymous says:

      The science says a min of 14-days. . .period. Anything else is a compromise.

      • Ann says:

        But 14 days is not enough. The New Zealanders, cowering away, were sent into lockdown after someone spread infections after 14 days and a negative test to exit. How about 28 or 42 days. After all if every child in Cayman caught this there is about a 1% chance one of them might die. Think of the children and react hysterically to those incredibly long odds.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you PACT for pandering to the unvaccinated super minority and ignoring the data and science.

    • Anonymous says:

      Last reported data from the Bermudan government showed 1% of hospitalised cases were double jabbed. Over 70% of transmission was due to unvaccinated. So its not PACT saving you from this, its people getting vaccinated. If PACT were going to do something fundamental about saving you, they would mandate vaccination for everyone over 12 without a signed doctors certificate saying they shouldn’t be jabbed.

  22. Anonymous says:

    In the news today.

    A new model combined nine different models from U.S. universities looking at the trajectory of the pandemic
    In the best case scenario, COVID-19 cases are projected to decline from currently 141,897 per day to 9,054 per day
    Deaths are also projected to drop from the current 1,651 deaths per day to 59 fatalities per day
    Experts have previously suggested that declines will occur as more Americans have immunity either through vaccination or from infection
    Another scenario, which predicts the emergence of a new infectious variant, sees cases and deaths fall, by not by as much

  23. Mememe says:

    So pandering to hysteria wins …

  24. Anonymous says:

    Sometimes you have to just do the right thing and ignore the social media bullies and the fake experts.

  25. Mikey says:

    Get Vaccinated LOL x 2

  26. Anonymous says:

    So are we going to have a quarantine requirement until a) 100% or all persons are vaccinated plus b) 100% of ganja boats are stopped within 6 feet of our shores? Not a joke, serious question.

    • Anonymous says:

      It isn’t the ganja boats bringing in covid. Give it a rest.

    • Anonymous says:

      100% vax rate would still lead to around 7 deaths in cayman.(vax does not give 100% protection).
      just saying that is the statistical likely outcome.
      accept facts and we will be able to move on.
      pact/ppm can somehow think they can beat the virus.

  27. Anonymous says:

    and in other news the Jamaican who travelled with a positive test has been reported for prosecution yet not a single Caymanian breacher has got to court (other than the one that got caught with the American breacher)… you couldn’t make this stuff up… smh

    • Anonymous says:

      No but our government is, as they go along🙄

    • Anonymous says:

      Hasn’t government figured out quarantine doesn’t work after 52 breaches in August and those were the reported ones.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, quarantine does work if the punishment for breaches is stiff enough. Those irresponsible, selfish donkeys on works permits who disrespect the laws of the country should be fined the full 10K and immediately put on flight where they can irresponsibly risk people’s lives in their own country — they don’t belong here. Caymanians should be punished by the maximum fine and given a short holiday in Northward. I bet you’d see very few breaches if the judiciary had the courage to properly punish.

      • Anonymous says:

        It doesn’t work because there is no law enforcement in the Caymanian constitution. Get used to it.

  28. Anonymous says:

    So if an vaccinated person arrives and stays with a unvaccinated partner than the must both isolate for 14 days.. BUT if that vaccinated person stays some place else for 7 days they can then go home and jump into bed with the unvaccinated partner after 7 days and both be free.
    Sounds like a joke to me…May as well make it 7 days in this case for both.

    • Anonymous says:

      I finally figured out what you were trying to say, and it had nothing to do with swapping!

      Yes it makes absolute sense for a vaccinated traveler entering the home of unvaccinated people that the entire group quarantine for 14 days.

      It is best that traveller isolate for 7 days and then come home.

    • Anonymous says:

      The outcome of all this Malarky is an uptick at the Maternity wards next year in June-July.

    • Anonymous says:

      The resident can pretend to quarantine at home for 7 days and swap whatever with whoever and it doesn’t matter. It’s only those tourists that bring in Covid.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Well that should stop this pandemic in its tracks.

    Next up, quarantine days will be lowered back to 5.5 days, EXCEPT on full moons and the last Friday of the month.

  30. Anonymous says:

    This question needs to be asked.

    Now we are back to ” Open Skies ” Cayman Airways flight crew would be landing in MIA as regular RPT Crew. This would mean like all other flight and marine crew they would have to go into the terminal and clear customs and immigration leaving nothing of the aircraft.
    So if this is the case the flight crew are walking through MIA terminal every trip.
    CNS – Can you find this out or any witnesses to them boarding in MIA?

  31. Anonymous says:

    Reward vaccinated by increasing quarantine. Absolute joke going backwards

    • Anonymous says:

      So, let me get this right. If I am vaccinated and fly in today, I quarantine for 7 days. Yesterday it was 5 days.If I have to quarantine because there is covid in a school, I have to quarantine for 14 days. If I am unvaccinated I have to quarantine 14 days. If I am a resident, I can quarantine at home and play dominoes, breach, and nothing happens. If I am a tourist, I breach, I can go to jail.
      Is that how this works?
      Who makes up these rules?

    • You want brownie points? says:

      You want brownie points for getting the jab?

      Vaxxed reward is the benefit or peril of being vaxxed. You made the choice, live with it.

  32. Anonymous says:

    wonderland stuff.
    where else in the world has a 7 day quarantine???

  33. Anonymous says:

    why 7?…why not 3 or 5 or 10???
    if you don’t believe in science you are making it up as you go along.
    pity we do not have an opposition or mdeia here capable of asking the real questions.

    • Kurt Ma says:

      It’s a number born of a risk-based assessment…..if you want a pure science-based number then it would be a lot higher, so careful what you wish for.

  34. Anonymous says:

    What a joke.
    We are going back wards. Have not even tried to open up and we have a bunch of politicians that cant make a plan.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you PACT for making us all look stupid

    • Anonymous says:

      Agreed. In Bermuda (who currently have a bit of an outbreak), cumulative hospitalizations since mid January (when vax campaign started) was 96% unvaccinated/4% fully vaccinated, deaths were 100% unvaccinated, 0% fully vaccinated.

      The Cayman population equipped itself physically nearly as best we could, we vaccination rates above 40 years at nearly 95%, 18 to 40 at 85%, and 12 to 17 at 73%. And we are starting boosters.

  35. Anonymous says:

    If the science has proven that covid can remain unsymptomatic or undetected for up to 14 days, the 5 day quarantine didn’t make sense. So, how exactly is 7 day quarantine any better – vaccinated or not?

    • CSF says:

      It’s better because it reduces the percentage of positives that might appear in the community. A higher percentage will be caught testing on day 7 than day 5 etc. It’s not about eliminating risk entirely. That ship has sailed and has to keep sailing unless Cayman is going to be closed indefinitely. There do seem to be those in Cayman living in cloud cuckoo land who think that-remaining closed like this is sustainable, but it’s just not.

    • Anonymous says:

      Looking only at cases for which they could determine the exact time of exposure, researchers found that the time interval from exposure to positive PCR test ranged from three to five days, with a peak at 3.71 days.
      The above information straight from the web. That was the rationale behind a 5 day quarantine. You don’t remain undetected symptoms or not.

      • Anon says:

        We are so reactionary and held hostage by the unvaccinated that it is terrifying. Our Government is doing our people a disservice. According to Forbes the US spent 5.7 Billion dollars in the last 3 moths to treat PREVENTABLE Covid cases in unvaccinated persons. Do we as Caymanians want to take on the burden of,by Forbes’ estimated, $42,000 for each unvaccinated Covid positive work permit holder? Or do we want to mandate that they must be vaccinated? They can go home. They can stay and be vaccinated. Their choice. But I, for one do want to pay for their ignorance.

        • Anonymous says:

          Sure but the vast majority of people have already been vaccinated. Hopefully the Pfizer vaccine will be approved for 5-12 year olds before the end of November, then the P will need to come up with another reason to move the goalposts again.

      • Anonymous says:

        “straight from the web” LOL
        But I agree with your post.

        • Sod off says:

          Yes it is from the ‘web’ because I do not have access to any primary sources as my flight was canceled by our one and only carrier. Who is…holding me flipping hostage.

          Forbes is a legitimate source. You can find similar results from MIT and Yale. And bxtch, how much more of a hostage can one be? Are you are at aware that other than a canoe there is no way out of here? and we are at the will of a reactionary sophomoric, idiotic government.

  36. Anonymous says:

    This makes no sense!!!
    So the reduction of crowds legislation will eventually take place?
    What a shit show!
    Open up and move on!!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      What if one of your parent get rally sick ?
      And die ?
      Move on ?

      • Anonymous says:

        We all live with a certain amount of risk in our daily lives. If not, we would not be living life. There is always a chance that someone is going to get sick and die, but the we have to take a balanced approach. The side effects of staying closed will be greater than allowing Covid here (to a mostly vaccinated population).

      • Anonymous says:

        If you are concerned about your parents, make sure they are vaccinated, 2 shots and the booster, make sure you and your siblings and extended family are vaccinated, you should wear a mask when you visit them and make sure you and other visitors wash their hands.

        Not too much to ask to save a life.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would wonder why that parent didn’t get vaccinated.

      • Anonymous says:

        my parents are vaccinated, have common sense, will wear masks in public spaces, will wash their hands regularly and will avoid large gatherings and will do what they need to do to avoid the risk.
        your argument is so baseless.
        what if you get into your car tonight and someone crashes onto you? and you die? does your family stop from ever getting into a car?

      • Anonymous says:

        Isn’t the correct question why didn’t you get vaccinated versus sick/dying?

      • Anonymous says:

        Too many people here are perfectly fine with sickness or loss of life as long as the economy and their concept of normalcy is “back to normal”. Greed and selfishness is the way of the world.

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