Tag: traffic offences
Cops round up traffic ticket dodgers in raid
(CNS): Police in the Eastern Districts conducted a coordinated raid last Wednesday and rounded up 17 people over 20 outstanding warrants, largely related to unpaid traffic tickets or fines. The RCIPS said it has just under 200 active warrants still to be executed. Around 70 are related to residents in George Town, another 60 in […]
New traffic unit issues 62 tickets in first week
(CNS): The new RCIPS Eastern Districts Road Policing Unit (EDRPU) issued 62 tickets to drivers in its first week after focusing on school zones in the districts. Forty-six people were pulled over for speeding, including seven drivers who were travelling at more than double the school zone speed limit. This is 15mph during school drop-off […]
Traffic cops say excessive speeding continues
(CNS): Drivers in Cayman are still causing a major headache for the traffic police, especially in the Eastern Districts, after another targeted operation by the RCIPS found drivers doing double the speed limit even in 50mph zones. Between 14 and 24 January, police were out in East End and North Side as a result of […]
Police report decline in NYE crime and crashes
(CNS): The RCIPS reported a decrease in serious incidents over the holidays this year compared to the same period last year, and although one person was killed on the road during the first week of the year, there were no traffic deaths over the New Year weekend, as drivers found other ways to get home […]
Robbers, burglars and car thief keep cops busy
(CNS): Police officers were called to the first of two commercial burglaries over the holiday weekend at around 9am Christmas Day. A Nissan Skyliner was then reported stolen on Monday, before the most serious crime over the weekend took place just after midnight Tuesday, when a man was assaulted and robbed on the street in […]
West Bay man admits having illegal gun in car
(CNS): Michael Conrad Ebanks (36), from West Bay, has admitted having a loaded .38 Smith & Wesson revolver in a car he was not insured for and not qualified to drive when he was stopped in George Town by RCIPS officers from the Firearms Response Unit. He has also admitted possessing two and a half ounces […]
RCIPS holiday safety campaign off to a bad start
(CNS): Traffic cops were called to twenty road smashes over the weekend, including one in which a person was killed and several others badly injured, as the RCIPS holiday safety campaign got off to a bad start. The extension of Operation Quaker into the festive season is a key component of the overall Christmas campaign […]
More resources going to traffic, says CoP
(CNS): Commissioner of Police Derek Byrne told politicians during Finance Committee on Tuesday that more police resources are going to be diverted to the traffic unit in 2022 in order to get to grips with the increasingly “erratic and dangerous driving” being seen on the roads.
Traffic cops’ pleas fall on deaf ears
(CNS): Despite their warnings and prosecution efforts, police responded to around two dozen crashes over the weekend as Operation Quaker, the current RCIPS road safety campaign, continued. However, it appears that drivers are not listening. Several of these collisions saw those involved injured, including the couple that were badly injured in the early morning crash […]
Cops called out to 16 crashes over weekend
(CNS): Police officers were called out to 16 road collisions over the weekend as the RCIPS relaunched its road safety campaign, Operation Quaker, focusing on nighttime speeding and DUI. Only two people were arrested for drinking and driving, while 12 speeding tickets were issued and another two dozen tickets were issued for other traffic offences. […]
Cops switch focus to night speeders
(CNS): The RCIPS road safety enforcement campaign, Operation Quaker, is resuming tomorrow with a new target in mind: night time speeders. From Friday, traffic cops will shift the focus of the traffic operation to people speeding and driving under the influence of alcohol after dark. The police said this is when and why most serious […]