Tag: Roy McTaggart

Premier to hold ‘presser’ in wake of ‘horrific’ shooting

Premier to hold ‘presser’ in wake of ‘horrific’ shooting

| 26/02/2024 | 54 Comments

(CNS): MPs and RCIPS representatives are meeting behind closed doors this afternoon to discuss the shocking shooting at the Ed Bush stadium in West Bay last night in which at least seven people were wounded. After that meeting, scheduled to begin at 1:30pm, Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and senior police officers are expected to host a […]

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PPM poses 21 questions to UPM ahead of parliament

PPM poses 21 questions to UPM ahead of parliament

| 18/02/2024 | 45 Comments

(CNS): All of the PPM opposition members have submitted questions for the UPM Government in preparation for the next meeting of parliament, scheduled to start on 26 February. The 21 questions cover a range of topics, such as the proposed runway, the new development plan, and the remaining life of the dump. Opposition Leader Roy […]

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PPM leader attacks minister over tourism figures

PPM leader attacks minister over tourism figures

| 12/02/2024 | 62 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has taken aim at Tourism Minister Kenneth Bryan over the final tally of visitors in 2023 and what he said was a lack of ambition for the 2024 target. McTaggart said that most of this destination’s regional competitors had already reached their pre-pandemic arrival numbers, while at the end of […]

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Opposition unaware of surprise port fee hikes

Opposition unaware of surprise port fee hikes

| 08/01/2024 | 43 Comments

(CNS): The UPM Government did not share with all MPs its plans to increase fees charged by the Port Authority of the Cayman Islands (PACI) at the start of the New Year. The opposition, like the broader community, was surprised by the fee hikes approved by Cabinet, which Progressives Leader Roy McTaggart has said will […]

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McTaggart warns of decline, division and debt in 2024

McTaggart warns of decline, division and debt in 2024

| 02/01/2024 | 41 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart took aim at the UPM Government in his New Year’s message, accusing the new administration of poor fiscal management, spending more than it earns, and even after raising new taxes, creating a budget that will add to the Cayman Islands’ debt burden this year. With CI$120 million in new taxes […]

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UPM not prioritising economic decline, says McTaggart

UPM not prioritising economic decline, says McTaggart

| 11/12/2023 | 24 Comments

(CNS): In his response to the United People’s Movement budget, delivered on Friday, Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart accused Premier Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and her new team of continuing to ignore the Cayman Islands’ broader economic decline and growing inequality gap, which he implied had emerged during the past two years. He accused the premier of failing […]

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PPM will be watching UPM gov’t, says McTaggart

PPM will be watching UPM gov’t, says McTaggart

| 16/11/2023 | 82 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has said that while the Progressives will give the new government a chance to pull together a budget, they will hold the premier and her colleagues in the United People’s Movement accountable, “just like we have the previous premier”. Welcoming the group’s decision to take his advice and drop Panton, […]

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MPs to meet but no-confidence vote may fail

MPs to meet but no-confidence vote may fail

| 11/11/2023 | 111 Comments

(CNS): On Friday, the PPM secured enough signatures from MPs now sitting on the opposition benches to call a special parliamentary meeting for Tuesday in order to hold a no-confidence vote in the government. However, the vote could still fail. On Saturday, there were indications that they still had not locked in the necessary tenth […]

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PACT looking for ‘sensible’ way forward

PACT looking for ‘sensible’ way forward

| 10/11/2023 | 60 Comments

(CNS): In an extremely brief statement on Friday, Wayne Panton said the remaining members of PACT were looking for a sensible way forward. He said almost nothing about the turmoil surrounding his government in the wake of the resignation of McKeeva Bush MP yesterday. Despite leading a hung parliament, at 3pm Panton remained as premier.

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PPM calls on Panton to go as PACT crumbles

PPM calls on Panton to go as PACT crumbles

| 10/11/2023 | 97 Comments

(CNS): The resignation of McKeeva Bush MP (WBW) from the PACT Government on Thursday has left Premier Wayne Panton without a viable government, and he should step down, Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has said. He added that Panton cannot secure a quorum without opposition support with a hung parliament. As a result, the opposition wants […]

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PPM accuse PACT of heading for 2023 deficit

PPM accuse PACT of heading for 2023 deficit

| 03/10/2023 | 43 Comments

(CNS): Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart has said the Progressives abstained on every vote during last month’s Finance Committee because of concerns that the PACT Government is heading towards a budget deficit for this year. In a recent statement, McTaggart, who has also urged PACT to increase welfare support and other spending, said government expenditure was […]

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