Tag: Public Accounts Committee
PAC queries health insurance sector profits
(CNS): The private health insurance sector in the Cayman Islands made profits of well over CI$50 million in 2016 while many people here struggle to access insurance, can barely afford it or are inadequately covered, which was a key item on the Public Accounts Committee agenda Wednesday, when the health insurance commissioner appeared as a […]
Consultants and temps cost public $38.5M in 5yrs
(CNS): The Cayman Islands central government spent more than CI$38.5 million on consultants and temporary staff between June 2012 to June 2017, according to a new report from the Office of the Auditor General (OAG). The latest audit into how the government is spending public cash once again raises questions about value for money as well as […]
Taxes missing from all public accounts
(CNS): Government departments are still not reporting on the cash that is collected from taxpayers in their individual financial and management accounts. Although civil service management and even the Public Accounts Committee has been congratulating financial officers and their teams of government accountants for finally submitting their financials on time and reaching clean audit opinions, […]
Risk committee to be created before governor leaves
(CNS): The financial secretary has said that a risk and audit committee should be in place before Governor Helen Kilpatrick leaves the jurisdiction. The creation of yet another government oversight body designed to eliminate the threats to public cash from poor governance has been recommended by the Office of the Auditor General for some time […]
Miller: Health ministry being mismanaged
(CNS): The opposition leader and chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Ezzard Miller, raised his concerns about the mismanagement of the health ministry after yet another scandal emerged regarding finances at the hospital. Still reeling from the CarePay debacle and more recent and unexplained issues surrounding the Department of Environmental Health and the management of […]
No date decided on co-pay benefits in CS
(CNS): The civil service management has not set a date to introduce co-pay health or pension benefits for government employees, the financial secretary has confirmed. Government has been in talks with its staff for several years now about the possibility of them co-paying in the first instance for their health insurance cover. But the Cayman […]
Court boss tells PAC situation is ‘dire’
(CNS): Court Administrator Suzanne Bothwell, appearing before the Public Accounts Committee Wednesday, told members that the situation at the court was dire. Called as a witness by the committee to talk about the qualifications for the audit of the judicial administration’s books, Bothwell was asked many questions about the management of the courts and the […]
PAC pats CFOs on back for ‘job well done’
(CNS): Chief financial officers from government departments were congratulated by the chair of the Public Accounts Committee this week for a “job well done” after achieving clean audits for the first time since government changed its accounting system more than 12 years ago. Although appearing before PAC is not often a pleasant experience for senior […]
PWD: Cruise port won’t exceed $180M
(CNS): Max Jones, the director of government’s Public Works Department, which oversees the Major Projects Office (MPO), has said the cruise berthing facility would cost between $150 and $180 million, as set out in the outline business case, and he was confident that it would not exceed that price tag. Tourism Minister Moses Kirkconnell told […]
Officials call for civil servants’ payoffs to be public
(CNS): Public Accounts Committee Chair Ezzard Miller and the auditor general have both said that the amount paid to senior civil servants who are let go from government should be made public because the people are ultimately footing the bill. With unsubstantiated claims from numerous sources that the former chief immigration officer was given more […]