Tag: National Conservation Law
Landowner ignores warnings to stop ripping out mangroves
(CNS): A landowner clearing land in Selkirk Drive, Red Bay, has reportedly ignored at least two notices from the Department of Environment to stop removing mangroves. Meanwhile, Alden McLaughlin, the outgoing premier who is fighting to retain the constituency, has said the government cannot deny the owner the right to develop it, despite the fact […]
Mangrove protection official
(CNS): Cayman’s mangroves now have official legal protection, which should, finally, prevent these dwindling yet critically important species from being removed by developers without consequence. On Monday, the National Conservation Council gazetted the adoption of a Species Conservation Plan, which formalises mangrove protection in law and outlines the very strict conditions under which they can […]
DoE seeks support for turtle plan
(CNS): Following the release last month of the Cayman Islands National Conservation Council’s draft sea turtle species conservation plan, the Department of Environment is encouraging the community to take part in the public consultation. The NCL has launched an online survey to make it easier for people to offer support and comments for the plan […]
DoE defends conservation law
(CNS): The public is being urged to learn about and understand the National Conservation Law so that they can properly contribute to the current review and make the most of the law itself, which also provides for considerable public input in various areas. Taking to the radio waves last week, officials from the Department of […]
DoE reminds public of lost wetlands
(CNS): At the request of a number of people who attended a recent meeting hosted by the National Trust for the Cayman Islands, the Department of Environment will be publishing comparative maps showing how much important natural habitat, such as wetlands and mangroves, has been lost on Grand Cayman over the last four decades. As […]
People urged to lobby MLAs over NCL threat
(CNS): At an educational meeting hosted by the National Trust for the Cayman Islands Wednesday night, attendees were urged to contact their MLAs and lobby them about concerns over mounting threats to the environment, especially from development, and to offer their support for the National Conservation Law. Many people in the audience felt that there […]
POF urges people to contact MLAs over NCL
(CNS): Local students are not letting up on their growing campaign to force government to do more to protect Cayman’s natural environment. And with many of them concerned about the threat to the National Conservation Law and government’s current review of the legislation to water down some of the provisions, the young members of Protect […]