Tag: Legislative Assembly

Privy Council confirms House transition
(CNS): The UK Privy Council formalised the change of the Cayman Islands’ Legislative Assembly into a Parliament on Wednesday, making the elected officials MPs instead of MLAs. The constitutional change is symbolic rather than substantial but it comes at the same time as members voted for the House to become an independent entity, which will […]

AG: Speaker has no authority to block report
(CNS): Legal advice from the Attorney General’s Chambers released by the Public Accounts Committee shows that Speaker McKeeva Bush had no authority to block a report about OfReg last week. Attorney General Samuel Bulgin signed the advice, which stated that there is no provision in either the Constitution or Standing Orders that requires the speaker […]

Miller urges resurrection of respect
(CNS): Ezzard Miller (NS) has urged his fellow politicians to reverse the destruction of the Legislative Assembly as it transitions into a parliament after years of disrespect for the institution that has led to ‘brain dead’ MLAs making life-changing decisions for people in the middle of the night. While other members chose to mark Monday […]

Politicians bid farewell to LA, hello to parliament
(CNS): The Cayman Islands’ politicians talked into the small hours of Tuesday morning as they bid farewell to the Legislative Assembly and hello to what will become a parliament later this month. The UK Privy Council is expected to confirm the agreed changes to the Cayman Islands Constitution that will include the upgrade for the […]

LA law defines separation of powers
(CNS): The Legislative Assembly Bill, which is expected to be passed later this month, will, after more than sixty years, finally formalise a fundamental part of Cayman’s democracy, which is the separation of the political house with the administrative arm of government and the governor. As he presented the draft law on Friday, Premier Alden […]

MLAs to run independent parliament
(CNS): A bill that will see members of the Legislative Assembly manage the parliament themselves has been published on the government gazette ahead of its debate next month. The proposed law is designed to take away the management of the financial and day to day affairs of the political body from government and separate the […]

Opposition ‘walk out’ over lack of access
(CNS): Opposition Leader Arden McLean led an angry walk-out of the Legislative Assembly last week, accusing Cabinet of “truncating” the opposition. After complaining that no other business but that of government had been allowed on the order paper for the meeting, McLean said the government frontbench “should be ashamed of themselves”.

Miller argues alternative to pension withdrawals
(CNS): MLA Ezzard Miller (NS) has proposed an alternative to allowing people to access their pension funds as a way of injecting cash into the economy to battle the financial fallout from the COVID-19 panic. Speaking in the Legislative Assembly on Thursday, Miller said that while he supports the pension holiday he is the only […]

Law change enables bosses to retain workers
(CNS): The premier steered a small but important amendment to the Labour Law through the Legislative Assembly on Thursday, allowing Cabinet to grant extensions or exemptions to provisions in the law in the face of a disaster or calamity, including the type of health crisis presented by COVID-19. Using the new power, Cabinet has extended […]

Eden presides as MLAs add new standing order
(CNS): Ten MLAs met in the Legislative Assembly on Wednesday, with Anthony Eden as the temporary speaker, and amended Standing Orders, the rules that govern the parliamentary proceedings, to add a new one. For the first time in the history of the LA, the new rule will allow members to attend LA meetings via electronic […]

MLAs to pick new deputy speaker
(CNS) UPDATED correcting day of deputy speaker election: Ten Members of the Legislative Assembly will meet next Wednesday, obeying social distancing rules, in order to amend Standing Orders, paving the way for all members to sit in a virtual session the following day. At that emergency meeting members will elected a deputy speaker and amend […]