Tag: climate change

Eroded structures litter 7MB with hazardous debris
(CNS): The erosion of hard structures along the southern end of Seven Mile Beach has left a trail of hazardous debris from the Marriott hotel all the way past The Sovereign condos, caused by the weather system that eventually became Hurricane Helene. The fact that a fairly minor surge left crumbled sea walls, decks and […]

Climate policy wins public backing
(CNS): Caymanians are demonstrating that they are very concerned about the impact climate change is going to have on these islands in the coming years. Government officials report receiving very positive feedback about the draft Climate Change Policy during the current public consultation period, which ends Friday.

UK willing to help Cayman address climate issues
(CNS): Governor Martyn Roper has said the United Kingdom is open to helping the new government on issues relating to climate change. As he gave his address congratulating the newly sworn members of Parliament on Wednesday, he noted that the environment was a key issue on the campaign trail this year for voters and candidates. […]

World not taking ‘ghastly’ future seriously
(CNS): Humanity is running an ecological Ponzi scheme in which society robs nature and future generations to pay for boosting incomes in the short term, scientists have said in a new study reviewing the dangers presented by the rapid loss of bio-diversity. No leaders are taking seriously the mounting, imminent threats, posing what they described […]

Thousands of scientists warn of climate emergency
(CNS): Over 11,000 scientists have backed comprehensive research which concludes that the world is in a climate emergency. The work is based on 40 years of data that illustrates a myriad of climate related issues. The scientists say the planet is facing “untold human suffering” and they have a moral obligation to warn humanity about […]

Future of Boggy Sand Beach in jeopardy
(CNS): The shifting sand on one of West Bay’s most famous beaches has caused considerable public concern this summer as large parts of it disappeared. Beaches are dynamic, with sand coming and going depending on the time of year and seasonal weather conditions, but the recent disappearance of a swathe of Boggy Sand Beach has […]

July confirmed as hottest month on record
(CNS): Like much of the planet, the Caribbean experienced warmer or much warmer temperatures last month, as July 2019 has been officially confirmed as the hottest month globally across land and sea since records began around 140 years ago. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) said Thursday that the average temperature last month was 1.71°F […]

Climate report notes 7th year of sea level rise
(CNS): One of the many alarming points in the latest climate report from the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, scientists found that for the seventh year in a row sea levels rose in 2018 and the greenhouse gases released into the Earth’s atmosphere reached record levels. Also ringing the climate alarm bells in the State […]

Climate change threatening food security
(CNS): A new report published by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has found that the rise in global temperatures is already impacting food security. With more than a quarter of the ice-free land we inhabit already degraded, some 820 million people are undernourished, not just because of war, poverty and disease but […]

Climate pressures increasing
(CNS): More headlines this week point to the increasing pressures of climate change, but the Cayman Islands Government has still not completed its Climate Change Policy, which has been in the works for eight years. The latest cause for alarm is that scientists have found the rate of global sea level rise began accelerating 30 […]

Euro heatwave melting Greenland
(CNS): Scientists working in Greenland who are measuring ice sheets and collecting important data for the northern European country are alerting the world about the massive melting taking place there after the heatwave that hit the UK and continental Europe moved north. Danish Meteorological Institute, the official weather service of Greenland, said “almost all the […]