What happens when the CIG goes bankrupt?
MM writes: I believe most of us on the more informed side are aware of what happened in the past six years with that little country called “Greece” – the country that went bankrupt. Here in the Cayman Islands, we are beginning to see a trend of government/private partnerships. We see the neat and well-kept […]
GM antibiotic-dependent mosquitoes
Dr John W Norris writes: Are we pouring gasoline on one public health crisis hoping to treat another? Voters said no in Key Haven, Florida, to a trial release of genetically modified antibiotic-dependent mosquitoes in 2016. The analysis of FDA public comment by Bloss et al was a start to look at why. One significant […]
Talking of discrimination…
Anonymous writes: From one heterosexual male Caymanian; I’ve got nothing against gay marriage. To each, his/her own. The Marriage Law should treat straight and gay marriages equally. Hey, and while we’re on the subject of equal treatment for all, can white expat ladies please stop treating black men as if they are a threat?
CNS poll: Is Cayman hurricane ready?
(CNS): The Cayman Islands just dodged a 425-mile wide bullet. Irma broke the record for consecutive hours at category 5 hurricane, with maximum sustained winds of 185 mph, leaving a trail of destroyed homes and widespread flooding all along its path across the Caribbean and Florida, with uprooted lives and months of recovery ahead for […]
Dear PAC: more on the Needs Assessment Unit
A former NAU employee writes: What! The ministry is responsible for NAU? This is news? Mr Miller, you should not be surprised about the NAU director calling out the ministry. I guess we can expect a new NAU director soon. As I have repeatedly and consistently said via this forum, the main problems with social […]
Air arrivals: the harsh reality
A CNS reader writes: It’s a pity the Hon Minister wasn’t a bit more forthcoming with some of the arrival stats that don’t make quite such happy reading. UK arrivals – 6,808, down just under 10% on the first six months of 2016 and stuck at slightly below the same level they have been for […]
Dealing with paedophilia
‘Reality Strikes’ writes: Errington Webster is the latest in a recent spate of paedophiles brought to justice, but we know from Marl Road gossip and knowledge of the wider world that there are many more out there. In every country there are adults, mostly men, who find children sexually attractive, and while the public generally […]
Turtle friendly lighting
The Department of Environment writes: We appreciate the need for security and fortunately studies show that turtle friendly lighting does not compromise security and safety. Turtle friendly lighting does not mean that beach front properties must be dark – instead, lights can be directed to illuminate only areas of the property that are used and […]
Finger to the people?
101 writes: Thousands rejoiced last Wednesday night on the triumph of the large number of independents being elected. Steve Tomlinson’s Reporter boasted its “Independents Day” headline featuring only the Independent candidates on its front page. This euphoria would last no more than five days, as the CDP and PPM parties merged to form a government […]
Society’s neglect of children in trouble
MM writes: Reading the articles about Devon Anglin and how his life spiraled is always hurtful for me, and here is why: Many moons ago Devon was one of my best friends in high school, a super smart child in all the highest academic sets at the John Gray High School; he was particularly excellent […]
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