The premier has failed and should resign
“Sad” writes: Alden McLaughlin should resign immediately from the Office of Premier. This comment may sound politically motivated, but it is not. In fact, it is expected in politics that when a politically elected leader fails in the performance of his duty on a level that is so detrimental to the very persons to whom […]
Cruise port too expensive
Dominic Dyer writes: We cannot afford to build a cruise berthing facility in George Town. This is true from both an economic and, more importantly, an environmental perspective. The current coalition government is choosing to blatantly ignore the facts presented to them, and by doing so are putting our beloved isle’s future in jeopardy.
Questions about the cruise dock project
‘A. Caymanian’ writes: Dear Government of National Unity Members, Please enlighten the public and provide clarity on the following questions:
Door wide open for white collar crime
A CNS reader writes: Although it’s valid that our police lack a compelling strategy to deal with escalating violent crime, the door to blue and white collar crime has also been left wide-open and duped consumers merit some recourse. The existing judicial structure of our court system caters to small claims under $20k, and then […]
Profit over planet?
Theresa Green writes: The issue of climate change and how it impacts life across the world is likely to be one of the biggest issues in 2018, and Cayman will be facing its own challenges regarding the environment in the year ahead as the current Government of National Unity takes aim at the National Conservation […]
Health warning to drug users
A CNS reader writes: Users are largely unaware that incoming drugs are highly likely to have been already laced with potentially deadly, highly addictive, cheaper, internet mail-order synthetic opioids (in addition to the normal toxic production chemicals). Those in denial, or blindly trusting their dealer with their lives, are either high right now, or a […]
Government’s rubbish trick
Theresa Green writes: Government’s move to take $15.6 million from the Environmental Protection Fund to pay for capping the existing landfills and help finance the proposed national garbage plan was not only wrong but part of a wider deception about this project. No one doubts the management of garbage in Cayman has been rubbish for decades […]
When health insurance doesn’t cover health costs
Have a heart Cayman writes: The numbers just don’t add up when it comes to insurance and the average person. I’ve been unable to work due to ill health and my husband earns $30k a year to support us both. My medical insurance premium is almost $4,500 a year for what is considered a good […]
What happens when the CIG goes bankrupt?
MM writes: I believe most of us on the more informed side are aware of what happened in the past six years with that little country called “Greece” – the country that went bankrupt. Here in the Cayman Islands, we are beginning to see a trend of government/private partnerships. We see the neat and well-kept […]
Society’s neglect of children in trouble
MM writes: Reading the articles about Devon Anglin and how his life spiraled is always hurtful for me, and here is why: Many moons ago Devon was one of my best friends in high school, a super smart child in all the highest academic sets at the John Gray High School; he was particularly excellent […]
CAYS Foundation Parents Association
A CNS reader writes: I am a parent of a child in the care of Bonaventure Boys Home. I am actively trying to start CAYS Foundation Parents Association. It’s an initiative that so far has about 8 parents who are willing to join. I believe there is a beautiful power in unity. Parents with two […]
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