2017 General Elections
The battle of the incumbents
Theresa Green writes: Political geeks out there will have already spotted the rather unusual situation that has emerged in one of the 19 electoral districts in Cayman’s first election under the system of one person, one vote in single-member constituencies, but for those who haven’t noticed, there is just one race between incumbents. Newlands is […]
PPM considering decriminalising ganja
(CNS Election): The Progressives are planning to take a closer look at decriminalising the recreational use of ganja, a leading Cabinet minister has said. Following the PPM government’s move to legalise the use of medicinal cannabis oil, Marco Archer has revealed plans to weigh-up the possibility of going a step further. The finance minister said […]
Premier commits to 60% cut in gun smuggling
(CNS): The premier has committed to investing “whatever it takes” into police resources and the creation of a national coast-guard to fight the rising gun crime in the Cayman Islands. Alden McLaughlin has said that if the Progressives are returned to office in two weeks time, one of the priorities for their second term will […]
McTaggart spells out independents’ dilema
(CNS Election): Roy McTaggart has spelt out the problem that independent candidates are likely to face if they are elected to office following the 24 May General Election. The George Town East candidate, who is running on the PPM ticket after joining the party in 2015, was elected to office as an independent in 2013 […]
Premier sticks by arrest allegations against Bryan
(CNS Election): Kenneth Bryan has refuted allegations made by the premier on the campaign trail that he was arrested twice while he worked as his political assistant earlier in this administration, but the PPM leader is sticking by his accusations. Alden McLaughlin told CNS he had heard that Bryan had been arrested weeks before a […]
Immigration law a problem, admits premier
(CNS Election): The leader of the Progressives is increasingly indicating that resolving the problems surrounding immigration legislation will form a central part of his government’s agenda if he gets a second chance to lead a PPM administration. Premier Alden McLaughlin, who has headed up the home affairs ministry over the last four years that includes immigration, […]
A surplus on our backs?
101 writes: As the local political campaigns were heating up two weeks ago, GTC candidate Kenneth Bryan released a video via social media implying that while his competitor in George Town Central may be viewed as a good finance minister, he hasn’t actually done well by the people. Bryan used the incidences of mortgage foreclosures, […]
PPM on track for $48M surplus
(CNS): The political arm of government received a welcome boost yesterday after the pre-election economic and financial update published by the finance ministry revealed that the central government operating surplus is forecast to be $48.1 million by the end of this year, which is $1.5 million more than originally budgeted. Core government is expected to have […]
How would you grade your MLAs this past term? (Part 2)
101 writes: Now that Nomination Day is far behind us, it’s time for the promised Part 2 of grading the other representatives. Spoiler alert: there are no A*s in here.
Only half the candidates live in potential seats
(CNS Elections): Almost half of the candidates standing for election in May are not registered to vote in the constituency where they are fighting for a seat, according to the electoral register. From the 61 candidates on the ballots, 27 are not registered as living in the constituencies where they are hoping to be elected […]
PPM plans to take work permits from immigration
(CNS): If re-elected to government next month, the new PPM administration will be taking work-permit decisions away from the immigration department and putting them in the hands of the employment ministry with a new human resources authority. Speaking at the Progressives’ George Town meeting on Saturday night, Premier Alden McLaughlin said that if re-elected, the […]