2017 General Elections
Ten things we learned from the election results
101 writes: 1) The party system is not quite over just yet. Ten party candidates were returned, which shows a clear emergence of the independents but many of the party candidates, including those that lost their battles, still received a lot of votes, some losing only marginally in their constituencies.
Caymanian pursues HR complaint over vote denial
(CNS): A human rights complaint has been made alleging that almost 500 Caymanians were denied the right to vote because of the misinterpretation of the Elections Law regarding residency requirements. The Caymanian complainant has also asked the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association elections observers to consider the denial as part of their review of Cayman’s first ever […]
Horse trading begins in wake of divided poll
(CNS): Following a very mixed result in Cayman’s first ever election under the system of ‘one man, one vote’, the people woke up to the fact that while 19 people have been elected to the Legislative Assembly, no party, group or alliance has enough seats to form a government. CNS has attempted to contact several […]
Final turnout just short of 75% of voters
(CNS Election): More than 15,860 voters took part in the Cayman Islands first ever election under the system of ‘one man, one vote’ in single-member constituencies, representing a national turnout of just under 75%. While this was slightly less than previous elections, the numbers differed widely in the constituencies, from a near 86% turn out in […]
50% of votes already in
(CNS Election): More than half of the 21,212 people eligible to vote had already been to the polling stations by noon Wednesday, in what officials are hoping will be a great turnout for this historic Election Day. All nineteen constituencies had seen considerable traffic by lunchtime, and apart from a few “hitches and glitches”, operations […]
And they’re off!
(CNS Election): The polls have now opened in Cayman’s historic General Election, when for the first time the more than 20,000 people on the electoral register will have just one vote to cast for one candidate in each of the 19 different constituencies in a first past the post race. Election officials said the opening of the […]
Elections Office alarmed by paper’s mess-up on polling stations
(CNS Election): Local newspaper, The Cayman Reporter, made a number of errors in listing the polling stations in its printed supplement and the Elections Office is concerned that, as a result, people will go to the wrong place tomorrow to cast their vote. The locations of eleven polling stations are incorrect in the paper’s election […]
PPM comes top in CNS reader poll
(CNS Election): With 1,966 responses so far, CNS readers believe the Progressives will be forming the next government, with over 52% saying they will be voting for a PPM candidate. Whule this is not a scientific poll, the reader survey has attracted the largest participation of any online straw polls this month. At 8am Monday, […]
Our first OMOV brings some easy and tough battles
101 writes: This year’s general election has many veterans but also a lot of newcomers encouraged by the new OMOV system. But based on the match-ups in the current constituencies, unfortunately too many of these political competitions are just about decided but for the formal vote on Wednesday. If you have followed the campaigns and […]
Leaders are no-shows at TV debate
(CNS Election): What was expected to be a national TV debate between Opposition Leader McKeeva Bush and Premier Alden McLaughlin failed to materialise Thursday after Bush pulled out, and as a result the premier following suit. Although the Cayman Democratic Party advertised the appearance of their leader supported by Jonathan Piercy in the final of […]
Who will win on Wednesday?
(CNS Election): On 24 May, voters in the Cayman Islands will go to the polls to elect nineteen MLAs for the next four years. To have a majority in the House and therefore form the next government, a group or party will need to win ten of those 19 seats. The Progressives (PPM), the party […]