Archive for March, 2024

Police seize 450lbs of ganja from GT apartments
(CNS) Police have arrested three men after seizing around 450lbs of suspected ganja in several packages following a bust yesterday near Seymour Drive in the industrial area of George Town. The RCIPS said that police officers were conducting enquiries in the area when they detected the strong scent of ganja from an address where several […]

Driver arrested after road workers seriously injured
(CNS): A 35-year-old man from George Town has been arrested for dangerous driving offences after the car he was driving knocked down two men working on the Linford Pierson Highway on Tuesday afternoon. The arrested man was given a breath test, which was negative. According to the RCIPS, initial investigations indicate that the driver, who […]

Booze sales banned on Good Friday except in hotels
(CNS): Liquor licence holders are being reminded that music, dancing and the sale of alcohol are all banned on Good Friday in most bars. Only hotels and restaurants with an appropriate licence are exempt. Liquor stores will also be closed on Good Friday, while grocery shops and gas stations with liquor licences are not permitted […]

Over 600 road crashes since the beginning of 2024
(CNS): The Cayman Island has recorded over 600 motor vehicle collisions since the start of the year, according to statistics from the 911 call centre. This is an average of 50 crashes per week but does not include unreported crashes, making a terrible start to 2024. Despite the warnings, safety campaigns and roadblocks, drivers are […]

Deputy premier seeks to win hearts and minds in USA
(CNS): Deputy Premier and Financial Services Minister André Ebanks spent last week in Washington DC and New York City attempting to win over the hearts and minds of US politicians and the media in relation to the Cayman Islands’ position as a financial centre. Ebanks was in the US for over a week, from 13 […]

EY lands $1.2 million contract to reform CIG budget
(CNS): The government recently awarded a contract worth more than CI$1.2 million to reform and modernise the way the government does its budget. The local consultants have been asked to help implement an outcome-based budgeting and reporting framework that includes a system to support the preparation and reporting process. For years, the Office of the […]

DEH: Public should refrain from nuisance noise
(CNS): After receiving a number of complaints, the Department of Environmental Health has issued a notice advising the community that all residents and visitors should refrain from noisy activities in close proximity to schools, healthcare facilities and residential premises. The notice was issued to the press moments after CNS posted a report on the lack […]

Road workers struck by speeding car on LPH
(CNS): Two men who were working on the expansion of the Linford Pierson Highway were taken to hospital today after they were knocked down by a car. This latest road accident, which occurred around lunchtime Tuesday, comes just a few days into the RCIPS Easter road safety campaign and its crackdown on rogue drivers. The […]

The brain power of our lawmakers is questionable
Lite Poll writes: The principal job of lawmakers in the Cayman Islands is to make laws, and the point of holding elections every four years is to elect lawmakers. However glaringly obvious that sounds, it seems to be a fact that is lost in every general election and points to an ability that is depressingly […]

Suspected sex offender wanted by police
(CNS): The RCIPS is asking the public to help them track down Cedric Everton Ellis (52), a resident of George Town, who is wanted in relation to serious sexual assault incidents. Ellis has a dark brown complexion and is around 5’9″ with a stocky build. Police said he is a heavy equipment driver by profession; […]