Over 7,000 tests reveal just 25 local COVID cases

| 17/09/2021 | 109 Comments
Cayman News Service
CMO Dr John Lee at Friday’s press briefing

(CNS): A total of 7,029 tests have been carried out over the last ten days but just 24 were positive, Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee revealed at Friday’s COVID-19 briefing. He said this shows that the community outbreak is being held back, given the wide cross-section of people that have been tested. There were no new cases of community transmission in the last day. “That is exceedingly reassuring news for us,” he said. “The vaccine is working.”

The patient who was the first to be classified as a community transmission after she was hospitalised is also doing well, he said. Of the 17 children at George Town Primary School who are positive, 12 have no symptoms. The five who do have symptoms are managing fine at home, the CMO added.

All the families in isolation in relation to the school outbreak are required to quarantine for a total of two weeks. The school, where nine out of 14 classes have been impacted, will be closed for the same time.

There are currently 52 active cases of the virus among the travellers and local people who are all in isolation and quarantine. Twenty-five people have symptoms but just one person is in hospital.

Dr Lee said that the process to acquire a significant amount of lateral flow or home testing kits is underway. These tests will be very useful in the management of community outbreaks, but he said their arrival is probably weeks rather than days away. He said officials were sourcing the right kind of tests that are both user-friendly and inexpensive.

The CMO also revealed that no prisoners have yet been tested and that Public Health is in discussion with the prison director about the situation there. He said there was no reason to test the prisoners yet until Public Health can work out the possible period of exposure and when to test them.

The potential for an outbreak at the prison was as a result of a prison officer testing positive, but he was found to be connected to the GTPS outbreak rather than a separate case. Dr Lee said he would be discussing with the director to move the testing forward there.

Governor Martyn Roper noted that the low vaccination rate in the prison among staff and inmates was “cause for concern”, as he urged everyone to get the jab. But Premier Wayne Panton said that while the government was still considering a vaccination mandate for front-line and public sector workers, no decision had been made yet.

But as vaccine uptake continues to increase, 11,000 more are arriving with the British Airways flight on 27 September, which will also be used as boosters for healthcare workers, vulnerable people and the elderly.

Meanwhile, officials have also said that a family that flew to Cayman Brac with a student from GTPS did so before they were aware of the school outbreak. Therefore, there was no breach of isolation regulations and the family all tested negative.

But concerns remain about the possibility of the virus reaching the Sister Islands. As a result, people who are not vaccinated will need a PCR test two days before travelling to Cayman Brac or Little Cayman and anyone showing respiratory symptoms will be quarantined.

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  1. Lots of people travelled to the Brac this past weekend. Most to “party”, some to visit family & friends and some to just to relax and enjoy our beautiful Island.

    HOWEVER, how do we know these recent travelers were vaccinated or not? How do we know that Covid & Delta could be already here in our Sister Islands because these recent travelers????

    AND, how do we know our community isn’t already infected by allowing this as vaccines are not 100% effective against those who are vaccinated as they still can spread and catch COVID 19 (and Delta) without ANY symptoms????


    Little Cayman and Brac residents who travel to Grand then return, should also be subjected to these same regulations!!!!

    Our smallest Islands should be protected more as we are a small community thus Covid (and Delta) can spread very easily! We only have one Hospital that CANNOT handle an outbreak. We also have an elder community which is more susceptible to COVID!!!!!

    Last but definitely not least, vaccinated travelers into our country should Quarantine for 10days!
    Yes, 10 days, as obviously/definitely a 5 (or 7 days) isn’t working!!!! A 14 day quarantine for unvaccinated should be made to 16 days as COVID has shown up in 14 quarantine people.


  2. Naya Boy says:

    Whether by fear or infections this pandemic is real and it is killing people those who denying its existence are indeed very foolish as is those who believe this experimental vaccine was going to stop its spread.Yes we indeed have to live with it but are you willing to risk your life or that of your love ones to prove your theory about it is correct?? Our need to destroy in order to consume has created this dire situation unfortunately and it has now come at the cost of lives being lost and threatened. It appears some have not learnt their lesson from this and simply want to continue their destructive onslaught of consuming everything to satisfy their wants. Some need to to put their appetite for Destruction in check now and try to preserve all life on this planet so we can continue our existence. Be thankful for what you have, stop trying to destroy everything to get more ! Our frivolity has made our lives even more fragile! Our own actions are now unfortunately driving our governments reactions so we have to manage ourselves so they do not have to control or manage us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Covid has been in Cayman this whole time. It wasn’t till the elderly woman went into the hospital and tested positive that people started thinking their allergies, colds and sinus infections may be more. Then the testing began and bingo….covid and community testing and what do you know…covid all over cayman just like everywhere else in the world.

  3. Anonymous says:

    After a reasonably good start with Covid controls last year, it now appears the government are hell bent on collapsing both the service and hospitality industry economy.
    Instead of continual testing or pointless isolations for double vaxxed individuals, the focus should be on getting those who are not vaccinated jabbed immediately.
    Hiding in isolation won’t work, ask Australia or NZ, it doesn’t work, the only safe way out for Cayman is a fully vaccinated population, (unless advised not to by a medical professional). As your northern neighbours are finally realising, Covid will seek out the unvaccinated and will possibly kill them.
    It’s time CIG called up all WP holders and insisted that their continuing employment on Cayman was reliant on vaccination, if not they leave. All Public Authorities and CS employees should be told the same, as should all healthcare, service and hospitality employees.
    If people don’t want to accept the conditions, then they should not be paid from the public purse or have direct contact with the public.
    Everyone else will have to just take their chance, after all, it’s their choice. Cayman cannot afford to shield a minority from an infection that is preventable, or if it breaks through vaccination, doesn’t kill.
    The damage to Caymans tourism product and those who have loyal supported it over the last 20 months need to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Infections are inevitable, death and serious injury doesn’t have to be.
    Get vaccinated, NOW.

  4. Anonymous says:

    The PACT govt has without doubt been the worst govt in living history…. A breach of fundamental human rights such as right to earn a living and the right to freedom of movement of people.

    The delay of phase 4 is an irrational action based solely and entirely on fear, not on statistics or science. This mess of a decision should be challenged in a judicial review.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Let me preface this by saying Covid is real and I’m fully vaccinated.

    We are told to follow the science.
    March 2020, the science said 2,000,000 people are going to die in California alone.
    December 2021 Vaccines become available en mass. We were told that the vaccine doesn’t start protecting till 2 weeks after the second shot. When we gots ours here, HSA made an appointment for three weeks later.
    March 2021. We were told, once vaccinated, one is extremely unlikely to pass on the virus. Given these “facts” combined with a significant percentage of the US population being vaccinated, people start asking why masks were still needed. Global leaders put on a grand display of maskless in person meetings. Masks come off.
    June 2021 We heard of breakthrough cases whereby vaccinated persons can pass on the virus. The word breakthrough, implies unusual and we were in fact told it was rare.
    September 2021. We’re told it was never said the vaccinated couldn’t pass on the virus, that it’s purpose is to prevent one from getting ill, so mask up.
    We’re also being told the vaccines wear off and that we should have waiting much longer than 3 weeks between vaccines. Due to this fact, we’re told a booster is necessary. Only the FDA doesn’t think a booster should be given. Why not? Our government has steadfastly followed the advice of Dr. Lee. Cayman created a bubble like no other.
    But now that Dr. Lee has been abroad and has seen first hand how the science / numbers were fantastically overstated, he returned to Cayman (5 days quarantine) with moderate advice, “We can live with this virus”, he said – and he is correct. Our government claimed we would open up in October (everyone knew this was a lie) and that we were prepared for any outbreaks. Turns out that was a lie as well! Mr. Panton said no more lockdowns. Is this a too a lie?
    What we in fact did, was create a bubble of fear, based on false science. It’s a bubble one cannot see out of, which has allowed our politicians to think they masterfully protected out people and they gleefully pat themselves on the back. World class. But here’s the issue. The science is amateurish at best, and our politicians operate on fear, “science” and arrogance. When Dr. Lee speaks off script, it’s time for him to go. It should, in fact, be the opposite.

    • Anonymous says:

      Thanks for giving the historical rundown of the official advise so that we can see the nonsense that has been told.

    • Anonymous says:

      A reasonably fair summary. Mistakes have certainly been made. The science is indeed evolving. And it has been misinterpreted and misused by people with agendas but I would argue mostly because of fear and simply as a result of incompetence.

      The thing is, I’m not sure that calling the science amateurish is the right way to interpret what’s happened. I don’t think people using these mistakes as a reason to make their own decisions is actually a good thing because most people think they are much smarter than they actually are.

      Instead of recognising that most politicians and NGOs like the WHO, FDA etc are made up of people just like them who make mistakes, they assume that every misstep and stupid decision made means that covid must not be real, that they are being lied to by people seeking to manipulate them and they decide to not take vaccines because everything is a conspiracy. As a result more people than is necesaary will die when the PACT government realises we need to get on with things.

      Nothing will be different in three months. Let’s get on with this.

      • Anonymous says:

        People make mistakes and vaccines aren’t perfect. Even more reason to be sceptical and not take what they say for face value but do your own research.

        • Anonymous says:

          None of you are qualified to the level required to be able to analyse this specific scientific data. If you are, why aren’t you working to rid the country of the danger of Covid. The ONLY way to do that is through vaccination, and that’s all the research you need to do. 3 billion can’t be wrong, and 85% of the U.K. have been double jabbed and normal life is slowly returning. Looking online is dangerous unless it is in reference to official government guidelines.
          The truth is Covid will find you, it’s your choice if you die or not.
          Enough research for you?

          • COVID will find you, deal with it responsibly says:

            This is the only comment I have read that is TRUE. COVID is here to stay, we have to learn to live with it, Just like any other disease, when the majority are vaccinated against it, we have a fighting chance of returning to a “normal” way of life.

            Dr. Lee has been AMAZING, we never would have survived this without him, and now because of fear mongering, we are going to lose him, what a shame. He looks exhausted and rightly so, all the best Dr. Lee,

            It is time to open the borders, with quarantine if that’s what makes you comfortable, but stop holding the vaccinated hostage.

            Has anyone looked on the Cayman Airways Website? No flights available, how is this even possible in a first world nation.

            Stop the madness

  6. Wonder says:

    I honestly wonder if Covid has been in the community for months. Is it possible that we’ve had asymptomatic cases and we never knew because no one in the community was tested?

    • Anonymous says:

      Very unlikely.

      If COVID had been spreading through the community for months, the surveillance testing that has just been conducted of approximately 10% of our total population would have likely revealed many more positive and unconnected results given the extremely high transmissibility of the Delta variant, even amongst vaccinated individuals, seen in other countries.

      And remember — unlike those other countries, where transmission rates have been so high, we haven’t been doing a single other thing to reduce transmission (no masks, no distancing, no gathering limitations).

    • Anonymous says:

      100 % the case. Covid has been there this whole time, but just no one sick enough.

  7. Anonymous says:

    In all my 40 years in Cayman I have heard a lot of stupid things. None quite so much however as Sabrina’s excuse for the travelers to the Brac. Congratulations Sabrina, you have officially topped John John.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hawaii’s governor asked tourists to stay away while the state’s Covid-19 cases were high. They mostly heeded those calls. Now locals are wondering when those visitors will be back.

  9. Anonymous says:

    So a plane arrives tomorrow with many vaccinated in Cayman. The law states it’s 5 days quarantine for those people. A new law comes into place Monday. Is Travel Time going to abide by the 5 day law tomorrow, or are they going to break the law and tell those people it’s 7 days?

  10. Anonymous says:

    Personally, as a vaccinated individual, I’m hugely relieved and happy that we now have this community spread. Means we can get on with life. No intelligent human being ever thought we could ever keep it out.

  11. Anon says:

    4 flights a week on BA over Xmas, all will be full as everyone is desperate for a break from this farce 3rd world situation in cayman… Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday are the days.

    The UK sensibly announced today no more green or amber lists and no longer need a pre departure negative Covid test here to fly into London. So we are all free to enter as we are vaccinated.

    As for what cayman want when we fly back will likely change hourly between now and 2022 as they are a joke,

    The HSA new bar code app isn’t good enough and won’t work when you go through heathrow border control. You need to get an official letter from HSA verifying your Pfizer jabs. Third world from cayman yet again.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m in the UK now. I wasn’t asked for any proof of vaccination when I arrived and neither was a friend when they arrived some time ago. Have been on the underground – masked – and on the overground trains – masked when needed – and everyone is carrying on, carefully, as though things are normal, or getting back to normal. Haven’t noticed anyone carting around armfuls of toilet rolls.

      Time to get vaccinated, open up and take care Cayman.

  12. Anonymous says:

    I think Dr Lee will be missed greatly. The only articulate, sensible and rational voice in the press conferences we’ve had over the last 18 months. But I also commend him… when your government is not following science and you disagree with them, you have to go.

    • Anonymous says:

      God bless you, CITA

    • Anonymous says:

      How sad are our government officials? Dr. Lee has issues on a witness stand and still has ten times the credibility of any of those elected! Wayne spoke like a deer in headlights. His words – we have to live with this. We need to open up. His actions. Making things more difficult. He’s no leader! Watch some jump ship – again!

      • Anonymous says:

        Wayne’s Friday press briefing very appalling . I voted for the man, but never thought I would hear such deflection & dodging of questions from the gallery. Not one question was answered in a logical or sensible / articulate fashion . Someone out there please show evidence to the contrary. Go back and review the press briefing before you downvote.

    • Anonymous says:

      He XXXX allowed his personal opinions to influence his job. He lost my respect. He had no relevant background in infectious diseases. All we are losing is a soft-spoken voice. The government will hire another CMO and make sure he or she is honest and impartial this time AND QUALIFIED in infectious diseases, as we’ll be living with COVID forever, like the flu. Any CMO can read what bigger countries are saying and doing about COVID, especially with the UK on speed dial. We’ll be just fine.

      • Anonymous says:

        Perhaps we should try to entice Dr. Mike Yeadon, former CSO of Pfizer. Surely his insights and experience would be relevant to our rapidly changing situation.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, that’s what he was, a voice. I got tired of him. He came, he got his OBE, he’s leaving. Moving on.

    • Anonymous says:

      He’s gone because of the Doctors Express thing which everyone seems to have forgotten about because covid.

      I’m sure he’s a great guy and he did an admirable job being thrust into a role no one could have possibly anticipated, but he basically lied under oath.

      • anon says:

        4.56pm You all ignore the fact he was pressured by an undisclosed local who had an axe to grind against the business owner.Staying off the record and having someone else (not a Caymanian) take the blame is how things operate over here.

        • Anonymous says:

          I’m not ignoring it. He was the fall guy and now he’s falling. It doesn’t matter why he did it. He did it and now it’s time to go.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where is he going?????

  13. Anonymous says:

    Cayman has become the biggest joke and laughing stock of the world with this Covid policy. It’s deeply embarrassing.

    • Anonymous says:

      I 100% disagree. Cayman has been a shining example of how covid could have been dealt with everywhere. We successfully erradicated covid from our country with a stricty health policy that (almost) everyone complied with, and lived normal lives here for months.
      Then all it took was some selfish person who thought quarantine didn’t have to apply to them and they broke our perfect record.
      If every country had treated covid in this way when it started, covid could have been entirely eradicated in months from most places.

    • Anonymous says:

      I think you’re going a bit overboard – people couldn’t care less about Cayman or what it’s doing. Most people you meet overseas haven’t a clue about it or where it is – except that that’s where the “rich bankers” are.

    • anonymous says:

      Don’t worry. Most of the world has no idea where we are. People are laughing at much bigger things.

  14. Anonymous says:

    So, if the official numbers are accurate,

    The UK – 7.32M Covid positive cases, which means 7M people now have natural immunity
    44M vaccinated. 68M total population, 16M under 14 years of age.
    44+7=51M are either protected or have immunity, 16M are youngsters.
    51+16=67M. How many are unvaccinated? Zero? Something isn’t right with the numbers.

    The US – 42M cases, which means 42M now have natural immunity
    181M vaccinated. 333M total population, 18% under 14 years of age.
    42+181=223M are either protected or have immunity, 60M are youngsters.
    223+60=283M That leaves 333-283=50M unvaccinated. Add illegals 10M?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are double counting many people. You can’t simply add cases to vaccinated because many of the vaccinated were had previously tested positive.

      Also positive cases doesn’t equal total infected, as many of the infected weren’t tested.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is this Mike Lindell?

    • Robert Mubage IV says:

      It’s very clear you don’t have any idea what you are talking about. The number of positive cases is the big unknown in every country on the planet.
      The magic word is Asymptomatic.. we will NEVER know the number of positive cases.
      Reaction to this pandemic has been driven by FEAR.
      That is why positive cases ratio to deaths or being very ill from Covid are simply a load on nonsense.
      The figures have been totally and utterly skewed from Day 1.

  15. Beaumont Zodecloun says:

    So, our officials are still not acknowledging the reality that vaccinated people can carry and transmit the virus. Be safe Sister Islands.

    CDC indicates that while vaccinated are still several times less likely to get infected, that when they are, their viral loads are very similar to the unvaccinated.


    • Beaumont Zodecloun says:

      I mean, really, BYE. I am weary of the “tings ain’t the way I want them here, so I’m going” narrative. Just… BYE.

      I think most of us here are trying to work together. If you are willing to do that, then I support you staying.

  16. Anonymous says:

    NO NO NO, Covid is running wild! We must stay closed and save ourselves.

  17. Anonymous says:

    This shows the vaccine works. Time for gov to open up and go to work too

  18. Anonymous says:

    Remarkable is one word for it. I can think of several others that are less naive.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Given Dr. Lee’s comments at a recent presser it appears he’s had enough of the madness and is bailing out. I can’t blame him.

    • Anonymous says:

      What comments? What madness? He was doing his job, which is to give advice and take orders. If he doesn’t like it and it’s the reason why he’s leaving, we have a saying for that around here.

    • Hubert says:

      And good luck finding a good replacement for Dr. Lee. Who in their right mind would want a job where the majority of population in the place you work does not follow science.

      A no win situation for his replacement.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Waste of good tests. Open the damn border and let it ride!

  21. Cayman Biting Ants says:

    All this upheaval and costs just because some just do not want to obey nor comply with very simple quarantine rules! Now they blame others and the Government for taking necessary steps to stop them spreading this deadly virus. If you cannot obey simple measures to keep yourself and others safe by keeping your stupid @$$ home. Then government will have to mandate it for you to stop spreading your Covid so called sniffles by taking action to delay opening of our borders. if you don’t like the necessary rules and conditions put in place here then stop complaining and whining and feel free to take your drama and go somewhere else.

  22. Anonymous says:

    ❌ “Government adviser admits Covid vaccine would NOT have been recommended for use on children in normal times until it had been fully investigated after schools rollout was given go-ahead “
    ❌ “ Current research warns of potential heart inflammation, scarring from vaccine”.
    ❌ “ Children should be warned about the tiny risk of life-threatening heart problems before they are given the Covid-19 jab, experts have insisted”
    ❌ “ He also called on the NHS to spell out the potential long-term consequences of the jab for children, warning vaccinating children without properly discussing the potential risks could undermine future take up and fuel anti-vaxx scepticism. ”


    • Anonymous says:

      Good article. It does show the risk of serious COVID in kids (12 to 15 yrs) at only 2 per million. Myocarditis and heart scarring after the jab at 3 to 17 per million.

      Both low risk events. If a children’s vaccine for the general population is ever approved, it would be interesting to see how many parents actually will get their kids jabbed. It may very well be that the regulators will only initially approve a children’s vaccine for vulnerable children only.

      Either way COVID is not a serious pathogen for kids. There are a lot of other things that parents should worry about but it shouldn’t be Covid.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Undoubtably, what has changed is the cycle count on the PCR test. I would bet anything that the tests are now being run with 28 cycles for vaccinated individuals instead of 35 cycles as per CDC recommendations. Of course, there is no reason to run fewer cycles on vaccinated people, but it makes it look like the vaccine is working. It would be useful if someone could ask if the cycle count was recently changed.

  24. Anonymous says:

    With functional systems in place, vaccine rates high and cases low, we sit hostage to fear and opinion.

    • Anonymous says:

      Gather round the brilliant blue lights of The Fin rejoice in collective love for the almighty dollar.

  25. Anonymous says:

    abysmal again from wayne.
    he was asked a straight question on why he abandoned the re-opening plan that was based on science and managing community transmission.
    his only response was that he was reponding to the fears of parents.
    there you have it…..for months they have told us to belive in science and the vaccine but now the government is basing it plan on fears of parents?????

    • Anon says:

      Embarassing. A joke. Neglect of the cayman populations civil rights. It’s truly astonishing. Surely there will be another general election soon. Maybe time for uk direct rule?

      • Anonymous says:

        What’s the point of another general election – nobody to vote for unless they allow some intelligent, common sense status holders to stand, otherwise nothing will change.

    • Anonymous says:

      7 day quarantine isn’t following science

  26. Anonymous says:

    Been to happier funerals than today’s press conference.

  27. Anonymous says:

    A press briefing like a slumber non party. With members of press, except a couple, asking same questions over and over that had already been answered and even going back to ‘asked this question last year but…’ Premier appears to be a very nice, caring person but sit up, look up and speak directly with sone energy and purpose. Does appear under some kind of duress. What would have been useful today was to list a to b what is required now BA is open with latest updates, confirm dates of BA travel, is pre-travel test still needed, what test needed on arrival in UK, if any, is letter still needed from HSA now amber and green same, is travel time still to be used before bookibg a flight… Some do not always have access to keep on searching all the websites to find out. Government and HSA have enough people to put together a quick run down of what is required, is HSA vaccine digital record system been implemented, last heard was a list of numbers to expect a call. No call yet. More useful than today’s sleepathon. Oh, we in shock because Covid here. Come on, wake up and stop dwelling on a few expected outbreaks where nobody is so sick and the same droll that been said for over 18 months. Deal with the outbreak situations etc, doesn’t take an hoyr and a half + lamenting. Wakey, wakey, let’s get moving!

    • Anonymous says:

      Here you go… and I agree with you.l the whole cayman system is third world currently… 4 flights a week on BA over Xmas, all will be full as everyone is desperate for a beak from this farce situation in cayman… Tuesday Thursday Friday Saturday are the days.

      The UK sensibly announced today no more green or amber lists and no longer need a pre departure negative Covid test here to fly into London. So we are all free to enter as we are vaccinated.

      As for what cayman want when we fly back will likely change hourly between now and 2022 as they are a joke,

      The HSA new bar code app isn’t good enough and won’t work when you go through heathrow border control. You need to get an official letter from HSA verifying your Pfizer jabs. Third world from cayman yet again.

  28. Anonymous says:

    I’m a parent of a GTPS student.

    I’m fully vaccinated, as is my wife and my teenaged daughter.

    My youngest obviously is not because she’s not old enough to get the vaccine yet.

    We all tested negative this week.

    With all of that in mind: Why do we have to quarantine for 14 days?

    If I had arrived on a plane from Jamaica or Florida, 2 places where the covid case numbers are huge, I’d get 7 days quarantine.

    But because my daughter goes to a school where there were a small number of positive tests, I get 14 days of quarantine?

    That makes no sense at all.


    I really believe that they are making things up as they go along.

    • Anon says:

      It’s a farce. You should not be quarantining.

    • Anonymous says:

      Stupid policy! They just pull shit out of the air!

      – Travelers test positive regularly and it doesn’t result in whole plane being quarantined yet that’s what they did when woman boarded with positive test.
      – Quarantine passengers but not crew and give the reason of “they’re vaccinated”
      – Demand everyone get vaccinated but allow medical workers to be vaccinated!

      The dumbest yet……pausing reopening plan due to choosing to pander to “fear of parents’ vs following science.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Open the border! Let us spend the holidays w/ friends and families.

  30. Anonymous says:

    Update tonight from our OT cousins in Bermuda. 191 new cases today, another death (3 this week). 1,238 active cases and rising. 51 in hospital, 13 in intensive care. Hospitals are at critical over-max capacity. 10,000 people are currently in contact tracing isolation out of a population of 60K (1 in every 6 people).

    Vax rate is very high, 10% below Cayman.

    It started slowly and quietly, but then exploded in last two weeks. Schools are remote, and work from home if possible, curfew in place. My Bermuda colleagues expect a full lockdown to come.

    Link below.


  31. Anonymous says:

    Safe to assume then that the travel restrictions between islands are to be applied equally and any persons choosing to visit Grand Cayman from the Sister Islands will be subject to the same requirements when they attempt to return?

  32. Anonymous says:

    Every time a school child tests positive or an office staff positive not possible to close operation as such will occur now and then.ok for first time.

  33. Anonymous says:

    Panton was completely non transparent in May and June, then he laid out a well-articulated plan at the Chamber lunch in June (and I backed off), and was silent for a month.

    Now he has abandoned the plan because of expected community spread, that HE himself said was to be expected. Many businesses, employees, families have made/laid out plans based on the published plan. He has no idea how some people are struggling. We had a bargain with the people of Cayman and Panton pulled the rug from under us (he panicked).

    Panton is an untrustworthy, empty suit, and a complete coward. When the going gets tough…..

    I have no respect for [him]. We vaccinated ourselves in the top couple percent of the world in anticipation of the challenge of opening and we were ready to take this on. I am no longer listening to this blowhard, and will just read the news summaries.

    Good luck in January! COVID completely gone from the world in 14 weeks! All clear then.

  34. Anonymous says:

    We should not be in Euphoric state.
    We can not maintain zero bubble.
    If anyone promises zero bubble he or she should be honoured.let our health system ready to care for Covid and
    let us live happily vaccinated and using masks. Any symptomatics and their contacts to be tested and managed. No other way.

  35. Anonymous says:

    We need to be careful of conclusions.it is ok to be satisfied of no widespread community transmission. But the source pt of GTPS and its contacts post two weeks period of the contacts of all positives imp. In any case we cant control Covid by panic and we cant prevent community transmission .we have to manage it and live with it harmoniously just like common cold.

  36. Anonymous says:

    We seem to have been very lucky with this Covid outbreak.

    As we contemplate whether we should be re-opening we should all consider what re-opening has brought to Bermuda and what the Bermuda Government reported this evening –

    “Sadly, tonight I am reporting another COVID related death,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “I extend heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the deceased. Our thoughts and prayers remain with you at this time”…

    There are 1238 active cases, of which:

    ● 1187 are under public health monitoring and

    ● 51 are in hospital, with 13 in intensive care…

    “Our situation is critical,” said Minister of Health, Kim Wilson, JP, MP. “This outbreak continues to spread fast, it is everywhere in our community and, at the risk of causing panic, it is only a matter of time before the situation is unmanageable.”


  37. Knights Templer says:

    If it is true the only sensible person in this knee jerk reaction by Panton who quite clearly indicated he didn’t support Panton.
    Dr Lee you will be sorely missed

  38. Anonymous says:

    The low vaccination rate might be reversed if a traditonal inactivated virus vaccine like Sinopharm is used. People would be less worried about stuff on social media regarding side effects with Pfizer. If that is what it takes to get the population vaccinated the government should allow a few thousand doses.

    • Anonymous says:

      Firstly, we don’t have a low vaccination rate! Over 70% double vaxxed and over 76% with at least one shot is FAR from low.

      Secondly, stop pushing for Sinopharm. It’s a Chinese vaccine and has shown itself to be about useless!

      • Anonymous says:

        Agree. Sinopharm weirdo is living in a dream world. We’re never getting a vaccine that a) is not approved in the UK or the US and b) seems not to work very well at all.

        You can get the J&J vaccine if you want to go old-school.

      • Anonymous says:

        Firstly look around your house and possessions you will find a high percentage comes from China.

        Secondly take a look at China now, especially Wuhan. Their vaccine is certainly not useless and not an Mrna which is a first for humans. You might also want to look at what happened to all the animals that were tested with mrna and then a new virus given to them. Not hard to find the data.

    • Anonymous says:

      You don’t understand. If the vaccination process involves wrapping gold chains around your neck and stuffing $100 bills in your pocket, you don’t do it until approved by Fox News.

  39. Anonymous says:

    25 cases?
    So what now?
    Reopen plan has changed?
    Now we are talking about December in 100 years from now on?

  40. Anonymous says:

    To whoever posted the below on an earlier thread, I have news for you… you will never be the finance minister or a respected economist 🙂

    Anonymous says:
    17/09/2021 at 6:07 pm
    Time to close all businesses and send every work permit holder or visitor off the island. Only allow Caymanians to be here, lock us all down and only have grocery store open. Government can give us all food vouchers and some extra money. Once we get rid of Covid then look at who comes back in. Time for Honorable Alden and Honorable Seymour to get back in charge as only them can get things under control.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yea but look on the bright side:
      money and food for doing nothing
      lots of opportunities after everyone else is gone
      maybe can even go take over some empty high end condo or fancy house!

  41. Anonymous says:

    So, October opening?

  42. Anonymous says:

    They soon muzzle Dr. Lee if he keeps speaking the truth on his way out.

  43. Anonymous says:

    Of course Dr. Lee says “the outbreak is being held back” – we are 76% vaccinated.

    The CIG overaction is the definition of ‘kicking the can down the road’. No one is on a ventilator (touch wood – caveated by ‘yet’ and I hope that doesn’t change) – but:

    Likely the actual first community case was weeks, months or maybe a year ago.

    You never catch the first one.

  44. Anon says:

    More concerning is the departure of Dr Lee in January for what are identified as family reasons. That is British diplomacy for ‘I’m leaving the idiotic Government who are reacting to emotion and not my advise to open up.’ The Dr has been repeatedly undermined with politicians acting on emotion and ignoring scientific evidence. His position has become untenable Watch the CIG put in a Caymanian now with zero experience in the middle of their self induced emotional quagmire.

    • Anonymous says:

      Pleas we need another UK NATIONAL. If WE HAVE A CAYMANIAN CAYMAN WILL NEVER OPEN ITS AIRPORT EVER AGAIN. Caymanians are not qualified to run up overseas territories.

      • Anonymous says:

        When I see 11 likes and 1 dislike on a comment like this I wonder who else is reading and posting on CNS with me. The UK does a pretty poor job of running itself, and doesn’t do much here except the things it won’t let us do for ourselves (which isn’t to say we couldn’t do them). “Caymanians are not qualified to run overseas territories”? WTF? Most of the world’s governments should just resign and ask other countries to manage them then, because they’re all struggling, taking two steps forward, one back, three forward, two back, etc. I hope you are not Caymanian.

  45. Anonymous says:

    The islands that common sense forgot.

  46. anon says:

    I believe the family travelled to the Brac 3 days after the outbreak,if so it is remarkable that they were unaware of it, but it did save them from prosecution!.

    • Anonymous says:

      Playing dumb is easier when you are dumb.

    • Anonymous says:

      easy to verify, produce their flight details or request cal to provide that information to the police if necessary

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymanian family if it was a foreigner, they would be heavily fined. Ignorance isn’t an excuse and why were they even here? The child should be in school in Grand Cayman. I knew they wouldn’t be prosecuted. Well, the Jamaican can say she didn’t know that she had a positive test either. I’m down with that because what is good for the goose is good for the gander.

      • Say it like it is. says:

        ref the Jamaican when is Mr Whorms going to explain how she got past 2 separate checks before boarding.How long does it take to complete his investigation – red flags raised here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Who cares!

      The virus is in the territory and here it will stay.

      Time to move on and show we can be a country and learn to live with it, not stick our head in the sand and home it will magically go away.

    • Anon says:

      Why would they be taking a school aged child out of school to fly to the Brac mid week?

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