Archive for May, 2021

Violent fugitive hands himself in
(CNS) UPDATED: Conway Clive Whittaker (41) who was wanted by police for several violent crimes has handed himself in. Just after 5:15pm on Monday police said Whittaker surrendered at the Cayman Islands Detention Centre, where he was arrested on suspicion of assault and damage to property, relating to an incident that took place on Thursday […]

Census to ask questions on food security
(CNS): What should have been Census 2020 was launched last week as Census 2021 after the national count last year was postponed because of the pandemic. It will now begin on 10 October and is expected to take around three months. The goal is to count every person in every household to enable government to […]

CIFA fined, president banned over ‘misconduct’
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Football Association and its president, Alfredo Whittaker, have been found guilty of misconduct and neglecting to provide the required safeguards for the health and safety of players and others involved in a preliminary qualifier for the FIFA World Cup 2022. FIFA, the world football governing body, found that CIFA failed to […]

Claims that tourism doesn’t pay is myth, says CITA
(CNS): According to a recent pay survey conducted by the Cayman Islands Tourism Association, even people working in the lowest paid jobs in their sector are all earning more than $14 per hour, which is much more that the current minimum wage. Stakeholders in the sector said at a recent CITA meeting that it is […]

Queen’s birthday parade moves to WB road
(CNS): The traditional official 95th birthday celebrations for Queen Elizabeth II will move to the West Bay Road this year and be concentrated all around Government House, the official residence of the Cayman Islands Governor, instead of the House of Parliament. Officials have confirmed that on Monday, 14 June, the Cayman Islands’ uniformed services will […]

Panton shores up BOT support over financial sector threats
(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has secured a commitment from leaders of the other British Overseas Territories to seek clarification from the UK on the purpose of the Joint Declaration on Financial Services Regulatory Cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK). Panton met via teleconference with the other eleven BOT leaders ahead […]

PPM spent $480k on lost election campaign
(CNS): The Progressives and their Alliance members spent just a few dollars short of the absolute maximum spending allowed under the law on their election campaign, and more than half of it appears to have come out of their own pockets. According to figures released by the Elections Office on the election expense returns by […]

Brac Police Station moves to Stake Bay
(CNS): The Cayman Brac Police Station has moved from its long-time location overlooking the Creek Dock to Stake Bay, opposite the District Administration Building. In a brief notice, the RCIPS said that as of Saturday, 22 May, until further notice the station is located at Units 5 and 6 of the Kirkconnell Building, on Kirkconnell Street. The […]

UK to give its overseas citizens life-long vote
(CNS): British citizens living outside the UK will soon have the right to vote in future UK general elections, no matter how long they have been away from the country. Currently, British citizens who have been living abroad for 15 years lose their democratic rights, even if they have not gained the right to vote […]

Over 80,000 doses of COVID vaccine injected
(CNS): Health professionals have now administered 80,120 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine into people’s arms in the Cayman Islands since the national rollout began earlier this year. With an additional 281 people receiving their first shot over the last day, 43,235 people, or 67% of the estimated population, have had one dose, while 37,885 people, […]