Archive for June, 2020

Health City opens antibody tests to all
(CNS): Anyone who wants to know if they have had COVID-19 can now take an antibody test at Health City Cayman Islands, as the East End hospital has received some 5,000 approved kits for the blood tests that can tell people if they have had the disease. HCCI’s clinical director, Dr Binoy Chattuparambil, explained that […]

Newball charged with list of crimes
(CNS): Simon Julio Newball (44) from George Town has been charged with a long list of crimes after being on the run from the law for a month. He was apprehended on Thursday and again resisted arrest more than four weeks after he had previously escaped the police, when he used pepper spray on officers […]

Suspect live streams crime scene
(CNS) UPDATED: An 18-year-old man from North Side who was arrested at the weekend has been charged with GBH over a violent assault at his home Friday night. The teenager live streamed the scene on social media after allegedly assaulting his step- father with a machete, claiming in the video that he was defending himself […]

New committee to manage border reopening
(CNS): A new government committee has been created to manage the process for eventually opening Cayman’s borders. As the coronavirus continues to rage around the world, especially in the US, and after so much work here to reach near elimination, opening the borders is a major challenge. Premier Alden McLaughlin said Friday that with a […]

Armed burglars make off with cash
(CNS): Two men who broke through the front door of a local business on Party Lane in George Town last night made off on foot with an undisclosed sum of cash from a register. Police said the suspects broke into the business premises around 10:30pm on Thursday night when the store was closed but one […]

Pile-up as traffic chaos returns
(CNS): Despite the opportunity to improve the situation provided by the COVID-19 re-set, the chaotic traffic on Cayman’s roads before the pandemic appears to be back just one week into the re-opening of the economy. This was illustrated by a three-car pile-up on Friday morning on Shamrock Road, near Agricola Drive in Lower Valley. All […]

Domestic Partnership Bill drafted
(CNS): Over seven months after the Cayman Islands Court of Appeal directed government to “expeditiously” implement some form of same-sex civil partnership legislation, a bill has finally been drafted for public consultation. The court made the order after overturning the chief justice’s ruling from March 2019 legalising same-sex marriage. In response, government has now come […]

COVID-19 tests continue negative trend
(CNS): Another 391 negative test samples for COVID-19 were reported by Chief Medical Officer Dr John Lee on Friday, as well as another reduction in active cases. This week public health officials have processed 2,287 tests and found just one positive sample for the virus. Meanwhile, active cases have now fallen to just nine from […]

DLP investigating Pensions Law breaches
(CNS): Following the recent Public Accounts Committee hearings and a number of public complaints about some pension plan administrators not following the law in relation to the pension withdrawal scheme, the Department of Labour and Pensions (DLP) has said it is reviewing the situation. “Multiple pension plan administrators” were being checked, officials said, to ensure […]