US seizes medical supplies bound for Cayman

| 08/04/2020 | 299 Comments
Cayman News Service
Premier Alden McLaughlin at Wednesday’s press briefing

(CNS): Eight ventilators, 50,000 face masks, other personal protective equipment and medical supplies bound for the Cayman Islands from the United States were seized on Tuesday by US authorities, in line with the Trump administration’s policy of no longer allowing equipment related to the COVID-19 pandemic out of that country. Premier Alden McLaughlin said that before the cargo ship left the US, the container with the supplies purchased by the Cayman government was removed from the vessel.

Answering a question from Felicia Rankin at Radio Cayman about the rumour, which has been circulating over the last day or so, that medical supplies had been seized, the premier said it was true. He said the container was seized yesterday as a result of the new US policy regarding PPE and ventilators.

“That has been a huge disappointment to us. All of those things were produced and purchased in the United States,” he said. When asked if the equipment would eventually get here, he said that work was going on through diplomatic channels but the policy appeared to be related to the shortages and pressures in the US with the coronavirus.

McLaughlin said he did not have the full details of what happened surrounding the removal of the supplies from the ship. “We are going to do everything we can,” he said.

At least five countries so far have been impacted by the US policy, whereby they have not just seized goods in the United States but also diverted supplies from ports around the world that were heading to other countries. Over the last week Germany, France and Brazil have all claimed that their medical supply orders from China were diverted in suspicious circumstances.

The government of Barbados said that US officials blocked the export of 20 ventilators that had been donated to the island from the US. Canada also raised concerns when one of its consignments of masks was considerably smaller than the amount ordered when it actually arrived.

At the weekend German officials accused the US of “modern piracy” when its shipment of masks was intercepted in Thailand and diverted to the US. The masks were reportedly acquired from the US manufacturer 3M, which has come under criticism from the White House for selling to overseas customers.

The US authorities and President Donald Trump have, however, denied seizing any of these shipments.

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Comments (299)

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  1. Cayman's Voice of Reason says:

    The messages on this thread are inaccurate, illogical and disappointing. Any reader of this article will see that CNS stated that US officials are holding the shipment pending a review by CBP and FEMA. This is totally appropriate action for any nation state combating a health pandemic. Moreover, similar policies have been implement by our Premier here in Caymans, like closing the border, etc. If Caymans had a domestic production capacity (which it doesn’t) of critical PPE and other health equipment, I highly doubt our residents would agree if the Premier allowed them to be exported if there was a shortage here in Caymans. Each country has to make any and all decisions necessary to ensure the health and well-being of its citizens. That goes for both Caymans and US. Think more critically friends and not so emotionally.

    • Anonymous says:

      Correct. The liberal left likes to cry aloud before reviewing for facts.

    • Anonymous says:

      Voice of reason, help me out, – I don’t see any mention of a CBP or FEMA review, what I do see however is that,

      ‘The US authorities and President Donald Trump have, however, denied seizing any of these shipments.’

      Let’s also not forget our Govt with true empathy and moral responsibility helping a cruise passenger later to be diagnosed with the virus. The US Govt was shipping hoards of the stuff away during a denial of any looming pandemic and is now due the chaos and mismanagement within their own administration penalising Countries whom have upheld due diligence to address their own problem whom don’t have an ability to easily access or manufacture needed equipment themselves, – a slightly different context to ‘reason’ and bigger picture of global humanity.

    • Anonymous says:

      Just to be clear we are CayMan not CaymanS

    • Brown Freeman says:

      At last!! Someone with reasonable degree of realistic approach, common sense, and why not, clear vision has step on the stage and made a balanced, factual, no red eye, no hateful, not disrespectful and not ungrategul comment.
      Folks, is not healthy the idiocy that have infested Latino America of being despising that great nation USA, source of Freedom, liberty and Democracy. We cannot say the same of our excesive controlled “environment”. You will reap what you s. And what you are s. right now.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cool it. Get off your soap box, put down your trumpet. Step back and look at the big picture. We’re all good and we all look like idiots to other people. – American

    • Gray Matter says:

      In total agreement… the supply company’s should have known their own rules of nothing leaving, But! The American Greed blind sided them with the Benjamins from the Cayman Islands and somehow forgot to mention that to us.

    • Anonymous says:

      Caymans? LOL. Can you even find us on a map?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yes, the rock that’s slowly going under between the ocean, crime and a government abandoning their own people. Yep, know exactly where your are at!!

    • Anonymous says:

      You missed the point. These were purchased before the restriction. When you have paid for something with no export restrictions at the time of purchase you expect to get it.

  2. Anonymous says:

    Alden, start by directing the er-registration of Betsy DeVoss’ (Trump’s Education Secretary) mega yacht from under the Cayman Islands flag. She registered it here clearly as a tax loophole. They only know you when you hit their $$$!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Ooh she’ll be so scared. She will just reflag it with the Marshall Islands or BVI and we will lose the registry revenue. To say nothing of the impact on our mega yacht business when they get the idea that registrations can be summarily with drawn because of political issues. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

      • Anonymous says:

        We need to be smarter here in the cayman islands rather than tougher in our decision making. We are too small and highly divided as a nation to take on any country. Let this be a lesson to seek alternatives and stop depending roughly on one nation for our very existence !

        • Anonymous says:

          Much easier said than done. For years Canada has been attempting to become less dependent on the U.S. market but it is difficult. Cayman is in an even more difficult position economically and culturally.

          • Brown Freeman says:

            That is true, even the panty, the dental floss, the sanitary pad, the basic and all the food, the much needed and used here hair treatment etc etc comes from America. Then? Try to source it from Russia, Cuba or Venezuela.
            You will see.

      • Anonymous says:

        Glad you like her. She is from a sad, sick family.

        • Anonymous says:

          Right..The Devos family has donated more to charitable causes in a day than your sorry ass will in 10 life times. What good are you?

          • Anonymous says:

            Donations percents wise? That’s what your people like to call fake news. Their family got all that money running a pyramid scheme. Here brother runs an organization of hired killers. Do you get that? The kill humans, for money.
            What god am I? To tell you what I just did I guess. Go have some drinks and come back and apologize for calling me a sorry ass.

            • Anonymous says:

              Your rant is all BS. I think you are referring to AMWAY. Just because idiots have called it a “pyramid scheme” doesn’t mean it is one. They have been in business for how long now 40 years+? Maybe you should call the police and let them know about their “pyramid scheme”. As for Blackwater, they are a government contracted security firm. Sometimes security people have to kill people, especially in war zones when you are faced with life and death decisions on the regular. It’s something your sorry ass would never have the balls to do much less appreciate. Wipe the spittle off your chin, calm down and enjoy your house arrest.

              • Anonymous says:

                I have chosen to not kill another human being. I am right and you are wrong. And as for the Amway legal thing … they are a pyramid. You are ignorant on that subject.
                Question for you: If someone pays off or threatens the right people and is cleared of beating up a woman, is beating women (or men) then legal? How about killing them. (You seem to have a nice story in your head to justify KILLING PEOPLE)
                And back to killing people. IT’S WRONG, and I hope you never have to learn that in the real world.

              • Anonymous says:

                Soooo much drama

      • Anonymous says:

        Would you do anything for money?

      • Anonymous says:

        Her father in law started the largest pyramid scheme ever to escape prosecution. Her brother organizes groups to kill human beings for money. I’d say her money, her yacht, and her type are dirty.

        • Anonymous says:

          And of course the Cayman Islands could not care less, as long as they pay the registry fee, and whatever other types of fees that they can get from her.

          • Anonymous says:

            Well, this sweet little island paradise is filled with money from people’s bad behavior, so, yes.

  3. oceandaze says:

    Unbelievable. Every country is struggling at the moment, it isn’t a competition to get the most PPE, it’s through well structured planning and foresight from those elected to care for their nation’s health. We now openly see the egomaniacs and selfish at their worst. Thank you Alden for your pro activity and transparency managing this crisis.

  4. Anonymous says:

    ok That does it. We not sending them any more turtle meat…

  5. Anonymous says:

    that’s it!…..cut off our supply of turtle meat to the states right now!
    that will teach them!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Please don’t generalize about Americans right now. The portion of the US population that is still sane is currently being held prisoner by a corrupt child-president and the roughly 40 percent who voted for him.

    This kind of thing is par for the course with this dangerous buffoon. His entire presidency has been a constant stream of incompetent decisions and just plain evil actions. He is a daily disaster for America and it will take many years to undo the damage he has caused once he’s gone.

    Sincere apologies Cayman.

    • Anonymous says:

      If Trump is re-elected in November, and that is increasingly looking likely, the United States will be unrecognizable by 2025. And it won’t just take years to undo the damage, it will take at least a generation, if ever.

      • Anonymous says:

        It will look like it should in 2025 not a cesspool as is now.

      • M McLaughlin says:

        Are you aware of the Democrats proposed policies?

        Green new deal.

        Free Medicare for all.

        Free education up to university.

        Increase top marginal tax rate to 70%.

        Abolishment of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), which upholds immigration laws.

        Opposition to any limits on even third-trimester abortions.

        Sound like a socialist utopia to me.

        Good luck with even trying to imagine the irreparable damage that will ensure if the Democrats manage to unseat Trump. The American are wise, I don’t see it happening, so get use to Trump as the POTUS.

        • Anonymous says:

          Wowjustwow. Imagine a world that respects the environment, takes care of it’s people’s health, and OH MY GOD educating people?!?!?!?
          Sir, I hope to see the day when people like you and your weird twisted visions are laughed at by all but the mentally unfit such as yourself. Sheesh, if I believed in Satan, I would think it was speaking through you now.

          • M McLaughlin says:

            Oh my who’s going to pay for all these grand policy ideas?

            • Anonymous says:

              There’s a hell of a lot more money in the world than would be needed. For instance presidents and football team owners could get like 2 less hand jobs a week, and donate that. Look for solutions. They’re everywhere.

            • Anonymous says:

              You obviously have no idea just how much money is in America.

        • Anonymous says:

          So tell me Big Mac, why is it OK for people in America to have free Medicare from 65 year old on while unacceptable before 65? Does one suddenly become a socialist in America at 65 with Medicare?

          • Anonymous says:

            Its called economics genius. Most people stop working at 65. And “free Medicare” is not free. Its paid for through taxes that you paid during your entire working life. Just like all socialized medicine isn’t free either, its all paid by taxes. There are no free lunches. Every good and service “provided” by the government is paid for by taxes collected by the government.

            • M McLaughlin says:

              Nominee for best comment of the day!👆👆👆

            • Anonymous says:

              Ya didn’t really answer the question, but I’m guessing you didn’t really want to.

            • Anonymous says:

              9:44, So you would sooner pay massive health insurance premiums every month and still get hit with huge copays? May God also help your pocketbook too if you have a pre-existing condition.

              In the USA in 2019, 60 percent of people who went bankrupt were because of the inability to pay health care costs. In Canada the number is 0%. In U.K. 0%.

              So just keep paying your massive health insurance premiums every year which go up every year whether you are sick or not. You are paying whether you like it or not and making private shareholders of health insurance companies very rich.

              The American heath care system is totally broken unless you are a millionaire or billionaire.

              There is a lot to be said for Obamacare in America although Trump and his rich Republican health insurance backers have done everything to destroy it while thousands are dying everyday at home in America because they cannot afford health insurance.

              A person died yesterday in a NYC hospital and her last words were “Who is going to pay for my hospital stay’? FRIGGIN SAD.

            • Anonymous says:

              9:44, What do Americans pay on a per capita basis 4 times more than Canadians with poorer health results. For the past 10 years life expectancy through to infant mortality rates are way better in Canada than in the U.S. Why? When Americans pay way so much more for health insurance. Think about it.

              You are paying for it whether you like it or not.

            • Anonymous says:

              No genius, its called “ rip off “ by private health insurance companies and private hospitals. Every other country in the developed world has universal health care but not America.

              The coronavirus is seeing the American public health care sector being exposed. A disaster.

          • Anonymous says:

            Good point. I do know for a fact that people suddenly become socialist when the Republican government starts mailing out $1200 checks, and handing over BILLIONS to failing corporations. Why D J Trump is the biggest socialist in the world at the moment, so, yes.

            • M McLaughlin says:

              If you forced your people to stop working on advice of quack “experts” and shut down their lives and economy, I’d hope you’d step up and help them. Stop comparing apples to BS.

          • M McLaughlin says:

            Pretty simple you dont know what you are talking about! MEDICARE it not free, people on Medicare pay into Social Security all their lives, so your argument of it being free is not factual.

            Your conveniently forgoting about MEDICAID or have no clue, which provides health coverage to 64 millions Americans, which includes eligible low-income adults, children, pregnant women, elderly adults and people with disabilities.

            You know CINICO, right? What do think would happen if the CI government said tomorrow we are going to cover every citizen free of cost, even if we already have free market health Insurance system that work? They would go bankrupt, right?

            • Anonymous says:

              You’ve completed ignored my suggestions for raising money to fund health care programs by skimming a small percentage of wealthy people’s hand-job budget and directing it to the elderly and indigent.

        • Anonymous says:

          Perhaps you don’t know that every other developed country in the world has Medicare or also known as universal health care. Not a radical idea anywhere in the world except in Trump’s America.

          So many Americans are being financially crippled by their totally dysfunctional health care system and self absorbed “subtle genius” President.

          By the way, what you stated is for the most part Bernie’s policies not Biden’s. Get up to speed on things please.

      • Anonymous says:


        • Anonymous says:

          You do know that most people roll their eyes when someone toots MAGA. Do you want people laughing at you behind your back? I’m trying to help you out here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Your child Trump is a President

    • Jotnar says:

      So we shouldn’t generalize about Americans based on a president who received 46% or the popular vote? We should do what – characterize America’s actions by the 48% that voted for the other candidate? It’s hardly persuasive to say he doesn’t represent your nation because only 46% of the voting public voted for him when neither candidate achieved a majority of the public vote and there is only a 2% spread between them. You would be far better off saying we shouldn’t judge an invidual by the actions of their elected head of state than try try and play the “didn’t get a majority of the vote” card.

      • TDS is real! says:

        Interestingly the Democrat stronghold California — gave HRC a whopping 4.3 million more votes than Trump. Trump went on whipped her by 3.8 million votes in 48 states combined.

        • Anonymous says:

          Guess the people of California, the fifth largest economy in the world, were on to something.

        • Anonymous says:

          So… you’re saying He lost the popular vote.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yeah, you can get 100% of California and New York votes and still lose. That’s one reason the rest of us are willing to stick around.

            • M McLaughlin says:

              I think its the best system in the world, imagine California and New York would have determine the POTUS (2 of 50 states + DC) if not for their equaliser the Electoral College! This why liberals despise the US founding fathers.

      • Anonymous says:

        Good point. And I would also like to reiterate: Donald Trump lost the popular vote.

        • Anonymous says:

          If the election was based on popular vote the campaigns would operate accordingly. Trump crushed Hillary in the contest. Trump won, he’s going to win again. The US doesn’t much like having angelic political appointees running every aspect of their lives. Get used to it.

          • Anonymous says:

            Self serving Satanic like Trump appointees are just so much better.

            Get ready for a dictatorship in the next few years. Get used to it. Your rights will be crushed.

            • Anonymous says:

              Trump is hated in Washington because he is methodically eliminating them from millions of transactions. He’s disrupted the good ‘ol boy rackets that have been running for decades on both the left and right. Middle class tax payers love his policies because they know, in the end, they pay for everything whether through taxes or price increases brought about by burdensome and often counterproductive government regulation. So yeah, Americans perfer Trump appointees, because A. there are fewer and B. they are not in it for the power and control. You have no idea how things work.

              • Anonymous says:

                Wow. So you don’t think Trump is just replacing them with his own players. Wow. You have no idea how things work.

          • Anonymous says:

            I would say to you that a significant portion of the population would rather have ‘angelic political appointees’ watching out for their interest than un-enlightened, third base born, blinded by shiny things, white guys.
            I, myself for instance.
            The election, if the Republicans can be stopped from their voter suppression antics, will tell the real will of the American people. Maybe Trump and pyramid scheme champs, and maybe not. Either way, get outside and enjoy the global warming 🙂

            • Anonymous says:

              Voter suppression…lol..what you really mean is, change the law so that it’s extremely easy for illegal immigrants and dead people can vote and allow others to vote multiple times.

              You are correct however on your point about a significant portion of the population loving the idea of political appointees running their lives. Sheep always view state handlers as angelic, the more the better. Considering Republicans run on controlling you less, ask yourself who is power hungry?

              • Anonymous says:

                So you don’t think it’s possible to encourage and facilitate everyone to vote without dead people voting? I also think it’s disingenuous to imply that it would be democrats only that would indulge in voter fraud while it is Republicans that are by far the biggest thieves and socialists in the game.
                In conclusion, since you have implied that I am a ‘sheep’ I feel it only fair that I weigh in with my assessment of you as ignorant and self serving.

          • Anonymous says:

            Yes, better to have totally incompetent political appointees like Jared and Ivanka and 32 year old Stephen Miller making the big decisions.
            The level of unqualified people in Trump’s administration is beyond words. Three quarters of positions are now filled by ACTING people because they could never get Senate approval. They are not qualified except that they are total Trump brown nosers.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s their system, could just as easily work for the Democrats too.

        • Anonymous says:

          At no time during the Obama or Bush administrations were 3 quarters of all senior level positions ACTING like we have with Trump.

    • Anonymous says:

      Well said.

  7. Anonymous says:

    When were they ordered?

  8. Anonymous says:

    USA’s CBC and FEMA issued a joint statement on this policy, which covers some non-3M PPE, ventilators, and other supplies. 3M argued successfully that denying PPE to “friends” would be a mistake as this crisis matures…Canada is USA’s #1 trade partner, supplying pulp and paper, food, oil, and other materials, Mexico is #2 and a key supplier of fresh produce, building materials, and labour. In what could be another four years of international “quid pro quo” games, what utility will we be willing to offer to get our player chip on the board?

    • Anonymous says:

      Somewhere for Trump to hide his money?

      • Anonymous says:

        Yawn, have you been watching The Firm whilst being bored at home?

      • Anonymous says:

        With “Fifth Columnists” like you, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalist will never run out of baseless, ill-informed, for the uneducated, “John Grisham” headline grabbing, type fairy stories, on the Cayman Islands,as material…..

        If you don’t know what you are commenting on, keep it to yourself.

    • Anonymous says:

      Sunshine/suntans/sunburns for those living in the northern states? 🙂

  9. Anonymous says:

    Well Ladies and Gents……This is nothing short of modern day Piracy! I hope all of the Caymanians that are “fond” of this President are proud of themselves now. He has basically S@#t on us as well as the other countries he’s stolen from!

    • Anonymous says:

      WTF would you do if you hand 20 ventilator in your house for your family and one member decided to sell them to the house across the street? BAFOON!

      • Anonymous says:

        If you have not read the article properly 11:59 they were ALREADY PAID FOR AND ON THE BOAT! Are you supporting this???? They have also done this to other countries! What would you think if you paid for hurricane shutters had them installed and then the supplier took them off your house for his own house b4 a Cat 5????????? Hmmm……please think before you spew your ignorance! BAFOON!

  10. Anonymous says:

    Governors across the US are screaming for PPE and especially ventilators. There’s half a million people with covid-19 right now and 1500-2000 dying daily. We have 2 people in the hospital and apart from an Italian man that was imported next to DOA, no deaths.
    The US is on a war footing at the moment with good reason. Once they get a grip, I’m sure the US will do what they always do and send help. Right now they are sadly in no position.

    • Anonymous says:

      This US doesn’t send help….this US and the leader it elected only cares about itself… has never been a good world citizen continually and consistently using humanitarian excuses when selfish economic reasons are true reason for any foreign involvement……but this one is definitely the worst.

      • Anonymous says:

        I would disagree that the US has never been a good world citizen, but it certainly has not been for the last 125 years or so, ever since the gunboat diplomacy of Theodore Roosevelt.

      • Anonymous says:

        Right, how much has the US given in foreign aid in the past 25 years? Last year it was 50 Billion and it’s generally nearly double that of any other country. This doesn’t count citizen and corporate charitable donations which amount to another 410 Billion per year much of which goes to foreign beneficiaries. But yeah…haters gonna hate, liars gonna lie.

        • Anonymous says:

          and how many hostal countries have been supplied with guns and weapons out of the usa. The USA funds more wars so they can sell more

          • Anonymous says:

            I think what you were saying with your scribblings is that the US arms good guys to fight against bad guys and sometimes bad guys to fight against worse guys. I’m sure you it upsets you when fascists, terrorists, dictators and tyrants have to face resistance from forces armed courtesy of the US.

            • Anonymous says:

              “good guys” “bad guys”
              Killing humans is bad. Just stop.

            • Anonymous says:

              If by good guys you mean guys who supply US with oil or or other commodities or goods produced with child and slave labour…yes that is what I’m saying

              • Anonymous says:

                You really are a naive simpleton. Replace global oil supply security with global water supply security and see how you feel. Worth killing for now? Think McFly. Go to your circuit panel and throw the main switch. You’re not worthy of any electricity.

      • Anonymous says:


      • Anonymous says:

        Disagreed… Look at US Aid to Bahamas vs the commonwealth aid led by UK. 100 to 1

        • Anonymous says:

          Do you know how many very wealthy Floridians and Americans have second homes in Bahamas? Has a lot to do with the aid given there.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t have them available to purchase. If people purchase something they expect it and count on it. If it is not available to purchase nobody will expect them.

    • Anonymous says:

      Would not count on Trump sending help. This is the new Trump America. America First and screw everybody else. This is no longer your father’s America.

      A sad reality.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Why do Caymanians expect the US to help them and not themselves? The Cayman Islands are under the UK. Cayman islands have been a nail in the US side since forever. Remember tax evasion? Terrorist funding? etc.? Now you are expecting the US to help you over helping the themselves with what they themselves need? You are not that entitled. And yes we get that you hate the US. And the UK. And expats. And Trump. And each other. It is expected of you. Island of hateful who can not take care of themselves. Good luck with your own economy because you will need help you don’t deserve to make it work again. You might just want to be nice to everyone and each other for a while. It might just determine your future.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol. You’re dumb.

    • Anonymous says:

      Did it ever occur to you, in what must be the dark recesses of your underused brain, that Cayman ordered and paid for those goods? So the US are literally stealing from us (and others) and that is not what you do to international partners, so tell us how that is legal? Your comments on tax evasion etc demonstrate a complete inability to understand anything. You cannot open a bank account here without severe pain or due diligence or move money for “tax evasion” in Cayman and have not been able to for many a year. Hell I wanted to transfer a small amount from one of my european bank accounts to my Cayman one and its been blocked a week. My own cash from my own account. If you want to money launder, apparently Delaware and Nevada are the places these days. Hell, you don’t even have to disclose who owns a company there. That is why the rich in the US don’t pay taxes, but everyone else does. Please take your 1.5 hour daily exercise, it may help your grey cells to work better, but I doubt it.

      • Anonymous says:

        from ‘one of my european bank accounts’….hope you’re managing thru this struggle

      • Anonymous says:

        America is treating this like a US Visa appointment. You pay for it whether or not you are approved, no refunds.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hell, moving $250 from my local account to a local account owned byy a friend was blocked! smh

    • JTB says:

      Terrorist funding? Yeah I remember Noraid

    • Anonymous says:

      7:59, Not hard to understand why people hate Trump. Did you see his press conference yesterday? Not one ounce of empathy from Trump. Thousands of people are dying every day in NYC and New Jersey and the guy has time to blabber on about a Netflix reality TV show. Every day he puts on a happy face at press conferences while New York State and New Jersey are on world markets bidding for medical supplies while Trump tells lies about how every hospital has what they need in terms of medical supplies.

      Trump lovers need to wake up and see how Trump is bringing America down rapidly.

      Stop watching FOX NEWS. It is not reality.

      • Anonymous says:

        I am not qualified to diagnose this- but my best guess- he is a narcissistic sociopath.

      • Anonymous says:

        Cayman is crawling with Trump lovers because money matters more to them than values. Say anything about the human condition or global warming and they just roll their eyes and call you a tree-hugging snowflake. When this situation ends and if I am still alive, I will be rethinking friendships, acquaintances and business relationships – I seriously can not stand to be in the presence of anyone so depraved as to sing the praises of Donald Trump and the current US administration.

        • Anonymous says:

          They’re everywhere…lol.. They’re what you call the silent majority. I’ll bet you’re fun at parties…Trust fund baby or under performing grievance loser? One of the two, am I right?

    • Anonymous says:

      I get you’re stressed and thru that your anger is obviously coming thru, but stop it, you’re hateful comments are only going to cause more ill in you and will end up hurting you more than anyone else.
      Take some time to breathe.

    • Anonymous says:

      Ridiculous comment, –

      first, – the US were never even close to vicariously becoming an almsgiver let alone being requested as to ‘helping’ anyone here, the US Govt is confiscating a shipment/service that was ‘procured and paid for’ the same as they’ve done with other countries.

      Second, – tax evasion’ that likely included many in the administration hiding their own money here back in the day but their homeland Delaware leads most as a fine example as a mechanism for enabling that.

      Third, – terrorist funding, – yep as crown colony there’s plenty of scope to move in that arena.

      Fourth, – entitlement, no, a simple expectation of moral obligation in upholding a business contract that was most probably firmed up before enacting any DPA.

      Fifth, – hatred, that’s a strong word, I don’t believe ‘hatred‘ is an extension by anyone here, – disregard & disgust with individuals whom hold misplaced judgement such as yourself, yes absolutely.

      Sixth, – ‘Good luck with your own economy because you will need help you don’t deserve to make it work again. You might just want to be nice to everyone and each other for a while. It might just determine your future.’

      A perfect subsequently finisher demonstrating an attitude that’s permeated from the Orange Buffon with his rebuke to the state Govenors in their request for Federal help during the pandemic, – well done, check the post for a ‘Trump Press Secretary Aide’ application form on its way.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Trump and his people are thieves. I hope all these Caymanians living up there and here who think he is God see him for what he really is now. Get the $ signs out of your eyes people, this man is a bully and now he can add Pirate to his CV. We bought those supplies from the US and they should be sent to us. Alden dont back down, these supplies are rightfully ours. Bullies like him have been getting away with taking from people all their lives, it is time we stand up for ourselves. America is no longer the super power it once was. Trump is the laughing stock of the world now and the US is the most disrespected Country in the world. He sould be ashamed of himself stealing from small nations. Dont be afraid of him Cayman. He is just an orange retard with white eyes.

  13. Anonymous says:

    We’ve been Trumped.

  14. Anonymous says:

    And still people in cayman support Trump

    • Anonymous says:

      No we don’t and never did.

      • Anonymous says:

        You clearly never been to the Brac

      • Anonymous says:

        Oh come on now 8:07. I have met so many Americans including a number of highly educated Brits, particularly on the golf course, who until recently thought Trump was the greatest. Reality and the con game has now caught up with a lot of Americans on island.

      • Anonymous says:

        You clearly don’t associate with many people in the financial services industry.

        • Anonymous says:

          Certainly do associate with people in the financial services industry. I will say that over the past year, a good many have started to evolve in their thinking about Trump, but they were so carried away by Trump’s “wonderful” tax cuts a few years ago that it is very difficult for many of them to find their humanity.

          Maybe the way Trump has handled the coronavirus situation will get them to think in ways other than their pure self interest.

        • Anonymous says:

          12:02, You clearly know nothing about the “carried interest loophole” which saved hedge fund managers $18 billion by Trump not touching it a few years ago in his tax cut budget.

          Of course they love the guy.

          • Anonymous says:

            This makes no sense. Obama didn’t close it either.

            • Anonymous says:

              He tried it twice in 8 years but Obama could not get it through the Republican controlled Senate. No surprise there.

              • Anonymous says:

                It was a Democrat controlled Senate at least his first two years. He couldn’t hold it in the next election.

              • Anonymous says:

                Obama had the presidency, the house and the senate for two years….Trump has never enjoyed the same.
                Trump has actually said the loophole should be closed but he doesn’t write the laws..

    • Anonymous says:

      What is wrong with supporting someone that actually does something instead bowing to the liberal left emotional Canadian agendas?

      • Anonymous says:

        Especially someone who does something for all his family members. Gotta love the way he helps his golf courses and hotels too. MAGA. A real joke.

      • Anonymous says:

        Yeah he really “drained the swamp” and replaced it with his cronies. How mafia of him.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Send in the army to take back our kits…..oh, wait a minute…

  16. Anonymous says:

    That is the reason why I got so mad upset when I heard certain reporters and others asking about the shipments!, we are just lucky they didn’t try to get what was shipped from South Korea. Stop asking and digging into the details of everything and leave it to the professional to make the announcements in due course.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Yet the US pledged to donate 200 ventilators to the UK?

  18. Anonymous says:

    Say it as it is Alden, you are not disappointed, you are angry. Get the ‘spin’ on this. Reach out to the American ‘expats’ on the Island and let them know that also their safety has now been compromised. Call MSNBC, CNN, Fox – fight fire with fire.

    • Anonymous says:

      Americans here generally hate Trump so I don’t know what that threat was all about. It’s not like we can do anything about it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Americans loved him here 2 years ago. They are now seeing through the world’s greatest con man. You can only fool people for so long when you are a President.

        Just watch his daily press conferences and ask yourself, is this how a President in America is suppose to conduct himself? As an American, I am totally ashamed.

        • Anonymous says:

          Not my American friends…. I certainly didn’t vote for him either.

          • Anonymous says:

            AMEN! Never did, never will, and can’t wait for November so we can vote out the orange scourge.

            • Anonymous says:

              Get ready, there will not be a vote in November. Trump is going to arrange with his Senate friends, to have the election postponed to when the economy is in better shape. Just watch the words of AG Barr closely.

              The Constitution is going to be tested like never before with a politicized Supreme Court now dominated by legal hacks. Just look at the Supreme Court decision related to Wisconsin earlier this week. A crass political decision made by the Supreme Court.

              We are seeing the beginning of the end of American Democracy as we have known it. The “stable genius” is going to bring down the system and shape it in his own ugly image.

        • Anonymous says:

          Lots of people in the financial services industry here – Americans, Canadians and Brits – loves him 2 months ago and would probably rather see him reflected in November than Joe Biden. It’s all about how much more they can earn when a Republican is in the White House. Human decency does not play a role in their preference.

          • Anonymous says:

            WOW. Sure does not say a lot of nice things about human decency in the Cayman financial services industry. Never realized there were so many rats in that industry. SAD.

    • Anonymous says:

      A good thing the Premier has more sense than you think!

  19. Anonymous says:

    Then the US gov’t will stop services and place an embargo like Cuba? Are we suffering and needing any Medical supplies yet? We got 45 people and 6 recovered. Let’s step back and look at the situation. They needed worse then we. What we need is for jackasses to stay home and listen to our leaders in the country.

    • Anon says:

      and what do we do when 10 of those 45 need to be rushed to intensive care and we only have 4 ventilators? Do you want to be the one who decides who gets one and who doesn’t.

      I’m sorry if the Orange man who is supposedly in charge of the US, decided to not look at the severity of this virus when people in China, Italy and Spain were dropping like flies and kept on saying that there was nothing to worry about. He should have been doing what our Government were doing and close the borders, strict lock downs and start looking at supplies etc.

      He is a pirate and a thief – nuff said

      • Brown Freeman says:

        Sound very familiar to me when HSA CEO and Public Health Officers did not see the written on the wall, the Epidemic was close to us in January, neither saw it on Feb 2020, worse later at Mary Miller meeting on 10 March, she called a well founded fear Mass Hysteria and Panic. Who lead us into this predicament?
        I think is the case of the pot calling the k black.

  20. Anonymous says:

    Karma will bite him in the ass!

  21. Anonymous says:

    Oh, is this why Trump is now bragging about how much equipment he now getting?

  22. Anonymous says:

    Really simple solution no US citizen in Cayman to benefit from any government initiatives

    • Anonymous says:

      Not even a for a moment. We will maintain our morality.

    • Anonymous says:

      10:55, We are better than that. We don’t need to come down to Trump’s level.

    • Anonymous says:

      Like it’s our freaking fault! We hate that loser I charge too! Same team, bro. Or do you want to draw a line out of ignorance?

    • Edgar Poe says:

      US citizens in Cayman are not responsible for the actions of President Cheeto. He alone has the ability to make an ass of himself. Our government does not need to stoop to his level.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol – most of the American citizens living in Cayman are also Caymanians.

  23. Anonymous says:

    Just burn one bale of Trump’s money every day until he capitulates.

    • Anonymous says:

      Better yet, start taking his cabinets and donors cash. Then give every resident a fair split of the cash. It’ll be 10k each.

    • Bertie : B says:

      Trump does not have the billions he claims , anything coming out of his mouth is blatant bullshit . The man is all the isms and other big words people say he is . worlds best flim flon man , i will give him that .

  24. Phillip says:

    Let’s freeze all USA assets that are being held in Caymans. Bet lots USA Congressman and Congresswoman plus might even be Trump and his family also has assets and bank accounts in Caymans. Freeze it all.

  25. Shirley says:

    And isn’t that crazy Trump on television every day telling the American people that the USA has everything they need?! He is a piece of work 😡

  26. Anonymous says:

    Lets open the Beneficial Ownership files and see which ones have T-Rumps name all over them.
    The mere threat should get the container not only released but the contents tripled.

  27. Anonymous says:

    Mr Premier please do not pick a fight with Trump we need America more than they need us- Just let it pass

  28. J .A. Roy Bodden says:

    One of the first lessons I learnt in International Relations is that “the weak cannot dictate terms to the strong “. It is a principle detailed by the historian Thucydides in his account of the Peloponnesian War. The United States is strong and the Cayman Islands are weak . We may never get our merchandise back …irrespective of the fact that it was legitimately procured , and is rightfully ours. And for what it is worth the government has my support in pursuing our claims to ownership.

    What is at once an even more frightening prospect is , ‘what if this was a shipment of vital foodstuff ? .

    There are many lessons to be learnt from this horrifying and sobering situation we are currently experiencing . One is that the Cayman Islands must do more to increase its ability to reach a higher level of food security. No jurisdiction should think, itself safe when it is totally dependent upon imported food to feed its population. Of course , I realize that with our limited arable land mass there is only so much we can do.But even so ,not enough is being done to encourage and support modern scientific and efficient farming.

    A second and equally important objective , is for us to consider the establishment of some kind of Sovereign Wealth Fund whereby we can build up a special reserve for occasions such as we are currently experiencing. In the 1990’s Gilbert McLean and myself twice proposed the establishment of a National Emergency Fund for just such an occurrence. We were ridiculed by the financial wizard, who , while berating us as ‘defunct school teachers ‘ boasted of his qualifications as a banker. Imagine what our situation would be like at this time had we invested even a paltry two million dollars per annum from that time until now.

    Add to that the shortsightedness of some of our earlier leaders who encouraged us to sell ‘ absolute titles ‘ to our land to carpetbaggers (aliens , Gerrard called them ) , whose intentions were only to exploit our naivete for their greed . Hence , we find ourselves in this conundrum of Malthusian hopelessness. We have sown the wind and I pray to heaven that we can avoid reaping the whirlwind.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly Mr. Bodden. We cannot fight this great America. Let us use all this energy and hot air emanating from this action and plant something to feed ourselves. Just imagine if there is food shortage in America?

    • Brown Freeman says:

      Excellent Dr. Roy, do not mistake folks, there will be food shortage in USA and most probably all over. As you have crystal clear disected WE ARE far from ready, due to lack if vision, incompetence, arrogant behavior, and ill advises Politicians with reactive mentality as demonstrated now with the late actions to stop this Epidemic (locally). Hurry up, modify the importation laws and regulations (Rules) so we can import from other places. Do not wait until to late.

      • Anonymous says:

        There will soon be a food shortage in the UK because the people who picked the fruit and vegetables in the U.K. have gone home to Central and Eastern Europe because of BREXIT. While in the USA , Mexican seasonal agricultural workers are not being allowed in due to Trump’s policies to pick fruit and vegetables too.

        Food prices are soon going to skyrocket in the U.K. while everything will have been largely self induced.

    • David Shibli says:

      But Mr. Roy, I beg to differ.
      You speak to your people as though they do not know their God.
      You give them eloquence and politics, but little substance.
      Perhaps that is your problem?

  29. Anonymous says:

    What do you expect: Trump IS mean.

    • Anonymous says:

      Not if your an American. He is an American President. Cayman is under the UK. Get used to it.

      • Anonymous says:

        Do you think a US citizen in Cayman may have needed one of the ventilators or maybe a mask to protect them.

        • Anonymous says:

          May have needed? You mean as opposed to those in New York who dying by the truck load on a daily basis? If the shoe was on the other foot do you think we wouldn’t do the same? Or put it another way. We have bought enough test kits to test every one on the islands 3 times over. Test kits are critically short around the world. Do you see us offering any to our Caribbean neighbours or the other BOTs?

        • Anonymous says:

          No. But I do know that America is in a much more dire need of supplies than Cayman islands. But I also no that you could not care less about Americans or Canadians or the British (Who you are under). You do not care that America had put a stop order on all supplies going out that are needed in the US weeks ago. You do not care that thousands are dying in the us right now and thanks to your premier no one here is dying. You only care about yourself. And you will not survive without outside help. But you don’t seem to care about that either. I do hope that Cayman will get back on its feet again soon when this passes but I am not sure it can or will if no one outside of Cayman cares about it. It might just be time that Caymanians find out where all that money comes from and what happens when it stops.

      • Anonymous says:

        So true. These people think the USA is suppose to save them?

  30. Anonymous says:

    Don’t forget Trump biggest support comes from right wing, evangelicals, fundamentalist christians like some of our MLA’s.

    THIS is the real evil.

    Evil wins, because we let it.

  31. Anonymous says:

    And that is why we should focus on Europe, for tourisn, food etc.
    FXXX the US.
    I hope Cayman does something against it.

    Evil happens, because we let it.

  32. Anonymous says:

    Guess there coast guard better fill up somewhere else

  33. Anonymous says:

    Put firearms and ammunition on the cargo manifest next time and they will let it pass without checking.

  34. Anonymous says:

    Cayman will never have this good a president. Just saying.

  35. Anonymous says:

    what else can you expect, this from the same Orange Clown who was trying to move a German company to the US so as to have exclusive rights to a potential vaccine they were working on, – I used to enjoy going to the US but a downward trending appeal took a steep dive today

  36. Anonymous says:

    I fully support the government’s anti COVID efforts here, but I really don’t understand why the HSA tried to export medical equipment from the US after a well-publicized presidential order prohibiting their export which had been in place for at least four days before their seizure.

    Perhaps Ms Yearwood has a perfectly reasonable answer to that. If so, we are entitled to know it. But if not, it raises important questions as to the HSA’s competence.

  37. Anonymous says:

    Hey China, you know that dig waterway the US built that you now control that cuts through Central America? How about shipping stuff via the canal.

  38. Anonymous says:

    Is there a reason Alden and the Governor didn’t say anything about this until questioned by the reporter? Would we never have found out about this? Something is amiss here..

    • Anonymous says:

      I suspect they were trying to tap it down for the same reason they should not have mentioned anything about the test kits whereabouts. The Premier is trying diplomatic means to get this sorted out, maybe he will maybe he won’t. All this foolishness you all are suggesting is just plain rubbish. Probably making it worse for the diplomatic discussion. As I said before Big Brother might be listening/ reading.

      • Anonymous says:

        if you really think that the illiterate, irrelevant views of a bunch of morons (including “academic” morons) posting on CNS is going to affect the US authorities one way or the other, then you are living in a Cayman-centric delusional bubble of epic proportions.

        • Anonymous says:

          You are so wrong. Remember how they got all their underwears in a knot over the Firm- heck they still pass laws based on the movie. Go figure who is illiterate and academic morons. Some of them still we are near the Canary Islands!

        • Anonymous says:

          Please define academic moron? What is that in the Cayman Islands?

  39. Anon says:

    I read that Trump sent some ventilators to the UK as a gesture to Boris, now we know where they came from.

  40. JD says:

    Just imagine..only imagine…if that was food supplies being seized…if it got to that.

  41. Anonymous says:

    I say if the US government can seize legally bought and shipped supplies from other countries that happens to pass through the US then CIG should reimburse themselves from Dart’s bank account or some other of the many millionaires bank accounts in Cayman. Fair is fair. I mean we were the original pirates den after all, let’s show the US how it’s really done.

    • Anonymous says:

      DART IS CAYMANIAN. whether you like it or not.

    • Anonymous says:

      7.35pm, oh dear. Ok lets say you owe CUC or Cayman water or the bank some money, maybe due to difficult times right now, etc. So they talk to you about your debt, and you tell them they should get the money you owe from me, who you don’t know personally and have never met. A couple of things are going to happen. Bank/CUC/Cayman Water are going to tell you to take a running jump, its your debt, not somebody else’s whom you actually don’t know or have nothing to do with. In the event that those companies contact me and tell me that you, a person not known to me, said I would pay your debts, I too will tell them to take and running jump and then I shall be on the phone to the police immediately about your attempt to defraud me. Dart just helped bring the tests in at his own cost, and has done many more things for these islands. Spread love, not hatred or idiotic ideas.

  42. Anonymous says:

    This is disgraceful. Do we have any nuclear capabilities here? Are the UK going to do anything about this? Every US investor redeeming from Cayman funds needs to be blocked.

  43. Anonymous says:

    There is an important lesson to be learned from the seizure of these critical medical supplies. If we are able to learn from the experience it will result in a significant change in the way we do things going forward.

  44. Al Catraz says:

    All property of US Citizens in Cayman should be seized. Now.

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually you already have by closing the airport thereby denying me access to my property in Cayman. How is that different than the US saying no exports to other countries?

    • Anonymous says:

      You are an idiot. It’s not our fault. We hate it as much as you. But let’s incite hate instead of logic. Caymankind?

    • Anonymous says:

      ….Oh and by the same token, all Caymanians should be held to brook for the many “actions” – over the many decades, BTW – undertaken by the republic’s big “Mac”…… I THINK NOT!!!

  45. Anonymous says:

    Hey President Trump….See You Next Tuesday!

  46. Anonymous says:

    The US aren’t our allies if that wasn’t already abundantly clear
    They don’t have allies
    They only have people they aren’t currently at war with and people they are at war with or are planning to be at war with in future

  47. Anonymous says:

    Perhaps someone call tell CNN that an estimated 10,000 US citizens in Cayman may not be able to access needed medical supplies because the United States has seized it. That should get things moving pretty quickly.

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s not just Cayman, but many other places in the world. That’s including, but not limited to, Germany, Brazil, etc

    • Anonymous says:

      Really doubt contacting CNN will have any impact. Nearly a 1,000 people died in NYC today and hundreds in New Jersey died today too. The hospitals in both places are lacking ventilators and masks.

    • Anonymous says:

      Don’t think you grasp how bad the medical equipment shortages are in America.

    • Anonymous says:

      Time to ask Mark Cuban for assistance. Good guy and will help.

    • Anonymous says:

      uhmm…it wasn’t just Cayman that got picked off.

    • Anonymous says:

      We’re fine. Et the masks stay in the US.

    • Anonymous says:

      They’d probably do an editorial on money launderers need masks too!

    • Anonymous says:

      With cases nearing 500K in the U.S. and 1300+ deaths per day, the war powers defense production act was activated giving the federal gov the authority to seize industry and resources, I don’t think CNN is going to have much interest as much as it’s a crappy deal. Especially with every state screaming for ventilators.

      • Anonymous says:

        But what Trump did not do was allocate all American medical equipment and resources which he had the power to do. Instead you have a giant medical equipment and supplies EBay with every American state and foreign countries in bidding wars for supplies. It is the free market gone wild.

        A 50 cent medical mask six months ago is now worth $7.00.

        It did not have to be this way, but you have an American President who does not understand the levers of government and how to use them. He also did not listen to his military people who advised him on equipment logistics and instead listened to his business friends and the brilliant Kushner.

    • Anonymous says:

      This happened while Trump was on Fox News / / Hanitty tonight saying America has all the ventilators and masks it needs. The hospital officials in NYC and New Jersey certainly do not share this Trump view.

      A “stable genius” is incapable of sticking to a consistent message and is certainly very confused. Only a significant minority in America now listen to the buffoon.

      • Anonymous says:

        Wrong sweet pants. He will be re-elected because more than your liber BS friends are listening. If those ventilators were living my home i would take them back. It’s a PANDEMIC! Every person for themselves. Liberal Canadians should all GO HOME!

    • Anonymous says:

      Only if they are tax compliant….

    • Anonymous says:

      They would probably just say send them home.

  48. Anonymous says:

    That’s just mean.

  49. Anonymous says:

    An act of war. Cayman cannot retaliate (other than freezing all US assets in Cayman, which at any given time may not amount to more than a trillion dollars). All other countries, who suffered from this US aggression could however act as a group and freeze/seize US assets, deny entry to all US planes or marine vessels, cease any and all co-operation with US military, including denying access to or blockading US military bases, cease all intelligence sharing, commence active steps to move away from US denominated assets and securities, restrict access to US businesses, and personally sanction all senior members of the Trump administration.

    Will never happen though.

    • Anonymous says:

      Love the concept.

    • Anonymous says:

      6:17 What Trump has done is truly disgusting. However we have nothing to threaten him with. As the vast majority of our tourism arrivals come from the USA we would be shooting ourselves in the foot by barring them from entering in future. By seizing their assets we would destroy our financial sector that also does allot of business with the USA. I see Canada has recently succeeded in getting back it’s seized items. I think thee must be a legal pathway are government can take that would also allow us to get the items that were seized.

      • Anonymous says:

        Canada only got their items back after it was pointed out to the White House by Canadian Embassy officials in D.C. that all the medical pulp used to make masks in America comes from one 300 person pulp mill in British Columbia which exports all of its pulp to the U.S. The mill has been going 24 hours a day since January.

        That woke someone up in the White House.

      • Anonymous says:

        Disgusting! You are selling your excess supplies to Bermuda. Why can’t that crooked government of yours find in their caring hearts to give them away. Huh?!

    • M McLaughlin says:

      Please save it, what else did we expect?

      An executive order was given three weeks ago that prohibited export of these items. Too bad the Cayman Islands authorities that placed these orders didn’t know that.

      Remember Trump has a bunch quacks (Fauci and Birx), that alarmed him and the world, blame them for the hysteria
      and advising him based on shotty models from the “Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation”, that has them in their back pocket (no conspiracy theories here, just do your research, because the powers lurking in the shadows will never make you any wiser.)

      First it was 2mm estimated deaths, then 1mm, them 500k, then 100k, now their saying 60k may die, which would be less than the 80k that die annually from the common flu. We all are getting punked, our economy is being destroyed for no logical reason.

      Why are we still being allowed to go the Supermarkets? Oh because we have to eat!

      The virus obviously is airborne and the CI government is still allowing people to go the Supermarkets, doesn’t make logical sense, right?

      Demand that our government level with the public.

      • Two Cents says:

        Seems like you need to get your facts straight McLaughlin; the Executive Order was issued on April 03 – less than a week ago. If he didn’t send you a copy, here it is
        But in his typical form, he was boasting yesterday about how the US will have a surplus of ventilators and he will send some to the UK Maybe we’ll get ours that we paid for then.
        The guy says and does whatever he feels will sell in the moment to people like you. Sad but true

        • M McLaughlin says:

          I read the EO and you obviously didn’t take the time to read it, but can run off at the mouth.

          Fyi the DPA was activated from March 25th, which prohibited sale of these items outside the US. Get help for your TDS before it drives you crazy!👍

      • Anonymous says:

        Stop watching Fox News McLaughlin. They are really messing with your head.

        • M McLaughlin says:

          Nice another sanctimonious a-hole trying to think for others, when they can’t even think for themselves! I’m only commenting on what the “experts” have already said.

          Don’t understand your Fox News comment, because their part of the LAMESTREAM Media, which includes the likes of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and numerous Newspapers aka “Toiletpapers” of record, that all propergate and slant information to suit their audiences.

          Here’s a challenge my morally superior friend, if there’s something wrong or untrue with what I commented on please let know. 👆👆👆

          • Anonymous says:

            Yes, like Fox News said many times in January and February the virus is simply a “Democratic hoax”.🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮

            • M McLaughlin says:

              Lie! The Democrats politicizing the virus was the hoax, not the Virus itself. Stop parroting US Lamestream Media lies.

    • Anonymous says:

      What the US exports is entirely its own business, and you do realize that those assets you mention do not actually sit in banks in Cayman.

      • Anonymous says:

        The majority of the items that the U.S. exports related to the medical sector have parts and raw materials that are not sourced in America. Whether Trump likes it or not we are an interdependent world economically.

        Trump knows this as his store on Fifth Avenue sells Trump fan gear which is nearly all made in China.

    • Anonymous says:

      Oh be quiet you fool.

    • Anonymous says:

      Lol. What US assets? You don’t have a clue.

    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:


    • Anonymous says:

      No it Will not because that’s a complete misinterpretation and a massive over-escalation. Did you even read the article?

    • Anonymous says:

      Agree that this will never happen. Our beloved Cayman Islands is way too reliant upon the US as our primary source of income and support of our economy. We buy most all of our goods from the US, our financial sector is set up mainly for clients from the US and our tourism sector is overwhelmingly supported by visitors from the US. Add into that the fact that literally thousands of US citizens reside hear in our islands and Cayman has got to face the fact that we resemble the US a whole heck of a lot more than the Motherland.

      Our Government, in its infinite wisdom, needs to clearly think about the implications of this incident. The US could easily put restrictions on exports to the Cayman Islands and easily implement policy that would affect Cayman citizens travelling to and from the US (hmnn can we look at Cuba as an example). While I personally doubt this will never happen while we are under the protection of the UK, it is not impossible.

      So Government of the day, you need to always be thinking about a backup plan. Need to start thinking about getting supplies from UK, Central America, South America, etc. Might be a far-fetched idea and this post may get plenty of thumbs down, but back in February who would ever have thought this virus would close down our beloved Cayman.

      • Brown Freeman says:

        …”but back in February who would ever have thought this virus would close down our beloved Cayman” FYI i did, seing the written in the wall and its meaning, I approach our elected representatives and others in authority with the worry and suggestion for the Epidemiological action plan to avoid the local transmission and the deaths that are coming. They apparently listened but did not act. To proud, to arrogant, af times ignorant to get the advice, look around to compare and implement in an agressive fashion proactive steps. CIG and Public Health Officers blew it and lead us into this predicament. Incompetence to say the least.

        Brown Freeman (MD)

    • Anonymous says:

      Too funny. The ant telling the elephant to help him or else.

    • Anonymous says:

      “cease intelligence sharing” is no threat to someone who thinks that he has more intelligence than any other US President in history.

      • Anonymous says:

        Trump knows more about drugs than the best doctors in America. Never even took a science course in business school. A true “stable genius”.


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