Demonstrator calls for death of homosexuals

| 03/04/2019 | 201 Comments
Caymna News Service

One sign says the penalty for homosexual acts is death (CLICK TO ENLARGE ALL PHOTOS)

(CNS): A very small and apparently peaceful demonstration against the ruling by Chief Justice Anthony Smellie legalising same-sex marriage took place outside the Legislative Assembly Wednesday, as politicians inside debated a motion calling for an appeal and voiced their grievances. Despite calls from the premier for the community to be respectful to each other, one demonstrator was proudly holding a sign calling for death to homosexuals. While last Friday’s ruling was welcomed by many people in Cayman, there are some who, largely based on religious beliefs, are vowing to continue the fight against it.

While most of the handful of demonstrators confined their billboards to moderate and much less offensive positions about marriage, one poster referred to Leviticus, calling for the “death of homosexuals” because “they have brought it on themselves”, and another demonstrator had a poster saying that “sexual perversions do not merit legal status”.

Cayman News Service

A protest sign denounces homosexuality

Around 40 people sat in the gallery of the Legislative Assembly Wednesday morning to support the debate on the appeal and the call for government to amend the Constitution to stop judges making laws in future. The government opted to hold this debate ahead of what would have been a packed list of business in the House on its opening day, including amendments to the Builders Bill and new legislation on healthcare decisions.

The premier confirmed ahead of the debate that government would be appealing the chief justice’s ruling, which was the essence of the motion. Several members pressed their support for the appeal on the basis that the chief justice, in amending the Marriage Law to make it comply with the Bill of Rights, had overridden their authority as legislators.

Cayman News Service

People protest the legalising of same-sex marriage

Many MLAs also admitted that their objection stemmed from their belief that same-sex couples should be discriminated against and openly expressed their homophobia. Some even suggested that the community should attend any gay wedding that took place in Cayman and object to the union.

The governor was criticised because of his enthusiastic welcome for the chief justice’s decision. Arden McLean (East End), who brought the motion that triggered the debate, had included those criticisms in the motion, accusing Martyn Roper of prejudicing the appeal.

While there is still a loud and politically powerful lobby against marriage equality, with the online petition against it having received more than 4,000 signatures, there is also much evidence of a more tolerant and welcoming section of Cayman society, especially among the younger generation, as the premier himself noted.

Cayman News Service

A small group of protestors gathers outside the Cayman Islands Legislative Assembly

Following the announcement by the premier, CNS was inundated with comments from many people calling on government not to appeal because they believe it will be a waste of public funds.

The chief justice has already ruled that Chantelle Day and Vickie Bodden should receive their costs. That means government, in addition to picking up the tab for Sir Jeffery Jowell’s time and efforts in his failed response to the petition, will be paying for the defence team of attorneys, led by the award-winning human rights advocate, Edward Fitzgerald QC.

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  1. Anonymous says:

    If this lady has committed a crime for writing down a bible verse all bibles should be sent to Mt Trasmore and burnt.

  2. Anonymous says:

    ..Obadiah, his servants. There shall, in that time, be rumors of things going astray, erm, and there shall be a great confusion as to where things really are, and nobody will really know where lieth those little things wi– with the sort of raffia work base that has an attachment. At this time, a friend shall lose his friend’s hammer and the young shall not know where lieth the things possessed by their fathers that their fathers put there only just the night before, about eight o’clock. Yea, it is written in the book of Cyril that, in that time, shall the third one…

  3. Anonymous says:

    It actually just looks like a quote from the bible, not inciting anyone to murder.

  4. Ed says:

    Anyone calling for the death of homosexuals is inciting murder and should be arrested and prosecuted.
    That kind of hate crime would never go unpunished in a civilised society.

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes Ed but the old closeted dinosaurs in the LA agree with it so that makes it ok.

    • Anonymous says:

      I’m guessing after reading that you STILL didn’t see where in the Bible this can be found. I’m not gonna sit and argue for it or against it but a little common sense goes a far way … she’s referring to the Bible so let’s dig up the man, who wrote this piece back in the day, and summons him for calling death on homosexuals.

  5. Anonymous says:

    At the risk of angering all why not let antiquated religions keep their silly rituals but provide same recognition and benefits to partners in civil unions no matter what gender?

    • Anonymous says:

      Opposite sex common law civil unions would be welcome. Many young dating couples are essentially compelled by Immigration to get married to the wrong people or before they are ready.

    • Anonymous says:

      Because they feel that they are so self righteous that they need to dictate to you what to do or how to live and will never be happy or end their recruitment for their coffer mills.

      • Spoken Truth says:

        No, O foolish one…listen and comprehend before you type spewing hateful rhetoric; better yet Google, civil partnership. It asks for the same recognition of their rights as any married straight couple and will be afforded the same protection, as if they were married….and this doesn’t mean that they can’t marry each other or someone else later on!

  6. Bertie : B says:

    To all those whom are against gay marriage / Fine you run with that / So it is now law that all of you Christian folk Must turn in your Vibrators , oh excuse me , your massagers for those nights that one must get a massage after a Hard days work , while your husbands are out helping that poor neighbor lady with fixing her home lmao . Wake Up !

  7. Tom says:

    God and the bible book is NOT the law. If we following the bible by law then hundred people in Cayman with have broken the law for adultery and rape women therefore all facing death by stoning!

    • Anonymous says:

      Cause you dont understand the bible. Do your research, pal, and stop chasing everything the internet says

    • Anonymous says:

      Even if the Book were the basis of earthly laws here, nobody hating and judging are allowed to ascend to the fairy clouds….it’s ironic that these far right wing Evangelicals exercise this hatred and judgment in the name of the Prince of Peace, as it cements their eternal damnation to the sub-basement. As far as earthly law goes, they should just be cuffed, read their rights, fingerprinted, mug shotted, and advised to call their lawyer.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Young Caymanian here :), I don’t care if its legalized, once they adopt kids of their own kind and for them to now decriminalize Marijuana, and allow men/women to have multiple wives. Fair trade.

  9. Anonymous says:

    i staying outta this…

  10. Jack says:

    I find it weird that well-meaning, educated and potty-trained Christians cringe at such protests by people who do little more than accurately quote the Bible. If you don’t like the idea of executing gay people, then why do you sill give your love and loyalty to the divine being who dictated the quotes? If merely quoting the Bible demonstrates hate and ignorance, then why do you continue to believe that the Bible is a sensible source of moral thought and behavior?

    • Tell It Like It Is says:

      Simply tired at the intolerance of a minority who solely relies on their hormonal visicitudes to confront a majority for their own sexual feelings. Quite frankly what injustices have they faced that others in this society haven’t faced. I venture to say theiir existence has been mild compared to the sufferings of many heterosexual individuals who don’t have the money or education to fight for their rights to survive in a land their Homeland where their rights and aspirations will never gain such public acclaim. How fortunate are those of the LGBT persuasion who can afford to fight for their minority persuasion and yet a great number of the heterosexual persuasion their right to education, to jobs and a meaningful existence will never see the day in a court of law.

      Is this scenario we are living today in these islands true natural justice, is this what m n And women , our forefathers died for in wars to defend I say not.

      As to the prerogative of the judiciary to try and extend its powers to the legislating of our laws, I say there must be a way to penalize this action in a forthright manner by removal of those who now feel they are now at a level where they cannot be removed.

      • Anonymous says:

        Not only that, but when you consider Western Culture as a whole, the LGBTQ community has not REALLY suffered… Think of the huge impact and influence the ancient Greeks and Romans had on the world as a whole and their obsession with homoeroticism and pederasty …I mean, come on! They’ve desensitized the West and in many ways the WORLD to homoerotic stuff and made the world grossed out by “LADY PARTS” to the point where we have to use such silly phrasing in the first place… seriously. No bats an eye when someone uses the many words for male genitals — whether proper or colloquial and doesn’t feel awkward or disgusted seeing it. But the only parts women have are breasts. That is all that is required and nothing else, because those things are the only parts of a woman that didn’t make the Greeks and the Romans throw up in their mouths. Wake up! The gays have had THOUSANDS OF YEARS in the spot light enjoying a PRIVILEGED STATUS! What’s next? Will Cayman get our own chapter of NAMBLA?

      • Anonymous says:

        There should be more than one petition. Had this case been tried in another jurisdiction, we would not have to worry about the tried or the judged.

    • Anonymous says:

      Divine being who dictated the quotes?? Listen up. Bible written by men. Men are want to write what they feel. Hence bible is a book, written by men proclaiming their beliefs as rule of law. Pretty sure these laws weren’t voted on by the people, as most couldn’t read the damn thing. If you want to follow the ravings of a bunch of old men who had no idea what the XXX the world was about, and decided to make shit up to explain to the unlearned, go ahead. But don’t tell the rest of us learned people these are beliefs we must follow.

    • Big Ben says:

      Jack, I think you mean ‘selectively quote’ the Bible. Perhaps you and the protesters (and the MPs for that matter) would like to enforce the rest of Leviticus 20. I am appalled by the medieval thinking of these protesters and our politicians. Try this for size:

      9 “All who curse their father or mother must be put to death. They are guilty of a capital offense.

      10 “If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death.

      11 If a man has intercourse with his father’s wife, both the man and the woman must die, for they are guilty of a capital offense.

      12 If a man has intercourse with his daughter-in-law, both must be put to death. They have acted contrary to nature and are guilty of a capital offense.

      13 “The penalty for homosexual acts is death to both parties. They have committed a detestable act and are guilty of a capital offense.

      14 If a man has intercourse with both a woman and her mother, such an act is terribly wicked. All three of them must be burned to death to wipe out such wickedness from among you.

      15 “If a man has sexual intercourse with an animal, he must be put to death, and the animal must be killed.

      16 If a woman approaches a male animal to have intercourse with it, she and the animal must both be put to death. Both must die, for they are guilty of a capital offense.

      17 “If a man has sexual intercourse with his sister, the daughter of either his father or his mother, it is a terrible disgrace. Both of them must be publicly cut off from the community. Since the man has had intercourse with his sister, he will suffer the consequences of his guilt.

      18 If a man has intercourse with a woman suffering from a hemorrhage,* both of them must be cut off from the community, because he exposed the source of her flow, and she allowed him to do it.1

      19 “If a man has sexual intercourse with his aunt, whether his mother’s sister or his father’s sister, he has violated a close relative. Both parties are guilty of a capital offense.

      20 If a man has intercourse with his uncle’s wife, he has violated his uncle. Both the man and woman involved are guilty of a capital offense and will die childless.

      21 If a man marries his brother’s wife, it is an act of impurity. He has violated his brother, and the guilty couple will remain childless.

  11. Anonymous says:

    What’s all the fuss about. The Holy Bible (Cayman version) clearly states, “Thou Shalt Not Kill, unless your victim is gay, then it’s cool.”

  12. Anonymous says:

    Reminds me of the signs a certain “Dr” used to display when he wanted the white man to go home.

  13. anonymous says:

    Very Christian of them.

  14. Anonymous says:

    Typical CNS leftist disingenuous Anti-Christian tactic.

    No one is “calling” for the death of gays.

    They are merely quoting passages from the bible which clearly says that the penalty for homosexuality/sodomy is death throughout the bible:

    You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)

    If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)

    Leviticus 20:13

    ‘If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

    For this reason God gave them up to dishonourable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:26-27)

    Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)

    • Anonymous says:

      Leviticus 20:10 instructs to put adulterers to death. Adultery caused my parents to divorce, split my siblings apart from young and destroyed our family.

      Yet none of these bigots advocate for putting adulterers to death too, or at least making cheating illegal to “protect the family and its values” as they say!

      • Anonymous says:

        Sadly, what often gets left behind is the powerful and beautiful message of the gospel. Firing off the old testament and it’s very serious laws and regulations should not be a weapon of convenience. The truth of the gospel is that according to all the laws of the old testament, we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. None of us are more or less deserving of the gift of grace, and the transformational power that comes from Christ who came to fulfil the law.

        I believe that Jesus hates all forms of sin. There are various causes for sin, nature, nurture, choices, influences etc. But it is sin. Many of us don’t like to hear that word used. But it’s the standard he set out for us.

        Many people like to believe their sin is not as bad as others’. Again this is wrong. We are all able to live a life free of sin and the condemnation that comes from our actions. Most importantly its not our job to condemn anyone.

        I wish that in all of this those on all sides know that there is a love greater than all the politics, policies, personalities that are currently at play. It’s an ever lasting and life changing love. Available to all. It has the power to break the bondage of sin. And if we are driven by that love, we will spend less time condemning others and more time trying to reach the souls of the lost.

        So no true believer is going to call for the death of others. Truth is, the protester isn’t calling for death for homosexuals. The wages of sin (ALL SIN) is death.
        This includes gluttony, debauchery, drunkenness, envy, jealousy, anger, pride, homosexuality, adultery, fornication, abuse, lying, cheating, stealing, eternal separation from God’s glory.

        Christians we have our work to do in spreading the powerful message of the gospel. Let’s not fall into the trap of the shouting match. Yes we have a right to defend out constitution, but there is something more important than the constitution and that is the souls of the lost.

        Let our lights shine before men, that they can see our good works and glorify our father in heaven. Time to shine people!

        • Spoken Truth says:

          Here you are “quoting the old testament” and the new for that matter! The whole Bible is true…”for what was in the beginning, shall be in the end” – Bob Marley’s song lyrics referring to the Bible verse…and btw he smoked weed but was adamantly against homosexuality!!

        • Anonymous says:

          Earthly judgers and non-egalitarians are barred from the VIP, just sayin.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s part of the old testament- the old law, which was virtually impossible for anyone to keep from transgressing. Some penalties to be meted out included death. But the new testament explains clearly, “The wages of sin (ALL SIN) is death, but the gift of God is eternal life”.

        So if we remain in a sinful condition we are going to be separated from God for eternity.

      • Spoken Truth says:

        Then you to petition to have it changed, so it doesn’t happen to you and your children, like Chantelle and Vicki did! Unless you are gay/lesbian, too, then this will surely not happen to you and yours!! But then again I take it you only commenting on here do foolishly because you learnt how to talk….but honestly you should take up the petition against adultery and cheaters do that the everyday family unit and young children can be protected, if you feel so strongly about it the same sex marriage law!!! What will be good for the goose, will be good for the gander

        • Spoken Truth says:

          Figured I’d step on a lot of you all corns…show exactly how smart, caring and loving you are on a legitimate humanely topic…children’s rights!! I hope you all are barren or you all children run away from you when you need them most, saying “depart from me I know you not” as God will do, if He were to come right now…you haters of righteousness and of the innocent children!!

    • Romellia Welcome says:

      Thank you!

    • Anonymous says:

      It might be critically short-sighted for literal Pentateuch adherents to profess to be Christian even while their practice disregards Jesus’ second Great Commandment for admission to Heaven. Moses isn’t going to write you a letter of recommendation to off-set the (more recent) Commandments from Jesus, whose great sacrifice made the whole journey upstairs possible. Or so the story goes….maybe check into that and make sure you’re doing it right. #heavenfail

    • Anonymous says:

      “They are merely quoting passages from the bible which clearly says that the penalty for homosexuality/sodomy is death throughout the bible:”

      Ah, so simply quoting someone else doesn’t mean that you support it or are calling for it yourself? Of course it does. Why else would you print it on a placard and walk around holding up! Bet you wouldn’t think it OK for me to stand outside the LA with placards citing passages written by the KKK or Mein Kampf or NAMBLA and say”ah well, he’s not calling for it himself, he’s just quoting a book”.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Am I losing my mind or am I actually having to defend these numbnut protesters? First off let me explain something to you lot about free-speech. You don’t get to pick and choose what people get to say when you live in a country that won’t throw you in jail for a peaceful protest.

    Secondly, it’s very sad that these people are hiding behind a supposed all loving God to spew their hateful views, but who cares! It’s a peaceful protest and the loser dude is quoting some Bible verse most likely. So until they start organizing mobs of people to start throwing stones at gay people let’s calm down. Most likely his mob would include him and maybe one other person. Maybe that interracial couple who hate progress so much?

    They put a face to their hate and I’m glad. But it’s free speech so let them protest. They are a tiny group of people who are meaningless to society. Shoo fly.

  16. The truth says:

    Most of the Christian community in Cayman is full of idiots (Caymanian here) …some of these so called Christians will go out on a Friday night, get drunk then go home and beat their wife, then go to church on Sunday and all will be forgiven by the almighty. what a load of shit. but when the bible says no man should be with another… apparently this is biggest law in the bible now? Wish death upon someone because they are different and have different views?
    Why not focus on the bigger problems on the island other than fight over an issue that doesn’t even effect you and is being changed all around the world?

    Total waste of money, time and resources that could be spent on actual problems.

    • Anonymous says:

      I actually think most people that are Christian are hiding behind the fact that they’re terrible people

      • Anonymous says:

        and closet homosexuals.

      • Anonymous says:

        Hey I can almost buy that. In fact I will accept your point…all but one part.

        I am a Christian. And it’s real easy for me to believe that I am better than others. That’s because I forget the fact that deep down, in fact not that deep, I have some very sinful desires, temptations, ideas, thoughts. Sometimes they become sinful actions, words, deeds.

        The truth is we all are capable of being terrible people. But the truth of the message of the gospel is that my goodness, all my charity, all the nice things I do for others, my manners, my humanitarianism, even my religiousness, it’s not good enough.

        We as people have a fundamental problem. Our nature is that of sin. So to be a real Christian, we don’t use Christianity as a shield to hide behind our sin. Christ is the bridge that helps us to overcome sin- not be a slave to it. Our nature will always be sinful, but we aren’t condemned because of it.

        More importantly, we aren’t supposed to condemn others. So to your point Anonymous 10:14am- Most people that are Christians accept the fact that without Christ, they’re terrible people.

        I don’t think I am better than you at all friend, and no Christian should make you feel that way either. But His love is real. I can personally attest to it.

        Hope we get to talk some more.

        • Anonymous says:

          Nah. But you keep doing you and staying out of what I do with my life and we can coexists. Maybe even have a drink and be friends one day. Maybe we already are?

          • Spoken Truth says:

            You are very hateful and judgemental….obviou obviously you hate people who call themselves Christians and profess the Word of God. I do feel that you would hate even Muslims or Rastafarians or Catholic or Jews or the Police for that matter because that is just your nature, it may even be your nurture….but one thing I know for sure is…you sure do love you some gays and lesbians just because they are just that way and not “Christians”…may even be one yourself (gay/lesbian)!!! hahaha… O, Lord help and protect us from these Bible hating, Christians bashing, gay/lesbians loving, evil heathens, is my cry O Almighty God, Our Saviour, Shield and Buckler!!

            • Anonymous says:

              Do you have an explanation for the global decline in Christian churches that has been occurring for the past two decades?

              • Anonymous says:

                Common sense.

              • Anonymous says:

                They missed your sarcasm sadly. Alot of Christians don’t get the fact that we can’t change ourselves. Only Christ can change us. Yet we mock and castigate those who have not seen the light.

                Hypocrisy to the high hills as we who are indeed saved, are only saved by grace, not by works, otherwise we would be boastful and prideful.

                So if God has opened your eyes @Spoken Truth 6:17pm, why are you yelling at a non believer and calling people evil heathens. That’s not going to win anyone over to Christ.

                In the face of this reality many christians will need to rethink their approach to evangelism. We should probably start by living what we preach.

          • Anonymous says:

            I offered for us to talk some more. You started your response with ‘nah’, but maybe we could have a drink or be friends one day. I welcome that offer. I don’t come in judgement or condemnation.

            But forgive me as I am not sure how we do that if we don’t speak first lol.

            Which brings kind of me back to my original closing remark- that I hope we get to talk some more someday.

            The hand of friendship is extended 🙂

            • Anonymous says:

              Nah to you trying to show me good Christians. I have no interest in religion or anything to do with religion. I grew up going to chruch and I’m done, I choose reason. So you do you and I’ll do me and maybe we can be friends without talking about religion. Maybe we already are.

              • Anonymous says:

                Totally get where you are coming from. Ain’t pushing anything on you. I’m not surprised that ‘religiousness’ has worn thin on you. It did the same for me. Not that you care to hear but my own journey has led me to grace vs religion. Being a good person and logic fell short of the mark for me. Wishing you peace on your journey. Respect my friend.

    • Anonymous says:

      Them a one day Christian,
      Them a one day Christian.
      6 days a week doing all type of wrong,
      Sunday come,
      Dress up in a white, bible in them hand.
      Oh Lord, them a one day Christian.

    • Spoken Truth says:

      You so full of hate against Chtistians! My, my and judgemental, too

  17. Anonymous says:

    There are no bases to discriminate in either our earthly or divine laws, it’s simply a culture of meddling nastiness that the ignorant are proud to retain. Jesus said that those that don’t treat other equally do not qualify for Heaven. Unlike our high schools, you can’t graduate to the eternal life with a 50% score. If you call yourself Christian, there is only one Lawgiver and Judge. Whether or not someone else conforms for your version of faith is not your personal concern, and never will be.

    • Romellia Welcome says:

      How dear you say Jesus said! When God took a man rib and made a woman not another man.

      • Anonymous says:

        True Romellia but the bible also stated there were others outside the garden so it was Adam and Eve and everyone else.

      • Anonymous says:

        Were you there? Did you actually see it? Can I sell you a bridge? Brainwashed much?

    • CayBorn says:

      Hating a lifestyle is not discrimination.
      We don’t want it publicly broadcast here.

      • Anonymous says:

        John and Joe got married this weekend.

        Did you know about it?

        Did it affect your life or marriage?

        Are you considering becoming gay now?

        Big deal.

      • Anonymous says:

        By this logic then, heterosexuality is a lifestyle that you “choose” to live, no? This is flat out discrimination by self-righteous, so called “Christians” who turn away at other sins seen just about all the time in Cayman but use this hateful rhetoric to defend the words of the Bible only when it suits them. Gay people are not trying to “publicly broadcast” anything. They just want to live their life as normal people without living in fear of these hate-spewing people.

        • Spoken Truth says:

          “If you live in a glasshouse don’t throw stones” – keep your sexual preferences to yourself and not change the Law of the Land to suit your needs, if you don’t want the backlash you will receive!! They should’ve this would be what it is if they did it….guess their homosexual adviser didn’t advise them of this or what else is to come!!!!

      • Anonymous says:

        haha That’s funny- you are the one to publicly broadcast it! If you didn’t have such outrage, the island would just get up, have their coffee, go to work and about their business, like all the years before they changed the ruling! Everyone that’s FOR this ruling is only battling the bigots that are making such a big deal of it! MOVE ON!!!!

  18. Anonymous says:

    Rather than spending money on appeals, could the Government consider assisting the outraged people to move to Brunei where they would be happier with the approach to this matter?

  19. Real Caymanian.. says:

    “While last Friday’s ruling was welcomed by many people in Cayman, there are some who, largely based on religious beliefs, are vowing to continue the fight against it.”

    “Many people welcomed” and “there are some who”.. That reads as if most people are in agreement with this which isn’t the case.. The people that are fighting for this are gays, the friends and family of gays, and of course the non-Caymanians.. Granted whatever you want to do at home is your business; however, something like this should be decided by the people not this random person with not one ounce of Caymanian blood in his veins.. Stop telling us what we need to do.. We can decide on what we want just fine.. Make the people vote on this matter! Don’t like it? CAL, BA, Westjet, and AA have a websites, book a flight and leave.. Simple as that!

    • Anonymous says:

      So by your logic: only those who are against “this” as you so degrading-ly refer to equality under the law, has no compassion, empathy, human decency or recognition of human rights? Bigoted much

      • Real Caymanian.. says:

        My point is that there is a smaller number of people (Most not even Caymanians) pushing this agenda compared to the bigger number of Caymanian who don’t want it.. In addition, that this is something that should be decided by the majority of Caymanians on all 3 islands.. And if you don’t agree you should leave on the first thing smoking out of here.. I dunno I thought it was pretty clear on what I was trying to say???

        • Anonymous says:

          Hate to break it to you but Caymanians are gay too. And I promise you there is no agenda, simply a want and right for basic human decency. I urge you to take a good look at yourself to see that you are denying people basic rights when they’re doing absolutely nothing that concerns you.

        • Anonymous says:

          How the hell can you speak such nonsense? Have you knocked on every person’s door on this island to get their opinion? There is no agenda idiot the person who brought this lawsuit in the first place is you get that?????????????

        • Anonymous says:

          Now 10:52 am you are my kind of friend, let it be known ,haha .

        • Anonymous says:

          “My point is that there is a smaller number of people (Most not even Caymanians) pushing this agenda compared to the bigger number of Caymanian who don’t want it..”

          bigger number? Well from the photos there are 6 people who care enough to protest outside the LA, and 18 inside the LA who are clearly opposed. Dont know where you get the info from that tells you that other than that number how many are pro versus con. You are just making an assumption that everyone else thinks like you, probably because your circle of friends and acquaintances think the same way.

    • Anonymous says:

      “Stop telling us what we need to do.. We can decide on what we want just fine..” Tell that to the idiots you elect time after time that are destroying this country and using incidents like this as shields to hide their crap and blind you to what they are doing.

  20. Somewhere a village is missing its idiot says:

    Surely anyone espousing death to others publicly should be arrested and charged with a hate crime.

  21. Anonymous says:

    Strangely makes me more pro-gay marriage than I was before.

  22. Anonymous says:

    These protesters are “Christian”, huh? “Caymankind” is just a meaningless slogan to them.

    Bigots, go ahead and vote against me all you want — but same-sex marriage is coming to Cayman REGARDLESS. And we will ALL be better off for it. Why would you want to deny your relatives, your friends, your business associates the same rights and fairness that you enjoy? Because of your warped view of religion, a view that has been beaten into you by pastors who think hatred is a better glue for cementing the flock together than love? Because you feel the need to impose your religion on me — despite Cayman claiming to provide “freedom of religion” to all who live here? Is that just a meaningless slogan too?

    As a person who was gay from the get-go — I knew I was different even before I understood what “gay” was — I’ve been abused by bigots like you my entire life. No more!

    The next generation of Caymanians will be beyond all this. But they will be embarrassed that many of their ancestors were such bigots.

    • Spoken Truth says:

      Leave it to unnah generation, Cayman gone straight to hell on the tip of the Devils pitch fork tongue!!

  23. Ignorance is bliss says:

    You don’t see Atheists or Homosexuals in the streets demanding Heterosexuals be killed and stripped of their constitutional rights. These people obviously have nothing better to do than flaunt bible verses scribbled by illiterate goat herders.

  24. Anonymous says:

    Kill homosexuals really? What a loser. God I hope you do not reproduce. Thats Christianity for you.

    • Anonymous says:

      Where did you read that on that sign?

      • Spoken Truth says:

        They didn’t read it on any sign, they’re just repeating and following what others wrote here or they heard the other Bible-hating, Christian-bashers said!! Surely these ones are truly lost!

  25. Anonymous says:

    I love the fact that Mac took this as some sort of personal attack, what a f**ktard. People here can whine about this all they want, I don’t agree with it but I’m not protesting because at the end of the day this will NOT pay my bills or make my life easier so I really don’t care but I will say this. It’s better this happened now than rather a few months or so from now when the UK uses the FCO to ram it down our throats. Remember it was passed in parliament that all the BOT’s and colonies have to enact laws to support this.

  26. Anonymous says:

    Isn’t George Town Police Station just feet away from these protesters? Why weren’t there arrests? Outrageous!

    • Anonymous says:

      because, murder is fine so long as Jesus said to do it. Haven’t you ever read the bible?

    • Anonymous says:

      What it is that they doing that you consider an offense?

    • Anonymous says:

      The threat to kill ought to have been acted on by arrest. For the rest of them, outing oneself as an idiot is probably not a crime.

    • Anonymous says:

      Arrested for what? A peaceful protest is not illegal.

    • Anonymous says:

      Free speech? You want to know who stones gay people to death? Places without free speech. I think those protesters are horrible people and I’m glad I know who they are now but let them protest in peace. Who cares about this very small group of iguana poo on my shoe anyway?

    • Anonymous says:

      Ironic to see that a mixed race couple are protesting that the world of tolerance is moving forward, forgetting that had it not done so , their own union would also not have been allowed.

  27. Brian says:

    The written content on a couple of the signs would be deemed a hate crime in the UK/ Europe and those two persons would be arrested and prosecuted and rightly so. Anyone calling for the death of a fellow human being in the 21st century based on their sexuality is frankly a disgrace.


    Picture the future of Cayman with people that cannot reproduce. They are thinning the Caymanians out. More GAY, less Children.

    • Anonymous says:

      You do realize that legalizing same sex marriage does not automatically make everyone gay right? There are exactly the same number of heterosexual and homosexual caymanians as there were the day before the ruling. I promise the heterosexual caymanians will continue to breed at the astounding rate they are.

      • Anonymous says:

        Except now, all the ones who married members of the opposite sex will now pack divorce court.

    • Anonymous says:

      So, leaving the issue of marriage aside for a minute, are you suggesting that gay people should be forced to have heterosexual sex in order to make children? You also seem to think that being gay is contagious, that if gay sex is allowed we might all end up being gay. You need help. Serious help.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is the gayness catching?

    • Anonymous says:

      Too many kids born to shite parents anyway. Gay parents adopt and care for unwanted heteros kids. They usually raise them better than most biological children are raised here.

  29. Anonymous says:

    Religion is ruining the world with absolutely no proof of do we know the deciples were not gay?We should be at Cayman Airways head office demanding they send the 737 Max back!

    • Anonymous says:

      And how do these two situations correlate? Please explain

      • Anonymous says:

        Well since I have to spell it out to you what I meant was order of importance.Sending those planes back could save lives and millions of dollars.The gay issue on the other hand is a bunch of haters wasting time.Got it?

      • Anonymous says:

        Right..That’s the most bipolar comment I’ve seen in some time.

      • Somewhere there is a village missing its idiot says:

        I think they are saying that we should be focusing our attention on things that really matter.

        • Anonymous says:

          Except that due to their education, they have difficulty stringing a sentence together… So, then, yes I AGREE!! They should be concentrating on educating their children so that they can cut down on bringing in all these gays. (Because none of your children would dare be gay)
          Now you don’t know whether to upvote or downvote…

          • Anonymous says:

            So sad that some of you had to come all the way down here with a bunch of uneducated Caribs,things must have been really bad at home I guess.

    • Anonymous says:

      7:25 am, You are right send the 800 Max back , that would be a great thing to do, but that would never happen,because it makes sense.

  30. Cheese Face says:

    What a sad bunch of people, gobout ya bidness!

  31. Anonymous says:

    This is the type of hypocrisy we live with here. I hope these so called Christians remember one thing God told Man what to write in the Bible. Can any living human being tell me that those men wrote every word exact?!. Homosexuals and Lesbians are people too. They deserve to be treated the same way as heterosexuals. So stop throwing stones you so called Christians because at the end of it all, you’re not the final Judge of anyone lives, not even your own.

  32. DM says:

    Interesting how CNS doesn’t mention the other grounds on which government plans to appeal which go beyond homosexual rights but instead focused this article on the demonstrators who disagree with the courts ruling.

    CNS: Don’t be silly. This article is focused on the demonstrators because it is about the demonstrators, whose motive is apparent. In the article CIG will appeal chief justice’s gay marriage ruling it reads: (The premier) said the highly controversial and landmark ruling could not be left unchallenged because it had far-reaching implications for the Constitution beyond the rights of same-sex couples.

    “While a challenge to the ruling is certainly not a decision to be taken lightly, given the important human rights concerns raised in the case,” he said, the ruling had brought about significant ambiguity about the court’s power to amend laws.

  33. Anonymous says:

    There is nothing peaceful CNS about calling for the death of homosexuals.

    • Anonymous says:

      CNS said there was 1.. Uno.. O.N.E. Singular.. person calling for that in what was an otherwise PEACEFUL PROTEST. Moron.

    • Anonymous says:

      If they aren’t physically killing a person then it’s a peaceful protest. What part of free speech don’t you get?

  34. lol says:

    Dear Cns, your article should have read:

    “ONE Demonstrator calls for Death of Homosexuals”

    Please don’t misrepresent a godfearing community that has shown enough tolerance already.

    • Anonymous says:

      I believe the “one” is implied in the title as CNS didn’t use the plural form of ‘demonstrator’.

  35. Anonymous says:

    Wishing death upon people you don’t understand is NOT peaceful.
    These so called christians act like radical moslims.
    Am i the only one that sees that ?

  36. Anonymous says:

    Straight from the book of Eden?

  37. Blank Stare says:

    Yes the government always picks up the tab for the UK wishes, how really sad for this little place. it’s time for some who have never ever meant or served the interest of the Caymanian people to go. Stop wasting our money on self grandisement.

    • Anonymous says:

      LOL LOL LOL !! Are you kidding me? Without the immigrants and ExPats, Cayman would be sitting in the middle of the sea rolling rope. Get over yourself!

      • Anonymous says:

        10:58, LOL, why don’t you and your friends go back home and see if we would be in the sea rolling rope. But you won”t go back to your Country because you have it here plenty better than what you had and could ever have in your Country. If this is not true prove it by going back and staying home in your Country. We love good expats, but we don’t like people like you who thinks they are better than us.

    • Anonymous says:

      You will find that it is your very own corrupt politicians that are wasting your money in one way or another. Brac driveways, casinos in Miami, trips to foreign lands on some pretense, nation building fund etc. The list goes on.

  38. KAL says:

    Deliver us from evil? Is homosexuality the only evil that exists in the Cayman Islands? While we’re on the topic of delivery from evil, let’s rid ourselves of the armed robbers, adulterers, pimps (who, according to recent news articles have established ‘stables’), those prone to corruption (including some church leaders), murderers, rapists etc. If only my fellow countrymen would display this much vigour in fighting for things that ACTUALLY impact our daily lives (e.g. the quality of education, healthcare etc.) then maybe, just maybe Cayman could become a highly successful nation.

    What also frustrates me is that the same book that teaches love, forgiveness, kindness (i.e. love thy neighbour as thyself) also openly advocates for death of homosexuals. I have never, and will never understand how Christians can stand behind placards advocating death when they have supposedly been ‘trained’ to love and forgive! And if this is a stance they choose to make, why not create placards and demonstrate every time a man cheats on his wife (adultery), a family member molests their young cousin (incest), a man kills his father (murder), a pastor lusts after a married woman in his congregation (covets another man’s wife)……all are examples of things that have happened in Cayman. Where were the Christians and their placards then? Where will they be when these horrendous crimes occur again?

    • Anonymous says:

      what about these 20+ year old men who date girls under 18? That is rampant and the church in their self righteousness turns a blind eye to that but I guess it’s fine because it’s a male and female right? And before the trolls leave from under the bridge looking for billy goats. Yes I have brought it twice to the attention of the authorities. One guess of what that accomplished.

    • Anonymous says:

      Those pimps, adulterers, pedophiles and thieves are all members of the church my friend. Their sins can be forgiven. (Sic)

  39. Anonymous says:

    Jesus wept.

  40. Anonymous says:

    Murdering gay people, how very Christian. I’d rather not be Christian thank you very much. Terrible.

    • Anonymous says:

      So much for Caymankind. Now I guess I will be looking over my shoulder when I go out to make sure the protestor or his followers (like minded) are not ready to pounce.

      Remember, in some neighboring islands, Gay people are readily murdered. Is that the future of Cayman??

      I pray for your souls. 🕯

  41. UK says:

    How very disappointing the Cayman Islands have demonstrated they aren’t the progressing nation we thought they were, following the lead of UK, Europe, America and Australia in bringing equality to same sex marriage.

    You want to be apart of the Commonwealth yet you are not prepared to accept the values and equality we uphold. I have holidayed many times in the Cayman Islands and looked forward to getting married too. Time to vote with my feet and holiday in Bermuda, where we shall feel much more welcome.

    • Anonymous says:

      If you think you will be welcomed in Bermuda you must live under a rock. Try going back to your home country.

    • Anonymous says:

      Perhaps you should research thoroughly and do local surveys to properly determine how many Caymanians really want to be apart of the Commonwealth, or care about being apart of the Commonwealth? How many Caymanians actually are fully aware of the so called “values” of the Commonwealth? Historically how has the being a part of the Commonwealth benefited Caymanians and furthermore what wealth has its members with the exception of the UK gained from being a member? In regard to your preference of vacation destination based on sexual orientation, we live in a global market and you’re free to dispose of your personal income as you so wish. If Bermuda wishes to develop or promote the niche market based on sexual orientation, that is their democratic right. Money isn’t everything and the sooner persons like you who express such arguments realize that Caymanians are not objects to be bought, the sooner you will appreciate that you will save your time and money leaving us alone. I think you and many other gay advocates and commentators over value the fraction of the tourists that visit the Cayman Islands each year which are either gay or travel here based on local views or legislation related to homosexuality/ gay marriage. You not visiting the Cayman islands for the rest of your life does little to affect the Cayman Islands and the conscience of locals. Why should we follow the lead of the UK and other countries you listed? Better yet why don’t you and the UK change your views and legislation to reflect Caymanian views? I doubt either you or the UK would ever make such changes on our behalf. Therefore, reflect on reality and appreciate the world, the UK, and the Cayman Islands for the things that make us unique. Then again, I don’t care about what you reflect on, but merely wish to present points which are no less valid than your opinions. Take care and be happy friend.

      • Anonymous says:

        As a Caymanian I would like to think that bigotry, homophobia, corruption and intolerance were not what makes us culturally rich.

  42. Bible basher your done! says:

    Not really worried by this handful as it looks like they are their death beds anyway amd won’t be around much longer.
    These old church folk are still trying to hold on to power as the Bible basher have done for so many years, times are changing and thank…. They won’t be around so we Younger Caymanians can take over and take Cayman forward.
    Bunch of old farts.

    • Anonymous says:

      The old farts built this country, you young farts that said that are just lazy whom don’t want to work, i see plenty young strong people on social services , i never was and never be on social services and when the old farts was young no one went to social services because we had pride, not like you young farts.

    • Anonymous says:

      To1:48am you got that right that we won’t be around much longer ,but I wonder if you ever gave a thought as to your fate , may God have mercy on you .with love .

  43. Anton Maryweather says:

    Aaaaah please spare us these folks want to kill Smoochie too! Death to smooochie! not Another Jussy Smollett movement here tooo Noobody want to kill these fools!

  44. Anonymous says:

    Homosexuality? Isn’t there an oil for that?

  45. Anonymous says:

    Really CNS..You had to sink this low to find this one protestor…Why is this news? One person..Come on! This is nothing more than sensationalism.

    CNS: If someone publicly called for your death, for whatever reason, would you feel the same way?

    • Anonymous says:

      Was she calling for your death? I don’t support what she is saying but I also don’t believe that this does anything to help the issue but is being used to sensationalize and cause more divisiveness..

      CNS: I don’t understand the question. Are you suggesting that as a news organisation or as individuals we should only react to personal threats? I personally find that notion bizarre and disturbing. We’re drawing attention to signs (in both senses of the word) of intolerance. Nobody should ignore that, let alone the media.

  46. Anonymous says:

    No unaccountable branch of the government should be able to make the type of ruling that was made by the CJ. What recourse do the people have and what process exists that would allow the people to remove a CJ that has subverted the expressed will of the people?

    • Anonymous says:

      I wonder how many citizens actually know what the “will of the people” actually is? I am one of “the people”, and I don’t give a hoot if Joe Schmoe wants to live with Jack Smack………… but I see no reason for a marriage licence for them. Just do it! Live your life and let everyone else live theirs.

  47. Anonymous says:

    I cant wait for Who to rationalize why this is ok because the UK voted for Brexit and so we should ignore international law and start stoning people

  48. Anonymous says:

    In a civilized country you would be arrested for threatening to kill people.

  49. Diogenes says:

    Hilarious seeing these MLAs object to the ruling and their belief that their powers are being usurped when they purposely and actively did nothing on this issue for years

    They abdicated responsibility, said “let the courts decide” and then cried wolf when the court came back with a decision they don’t like

    The Legislative Assembly refused to deal with the issue then decries the actions of another branch of government coming to a conclusion
    By their logic the issue was never meant to be resolved they would have just left the issue in perpetuity

  50. Anonymous says:

    Shouldn’t this be reported to the police as inciting violence/hate crime? And they call themselves Christians. They do not represent true Christianity which is tolerant and accepting without judgment.

    • Anonymous says:

      At the same time, she is referencing bible scriptures. Is it a sin or illegal to quote scriptures? Are we to be selective with scriptures that we quote? Hmmmmm

      • Anonymous says:

        if it advocates violence or discrimination against minorities then yes, it is illegal, irrespective of whether its in the Bible, the Koran or non religious.

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