Tag: traffic congestion

Police looking for rogue school bus driver

Police looking for rogue school bus driver

| 28/11/2022 | 49 Comments

(CNS): The driver of a school bus who was caught on camera driving on the wrong side of the road in order to beat the morning traffic in Red Bay last week has not only angered commuters and worried parents but has also caught the attention of the police. (See video below.) A spokesperson for […]

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Premier accepts responsibility for traffic chaos

Premier accepts responsibility for traffic chaos

| 19/11/2022 | 249 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has issued an apology to the country after traffic ground to a complete halt across George Town on Friday evening when the roads along the harbour front were closed for Pirates Fest events. Thousands of people were gridlocked for hours, unable to move in any direction due to what appears to […]

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Grand Harbour remains NRA’s main challenge

Grand Harbour remains NRA’s main challenge

| 13/09/2022 | 101 Comments

(CNS): The director of the National Roads Authority has said that Grand Harbour presents a significant challenge when it comes to addressing traffic congestion. Edward Howard said it’s a constrained area for traffic and the only way to go east. But at the same time, the area is becoming busier, with new commercial development and […]

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Temporary LPH layout to ease jams as work continues

Temporary LPH layout to ease jams as work continues

| 03/05/2022 | 86 Comments

(CNS): A new temporary road layout along the Linford Pierson Highway is now in effect in an effort to ease the traffic jams there as construction work on the widening project continues. Officials said this should offer some relief from the traffic tailbacks until the new lanes and larger roundabout is finished, which is expected to be next summer. The overall project involves widening the road from two to […]

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EWA extension will reduce congestion, says premier

EWA extension will reduce congestion, says premier

| 11/04/2022 | 93 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has said government is going ahead with the East-West Arterial Road extension as it will reduce traffic congestion from the Eastern Districts and this remains a top PACT priority. Despite the controversies surrounding this road, which threatens the Central Mangrove Wetlands directly from its route and indirectly as it will open […]

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Traffic trouble leads to closure of BT Bypass

Traffic trouble leads to closure of BT Bypass

| 03/03/2022 | 43 Comments

(CNS): With the massive decrease over the last two weeks of people in isolation as a result of the pandemic, the level of traffic has quickly returned to pre-pandemic levels and rush hour is now worse than ever for those commuting from the Eastern Districts.

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Alden admits deal not done on Red Bay road

Alden admits deal not done on Red Bay road

| 17/03/2021 | 77 Comments

(CNS): Alden McLaughlin claims he had “simply reported what I understood from the briefing I received from the ministry responsible” when he said government had struck a deal with the relevant landowners to complete what appears to be a controversial road linking Red Bay with the Grand Harbour area. After Davenport Development issued a release […]

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CUC pole work to add to traffic woes

CUC pole work to add to traffic woes

| 03/03/2021 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Commuters from the Eastern Districts will face extra traffic headaches on Monday and Friday mornings as well as Saturdays and Sundays for the rest of this month, as CUC and its contractors make upgrades between its new Prospect substation and Savannah. Officials from the power company said it will be erecting utility poles and […]

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Solutions to Cayman’s traffic problems

Solutions to Cayman’s traffic problems

| 03/03/2021

Alric Lindsay writes: The one thing we know for sure about the traffic problem in Cayman is that building more lanes is not the solution. This is because multiple lanes simply lead back to a bottleneck. We need to start looking at common-sense ways to reduce traffic. This will also require some discipline and sacrifice on […]

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Crashes return as traffic increases

Crashes return as traffic increases

| 30/09/2020 | 75 Comments

(CNS): Road collisions in Cayman were back to pre-COVID levels this past week, the RCIPS has said. Between 20 and 27 September officers responded to over 50 reports of crashes, more than ten of them involving injuries. The traffic unit said the majority of these crashes were due to speeding and people driving under the […]

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CS remote or flexitime work part of traffic solution

CS remote or flexitime work part of traffic solution

| 22/09/2020 | 99 Comments

(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson has introduced formal policies for both flexible and remote working for civil servants. Despite concerns that the public sector is not doing much to address the traffic problems, with a return to significant congestion levels last week, the civil service boss said the policies introducing this shift were proving successful […]

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