Tag: Seven Mile Beach

PACT to spend $21M to rescue beaches

PACT to spend $21M to rescue beaches

| 06/12/2021 | 105 Comments

(CNS): The PACT Government has committed to investing a significant amount of money in sustainability and climate resiliency. Premier Wayne Panton said the Cayman Islands no longer has the time to ignore what is happening and not do something to build more resiliency and mitigate for what is coming.

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Words of wisdom from the past

Words of wisdom from the past

| 07/10/2021 | 62 Comments

Chris Johnson writes: Much has been said in recent months about the West Bay Beach (Seven Mile) due to the erosion problems and the blame game. I have been lucky to have lived on the beach at the north end for over 40 years and had the privilege for many years of living next door […]

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New Seven Mile Beach wall already in ocean

New Seven Mile Beach wall already in ocean

| 25/08/2021 | 119 Comments

(CNS): The sea wall project at Regal Beach Club condos on Seven Mile Beach, which has been causing a stir on social media as construction materials continue to fall into the sea, is an example of how efforts to address the beach erosion on Cayman’s famous but now dwindling stretch of beach can make things […]

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Task force begins work on 7MB erosion

Task force begins work on 7MB erosion

| 11/08/2021 | 139 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has committed to developing an action plan that will include short-, medium- and long-term proposals to address the myriad issues surrounding the erosion at the southern end of Seven Mile Beach. Last week Panton and staff from the Department of Environment met with Hermes Cuello, the manager of the Grand Cayman […]

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Fears about 7MB rise as more beach erodes

Fears about 7MB rise as more beach erodes

| 02/08/2021 | 247 Comments

(CNS): The worsening erosion of the southern end of Seven Mile Beach is fuelling further public concern about the future of Cayman’s world famous beach and this critical tourism attraction. Earlier worries about the erosion caused by years of coastal development too close to the water, especially when sea levels are rising due to climate […]

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Structures need moving to save Seven Mile Beach

Structures need moving to save Seven Mile Beach

| 02/12/2020 | 117 Comments

(CNS): The disappearance of chunks of Seven Mile Beach in the recent stormy weather has focused public attention on the erosion of the famous stretch of sand, and this slow moving problem is getting worse. Experts here are warning that some tough decisions about shifting back buildings and other hard structures must be made to […]

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Hotel re-zone sought near Seven Mile Public Beach

Hotel re-zone sought near Seven Mile Public Beach

| 28/10/2020 | 67 Comments

CNS): The owners of Trafalgar Place, a commercial development on the West Bay Road, have applied to the Central Planning Authority to have the block and parcels re-zoned as hotel-tourism, which could pave the way for another major hotel development close to the Seven Mile Public Beach. The CPA was due to consider the application […]

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Westin plans new 10-storey tower

Westin plans new 10-storey tower

| 25/08/2020 | 84 Comments

(CNS): The group that owns the Westin hotel is the latest to submit plans to redevelop a Seven Mile Beach site that will include a ten-storey tower, the maximum height allowed there now. The National Conservation Council has agreed that the project will not require an environmental impact assessment but said there are a number […]

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Public beaches closed Easter Monday

Public beaches closed Easter Monday

| 11/04/2020 | 237 Comments

(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin has announced that all public beaches will be closed on Easter Monday because of concerns arising out of the behaviour of people on Seven Mile Public Beach on Good Friday. The Public Health Law regulations will be changed later today to confirm the shut-down on beach access for the public from […]

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Lacovia revamp rubber stamped

Lacovia revamp rubber stamped

| 23/01/2020 | 79 Comments

(CNS): Plans to redevelop the Seven Mile Beach condo complex Lacovia from its current 3-storey units to three new 10-storey buildings has received the green light from the Central Planning Authority. Most of the objections to the project were either withdrawn or had fallen away when the application went before the CPA Wednesday, leaving those […]

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Neighbours outraged by Lacovia tower blocks plan

Neighbours outraged by Lacovia tower blocks plan

| 22/01/2020 | 167 Comments

(CNS): A planning application by Lacovia for three 10-storey tower blocks on the current Seven Mile Beach site has caused outrage among wealthy neighbours on the famous stretch of beach, who feel the proposed redevelopment is too big for the location and will cause overcrowding around their luxury beachfront homes. Bronte Developers have applied to […]

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