Tag: ReGen

Dump deal not done 2,057 days after Dart won bid

Dump deal not done 2,057 days after Dart won bid

| 30/05/2023 | 56 Comments

(CNS): Five years, seven months and 18 days after it was selected as the preferred bidder in October 2017 by the PPM government, the Dart Group has still not signed the deal that will see it roll out the long-awaited waste-management project, known as ReGen. Premier Wayne Panton announced Monday that the parties have agreed […]

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ReGen row rolls on in the absence of a final deal

ReGen row rolls on in the absence of a final deal

| 01/05/2023 | 28 Comments

(CNS): The row between the PACT government and the PPM opposition over the long-delayed waste-management project, ReGen, rolled on in parliament this week. In his Strategic Policy Statement, Premier Wayne Panton said that, given the circumstances created by the previous government, the government had little option but to pursue the negotiations with Dart, while the […]

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PPM Cabinet waived planning process for ReGen in 2021

PPM Cabinet waived planning process for ReGen in 2021

| 12/04/2023 | 92 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED: The Dart consortium that will eventually be taking on the waste management project, now known as ReGen, has been given an exemption from the planning application process. Since posting this report, CNS has learned from government officials that the waiver was given to Dart by the previous administration just before the 2021 General […]

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Gov’t still talking with Dart over dump costs

Gov’t still talking with Dart over dump costs

| 06/04/2023 | 67 Comments

(CNS): Technocrats from the climate ministry have said that there is “almost continuous dialogue” between the Cayman Islands Government and the Dart-led consortium on the dump project. But the ReGen deal has still not concluded, and while the CIG refutes claims made by former deputy premier Chris Saunders that it will cost $2 billion, no […]

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ReGen dump project still poses multiple challenges

ReGen dump project still poses multiple challenges

| 29/03/2023 | 46 Comments

(CNS): Premier Wayne Panton has said negotiations surrounding the ReGen waste management project have presented serious difficulties, not least of which has been the challenge of securing value for money. Over the 25-year lifetime of the proposed project, it is expected to cost the public purse at least $1.5 billion, but Cayman will still need […]

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CIG should make terms of dump deal public

CIG should make terms of dump deal public

| 28/03/2023 | 31 Comments

Smiley Whiley Take Your Timey writes: When this bid call was put out by CIG IN 2017, the final bids were down to Decco-Dart (a newbie to waste management) and a French-led consortium of several experienced international waste management and waste-to-energy operators. In the final analysis and in a process not open to public scrutiny, […]

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Saunders urges release of audit on $2B ReGen deal

Saunders urges release of audit on $2B ReGen deal

| 27/03/2023 | 112 Comments

(CNS): The war of words between Premier Wayne Panton and Chris Saunders MP (BTW) escalated Monday when the former minister said the real reason why he is no longer in Cabinet is that he was not prepared to support the ReGen deal PACT is about to finalise. Saunders said it could cost as much as […]

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Cayman producing 5 x average global trash rate

Cayman producing 5 x average global trash rate

| 21/03/2023 | 72 Comments

(CNS): The Cayman Islands must do better at reducing the amount of rubbish it generates even as the country awaits a deal with Dart to take over the waste-management programme. A new report from the Office of the Auditor General found that the government has made no progress on targets set more than seven years […]

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Dart duty waiver relates to ‘inherited obligation’

Dart duty waiver relates to ‘inherited obligation’

| 12/12/2022 | 23 Comments

(CNS): A refund to the Dart Consortium of over CI$1 million for stamp duty and land registry fees is related to the purchase of land for the planned ReGen facilities, which was an “inherited obligation”, according to Jennifer Ahearn, the chief officer of the Ministry of Sustainability and Climate Resiliency. Ahearn said that because the […]

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Dart refunded over $1M in stamp duty and fees

Dart refunded over $1M in stamp duty and fees

| 08/12/2022 | 48 Comments

(CNS): The Dart-led consortium currently negotiating the contract with the government to deliver the Cayman Islands’ solid waste management system has received a refund from the public purse of over C$1 million for stamp duty and land registry charges. The refund was noted in the summary of the Cabinet meeting held on 29 November but […]

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Dump deal won’t close this year as talks roll on

Dump deal won’t close this year as talks roll on

| 01/12/2022 | 64 Comments

(CNS): The government’s controversial deal with the Dart Group for the conglomerate to take over the Cayman Islands’ waste management and develop a waste-to-energy facility is now not expected to close this year. Speaking in parliament in October, Premier Wayne Panton suggested that an agreement could be reached by the end of November. But a […]

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