Tag: poor relief

CIG will help over 20,000 families with light bills
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government has set aside around $5-6million to help families in need meet the rising cost of residential electricity bills and the additional fuel costs, according to Premier Wayne Panton. Responding to a statement by Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart in Parliament Thursday evening, asking how the government was going to provide relief […]

Social assistance application goes digital
(CNS): A new online form has been launched for clients of the Needs Assessment Unit to apply for financial assistance as part of government’s overhaul of the country’s welfare system. The new website and online application process is expected to reduce the number of times people need to visit the NAU office in George Town, […]

André promises radical change for those in need
(CNS): Social Development Minister André Ebanks has promised “transformative change” across the social services landscape of the Cayman Islands, which includes repealing and replacing the “horribly titled” Poor People’s Relief Act in the first quarter of next year and a significant increase in investment in what will become the Financial Assistance Department. According to the […]

Over CI$58M added to 2021 budget
(CNS): More than CI$58.1 million has been added to government’s 2021 budget after a Finance Committee meeting on Wednesday. There were some very significant increases in the budget, including another $28m to manage the COVID-19 pandemic, over $8m more for scholarships and $4m to help support tourism businesses. Tropical Storm Grace also added another $6m […]

One-off vouchers go to WP holders in need
(CNS): As government works on arranging airlifts for stranded foreign workers, now without jobs and unable to look after themselves, some of those in desperate need began receiving one-off food vouchers this week, each worth $150. The first vouchers were handed out Tuesday and more will be handed out Thursday. A total of 76 applications, […]

NAU receives 81 new applications
(CNS): The Needs Assessment Unit, which deals with welfare support, has received 81 new applications from families since the COVID-19 pandemic arrived in Cayman, Premier Alden McLaughlin said Tuesday. Following what appears to be some concern in the community that local people who are making new applications are not being helped, the premier said that […]

Gov’t helping those in need, local or expat
(CNS): Premier Alden McLaughlin has rejected complaints coming in from members of the public about government assisting foreign permit holders stuck in Cayman because of the pandemic. Despite “taking some licks for this”, McLaughlin said at Friday’s press briefing that the coronavirus pandemic was a humanitarian crisis and if people were hungry or had nowhere […]

Poor and elderly to get $425 cash payment
(CNS): All disabled people, seniors, seamen and veterans, and those already receiving permanent financial assistance from government will get a COVID-19 emergency stipend at the end of this month of $425 in addition to their usual $850 monthly payment. Premier Alden McLaughlin announced the one-off cash bonus at Tuesday’s press briefing, explaining that it was […]

Gov’t secures extra $1.6M cash for home repairs
(CNS): Government voted another CI$1.66 million for spending largely on home repairs for the most vulnerable. But given the significant surplus the public purse is expected to have at the end the year, there should be no negative impacts, Finance Minister Roy McTaggart told his colleagues at the relevant committee hearing Friday. The money was […]