Tag: mangroves

CPA urged not to allow clearing of critical habitat

CPA urged not to allow clearing of critical habitat

| 28/09/2021 | 35 Comments

(CNS): The Central Planning Authority is being urged not to allow a developer to clear two separate plots of critical natural habitat, one in Breakers and the other in High Rock, East End, in the absence of any development plans, given the growing concern about the loss of primary forest and mangroves. An application going […]

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CPA allows mangrove removal without plan

CPA allows mangrove removal without plan

| 08/09/2021 | 86 Comments

(CNS) UPDATED: Another slice of Grand Cayman’s primary mangrove habitat is going to be destroyed in North Side after yet another surprising decision by the new Central Planning Authority. The Department of Environment had advised the CPA not to permit a 0.37-acre plot off Old Robin Road to be cleared of this important and protected […]

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Carbon offset plan to protect local mangroves

Carbon offset plan to protect local mangroves

| 30/06/2021 | 23 Comments

(CNS): The National Trust for the Cayman Islands (NTCI) has partnered with Island Offsets, a newly formed non-profit organisation, to enable companies to offset their carbon footprint locally through the Trust’s Land Reserve Fund as part of a project to tackle climate change globally while protecting local mangroves. Local companies, offshore entities domiciled here and […]

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CPA to hear apartment plan before re-zone

CPA to hear apartment plan before re-zone

| 26/05/2021 | 36 Comments

(CNS): The Central Planning Authority’s agenda for today’s meeting includes a controversial application for a high density residential project in the South Sound wetlands that remains the subject of a re-zone application. However, Cabinet has not yet decided on the re-zoning, which poses a significant environmental and flood threat to the area. Pro-Plus Construction and […]

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Activists propose conservation plan for mangroves

Activists propose conservation plan for mangroves

| 25/05/2021 | 60 Comments

(CNS): Sustainable Cayman has come up with a comprehensive, logical and workable solution to preserve some of the threatened wetland in South Sound. With hundreds of acres of critical mangrove habitat under threat from a significant amount of proposed development in the area, the local activist group has suggested a wildlife corridor scheme for the […]

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WB wetlands immersed in plastic pollution

WB wetlands immersed in plastic pollution

| 24/05/2021 | 31 Comments

(CNS): Local activists are raising the alarm about pollution in the West Bay wetland area after they discovered this weekend just how much plastic is finding its way into the remaining mangroves in the Safehaven area. Plastic Free Cayman, which organised the clean-up to mark World Biodiversity Day on Sunday, were joined by volunteers from […]

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Aster won’t make full pay back for mangrove loss

Aster won’t make full pay back for mangrove loss

| 13/05/2021 | 83 Comments

(CNS): Gene Thompson, who is leading the development team seeking approval for a planned area development for another medical tourism project, told the Central Planning Authority on Wednesday that there will not be a like-for-like replacement for more than 22 acres of mangrove wetland that will be lost if the project goes ahead. Thompson said […]

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New med-city threatens 22 acres of mangrove

New med-city threatens 22 acres of mangrove

| 11/05/2021 | 109 Comments

(CNS): A planned area development for a new medical tourism project due to be heard by the Central Planning Authority this week threatens around 22 acres of mangrove wetland in West Bay, but the developers have not offered a proposal on how they plan to compensate for the loss of this primary habitat. The site […]

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Rangers appeal to PACT to save threatened mangroves

Rangers appeal to PACT to save threatened mangroves

| 26/04/2021 | 21 Comments

(CNS): An adjourned application for a subdivision that threatens the Central Mangrove Wetlands is one of a number of controversial items on the Central Planning Authority’s agenda this week that activists hope the PACT government will be able to pause, in light of the commitment made by the new premier and his team to protect […]

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Species plan can’t protect South Sound mangroves

Species plan can’t protect South Sound mangroves

| 13/04/2021 | 61 Comments

(CNS): The protection plan for mangroves that was implemented under the National Conservation Law last year is not enough to prevent the clearing of another significant area of mangroves in the South Sound basin in the coming months. Already under significant pressure from massive development, phase three of a major apartment project in the basin […]

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Landowner ignores warnings to stop ripping out mangroves

Landowner ignores warnings to stop ripping out mangroves

| 18/03/2021 | 93 Comments

(CNS): A landowner clearing land in Selkirk Drive, Red Bay, has reportedly ignored at least two notices from the Department of Environment to stop removing mangroves. Meanwhile, Alden McLaughlin, the outgoing premier who is fighting to retain the constituency, has said the government cannot deny the owner the right to develop it, despite the fact […]

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