Tag: Juliana O’Connor-Connolly
Cabinet OKs plan for high school project
(CNS): An outline business case by consultants KPMG for the new John Gray High School project has been approved by government, and work is now moving onto the procurement process to find consultants and contractors for the design stage of the new school. The development will now include the refurbishment of the existing George Hicks site […]
Land commission plans to signpost over 100 access points
(CNS): The Public Lands Commission plans to signpost all of the registered beach access points on all three islands in order to ensure that everyone can enjoy the beach, as is their right under the law. There are 121 registered public rights of way to the sea in the Cayman Islands — 108 on Grand Cayman, […]
Science to become core focus in schools
(CNS): A new National Science Education Strategy will be implemented in government schools over the next five years which, according to ministry officials, will “cultivate a scientific mindset” and bring the core subject to the forefront in all schools. Education Minister Juliana O’Connor-Connolly said science is a fundamental subject, along with English and maths. “Science […]
School curriculum facing future changes
(CNS): By 2021, the Cayman Islands education curriculum will be changed, teachers will have an increase in salary and the John Gray High School will be built, Education Minister Juliana O’Connor-Connolly promised teachers during the annual education professionals welcome last week. It will be another year before teachers see the much touted pay rise to a minimum […]
JGHS project back on agenda
(CNS): Ten years since the groundbreaking of the John Gray High School campus project, which was followed by a catalog of problems with the contractors at the time, the proposed redevelopment is back on the government’s agenda. Local contractors wanting to bid on the construction project were recently invited to an engagement day recently to outline the […]
Primary schools given failing grades
(CNS): Less than two-thirds of Year 6 students left government primary schools in 2017 having achieved the expected reading level, according to a new report from the Office of Education Standards published this week. Follow-up inspections of primary schools since the base-line inspections in 2014/15, where all schools were graded unsatisfactory, found the quality of teaching […]
Ministry claims safety risk, turf makers disagree
(CNS): The manufacturers of the artificial turf that was donated to the Edna Moyle Primary School in North Side by a parent have said that although it was designed for indoors, it would be perfectly safe to use outside, with the only risk being that it may fade in the sun. The ministry has nevertheless […]
Miller takes on ministry over school playing field
(CNS): Opposition Leader Ezzard Miller (North Side) has said he is determined to do whatever it takes to get a playing field for his constituency’s primary school, as a major battle with the education ministry appears to have come to an impasse. The field at the Edna Moyle Primary School is in desperate need of […]
CIG to buy $10M of beach land for public use
(CNS): The Cayman Islands Government is embarking on an island-wide spending spree to preserve beachfront property for public use in all of the districts on Grand Cayman as well as the Sister Islands. The minister for lands, Juliana O’Connor-Connolly, revealed plans by her ministry to spend $10 million from the Environmental Protection Fund this year […]
Schools facing more frequent inspections
(CNS): All local schools are to be inspected every two years going forward instead of every four, as stipulated in the the Education Law, after the Education Council, Education Minister Juliana O’Connor-Connolly and the Office of Education Standards decided to increase the regularity of inspections to ensure that a high standard is achieved and consistently maintained by all […]
Ed ministry in legal fight with rejected local applicant
(CNS): The education ministry is pursuing a judicial review of a Civil Service Appeals Commission (CSAC) decision after it found in favour of a Caymanian candidate who claimed she was wrongfully rejected for the post of HR director in that ministry as a result of discrimination. The issue has caused concern for back-bench MLA Bernie […]