Tag: Eric Bush

Mac’s role in ministry trade trips unexplained
(CNS): The reason why McKeeva Bush (WBW) was part of the Cayman Islands delegation on several overseas trips in relation to agricultural policy when he was serving as speaker of the House remains a mystery. According to records released in response to a freedom of information request, at least one trip where Bush was invited […]

Minister urged DG to deal with ‘troubling’ report
(CNS): CNS has received several records in response to a freedom of information request relating to commitments made shortly before the 2021 General Election by the former premier’s ministry to open overseas offices and attend the Dubai World Expo. One record shows how the new PACT minister, André Ebanks, was “troubled” by a report by […]

ACC probe underway into NHDT topsoil scandal
(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson told Opposition Leader Roy McTaggart that he could not give him any information about the allegations that topsoil and fill taken from the National Housing Development Trust site in North Side were misappropriated because the issue was under investigation by the Anti-Corruption Commission. In Parliament on Thursday, Manderson also revealed […]

CO moves ministries against backdrop of controversy
(CNS): Chief Officer Eric Bush is moving from the Ministry of Investment, Innovation and Social Development (IISD) to the Ministry of Planning, Agriculture, Housing and Infrastructure (PAHI). Bush has been in the spotlight recently over controversies relating to his role in the previous government’s plans to open offices overseas and Cayman’s participation in the Dubai […]

UK rep’s troubles stir up long-running status issues
(CNS): Questions surrounding Dr Tasha Ebanks-Garcia’s legal situation as a Cayman Islands Government employee in the UK have served to reignite long-running concerns over the battles Caymanians have in some circumstances with their immigration status. Ebanks-Garcia is unquestionably Caymanian, but speculation about her official status in London apparently came to light last year when she […]

OAG stands by report on Dubai and o’seas office failings
(CNS): Deputy Governor Franz Manderson has found no breach of the Public Management and Finance Act (PMFA) following an investigation into a report by the Office of the Auditor General (OAG). But Sue Winspear told CNS she stands by the special audit she was asked to conduct on how the former administration and civil servants […]

OAG: MITAMA broke law re CI$6M spent on o’seas promos
(CNS): The former administration broke the law when it committed the current government to around $6 million in spending over the next five years on overseas promotion. The former premier’s ministry signed agreements and contracts to open overseas offices and attend an Expo in Dubai just days before and after the election. The breaches of […]

Ministry name change points to new ethos
(CNS): The ministry area previously named community affairs is now known as social development, which reflects the goal to “assist, enhance and socially develop the lives of the clients” at the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS), according to Minister Andre Ebanks, who visited the department last week at Apollo House East on Mary […]

Quarantine boss to be new London rep
(CNS): Senior civil servant Dr Tasha Ebanks-Garcia, the current head of Travel Cayman, will be heading to London shortly to take up a new job as the Cayman Islands representative in the UK. Ebanks-Garcia, who has a doctorate in psychology and has been in public service for eight years, was appointed following a recent recruitment […]

TravelTime to tackle evacuation and quarantine
(CNS): Government’s newest department, which was created to tackle some of the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, took over management of evacuation flights and quarantine for returning residents and workers on Wednesday. TravelTime is expected to streamline travel until the borders are reopened to normal commercial travel, officials said. The deputy governor has also […]